Plants vs. Zombies Live! The Musical

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A plague has swept this era.
This article is about content that is no longer available. As such, it is archived.

Plants Vs. Zombies Live! The Musical is a live show musical based on Plants Vs. Zombies, and was performed live in select Ayala Malls in Makati, Philippines in 2012. The performance featured an actor who would ask the audience to join in the fun with the plants to defeat the zombies.


The game itself was not only a huge hit in the United States, the country that Plants Vs. Zombies originated, it was also mainly a really huge hit in areas of the South East Asia and even Popcap was starting to open up their own ideas of bringing their own ideas of their titles including Plants Vs. Zombies to the region[1].

Evan Spytma, a company that helps Popcap in making region based content, had made Popcap partner up with Ayala Malls to make the musical a reality[2] and even also planned to have the musical also take place in different countries like China and Japan[3].


Note: Because there isn't all footage of the real musical, those parts that are marked in red are mainly assumptions on what happens at that part.

The homeowner, who is joined with 2 Sunflowers, start to dance and frolic around the front yard about how there sun gives power to protect their house, and they even ask the audience to sing along. However, this happy moment does not last for very long as the homeowner and the sunflowers soon run away as they soon find out that the Zombies are coming. The zombies then arrive at the house with fog emitting out, and then they also dance explaining who they are also that they have a craving for brains.

And then, outta nowhere, Dancing Zombie comes into the scene and takes the show by turning the gloomy music into funky disco by making the zombies get on the floor and do wacky dances. After that number, the zombies are disappointed to hear that the audience's applause is pathetic, making the audience clap louder. This makes the Dancing Zombie happy and he continues dancing making the Zombies mad that he stole their song by doing his ridiculous disco dances and even with the other saying that it totally is, making the Dancing Zombie leave the scene saying that he has had enough, while dancing his way out.

Soon, the zombies then meet the Ducky Tube Zombie and then he starts dancing and singing about his ducky tube and also swimming. The Zombies find his ducky tube to be cool but they soon realise the lawn has no pool, making him useless and then takes off his tube. The homeowner then comes back outside, horrified to find the zombies just outside the lawn and decides to take action upon them. He, along with the help of the audience, decide to call upon for the Sunflowers, which makes the former Ducky Tube tease them about their plants.

They then get into a dance number with the homeowner barely dodging the zombies clutches. They then come up with a plan to collect sun to use plants against the zombies, but unfortunately, one of the Sunflowers gets devoured whole by the trio of zombies and then they state that they are next. With the help of the Audience, they use a Wall-nut to stall the zombies some time to get more sun for attacking plants. Soon, with the help of the audience again, they call upon the Peashooters to attack the zombies, with the homeowner that this is going to be a "green messy battle", also they get into a musical number as well.

After lots of success, they manage to get the zombies, but they don't give up a fight as one of them soon grab a screen door which obstructs the peas. However, the entire battle goes into madness as one of the zombies gains their ducky tube back and starts running around while singing his song. They then get pelted even more with peas from the Peashooters and Audience making the zombies fall for another time. The zombies come back, but with one final blow to them with a Cherry Bomb. Soon, they do a reprise of the first song and that's when the musical ends.


Partial lost media

Although most footage has been found, there is some footage missing from the musical with only 3 scenes[4]:

  • The plants and the homeowner run away from the zombies.
  • The zombies meet the Ducky Tube Zombie.
  • The zombies realise there is no pool.

These scenes have either been lost or can't be found anywhere.


  • The musical is mostly based on the first game.
  • Wall-nut and Cherry Bomb are the only plants that don't speak in this musical.
  • Dancing Zombie wears no afro in this musical.
