Category:Semi-China exclusive

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Gatling Pea HD.png
And our new superhero - Gatling Pea - was born.
This category is about content from the international version but was heavily altered in the Chinese version.

The articles in this category are about contents from the international games but were heavily altered in the Chinese games and vice versa.

In order for an article to qualify as semi-China exclusive, they must have drastically different abilities compared to international version (Aloe, Hocus Crocus and Pea Vine,) different designs (Catapult Zombie.) For vice versa cases (Dandelion and Mega Gatling Pea,) enable the toggle in the template.

Note: Plants or zombies that have the same abilities as international version but with extra abilities in the Chinese version (i.e. Perfume-shroom, Vamporcini, etc...) are not considered as semi-China exclusives. Icy Currant is also not considered as semi-China exclusive despite not being created by neither PopCap Shanghai nor Talkweb, having a seed packet texture in the international version due to the fact it has no files in the said version.

Pages in category "Semi-China exclusive"

The following 6 pages are in this category, out of 6 total.