User:PvZBeast234/My PvZ Wiki History

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This page is a history of my time on this wiki since I joined on September 1st. I got the idea from Someone456, but his is much better. For my user page, see here.

Year 1

I joined this wiki in September 2012. I, not knowing how to edit my userpage, made a page called PvZBeast234 (derp). However, I made good edits in the following days. Even though MH (then KernelFodder) got rid of some of my edits, I kept working my way up in this wiki. I loved to add my pictures of degrade photos, etc. Soon I got into badges, and I saw how much fun it was. I wanted to earn every single one. I loved the day streak badge and got all the way up to 100 days! However, soon I realized that editing and helping the wiki was more important and I had to continue being a good user. Over this time, I got promoted by MVZMW. I didn't even ask for it but I did want rollback. I got my 1000th edit (total) and got into the top 20 of the leaderboard! I was a rollback, and I loved being part of this community.

For a while I was inactive because of basketball practice. There were supposedly a lot of wars at this time, but I didn't want to get into that stuff. I just wanted to be bureaucrat and be nice to everyone. However, I still tried to get on the wiki every day. When basketball ended, I asked to be promoted to chat mod. However, people were saying that I should be admin too. So, I became an admin!! Over time, I got more active on chat, and I became a better helper on forums. I made my first friend, Wintermelon43. I even got my emoticon on chat. Even though this is the first wiki I have ever been on, I have learned a lot about the source code typing, and I even got my own text shadow to work. Recently, On May 7th, I blocked my first person, an anon making dumb edits. Now I am blocking people all the time.

On May 12th, I came up with a new template to help me make my plant ratings much cooler. You can use it, it's Template:PlantRanking. I'm so excited that a lot more people are using it; I've seen it on other user pages. A while after that, I noticed that I was close to 1500 edits. Once I got my 1500th, I asked for bureaucrat. Minh said I wasn't active enough, but I did get promoted (ironically, by Minh!). I was so glad that I was a bureaucrat! This time in May and June was a happy time for me. Except for the whole PvZ2 thing going on. Now that PvZA was out and PvZ2 was coming soon, I had been focusing my edits on those articles, most of which were incomplete. I began to play PvZA, but I found it very annoying. I like Brain Ball much more, even though I have to start on Boonies level 1 again. Recently, I have stopped playing PvZA and Brain Ball a lot but if you ask me for requests I will still get back to you. I just want PvZ2 to come out. Not PvZGW (that will be the worst game of all time), but PvZIAT. I heard it's not coming out until later in the summer and I am so mad about that.

When it did come out, I could see a lot of pics of the new game. However, it is Australia-only. (unless you hack or something) Since I live in the US, the only way I could get it now is by changing my Apple ID. However, I don't think that's worth it. Starfruity, who was a regular user, got promoted right to admin, which was good. Peterfetch asked to be a rollback awhile after that. I voted for him. However, he didn't get it. After that, PMan became much more active, and asked for bureaucrat. I changed my avatar and my wordbubble. Now I can be any plant I want! For a while MVZMW had been blocked, right after being completely demoted. He was supposed to come back on July 25th. I don't know what his comeback will be like. On July 23rd, I got my 3000th edit! I was so happy. It feels good to be moving up in the wiki's rankings. (I got a Lucky Blover from editing this.)

I was also about to get another edit badge (2000 on mainspace) which would put me in the top 5 of the leaderboards! On July 25th, MVZ came back. I almost didn't recognize his name when he posted a comment in the forums. I know a lot of people hate him, but I am happy to have him back. On July 25, Peterfetch asked for rollback (again). Everyone said Yes. A plant asked for it, but no one but me voted for him. I think he is a good editor; he kinda reminds me of Wintermelon43 back when he was a new user. But at least Peterfetch is gonna be a rollback (He got promoted a couple days later). On July 27, I got my 4th Peacekeeper badge, putting me at top 5 in the leaderboard. I was so excited! I knew I probably wouldn't get Number 1 because of Minh and SO456, but I was happy to be in the top 5.

On July 29, BUL9 came back!! He said he wouldn't be fully active, but he made this blog. It kinda confused me but I was glad to see him again. Strangely enough, he didn't want to get promoted. I find that weird, but I guess I understand because he is still very mad at the wiki. As August 2013 came into being, I was sad that school was beginning. But, I still edited on this wiki. For a while I had added all the Upcoming templates to pages, but WM43 created a vote to change it. The vote ended on August 1, and all the templates had to be removed, Ironically, I did this part too. On August 3, BLACK OUT left, and I don't know for how long. He said he was working on another wiki. Not much happened during this time.

Ziad Wahba asked to change the background. Everyone voted that it would be a good idea, but I thought that was the dumbest idea of all time. If the background was PvZ2, people would think the wiki was about PvZ2 in the first place. PvZ1 is the first game in the franchise, and the best, and the one that the wiki was made for. However, no one agreed with me. On August 8, the new PvZA update had came out. A lot of users, mostly PMan and WM43, had asked me to keep playing and I did, little by little. I was still having tons of trouble on Park-n-Perish, especially level 16. But, Popcorn was cool and was like Potato Mine. But then, something terrible happened.

Yes, something terrible happened. The LFR battle started again. SO456 had created List of plants, and Minh added LFR!! IT IS NOT A PLANT! I asked him about it and he said it was because SO added Giant Plants! Giant Sunflower and Giant Marigold have to go too!!! Just delete both!! Luckily, all three did get deleted. I closed the blog because I didn't want the argument to be HUGE like the last three. Plantsarebetter (now CreeperKiller22 was his name) had came back after being an admin much earlier and he was nice on chat. I had also moved the Rights request page to a forum so they could all be highlighted and everyone could see them. CZ asked for rollback and Peter for Chat Mod. WM said there were too many staffs but I thought that was bad. A lot hapened over early August.

On August 15, PvZ2 came out for EVERYONE!! And it was free for the time being. I was so happy. I played it a lot that day. It is an AMAZING game!! I love the way the stars work and everything, and the keys too. On the other hand, I will probably stop playing PvZA to beat IAT. I made my PvZ2 Diary. I kept editing and noticed how much more PvZIAT info I could add, and I added it all! It was a good time, and I was happy. Not much happened, but A plant got promoted to rollback. Otherwise, it was a pretty dull time. I felt like I was the only one who actually waited for PvZ2 to come out, but whatever. Even though early August was such a huge time, mid-August wasn't. (I did have a lot of summer homework to do though)

I kept playing PvZ2, and I made a new friend (A plant) since he was so happy to be promoted. He asked for chat mod, but we all (including him) agreed that he should wait. He said he would ask again in September. I also made a new blog about a fun challenge to do in PvZ1 - The S:E Random Plant Challenge. I got 12 flags, but it is very hard and luck-based. On August 21st, I finally got the Extra Coffee badge! I had worked super-hard one day and got it and I was happy. I still can't believe it's silver, seeing that I had to edit 100 times on mainspace in one day. In other words, I am glad that I have gotten the award.

I kept playing PvZ2, being stuck on Last Stand III, but I kept trying. On August 28, school started. I was sad because I couldn't edit as much on this wiki. I also had a lot of hard classes to do. So, it was sad. But, I did have something else to be excited about later. I am closing in on my first year on this wiki. In one year, I have corralled over 3500 edits, 2300 on mainspace. I have made lots of friends, became a bureaucrat, and learned a lot about the wiki's source coding. I know I'm not the greatest editor (that would be Someone456), but I still appreciate all the staff promotion I have gotten. I thank everyone for an awesome year at this wiki.

Year 2

We began my second year of this wiki on September 1st. This user, Natnew, was removing a mini-game on a page repeatedly. I actually thought he was wrong, but believe it or not, he was right. (Well, that was kinda embarrassing.) Whatever though. I got a lot of homework for school, so I couldn't edit as much on this wiki or play PvZ2 as much. I did however, add a best friends list (SO456 and A plant). I also helped make the idea of Featured Users possible. The first one was SO456. I added it to the main page and adapted the rest of the wiki for this monumental change. Ziad Wahba asked for rollback, but no one said yes. His edits were too bad.

A plant became Chat Mod (or Plant Mod as he said), but not much else happened. School was really taking a toll on my activity here, and I lost my day streak on October 1st :(. But, I got 4,000 total edits! Also, my birthday was fast approaching, the second birthday I would celebrate on this wiki. In October not much happened. A plant got promoted to admin. Lawn Defender asked for rollback twice, but nobody said yes because his edits were too bad. He always asked, "What is wrong with my edits?" and we kept telling them and he didn't change them. The only reason MH said yes is because he said Lawn Defender needed and extra incentive to edit well, which I don't believe is true.

Also, there was a Halloween contest coming up, which I though was fun. I hope we can do that. But, we didn't so whatever. On Thanksgiving (November 28) I got my 2500th mainspace edit and my 500th plant edit, two new badges. That was good, but I was still in 5th. I probably won't move up in the ranks for a while. Lawn Defender again asked for rollback, but I had no idea why people were saying yes this time around. He was still making tons of bad, unnecessary edits. But I can't change it if he becomes rollback, so whatever. But he is, and I will still revert his edits if they are bad. We also got our 10,000th photo on the wiki, which is cool. Christmas was coming around and where I live it was snowing a lot. I realized that some people on this wiki may have never seen snow before. I also played basketball in the winter to stay active.

Allright, it is 2014 now. Not much happened except me losing my day streak a lot. On the 15th Brainulator9 made an accidental change that changed the wiki font for a while. The heading font turned into some stupid, lame font that made the wiki look like an immature joke. So I did some code and fixed it after a while. Then we started a vote as to whether it would stay. It was looking pretty even but this is a serious, informational wiki. Do you see Wikipedia with a "fun font"? I don't know, I just think it looks too Angry-Birds-y (not my idea, somebody else said that). It was looking like it may stay, but every vote for the good side was helpful.

The new font got turned down, thankfully. And WinterMagnet got promoted to rollback. Everyone said yes, as they should have. He would be chatmod soon. Lots of people were becoming a rollback, like Electricstorm1 and Ron92003. That is good for the wiki because we need a few more staffs. A lot of people are leaving, though. But it's good to see hardworking editors getting promoted. Also, my basketball season ended on February 23, so I could be much more active. Now I was just looking forward to June, when school ends and I get a little more active!

However, there were still a few months until June happened. It is still very cold up here! But something bad happened, and this dispute may have tore the wiki apart. I didn't have all the details, but some users vandalized on another wiki and the staffs had different views about their punishments. Then things spiraled and some users (predominantly WinterMagnet) outbursted and were mean to other users. I was not happy, nor were Brainulator9 or Starfruity. Something had to be done, so Starfruity created a forum thread about it. Many people voiced their opinions, but it was clear that bad things were ahead. (Note: You may notice that I'm being a bit dramatic about things. That's just me, don't mind it.)

Continued, WM43 apologized, as did everyone except WinterMagnet. A vote occured on who should be blocked and what the punishment would be. I decided to block WinterMagnet for three days (although it should be a little more in my opinion) and demoted for a week. Sometimes, however, I find demotion a little useless, it's really the symbolism of losing your powers. As long as you get them back I think the worst part is just knowing you've done something bad. So then, WMag issued an apology. It was sincere, and I was proud that he fessed up and apologized. I think it's still bad, but as MH put it in WMag's blog, people make mistakes and you must keep moving.

Finally it ended. Everyone fessed up, apologized and everyone was OK. In April Featured User voting, it was good because everyone voted for me! I was excited. At the time that I voted the only non-PvZBeast234 vote was me voting for Brainulator! It would be so cool to be featured user. On May 1st I left for an indefinite amount of time. I would like to thank all the great users for giving me the opportunity to help this wiki, and by helping it themselves. I may come back but I need a break, since it is getting boring around here. I never play PvZ anymore so I decided to leave. But this is my history of my 1 1/2 years here so I hope you liked it.