Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-25089892-20160622064826/@comment-26622708-20160626181701

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TheGollddMAN wrote:
Microphone DJ 125 wrote:
TheGollddMAN wrote:
Cookiepower wrote:
Diabulus Pyrus wrote:
GamerNerd i wrote:

Diabulus Pyrus wrote:

Ballistic Planet wrote:

Diabulus Pyrus wrote:

Ballistic Planet wrote:

TheGollddMAN wrote: SO in a nutshell, we can agree on the fact that Aloe sucks. A plant that was so hyped for because of it's unique ability to heal others turned out to be utter garbage because of the developers' poor decisions.

PopCap making bad decisions? Since when?
What's wrong with CS and EoN? They're awesome plants.
They're overpowered as heck, and can win levels on their own with little to no support. Plus they outclass other plants.

EDIT: Yes, Cold Snapdragon is still among my favorite plants. But releasing him as OP as he is was just a mistake.

Well, it's true. But if we talk about bad decisions related to plants, there are other options around there.
Are we talking about function or cost? The main problem I see with all of these is their cost, their functions (except Heart and Berry) are not bad.
Function, and, come on, Pea-nut it's one of the (if not THE) worst premium plants ever.
It's one of the worst, THE worst is Blooming Heart IMO.
Premium wise these are the worst plants to ask for money:

1. Electric Blueberry

2. Chomper

3. Pea-nut

I think the worst is Blooming Heart. Chomper sucks, EB sucks and Pea-nut sucks, but BH is downright s**t. 
Among these plants BH is still better as she can still take down hordes of zombies with a proper defense. But the others, eh.

I was hyped for Chomper but when it came, guess what they did. They "balanced" it.

Is it any different from the first game?