Fairytale Forest - Day 5 (Part 2) is the twelfth level of the Fairytale Forest as a part of the Secret Realms gamemode. This is a Locked and Loaded stage and the player is given a Magic Cauldron in the fourth column to gain a greater variety of plants.
This stage can be completed easily with the help of the Kernel-pults given: having at least two columns of them is ideal as they can help slow down and stun the Guard Gargantuars. When it comes to dealing with the Witch Zombies, a player should place Puff-shrooms in front of them to divert their magic spells while the Kernel-pults and Fume-shrooms behind them deal the damage to defeat them. Cherry Bombs should also be prioritized on the Witch Zombies as the Guard Gargantuars aren't the main threat in this stage. Lastly, by utilizing the Magic Cauldron via Power Lily and the numerous plant foods dropped by the zombies in this stage, the player can gain legendary plants for assistance, but such plants aren't necessary in completing the level.
Fairytale Forest - Day 5 (Part 2) is the twelfth level of the Fairytale Forest as a part of the Secret Realms gamemode. On this difficulty, the stage is still under Locked and Loaded conditions but now there are three Magic Cauldrons on the seventh column instead and Kernel-pult and Fume-shroom have been replaced with Wall-nuts.
Without the help of Kernel-pults to slow down the Guard Gargantuars, this stage can be very challenging to complete without good luck from the Magic Cauldrons. In addition, because of the increased quantity of Magic Cauldrons and their new location, they will be an obstacle to straight-shooter plants so such plants should be placed in the two lanes without them. When it comes to dealing with the Witch Zombies, a player should again place Puff-shrooms in front of them to divert their magic spells while stronger plants from the Magic Cauldrons fight back. If the player has a level 1 Cherry Bomb then they should use them to defeat the Witch Zombies but if one's Cherry Bomb is at level 2 or 3, then they should be used on the Guard Gargantuars, preferably if they are in groups. It may also help to place lobbed-attacker plants behind the sun producers as it will make them less likely to be targeted by the Witch Zombies.
Optional Objectives
Don't spend more than 5000 sun
Don't spend sun within any given span of 20 seconds