User talk:Coollittlepeashooter

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I don't have a Discord (or a usable wordbubble right now but that is a different story) actually, so whoever that is is impersonating me. 

-DeathZombi (talk) 14:43, July 6, 2017 (UTC)


Hello, you have gotten a warning. That means you did something in violation of our rules and now the zombies are getting closer to your house! If you do it again you are blocked! Thank you!

Reason: Blatant violation of UTP and other anti-harassment laws utilized on wiki (insulting an admin, and telling them to "go back to writing mein kampf")

Length: 1 week

You are the owner of a newly official part of the wiki, and yet you blatantly insult me like you're an internet troll, in blatant violation of the User Treatment Policy and anti-harassment rules the wiki utilizes. You should know better than to be saying and doing the things you do. If you continue this sort of behavior, you may be blocked from the wiki, or be removed from your position on the Discord.

While the time for the warning is subject to change, I will not be removing it unless I see an actually good reason to remove it. What you did is completely unacceptable, especially on wiki forums.

~ CHU-TENG [Camwood777] TONG-NOU ~ 18:44, July 10, 2017 (UTC)


Quoth the wiki rules (see the text in bold):

  • As of July 10, 2017, the Discord server is now considered official, meaning all rules will apply there as well.
    • Discord servers other than the official wiki one are still not considered "valid", including Direct Messages, as they are still considered "off-wiki". Thusly, what one says or does in these can not be validly used to promote, demote, support, oppose, or punish a user.

Thusly, Discord DMs are not a valid source for wiki action. So quit attempting to justify your on-wiki actions with things I said in DMs.

~ CHU-TENG [Camwood777] TONG-NOU ~ 18:55, July 10, 2017 (UTC)


ThisUserLikesOreo - I like your sketchers.

Talk PageContributions - Blogs
You can text me whenever you want, as I have it on my phone.

 ThisUserLikesOreo   Message Wall  Blog  Contribs   09:01 UTC, 7/11/2017 

09:01, July 11, 2017 (UTC)

Coollittlepeashooter, may i edit your "internal names for everything in pvz2" to add tne new zombies, plants, and some objects?Jango the Fox (talk) 15:50, October 17, 2017 (UTC)Jango the Fox =3