User blog:TSRITW/If PvZ2 Seedium Plants were in Heroes

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I've been thinking of reviving this series, and since there are so many Seedium plants in PvZ2, I've decided to put them all in a separate blog post.

Click here for the other plants.



Already exists.


Already exists.


  • Cost: 2SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Kabloom Icon.pngKabloom/PvZH Smarty Icon.pngSmarty
  • Tribe: Flower Plant
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: 2StrengthPvZH.png/2HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: Clustershot. When anything is Bounced, do 1 damage to all Zombies, but also stun this.
  • Description: "Look, I'm not a leprechaun and I'm not a genie. You can blow my seeds off all you want, but I can't make your wish come true. I don't even know how that rumor got started."

Blooming Heart

Already exists.


Already exists.


  • Cost: 2SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Guardian Icon.pngGuardian/PvZH Kabloom Icon.pngKabloom
  • Tribe: Nut Plant
  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • Stats: 3HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: Team-Up. When destroyed: Do 2 damage to Zombies here and next door.
  • Description: "Pfft. Wall-Nut?" Says Explode-O-Nut. "Don't talk to me about him. He'll rather just sit there and watch as those pitful zombies eat his shell."


  • Cost: 3SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Solar Icon.pngSolar
  • Tribe: Cactus Plant
  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • Stats: 3HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: Team-Up. Start of turn: Heal all Plants here and next door and the Plant Hero for 1.
  • Description: He likes to soothe; he likes to alleviate; he likes to restore; he likes to mend. But don't ask him to revive. He's touchy about revival.

Hot Date

Already exists.

Solar Tomato

  • Cost: 4SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Solar Icon.pngSolar
  • Tribe: Fruit Plant
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: 1StrengthPvZH.png/1HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: When played: For each Zombie, you get +1SunPvZH.png and this gets +1StrengthPvZH.png/+1HeartPvZH.png
  • Description: PvZH Solar Icon.pngSolar Tomato wishes folks would just stop and enjoy the sunshine sometimes. "Stop," she says. "Enjoy the sunshine. I said stop! Hold it right there! Don't move! I MEAN IT!!!"

The Reflourishing

Shadow Peashooter

  • Cost: 5SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Solar Icon.pngSolar
  • Tribe: Lunar Pea Plant
  • Rarity: Super-Rare
  • Stats: 3StrengthPvZH.png/3HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: When this hurts a Zombie, that Zombie gets -1StrengthPvZH.png. When destroyed: Destroy a Zombie here. Moonlight: This gets PvZH Strikethrough Icon.pngStrikethrough.
  • Description: "Phoot," Shadow Peashooter says, emitting a shadowy, ah, hmmm, I guess you could call it a pea, at a distant zombie.

Goo Peashooter

  • Cost: 5SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Kabloom Icon.pngKabloom
  • Tribe: Pea Plant
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: 3StrengthPvZH.png/3HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: When this hurts a Zombie, that Zombie gets -1HeartPvZH.png.
  • Description: Goo Peashooter is a goopy shooter. See? See how that works? It's a play on words. Words are often playful, folks!

Sling Pea

  • Cost: 3SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Smarty Icon.pngSmarty
  • Tribe: Lob Pea Plant
  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • Stats: 1StrengthPvZH.png/1HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: Clustershot.
  • Description: "If something slips through, it would be my fault. And I just couldn't forgive myself if that happened."

Snap Pea

  • Cost: 5SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Mega-Grow Icon.pngMega-Grow/PvZH Solar Icon.pngSolar
  • Tribe: Flytrap Pea Plant
  • Rarity: Super-Rare
  • Stats: 2StrengthPvZH.png/2HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: When a Zombie is destroyed, this does a DoubleStrikeAlt.pngBonus Attack. When played: Destroy a Zombie here with 3StrengthPvZH.png or less.
  • Description: "I'm a picky eater, I'll admit it, I'll eat a zombie, no problem, but there's just something about heads. I feel like they're looking at me."

Zoybean Pod

  • Cost: 2SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Smarty Icon.pngSmarty
  • Tribe: Bean Plant
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: 3StrengthPvZH.png/3HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: Start of turn: If there are no Zombies in this lane, make a Zomboid here. Otherwise, do 1 damage to a Zombie here.
  • Description: "Developing plant zomboids in eerie mimicry of zombie life is well within the boundaries of human experience."


  • Cost: 1BrainPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Hearty Icon.pngHearty
  • Tribe: Science Zombie
  • Rarity: Token
  • Stats: 1StrengthPvZH.png/1HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: Before combat here: Hypnotize this Zombie. Fusion: Do 1 damage to the Zombie Hero.
  • Description: You can hardly tell the difference!


  • Cost: 3SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Kabloom Icon.pngKabloom/PvZH Smarty Icon.pngSmarty
  • Tribe: Leafy Plant
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: 2StrengthPvZH.png/2HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: Splash Damage 1. When destroyed: Do 2 damage to Zombies here and next door.
  • Description: Worst. Pun. Ever.

Dazey Chain

  • Cost: 3SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Solar Icon.pngSolar
  • Tribe: Flower Plant
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: 1StrengthPvZH.png/5HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: Start of turn: This gets +1StrengthPvZH.png, and a Zombie here gets -1StrengthPvZH.png.
  • Description: "I use they/them pronouns," says Dazey Chain. "Duh," they add.

Blastberry Vine

  • Cost: 3SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Solar Icon.pngSolar
  • Tribe: Lob Root Plant
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: 2StrengthPvZH.png/3HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: PvZH Strikethrough Icon.pngStrikethrough. Fusion: A Plant here gets Weird unused PvZH icon.pngOvershoot 2.
  • Description: Blastberry Vine snickers to himself. He imagines lobbing bomblets. He's been reading up on it and he knows it's gonna make a big splash when it happens. "Soon," he whispers.


  • Cost: 3SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Mega-Grow Icon.pngMega-Grow/PvZH Solar Icon.pngSolar
  • Tribe: Leafy Plant
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Stats: 2StrengthPvZH.png/3HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: DoubleStrikeAlt.pngDouble Strike, PvZH Strikethrough Icon.pngStrikethrough. When this does damage for the first time this turn, this gets +1StrengthPvZH.png/+1HeartPvZH.png and a Zombie here gets -2StrengthPvZH.png.
  • Description: Pokra's scrappy, she's a fighter, she's not afraid to jab below the belt to get the job done. She won't, because that would be cheating, but she's not afraid to. "Just so we're clear," she says with a resolute glint in her eye.

Imp Pear

  • Cost: 3SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Smarty Icon.pngSmarty
  • Tribe: Fruit Trick
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Ability: Transform a Zombie with the lowest Health into an Imp.
  • Description: Imp Pear impairs zombies. Of course, Imps don't appreciate this characterization, but who cares?

Pyre Vine

  • Cost: 3SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Solar Icon.pngSolar/PvZH Kabloom Icon.pngKabloom
  • Tribe: Root Plant
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: 2StrengthPvZH.png/3HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: PvZH Strikethrough Icon.pngStrikethrough, Unfreezable. Fusion: A Plant here gets +3StrengthPvZH.png and Unfreezable.
  • Description: Pyre Vine considers his holdings, his fortune, his vast hoard of wealth. He feels it should please him, and yet nevertheless he is anxious and fearful.


Already exists.

Ice Bloom

  • Cost: 5SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Smarty Icon.pngSmarty
  • Tribe: Flower Trick
  • Rarity: Super-Rare
  • Ability: PvZH Frozen Icon.pngFreeze all Zombies. Then, do 1 damage to Zombies here and next door.
  • Description: The last time Ice Bloom had pancakes for breakfast, she wasn't satisfied. She can't say why, exactly, but there was something subtly wrong with them. The shocking reason? Substandard maple syrup.


  • Cost: 5SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Guardian Icon.pngGuardian/PvZH Smarty Icon.pngSmarty
  • Tribe: Cactus Flower Plant
  • Rarity: Super-Rare
  • Stats: 6StrengthPvZH.png/4HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: PvZH Truestrike Icon.pngBullseye. This attacks the nearest Zombie with the highest Strength. If the Zombie Hero has 11HeartPvZH.png or more, this attacks the Zombie Hero instead.
  • Description: "Why waste shots on foot soldiers when you can win the battle with one well-chosen dart to the dome? Why would you do it? Why would ANYONE do it?"


  • Cost: 1SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Solar Icon.pngSolar
  • Tribe: Fruit Plant
  • Rarity: Super-Rare
  • Stats: 1StrengthPvZH.png/3HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: PvZH Strikethrough Icon.pngStrikethrough. When played: Shuffle two Ultomatoes into your deck. For the rest of the game, all Ultomatoes get +1StrengthPvZH.png and cost +1SunPvZH.png. Ultomato Evolution: This gets +1StrengthPvZH.png for the amount of StrengthPvZH.png the Ultomato this was planted on had.
  • Description: Ultomato yawns as unimaginable energies build up inside his being. It's cool. He can afford to wait. He's got allllll day.


  • Cost: 3SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Solar Icon.pngSolar
  • Tribe: Nut Trick
  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • Ability: A Zombie gets -1StrengthPvZH.png for how much HeartPvZH.png it has. Draw a card.
  • Description: "I only chew ham-flavored gum. Ham and salt."

Shine Vine

  • Cost: 3SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Solar Icon.pngSolar
  • Tribe: Flower Root Plant
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: 3HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: Start of turn: You get +1SunPvZH.png this turn. Fusion: You get +1SunPvZH.png for the rest of the game.
  • Description: "Peek-a-boo!" giggles Shine Vine, staring directly at you, the player. "Consider that fourth wall SHATTERED!"


  • Cost: 3SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Mega-Grow Icon.pngMega-Grow
  • Tribe: Leafy Trick
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Ability: Attack for 3 damage in a lane. If there's a Torchwood here, attack for 6 damage instead.
  • Description: This zesty little guy can't wait to get at it! Places to do! Things to go! It works because he planned thoroughly ahead of time.

Olive Pit

  • Cost: 4SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Solar Icon.pngSolar
  • Tribe: Fruit Environment
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Ability: Start of turn: If there is a Zombie here, destroy it and this environment.
  • Description: Olive Pit lies buried deep underground, thinking furiously. What about? Hard to say. Maybe airplanes? Do helicopters count as airplanes?


  • Cost: 4SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Solar Icon.pngSolar
  • Tribe: Mushroom Trick
  • Rarity: Super-Rare
  • Ability: Stun all Zombies. Conjure a Mushroom.
  • Description: "You think cuz I'm Puffball that I'm puffy, that I'm soft, that I'm insubstantial? You need to change that thinking. PRONTO."


  • Cost: 3SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Kabloom Icon.pngKabloom
  • Tribe: Root Plant
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: 3HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: When destroyed: Do 1 damage to Zombies here and next door. Fusion: If the Plant played on this is destroyed, do 3 damage to Zombies here and next door.
  • Description: Explode-O-Vine is sooooooooooooooo ready to explode. Just ridiculously ready. He's got the color picked out and everything.

Murkadamia Nut

  • Cost: 2SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Guardian Icon.pngGuardian
  • Tribe: Nut Plant
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: 3HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: Moonlight: This gets +7HeartPvZH.png. Start of turn: Heal this for 1HeartPvZH.png.
  • Description: "Some say that encasing yourself in gelatin is no way to conduct an offense. I say they just haven't planted ME yet!"


  • Cost: 4SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Mega-Grow Icon.pngMega-Grow
  • Tribe: Lob Bean Plant
  • Rarity: Super-Rare
  • Stats: 2StrengthPvZH.png/4HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: Start of turn: Gain a Tofu Turkey.
  • Description: Turkey-pult often feels her lower back ache. "They're ice cold and really comfortable," she says, as she puts an analgesic patch on her body. She strongly recommends all pults try them at least once.

Tofu Turkey

  • Cost: 2SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Mega-Grow Icon.pngMega-Grow
  • Tribe: Bean Trick
  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • Ability: All Plants get +1StrengthPvZH.png/+1HeartPvZH.png.
  • Description: Turkey-pult's turkeys are so delicious, you'd never know they were actually made of tofu! Almost never. You might know. Okay, fine, cards on the table: there is absolutely no way you could ever mistake these turkeys for the real thing.

Headbutter Lettuce

  • Cost: 3SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Solar Icon.pngSolar
  • Tribe: Leafy Plant
  • Rarity: Super-Rare
  • Stats: 2StrengthPvZH.png/4HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: When this hurts a Zombie, that Zombie gets -1StrengthPvZH.png/-1HeartPvZH.png.
  • Description: "Oh, is it that time? Time to headbutt zombies? Let me put on my butting face and I'll be right out!"


  • Cost: 5SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Smarty Icon.pngSmarty
  • Tribe: Leafy Trick
  • Rarity: Super-Rare
  • Ability: Bounce a Zombie. PvZH Frozen Icon.pngFreeze Zombies next door and all Gravestones.
  • Description: Boingsetta's a springy plant whose positive outlook is infectiously delightful! The chilling effect is merely a secondary consequence.

Stickybomb Rice

  • Cost: 6SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Kabloom Icon.pngKabloom/PvZH Smarty Icon.pngSmarty
  • Tribe: Lob Plant
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Stats: 2StrengthPvZH.png/4HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: Clustershot, Splash Damage 1. When this hurts a Zombie, stun that Zombie.
  • Description: Someone once mistook her for wheat once, and ended up with several third-degree burns and wounds. Let that be a lesson, people.

Hocus Crocus

  • Cost: 4SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Mega-Grow Icon.pngMega-Grow/PvZH Smarty Icon.pngSmarty
  • Tribe: Flower Plant
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Stats: 1StrengthPvZH.png/3HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: This gets +1StrengthPvZH.png/+1HeartPvZH.png when anything is Bounced. Start of turn: Bounce a Zombie or another Plant with the highest Strength that isn't Hocus Crocus or Thyme Warp.
  • Description: "Observe. Have I got anything up my sleeve? Do I even have sleeves? No? Prepare, then, to have your quaint and old-fashioned notions of spatial location SHATTERED FOREVER!!!"

Gloom Vine

  • Cost: 3SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Solar Icon.pngSolar
  • Tribe: Lunar Mushroom Root Plant
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: 1StrengthPvZH.png/3HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: Splash Damage 1. Lunar Fusion: The Plant played on this is Moonlit and gets Splash Damage 1.
  • Description: Gloom Vine's gloomy exterior shouldn't be seen as implying a gloomy interior. His interior is gloomy, but for complicated personal reasons that go way back.


  • Cost: 4SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Smarty Icon.pngSmarty
  • Tribe: Flower Plant
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: 1StrengthPvZH.png/3HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: When this hurts a Zombie, that Zombie gets -1StrengthPvZH.png. When played on Heights: Bounce a Zombie.
  • Description: Draftodil looks like she's full of hot air, but she isn't. She's full of highly compressed air. There's a difference!

Boom Balloon Flower

  • Cost: 4SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Kabloom Icon.pngKabloom
  • Tribe: Flower Plant
  • Rarity: Super-Rare
  • Stats: 5HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: Start of turn: Gain a Boom Balloon. When played: Shuffle 3 Doom-Shrooms into your deck.
  • Description: Boom Balloon Flower's balloons are inflated with hydrogen and aerosolized kerosene. It's an anti-safety measure.

Boom Balloon

  • Cost: 1SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Kabloom Icon.pngKabloom
  • Tribe: Flower Trick
  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • Ability: Do 2 damage. Draw a card.
  • Description: This would probably be a lot more effective if you were, I dunno, a monkey or something.

Pea Vine

  • Cost: 3SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Mega-Grow Icon.pngMega-Grow
  • Tribe: Pea Root Plant
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: 1StrengthPvZH.png/3HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: DoubleStrikeAlt.pngDouble Strike. Pea Fusion: The Plant played on this gets +1StrengthPvZH.png/+1HeartPvZH.png and DoubleStrikeAlt.pngDouble Strike.
  • Description: Pea Vine boosts Pea Plants, and he himself is a Pea Plant, so therefore... hang on... don't tell me... I can do this. I said DON'T TELL ME.


  • Cost: 4SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Smarty Icon.pngSmarty/PvZH Solar Icon.pngSolar
  • Tribe: Leafy Plant
  • Rarity: Super-Rare
  • Stats: 3StrengthPvZH.png/3HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: PvZH Strikethrough Icon.pngStrikethrough, Unfreezable. When this hurts a Zombie, Bounce that Zombie.
  • Description: "Of course I burn zombies, that's a given. But what about how I sweep them down the lane through the sheer force of hot air? Where's my prize for that?"

Solar Sage

  • Cost: 6SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Solar Icon.pngSolar
  • Tribe: Leafy Trick
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Ability: Destroy a Zombie. Get +1SunPvZH.png for how much HeartPvZH.png that Zombie had.
  • Description: "Ommm," Solar Sage hums softly to herself. But she's not kidding anybody. We all know her mind is filled with race cars and bulldozers.

Power Vine

  • Cost: 3SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Kabloom Icon.pngKabloom
  • Tribe: Root Plant
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: 1StrengthPvZH.png/3HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: This gets +1StrengthPvZH.png when you play a Plant. Fusion: The Plant played on this gets +2StrengthPvZH.png for each Plant.
  • Description: Power Vine's noodly antennae tremble in electric anticipation and he grins, imagining firing laser bolts at zombies in tandem with his brothers.


  • Cost: 1SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Solar Icon.pngSolar
  • Tribe: Lunar Fruit Trick
  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • Ability: A Lunar Plant is Moonlit this turn. Conjure a Lunar Plant.
  • Description: For a plant churning with internal gases, Noctarine's opinions are shockingly conventional. "Jaws is a good movie," he says. Like, NO KIDDING, Noctarine!

Heath Seeker

  • Cost: 4SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Kabloom Icon.pngKabloom
  • Tribe: Flower Trick
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Ability: Do 2 damage to each Plant and Zombie.
  • Description: Heath Seekers have always believed that the shortest distance between two points is an elaborately curved path that passes through several zombies and also looks pretty. Needless to say, they're struggling in geometry class.

Iceweed (Sector)

  • Cost: 3SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Smarty Icon.pngSmarty
  • Tribe: Root Environment
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Ability: Before combat here: Do 2 damage to a Zombie here. When played: PvZH Frozen Icon.pngFreeze a Zombie here.
  • Description: Is this similar to the Ice Moon?

New Generation

Tiger Grass

  • Cost: 3SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Mega-Grow Icon.pngMega-Grow
  • Tribe: Leafy Animal Plant
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Stats: 3StrengthPvZH.png/2HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: DoubleStrikeAlt.pngDouble Strike. When this does damage for the first time this turn, this gets +2StrengthPvZH.png/+2HeartPvZH.png. When played: Conjure an Animal.
  • Description: The grass tiger waits within. Soon their time will come. And then... the slashes! THE FURY!!

Teleportato Mine

  • Cost: 2SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Guardian Icon.pngGuardian
  • Tribe: Root Plant
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: 1HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: Team-Up. When played: Move a Zombie to this lane. When destroyed: Do 3 damage to a Zombie here.
  • Description: Teleportato Mine's heard the "Help me! Help me!" joke a million times before but she smiles anyway. It's a classic!


  • Cost: 3SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Guardian Icon.pngGuardian
  • Tribe: Leafy Plant
  • Rarity: Super-Rare
  • Stats: 6HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: Team-Up, UntrickableAltBig.pngUntrickable. When a Zombie is played here, that Zombie gets -2StrengthPvZH.png.
  • Description: "Hey, guys! Blockoli here! What's goin' on? Here comes a zombie! I'm gonna SLAM 'IM! With FISTS!"


  • Cost: 1SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Solar Icon.pngSolar
  • Tribe: Flower Trick
  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • Ability: A Zombie gets -1StrengthPvZH.png/-1HeartPvZH.png. Heal your Hero for 1.
  • Description: Buttercup's sweet as can be, but she packs a wallop! "I'm not cheap," she says, referring to her flat 1 sun cost. "I'm reasonable."

Bramble Bush

  • Cost: 2SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Smarty Icon.pngSmarty
  • Tribe: Leafy Berry Root Trick
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Ability: Stun a Zombie and do 1 damage to it. Conjure a Leafy, Berry, or Root.
  • Description: Bramble Bush is a prickly sort. In fact, let's not beat around the Bramble Bush here; he's covered in extraordinarily dangerous spikes.


  • Cost: 3SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Guardian Icon.pngGuardian
  • Tribe: Leafy Root Plant
  • Rarity: Super-Rare
  • Stats: 3StrengthPvZH.png/6HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: DoubleStrikeAlt.pngDouble Strike, Hunt, UntrickableAltBig.pngUntrickable. If Rhubarbarian doesn't hurt a Zombie this turn, destroy this Rhubarbarian.
  • Description: "My drive to punch things? Inescapable! That tree over there? PUNCH IT! That mailbox? SPLINTERS! Your coffee club punch card? LET ME AT THAT THING!"

Mega Gatling Pea

Already exists.


  • Cost: 2SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Smarty Icon.pngSmarty
  • Tribe: Root Trick
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Ability: Stun a Zombie. That Zombie is Unfighterable this turn.
  • Description: "I'm a bit different from my other tater cousins. Chief among those differences, I'd say, is that I don't explode on contact, or at all. I stick around!"

Tomb Tangler

  • Cost: 3SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Guardian Icon.pngGuardian/PvZH Smarty Icon.pngSmarty
  • Tribe: Root Trick
  • Rarity: Super-Rare
  • Ability: Destroy a Gravestone. Stun Zombies next door.
  • Description: "I don't know what these tombstones are made out of, but they sure make me belch out loud. Anyone dares disturb my siesta, I'll pull them down!"


  • Cost: 3SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Guardian Icon.pngGuardian
  • Tribe: Mushroom Plant
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: 6HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: Team-Up. Start of turn: A Zombie here gets -1HeartPvZH.png. Heal this for 1.
  • Description: "Zombie blood Is Like Pizza, in that even when It's Bad, It's Good!"

Meteor Flower

  • Cost: 5SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Kabloom Icon.pngKabloom
  • Tribe: Flower Plant
  • Rarity: Super-Rare
  • Stats: 3StrengthPvZH.png/3HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: Unfreezable, Surpass. Start of turn: Do 6 damage to a random Plant or Zombie that has Dino-Roar.
  • Description: "Out of this world molten mayhem! But first… coffee!!"

Chilly Pepper

Already exists.

Bun Chi

  • Cost: 3SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Mega-Grow Icon.pngMega-Grow/PvZH Smarty Icon.pngSmarty
  • Tribe: Cactus Flower Animal Plant
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Stats: 2StrengthPvZH.png/2HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: Amphibious, Splash Damage 2. When this does damage, this gets +1StrengthPvZH.png/+1HeartPvZH.png. When this hurts a Zombie, that Zombie gets -2StrengthPvZH.png. When played: Conjure an Animal. Start of turn: This gets -1StrengthPvZH.png.
  • Description: While not as strong as some other Plants, he can contribute to the fight with his cuteness.

Bzzz Button

  • Cost: 3SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Smarty Icon.pngSmarty
  • Tribe: Flower Trick
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Ability: Stun Zombies here and next door.
  • Description: He believes in minimal Zombie attacks and minimal vowels.


  • Cost: 3SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Kabloom Icon.pngKabloom
  • Tribe: Berry Plant
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: 3StrengthPvZH.png/3HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: The Zombie here is Unfighterable. This gets +1StrengthPvZH.png when you play a Berry.
  • Description: Started the trend of Plant names being in CamelCase. Considering this and Bzzz Button's recent removal of a vowel, Bun Chi is not impressed.


  • Cost: 4SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Kabloom Icon.pngKabloom
  • Tribe: Flower Animal Plant
  • Rarity: Super-Rare
  • Stats: 2StrengthPvZH.png/4HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: When this hurts a Zombie, do 1 damage to that Zombie. Plant Evolution: Instead, when this hurts a Zombie, do 3 damage to that Zombie. This gets +2StrengthPvZH.png.
  • Description: "I'm more than just a set of pretty bells ya know? I can also throw a wicked curveball."


  • Cost: 4SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Smarty Icon.pngSmarty/PvZH Solar Icon.pngSolar
  • Tribe: Flower Plant
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: 1StrengthPvZH.png/3HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: PvZH Strikethrough Icon.pngStrikethrough, Amphibious. When played on water or Bog of Enlightenment: This gets Clustershot.
  • Description: Sure, playing it on water means that it only attacks in two lanes, but you can move this afterwards! Did you not put Gardening Gloves in this deck?


  • Cost: 1SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Kabloom Icon.pngKabloom
  • Tribe: Mushroom Plant
  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • Stats: 2StrengthPvZH.png/1HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: This is stunned if a Zombie is in this lane, and gets +2HeartPvZH.png when a Zombie enters this lane.
  • Description: "How did I get talked into this? I wish I was at home."

Bamboo Spartan

  • Cost: 5SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Guardian Icon.pngGuardian
  • Tribe: Leafy Root Plant
  • Rarity: Super-Rare
  • Stats: 3StrengthPvZH.png/5HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: This gets +5StrengthPvZH.png when its HeartPvZH.png is 2 or lower.
  • Description: "For Tacos and Liberty! Scratch that.. for TACOOS!!"

Sundew Tangler

  • Cost: 4SunPvZH.png
  • Class: PvZH Solar Icon.pngSolar
  • Tribe: Flower Root Plant
  • Rarity: Super-Rare
  • Stats: 1StrengthPvZH.png/6HeartPvZH.png
  • Ability: When a Zombie here gets hurt, you get +1SunPvZH.png next turn.
  • Description: The main reason for their motive for draining Zombies? Gumnut.