User blog:GamesterD/PvZH Saga Issue 3: Junkyard Ambush

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I feel like I should be posting links on my user page instead of here. Ah whethever, I put them their anyway. Go read the first PvZH Saga here. GW2 sagas are here. PvZ2 belongs to here.


  • The Junkyard, Suburbia*

Zombie #75823578439507245894230758239769: *Walking at the junkyard* Hey Trash Can, where are you?

Trash Can Zombie: *Pops out of a garbage pile*Yeah, what up?

Zombie #75823578439507245894230758239769: I'm going to need some brain food. I'm starving now.

Trash Can Zombie: Oh sure, just go get a zombuck and insert it to the vending machine. I'm warning you though. It's been acting strange.

Zombie #75823578439507245894230758239769: Thanks for the warning. *Walks into the vending machine*Why is this glowing? Ah well, one brain food to come!


Zombie #75823578439507245894230758239769: *Looks behind him to see a Carotillery, some Peashooters, and some Cabbage-pults*What did I do?!!?

Carrotillery: You are seen buying illegal brain food. We have official permission to get rid of you and that glowing machine.

Zombie #75823578439507245894230758239769: But...

Carrotillery: FIRE!*All the Peashooters and Cabbage-pults start firing at the zombie*

Zombie #75823578439507245894230758239769: *Gets hit by a pea*OW! Hey!*Gets blown back by a carrot*OOFF!

Cabbage-Pult: We got him! Fire at the machine!*All the plants direct attacks at the machine*

Zombie #75823578439507245894230758239769: MY FOOD!*Touches the machine as it explodes*

Carrotillery: That zombie was such an idiot. If only they valued their lives instead of foo...*Gets hit by a ray that shrinks him*What the...*Gets crushed by a metallic foot*

Zombie #75823578439507245894230758239769: *Moans from the wreckage and gets up*What happened?*Looks at his hand only to find armor*Huh?

Random Peashooter Fighter: *Whispers to a Cabbage-Pult* Isn't that one of those "Heroes" our leaders mentioned?

Cabbage-Pult: I have no idea?

Zombie #75823578439507245894230758239769: *Checks the nearest mirror and sees himself in armor*Whoa, this is straight out awesome! What can I do...*Sees an orange stain on his shoe*Oh...

Cabbage-Pult: We are so dead.

Zombie #75823578439507245894230758239769: *Whips out a spatula and starts whacking the plants with them*COME AND GET ME!!!

  • Plant HQ, Surburbia*

Green Shadow: So your telling me that this plant has Sunflower's wand from another adventure.

Sunflower: That's the short of the long of it.

Rose: Well I have made some modifications to this wand. It should work much better than ever.

Sunflower: Well you can keep it. You know magic well don't you?

Rose: Yes I do. I came from the Dark Ages and had a vision.

Peashooter: A vision?

Rose: I had a vision about the future of this world. The vision was fuzzy but I could make up Surburbia being taken over by the zombies.

Spudow: *Laughing*That would never happen! We have the city all over control.

Rose: Well, this will be fallen by a metallic orange zombie. That's all I know for now.

Sunflower: Thank you Rose. Enjoy your time at the present for now. We'll take care of this zombie.

Rose: Well, I'll try to fit in for now. But this zombie cannot be stopped by anything that's in the time.

Crazy Dave: *Walking in eating a taco in a waffle* Grabba Traca Wappa Monkoo Burrkpoo!*Translation: I just finished eating my taco waffle!*

Rose: speak differently.

Wall-Knight: He's our leader but he's really bad at English. So he speaks his own language.

Rose: I can fix that.*Waves her wand at Dave*Speak.

Crazy Dave: Well thank you. I don't think this will work as well as my auntie's pants though.

  • All but Rose are stunned*

Green Shadow: Wu...*sputter*

Solar Flare: Your niece is going to be so shocked to hear this.

Crazy Dave: Oh? Well, I'm going to get Penny to get my taco again.

Peashooter: Please don't...

Crazy Dave: See ya!*Goes to the garage*

Sunflower: Someone stop him.

Grass Knuckles: I got this weak little girls.

Rose: I'm pretending I didn't here that.

Crazy Dave: GAH!!!

  • All the plants go to the garage to see Penny's tire is popped*

Crazy Dave: Who did this?!!?

Peashooter: What happened?

Penny: My tire was popped by this screw.*Shines her light at a screw nearby*And it holds a note.

Wall-Knight: Hmm...*Reads it*"Help, we are being attacked by this orange metallic zombie. We need backup!". Oh no.

Green Shadow: Oh god. We need to stop this from attacking Surburbia. Solar Flare, let's go. I'll get Spudow. Wall-Knight, give Grass Knuckles a tour of the HQ OK?

Wall-Knight: Alright.

Solar Flare: Let's go.

Penny: Wait, I must ask you before you depart. Get me a spare tire at the junkyard.

Green Shadow: We will.

  • Zombie HQ*


Scientist: Yes I did. It appears to be an orange armored zombie who's armor is literally scrap metal.

Dr. Zomboss: Hmm..intresting. This hero ray was a good idea.

Scientist: But sir, about the plants...

Dr. Zomboss: We'll name him Rustbolt. Call him and tell him his new name.

Scientist: Alright sir, but who'll get him?

Dr. Zomboss: I have a special zombie in mind for the recruitment.

  • The Junkyard*

Spudow: Finding the wheel is so easy!

Solar Flare: *Pops out of a tire that is the size of a house*Right, if it's the size of a dumpster, sure.

Green Shadow: *On top of a garbage pile*Stop fooling around, we need to find this zombie.

Spudow: Your not helping with us either.

Green Shadow: One of us has to keep watch.

Solar Flare: *Drops down*Nothing here. Let's move.*A screw flies right at her which she dodges*What the?

Green Shadow: I see you.

Rustbolt: *Walks out of a junk pile*Hello little plants. I'm Rustbolt, prepare eat my spatula.

Spudow: But we don't eat spatula's.*Gets a spatula thrown into his mouth*Mff!

Solar Flare: *Chuckling*Now you do.

Spudow: *Muttering*I hate you.

Rustbolt: Wrong choice!*Fires a toaster*

Green Shadow: *Shoots the toaster down with her pea*At least I'm prepared. *Looks at the other two heroes*Get serious.

Spudow: Alright.

Green Shadow: Good. Now than.*Shoots an oversized pea at Rustbolt*Deal with this.

Rustbolt: Child's play.*A massive ray gun appears on his shoulder and it shoots a beam that shrinks the pea to a rice grain.*

Green Shadow: Ugh. This new hero is quite difficult.

Solar Flare: He's shrinking. What's next, burning? Oh yeah. Burning. FOR YOU!*Turns into her fire mode and launches a fireball at Rustbolt*

Rustbolt: Well, you're getting smarter.*Dodges the fireball only to get hit a potato that explodes on his face*

Spudow: *Regrows his head*Direct hit! Again!*Launches mutliple bombs from his head*

Rustbolt: You got on suprise that last time. But now I'm prepared!*Shrinks all the bombs which do no damage to Rustbolt whatsover*

Spudow: YA!!!!!!!!!!!*Keeps tossing his head*

Green Shadow: Stop it Spudow. That's not going to work anymore.

Spudow: *Stops throwing a bomb midway and puts his bomb back on himself*You're right. I should eat. *Walks away from the junkyard*

Solar Flare: Are you kidding?

Green Shadow: Pay attention!*Begins shooting peas at Rustbolt*

Solar Flare: Yeep!*Fires a heat ray that collides with the shrink ray*

Rustbolt: *Handling both at once*Heh, my secret weapon is ready.*Holds out a spray can*This was normally a Weed Spray, but I upgraded it to kill anything! Now it's time to use it on you.

Solar Flare: My flames will just make it explode. You're so stupid.

Rustbolt: Your thinking about fart! Now perish!*Sprays at the plant only for the air to explode knocking Rustbolt to a crane*Ugh...*Get's lifted up on the magnet*What the...*Looks behind him to see Spudow in the crane operating it.

Spudow: Catcha by suprise! Also I had to pass gas earlier.

Solar Flare: I think we had enough fart jokes today. So what do we do with this guy. Vanquish him?

Green Shadow: He'll respawn back. Best to keep him like this. Now we just have to find a wheel.

Spudow: *Gets out of the crane and pulls out a perfectly good wheel*Like this?

Green Shadow: Yes and...wait, when did you find that?

Spudow: I used the same wheel from earlier and shrunk it with that guy's shrink ray while I was throwing bombs at him.

Solar Flare: Well it's mission accomplished so let's go!

  • Plant HQ*

Rose: Dave seems to be happy with his car's new tire. He's going to have to test it out though.

Peashooter: Hopefully it fails.

Green Shadow: Anyway, we managed to detain this orange machine zombie. Our world it saved.

Grass Knuckles: Still suprised you weaklings minus Spudow were able to beat that guy.

Solar Flare: *Glares at Grass Knuckles*So anyway, we're safe right?

Rose: I doubt it. You said this zombie was just a normal zombie. Correct?

Green Shadow: Yes. So...

Rose: That was not the zombie I saw suited up.

Peashooter: So...who was it?

Rose: I believe it was...

  • Back at the Junkyard*

???: *Near Rustbolt*...Imp!

Rustbolt: So...why are you here?

Imp: To rescue you and escort you to Zomboss. Now stand still. *Makes a phone call* This will be fun.*Grins evily as something drops from the sky*


  • This saga has the longest construction time of all saga's due to laziness.
  • The ending hints an issue that's NOT next issue.
  • The fact sprays can turn into flamethrowers were partly mentioned but mistaken as a use of a bomb.
  • All the plants attacking Rustbolt before "herofication" are from the comics.