User blog:GamesterD/Plants Vs. Zombies 2 Saga:Far Future

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Blah, blah, blah, link to first story, blah, blah, blah, link to Lily's GW saga . Read happily.


  • In the Far Future, a sphere shocks into the futuristic ground spitting out Dr. Zomboss holding an unconsious Peashooter and Sunflower*

Dr. Zomboss:*Land like a boss*Heh, heh, heh! I have captured plants! Now I shall put them in captivity and experiment on them with sodium chloride, potassium nitrogen, and poisones H2O!

  • Nearby Future Zombie explodes*

Dr. Zomboss:Stupid zombie, exploded due to too many smart stuff.

Dr. Zomboss:No matter, now it is time to put these horrible plants into my A.P.P.J.U.J!

  • Another nearby Future Zombie explodes*

Dr. Zomboss :Sigh, well A.P.P.J.U.J stands for Anit.Plant.Protection.Jail.Undefying.Jail!

  • 3 other zombies explode*

Dr. Zomboss:*Twitches an eye*No matter, time to put these plants in.*Drops the two plants inside awakening both of them*

Peashooter:*Wakes up*Huh! Zomboss! You won't get away with this!

Dr. Zomboss:Actually, this is anti plant proof, so you'll have wait till torcherous expirements to get out.


Dr. Zomboss:Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!*Walks out of the room*Nobody in the world can save those plants.

  • But about 473 years ago from that time...*


Crazy Dave:*Picking his nose*Grabba Glooboo Ricke Wappa Co.*Translation:I just wanna have my taco.*

Wall-nut:Sigh, Dave, you are so stupid sometimes.

Potato Mine:Penny, when are we going to the Future?

Penny:Shortly mister potato, shortly.

Potato Mine:MISTER POTATO?!!?

Penny:Transmition to the Far Future will begin, right now.*Penny blast through the time stream out of the Wild West*

  • In the Far Future*

Peashooter:Sunflower, give me the next hammer.

Sunflower:Sure.*Gives a hammer to Peashooter who swings it at the bar only for the hammer to be broken in half*

Peashooter:*Looks at the hammer*That doesn't work. *Tosses the hammer into a 12 piles of freshly broken mallets*

Sunflower:Peashooter, do you happen to have an idea? I have a good one.

Peashooter:No, do you really have one?

Sunflower:*Grins*Oh, yeah I do.*Points to the floor*Zomboss said the cell for plant proof. He didn't say anything about the floor.

Peashooter:Sunflower, your a genius! Now lets go hammer this floor.

  • Exactly 36 seconds later...*

Dr. Zomboss:*Comes into the room with a cup of coffie*Good luck with that robot parrot you're working on Pirate Captain, now let's check the...*sees the empty cell*WTF? How did the plants escape. For my calculations, they are not in geological center into the sewer.*Notices nearby Future Zombie doesn't explode*And you must be smart eh?

Future Zombie:*Gets a gun from his pocket and shoots himself*

Dr. Zomboss:Sigh. After this is over, I gotta teach these stupid zombies about science. As I said, they are not unerground.

  • Meanwhile, underground...*

Peashooter:*shoveling*Keep going Sunflower.

Sunflower:*Also shoveling*I am Peashooter.

  • 12 feet aboverground...*

Future Zombie:Howz the weather?

Shield Zombie :Cloudy with a chance of ztime travelling cars.

Future Zombie:What?*Gets crushed by Penny*

Shield Zombie:Zee? Now, I'm going to get a cup of Zoffie*Rolls away*

Penny:We have arrived at the Far Future.

Wall-nut:*Runs out quickly with Potato Mine close behind*We're coming for you Peashooter and Sunflower!

Potato Mine:Yeah! And nothings going to stop us!*Slams into a Robo-Cone Zombie*Except for that.

  • 34 feet away from those three...*

Peashooter:*Pops up from a sewer drain along with Sunflower*Yes, we escaped, now all we need to do is walk past these zombies unoticed and get rescued by Penny. What can possibly go wrong?

  • A huge wave of zombies suddenly rush towards the sewer so suddenly*

Sunflower:I suggest we go.

Peashooter:Yep*Goes back into the sewer with zombies close behind*

Sunflower:Peashooter, I see a toilet. And there's some kind of bean up there.

Peashooter:I'm not getting ambushed by poop!*Looks back to see an army of zombies close by*On second thought, I'll settle with waster.

Sunflower:Well, come on! Hold my leaf.*Grabs Peashooter's leaf and climbs up the toilet.

  • In that very bathroom...*

???:*Does his buisness*That felt good. Now off to my rebellion plan.*Jumps off the toliet only to see Peashooter and Sunflower climb out with poop covered on them*What the heck? Who are you plants? Stalk-ers? None shall stalk Laser Bean.

Peashooter:Actually, you might wanna take care of those zombies in the toilet.

Laser Bean:Meh.*Fires a laser in toilet decapitating all the zombies*Anyway, who are you?

Sunflower:I'm Sunflower and he's Peashooter. We come in peace and the toilet.

Laser Bean:Well, you're not going out like that. BLOVER! Blow all this buissness off.

Blover:*Comes into the door*Yes, I will blow off the poop and Peashooter and Sunflower.

Laser Bean:Wait, how did you know their names? Are you also a stalk-er?

Sunflower:*Gets hit by wind that blows all of her and Peashooter's poop off*No, we knew each other before he got sucked into a portal. Who else came with you?

Blover:Only Starfruit, but the others are OK. There's Citron, E.M. Peach, Infi-nut, Magnifyin Grass, and Tile Turnip.

Peashooter:Makes sense, but lets find Wall-nut and Potato Mine so we can get out of he...*Looks at the toilet to see Wall-nut and Potato Mine pop out*How did you find us?

Potato Mine:Dude, you were 34 feet away from us.


Laser Bean:Sorry, I think a blew it up.

Magnifying Grass:Thats 4th time this day.

Infi-nut:*Makes beeping sounds that sound out"When are we going out?"*

Laser Bean:We go out now.*Walks out of the bathroom with the plants in and out of the restroom*

Peashooter:Also, whats with the rebellion?

Starfruit:Zomboss actually managed to take over Suburbia in the future. It's up to us to stop it.

Peashooter:Umm, OK, but how did he do that?

Citron:We prefer not to be asked that.

Wall-nut:*Looks outside*Ummm...

E.M.Peach:However, we can defeat Zomboss if we work together.

Wall-nut:Guys, we're dead.

Laser Bean:What are you talking abou...*Sees a huge wave of zombies in the building*No problemo. *Eats Plant Food and obliterates all of the zombies*

Wall-nut and Potato Mine:GAWK!

Tile Turnip:Everybody says that at first.

Sunflower:Anyway, lets get out of here.

Tile Turnip:Yes, but first, lets press this random button I found.

Peashooter:Wait, what, NOOO!*Tile Turnip presses the button only for nothing to happen*Huh, guess we got luck...*Sees giant flying mech attatching to some random legs*Of course this happens.

Dr. Zomboss:Yes, you may have escaped the A.P.P.J.U.J, but you'll be destroyed by the Zombot Tommorow Tron which sounds lame.*Fires a missile that the plants barely manage to dodge.

Laser Bean:OK, die!*Shoots a laser only for the laser to be tinkered off*Gulp, time for plan B.

Citron:Do we have one?

Laser Bean:NO!

Dr. Zomboss:Hah, hah, hah! You're loss.*Summons a Gargantuar Prime*Gargantuar Prime, destroy those plants!

Gargantuar Prime:Beep, beep, destroy all plants, beep.

E.M.Peach:Oh, please.*E.M.Ps the area deactivating the Gargantuar Prime and stunning Zomboss*There, but we have to act fast.

Laser Bean:Actually, I think I have a plan C.

Potato Mine:Than do it.

Laser Bean:K. Step 1:Get the Gargantuar Prime remains.*Peashooter comes with the poles, head, and feet*Good. Step 2:Rebuild it to make a cannon.*E.M.Peach and Infi-nut make it in 5 seconds*Good.

Dr. Zomboss:*Reactivates the zombot*Fools!*Fires another missle*

Wall-nut:I'll hold him off.

Infi-nut:*Beeps and rushes off to guard with Wall-nut*

Laser Bean:Step 3:Find something not here or there to push the trigger with.

Magnifying Grass:Oh, that's easy*Rips off the last 2 letters of this saga to push the trigger with*

Laser Bean:Cool. Anyway, Step 4:Put Tile Turnip in the cannon.

Tile Turnip:What?*Get's shoved in the cannon by Starfruit*

Peashooter:Step 5 is firing the cannon I'm guessing.

Laser Bean:With Blover's wind added, your correct. Hey, nuts, come back here.*Wall-nut and Infi-nut come back baddly bruised*FIRE!*Magnifying Grass firsed the cannon and Blover mkes wind so Tile Turnip will hit*

Dr. Zomboss:NOOOOOO!*Gets hit by Tile Turnip*

Sunflower:Finally, we have beaten Zomoss, all we have to do is cuff him and put him in jail.*Parrot suddenly appears kidnapping Wall-nut and Potato Mine carrying them into a UFO nearby*WTF?

Dr. Zomboss:*Holds up a walkie talkie*Ahh, so you finished your bionic bird Pirate Captain?

Pirate Captain Zombie:*Through the walkie talkie*Arr and ey, yes matey.

Dr. Zomboss:Good for you, ZOMBIE, is my escape UFO ready.

Zombie:*From the walkie talkie*Yes sir, transmition coming.*UFO beams up Zomboss then blasts away*

Peashooter:Well, we'll be back for you Wall-nut and Potato Mine.

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