User:Citron Bomb Official/My custom level designing page

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screw the button that sent me to the home page of my browser, now I have to make stuff all over again (you can test the levels I made, but ask for permission before doing so)

portals PortalAE.png PortalPS.png PortalWW.png PortalFF.png PortalDA.png PortalBWB.png PortalFC.png PortalLC.png PortalNMT.png PortalJM.png

back in this wiki now, i might create some custom levels here :). could continue the epic quest level though

Custom level #1 (MD)

Zombies (this is a lot)

Basic Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png Balloon Zombie2.png Gargantuar2.png Seagull Zombie2.png Imp Cannon2.png Jester Zombie2.png Dodo Rider Zombie2.png Porter Gargantuar2.png MC Zom-B2.png Jurassic Fossilhead2.png Jurassic Bully2.png Raptor2.png T. Rex2.png Ankylosaurus2.png


  • Abilities for MC Zom-B are already activated
  • Because Basic Flag Zombie is broken when using Template:S, it will not be shown on the waves table or the zombies, but they will still appear, which is indicated by the "First flag, second flag, final wave, etc." note. They appear on any of the rows.
  • Tombstones fill columns D-I
  • Perfume-shroom and Gold Leaf are usable, while Winter Melon, Blover, Cold Snapdragon and Shadow-shroom are disabled.
  • The ambush used in this level is Snowstorm



  • Row = number
  • Column = letter
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Portals Others
1 Buckethead Zombie2.png1 Buckethead Zombie2.png3 Jester Zombie2.png4 Raptor2.png2
2 Imp Cannon2.png4 Imp Cannon2.png5
3 MC Zom-B2.png1 MC Zom-B2.png5 Jurassic Bully2.png5 PortalLC.png2F Ankylosaurus2.png1 Ankylosaurus2.png5
4 Gargantuar2.png2 Dodo Rider Zombie2.png1 Dodo Rider Zombie2.png2 Jurassic Fossilhead2.png
5 Jurassic Fossilhead2.png1 Jester Zombie2.png2 Conehead Zombie2.png3 Buckethead Zombie2.png3 Seagull Zombie2.png4 Dodo Rider Zombie2.png Jurassic Fossilhead2.png First flag; 100% PF
6 Jester Zombie2.png1 Buckethead Zombie2.png4 Jurassic Bully2.png5 Jester Zombie2.png5 T. Rex2.png4
7 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Porter Gargantuar2.png1 Imp Cannon2.png Seagull Zombie2.png Seagull Zombie2.png PortalPS.png5I


8 Seagull Zombie2.png1 Seagull Zombie2.png2 Seagull Zombie2.png3 Jurassic Fossilhead2.png3 Seagull Zombie2.png4 Seagull Zombie2.png4 Jurassic Fossilhead2.png5 Second flag; Raptor2.png1
9 MC Zom-B2.png1 Dodo Rider Zombie2.png3 MC Zom-B2.png4
10 Gargantuar2.png1 Porter Gargantuar2.png2 Gargantuar2.png3 Jurassic Fossilhead2.png5 Dodo Rider Zombie2.png Dodo Rider Zombie2.png Dodo Rider Zombie2.png Ankylosaurus2.png3 Ankylosaurus2.png4
11 Seagull Zombie2.png1 Jurassic Fossilhead2.png3 Balloon Zombie2.png3 Balloon Zombie2.png4 MC Zom-B2.png4 Balloon Zombie2.png4 MC Zom-B2.png5
12 Jurassic Bully2.png1 Newspaper Zombie2.png2 Newspaper Zombie2.png4 Jurassic Bully2.png5 PortalWW.png1E T. Rex2.png1 T. Rex2.png4 Raptor2.png5
14 Jurassic Bully2.png1 Jurassic Bully2.png2 Newspaper Zombie2.png3 Jurassic Bully2.png3 Imp Cannon2.png4 Jurassic Bully2.png4 Newspaper Zombie2.png5 Seagull Zombie2.png5 Third flag; Punk plays
15 Porter Gargantuar2.png1 Porter Gargantuar2.png2 Gargantuar2.png3 Gargantuar2.png4
16 Imp Cannon2.png1 Imp Cannon2.png2 Balloon Zombie2.png3 Imp Cannon2.png4 Imp Cannon2.png5 80% PF
17 Balloon Zombie2.png1 Jester Zombie2.png1 Newspaper Zombie2.png2 Jester Zombie2.png2 Dodo Rider Zombie2.png3 Jurassic Fossilhead2.png3 Gargantuar2.png5
18 Balloon Zombie2.png1 Gargantuar2.png1 Newspaper Zombie2.png2 Dodo Rider Zombie2.png2 Imp Cannon2.png3 Imp Cannon2.png3 Newspaper Zombie2.png4 Dodo Rider Zombie2.png4 Balloon Zombie2.png5 Porter Gargantuar2.png5 PortalBWB.png2E PortalBWB.png3E PortalBWB.png4e Final wave; Ankylosaurus2.png1 Raptor2.png3 Ankylosaurus2.png5

Custom day #2 (MD)

AHH! that sent me to home button took revenge

btw 4 tombstones spawn every wave starting Wave 3


All returning PvZ 1 zombies (includes Super-Fan Imp, Disco Jetpack Zombie and Snorkel Zombie)

The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Basic Zombie2.png Basic Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png None
2 Newspaper Zombie2.png2 Balloon Zombie2.png5 None
3 Basic Zombie2.png3 Super-Fan Imp2.png4 None PortalPS.png1G
4 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Disco Jetpack Zombie2.png1 Disco Jetpack Zombie2.png5 None Punk plays
5 Disco Jetpack Zombie2.png1 Conehead Zombie2.png2 Conehead Zombie2.png3 Balloon Zombie2.png4 Balloon Zombie2.png5 Flag Zombie2.png None First flag; 88% Plant Food2.png
6 Buckethead Zombie2.png2 Super-Fan Imp2.png3 None
7 Gargantuar2.png2 Sandstorm!

Snorkel Zombie2.png Snorkel Zombie2.png Snorkel Zombie2.png

8 All-Star Zombie2.png1 Buckethead Zombie2.png4 All-Star Zombie2.png4 Super-Fan Imp2.png5 None
9 Gargantuar2.png1 Disco Jetpack Zombie2.png4 None 200%/5 Plant Food2.png
10 Newspaper Zombie2.png2 All-Star Zombie2.png3 Newspaper Zombie2.png4 None PortalNMT.png4E
11 Balloon Zombie2.png1 Disco Jetpack Zombie2.png1 Disco Jetpack Zombie2.png2 Disco Jetpack Zombie2.png2 Super-Fan Imp2.png3 Super-Fan Imp2.png3 Balloon Zombie2.png4 Disco Jetpack Zombie2.png4 Balloon Zombie2.png5 Disco Jetpack Zombie2.png5 Flag Zombie2.png Sandstorm!

Snorkel Zombie2.png Snorkel Zombie2.png Snorkel Zombie2.png

Second flag
12 Newspaper Zombie2.png3 Newspaper Zombie2.png4 Buckethead Zombie2.png5 Newspaper Zombie2.png5 None
13 All-Star Zombie2.png2 All-Star Zombie2.png2 Gargantuar2.png4 None
14 Balloon Zombie2.png1 Super-Fan Imp2.png2 Super-Fan Imp2.png2 Buckethead Zombie2.png5 Disco Jetpack Zombie2.png5 Snorkel Zombie2.png Snorkel Zombie2.png Snorkel Zombie2.png Snorkel Zombie2.png PortalFF.png2H PortalFF.png5F
15 Snorkel Zombie2.png1 Snorkel Zombie2.png2 Super-Fan Imp2.png4 Disco Jetpack Zombie2.png4 All-Star Zombie2.png5 Gargantuar2.png5 None
16 Gargantuar2.png1 Gargantuar2.png2 Gargantuar2.png3 Gargantuar2.png4 Gargantuar2.png5 Flag Zombie2.png None Final wave; 46% Plant Food2.png; PortalFC.png1D PortalWW.png2E PortalNMT.png3F PortalBWB.png4G

Custom level #3 (Epic)

this level is abandoned (sad i abandoned it, this looks like a decent level) (i might continue it :))


  • Troglobites with minus sign push one block, equals sign push two blocks, no symbols push three blocks.


Pompadour Zombie2.png Pompadour Conehead2.png Pompadour Buckethead2.png Bikini Zombie2.png Bikini Conehead2.png Bikini Buckethead2.png Surfer Zombie2.png Fisherman Zombie2.png Deep Sea Gargantuar2.png Zombie Bull2.png Wild West Gargantuar2.png Knight Zombie2.png Troglobite2.png Arcade Zombie2.png

Pompadours, Bikinis and Knights are dynamic

E. Mods

2 triangle Power tiles (positioned at the two leftmost corners), Tide, Freezing wind, 3 Gold tiles (at C1R2, C1R4 and C3R3), 8bit jam, Raptor, T-rex, Ankylosaurus

The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Tide level Note(s)
1 Pompadour Buckethead2.png1 Pompadour Buckethead2.png2 None C6 8bit plays; Freezing wind at R1 and R2
2 Pompadour Zombie2.png1 Bikini Buckethead2.png2 Pompadour Buckethead2.png4 None None
3 Surfer Zombie2.png4 Wild West Gargantuar2.png5 None None Raptor2.png2 T. Rex2.png3
4 Surfer Zombie2.png1 Surfer Zombie2.png2 Troglobite2.png=3 Fisherman Zombie2.png4 None None
5 Deep Sea Gargantuar2.png3 Knight Zombie2.png5 None C4 Ankylosaurus2.png1 T. Rex2.png4
6 Bikini Conehead2.png1 Arcade Zombie2.png1 Troglobite2.png=2 Fisherman Zombie2.png3 Knight Zombie2.png3 Arcade Zombie2.png4 Wild West Gargantuar2.png5 Beach Flag Zombie2.png None None First flag; Freezing wind at all rows
7 Zombie Bull2.png1 Bikini Buckethead2.png2 Fisherman Zombie2.png2 Arcade Zombie2.png4 Zombie Bull2.png5 None None
8 Troglobite2.png-1 Troglobite2.png-2 Troglobite2.png=3 Troglobite2.png-4 Surfer Zombie2.png5 Knight Zombie2.png Knight Zombie2.png Knight Zombie2.png Knight Zombie2.png Surfer Zombie2.png Deep Sea Gargantuar2.png C7 Raptor2.png2 Ankylosaurus2.png3 T. Rex2.png4; Freezing wind at R3, R4, R5
9 Bikini Buckethead2.png1 Pompadour Buckethead2.png2 Bikini Buckethead2.png2 Pompadour Buckethead2.png3 Bikini Buckethead2.png3 Pompadour Zombie2.png4 Bikini Buckethead2.png5 Arcade Zombie2.png5 None None
10 Zombie Bull2.png-1 Fisherman Zombie2.png1 Knight Zombie2.png2 Knight Zombie2.png2 Knight Zombie2.png3 Arcade Zombie2.png3 Deep Sea Gargantuar2.png4 Knight Zombie2.png4 Bikini Buckethead2.png4 Surfer Zombie2.png5 Wild West Gargantuar2.png5 Troglobite2.png=5 None None
11 a None None Second flag; Ankylosaurus2.png1 T. Rex2.png2 Ankylosaurus2.png3 Raptor2.png5

Custom level #4 (New Modern Day - Day 1)

used to be another level, but i remade it. :). seems nothing like the original though.

dynamic zombies

  • Basic, Conehead, Buckethead (high frequency)
Wave Non-dynamic zombies PORTALSSSSSSS Note(s)
1 Basic Zombie2.png2 Basic Zombie2.png3 Basic Zombie2.png4 5/500% Plant Food2.png
2 Basic Zombie2.png1 Conehead Zombie2.png3 Basic Zombie2.png5 Conehead Zombie2.png5
3 Basic Zombie2.png2 Basic Zombie2.png4
4 Basic Zombie2.png1 Basic Zombie2.png2 Basic Zombie2.png3 Conehead Zombie2.png3 Basic Zombie2.png4 Conehead Zombie2.png4 Basic Zombie2.png5
5 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Buckethead Zombie2.png1 Conehead Zombie2.png4 Buckethead Zombie2.png4 Basic Zombie2.png5 Dynamic bucketheads start
6 PortalAE.png3G PortalAE.png4F First wave; 100% PF

TCLP (Time Twister Rebirth - Day 60)

Super Last Stand (last stand with rounds, rounds last 10 waves). Last zombie defeated each round rewards 800 sun.


Wave Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)