User:Winter melon 10

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"The adventure." names

  1. Blaze06h
  2. lamarepeater                                                       
  3. IMCR8Z
  4. Dragonfruit21

About Winter melon 10

Hi,i'm winter melon 10.My name is almost the same as  Wintermelon43.Here's my facebook page.I REEEAAAALLLLLYYYYY like Winter Melon.Alot.

Winter Melon2.png
Winter melon 10 – The Winter melon that LOLs alot.
TALK CONTRIBS BLOG – Highlight every thing i write LOL
My 1st wordbubble!
Winter Melon2.png This user is crazy for Winter Melons
Torchwood2.png This user likes Torchwood.
Pea Pod2.png This user likes Pea Pod
FirePeashooter watering.gif
Winter melon 10 – -warms up- highlight everything i say XD
TALK CONTRIBS BLOG – ah~~ sooo warm~~ ~/\~
My 2nd wordbubble!

Warm Version~~

Best friends

lamarepeater:Met him on The Lawn.Most of my friends are met from The Lawn.He even thought me how to make a wordbubble!

IMCR8Z:Met him on The Lawn too.Sometimes we joke together and laugh together.

The Zombie O.O:Also The Lawn.He's so cool!

Blaze06h:Met him on his thread.His wordbubble pic is sooo funny!

PrincessKitty:Same as the first three.Sometimes she sings songs and sometimes she AFKs.

PvZ2:IAT Plants rating(Under construction)

Peashooter 5/10:Useful at the start,but gets more useless as stronger plants get in.But i think its PF is cool with Torchwood's PF.   :P

Sunflower 8/10:So useful everywhere till the Twins come in.The main source of energy.

Potato Mine 10/10:It is sooo useful when you are building up Sunflowers.

Wall-nut 7/10:Can block zombies at the start till Tall-nut and Infi-nut butts in.


Cabbage-pult 7/10:Extremely useful in Ancient Egypt because it can fire over Tombstones.

Bloomerang 7/10:Useful in Ancient Egypt till the Far Future update.

Iceberg lettuce 9/10:Useful for freezing zombies,espesialy Gargantuars.

Grave buster 10/10:Extremly useful in Ancient Egypt because it can bust graves.

Twin sunflower 10/10:More useful than the Sunflower because it gives 2 times the sun.Even more useful in  Endless zones.

Bonk choy 8/10:Great plant.Good combo if paired with Wall-nut/Tall-nut/Infi-nut.

Repeater 5/10:Better than peashooter.Its plant food upgrade is beter than peashooter's.


Kernel-pult 7/10:Better than Cabbage-pult because it can launch Butter to paralyze zombies.

Snapdragon 8/10:

Power-ups rating(including chinese version)

Power pinch(before 1.7) 3/10:Too hard to use.Waaaay too hard to use.Lukily it was removed.

Power snow(after 1.7) 11/10(LOL):Too good to be true.It's damage is high+It slows down zombies.

Power toss 6/10:Good to use but needs to swipe 2 times to toss a zombie.

Power zap 9/10:Good for zapping Gargantuars and zombies when they are close to the house.

Power flame idk/10:i haven't used it yet. :P

Nuclear Cucumber 20/10(I'm a maniac! XD):DESTROYS A WHOLE FIELD OF ZOMBIES YEAH BABY!!!!



Here's where i store the stuff i see on the wiki or the internet that's funny.



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