Plants vs. Zombies LIVE!

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Plants vs. Zombies LIVE! is a live musical show produced and made by Ayala Malls and PopCap Games, it was played at multiple Ayala Malls locations in the Philippines. It was around 20 minutes in long and featured multiple songs, costumed characters of Plants and Zombies, and special guest moments were they are encouraged to yell stuff, At the end of the show selected members of the crowd were allowed to have a meet and greet with the cast. It lasted from July 6th 2012 to August 24th 2012.


  • July 6th to the 7th: Glorietta Activity Center
  • July 8th: Greenbelt 3 Park and Greenbelt 5 Kids and Teens Zone (meet and greet)
  • July 11th to the 12th: Pavilion Mall Activity Center


Plot Synopsis

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The show begins with a opening number about Sunflowers and how they protect others plants with the power from the sun. After the song ends two Zombies start to appear as the Sunflowers and the Homeowner run away from the Zombies another song starts about how they must eat brains. As the two Zombies seem to come to a end Disco Zombie comes on stage and starts a song about being dancing, being funky, zombies, and brains, after the song Disco Zombie get mad mad leaves. The two zombies then meet Ducky Tube Zombie a song starts to play out his Ducky Tube and pools. The Zombies then realise that there is no pool this makes Ducky Tube Zombie mad and he storms off after that a third Zombie walks on stage. Then the homeowner comes back on stage and tells everyone in the crowd to say "It's time to plant" then the two Sunflowers from the beginning walk back on stage after that the homeowner says "Game on" then a song about the plants and the zombies fighting begins. Then it seems to turn into normale game of Plants vs. Zombies begins with the zombies coming the homeowner plants down one of the Sunflower which then results of sun being made, a zombie starts to eat the Sunflower the homeowner then starts collecting the sun the he asks to the crowd what should he plant with everyone saying Wall-nut but he doesn't have enough sun for a Wall-nut yet when this is happening the sunflower gets eaten by the zombies, he then asks the crowd again what he should plant and everyone says Wall-nut. Then he polls out a cardboard cutout of Wall-nut on stage to protect himself, the he plants two Peashooters they start to fire at the zombies eating the Wall-nut after that a song about Peashooters starts to play. The song then ends a zombie then finds a screen door to protect himself from the peas Ducky Tube Zombie returns to fight the plants. Them the peashooters start firing at the zombie with the homeowner starts to throw peas out to the guests watching the show to throw back at the zombies at the zombies, after the battle the zombies go off stage as they leave the homeowner plants a cardboard cutout of a Cherry Bomb just in time with the zombies coming back. After the plant the Cherry Bomb the plants and the homeowner went to the far left side of the stage when the zombies start to eat the Cherry Bomb after the Cherry Bomb explode the opening number gets reprised for the ending.


