User blog:GamesterD/PvZH Saga Issue 6: KO at the OK Arcade

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If you haven't started, read the first PvZH Saga here. GW2 sagas are here. PvZ2 belongs to here. PvZH and PvZ2 links are in my userpage. Sorry, too lazy to post them here. However, I do plan on doing another saga next week. And it ain't PvZH.


  • Ocean KaleArcade, Surbubia*

Solar Flare: *Playing Plant Fighters with Green Shadow* Sudooken!

Green Shadow: *Loses the game*Dammit! You're so good at this game. Gosh you beat me in every game.

Solar Flare: I know right! I'm awesome!

Wall-Nut: Let me rejuvinate you Green Shadow. Let's play a nice game of Crazy Kart.

Green Shadow: Thanks but I'm good.

Cactus: Jeez, take your reward wisely. You earned it after defeating that mech a few weeks ago.

Solar Flare: *Laughs nervously*I didn't help much.

Wall-Nut: We just took you since you had a bad time respawning. Grass Knuckles and Citron are doing their own thing now.

Solar Flare: Guys wait. The Bean Counter is speaking.

  • At the front of the arcade is a Bean Counter with a microphone*

Bean Counter: ...134, 135, 136! OK, we got everyone. PLANTS AND ZOMBIES! Welcome to the beginning of the 2 annual Video Game Competition. Whoever wins get's a lifetime supply of either fertilizer or brains!*Cheering occurs*Oh and no Tile Turnip and Arcade Zombie as they won last time.

Tile Turnip and Arcade Zombie: Ahh man!!!

Bean Counter: Too bad, Crazy Dave and Dr. Zomboss actually agreed together for once. Course from internet as physical contact would cause mayhem. Anyway, tomorrow you will come with teams of 3 to compete in the Video Game Competition. Last Team standing wins!*Cheering occurs again*Thank you and have a nice day*Notices Tile Turnip and Aracde Zombie are missing*Wait, we're missing two of our gamers. COME BACK!

Solar Flare: This is exciting! We can win and get so much food!

Peashooter: *Comes from the bathroom with a newspaper*Sorry, but I have a feeling the zombies will interfere with you.

Wall-Nut: True as Zomboss is unfair a lot. But we must stop the zombies from gaining brains so they won't go hyper.

Peashooter: True, so Solar Flare is my best bet as team leader for this time.

Solar Flare: Ah yeah baby! And who are my to other partners.

Peashooter: Wall-Nut and Cactus will support you.

Wall-Nut: We will? But...why me? I can understand Cactus as she was stuck in the Neon Mixtape Tour for a while but I don't understand myself.

Cactus: This is the reason.*Pulls out a radio that blasts out the 8-Bit Jam*

Wall-Nut: So?*Notices he is dancing*OK, you might have a point.

Cactus: Good.*Smashes the radio into a bunch of pieces*I hated that jam. So let's go tomorrow.

Solar Flare: Got it!

  • Zombie HQ, Z-Tech HQ*

Dr. Zomboss: *Peeking towards a telescope*So, the 2nd annual Video Gaming competition is on. Well, I know which group just to pick!*Notices all the zombies are eating the video game controllers*Err...*Pulls a lever revealing a giant wheel with a Zombie strapped on it*SPIN TO WIN!

Zombie #57489204572089443920: Lord Zomboss, are you sure this is a good ide...

Dr. Zomboss: SHUT UP!*Spins the wheel than throws 3 darts at the wheel all which hit the zombie's head*So, heroes it is.*Presses a button that summons a pipe which pulls out Super Brainz and Impfinity*

Super Brainz: *Holding a mirror*Zomboss, you neary ruined my hair.

Dr. Zomboss: I don't care! You have time for video gaming tomorrow?

Super Brainz: Super Brainz has time for everything!

Impfinity: I have impfinite time!*Insert cricket sound here*

Dr. Zomboss: Well you better train up. Cause I have a special teacher for you.*A zombie with glasses and gizmos comes behind him*And he's as strong as you.

???: Pleasure to meet you fellow heroes. Now, let's get on with gaming lesson 1.

  • The next day...*

Bean Counter: Alright, we got Team Flora-Nut against Team Phat Shroom!

  • Team Phat Shroom(Made by Phat Beet, Spore-shroom, and Fume-shroom) come against Team Flora-Nut(Solar Flare, Cactus, and Wall-Nut) at an arcade machine*

Spore-shroom: Let's do this team.

Fume-shroom: I never wanted to do this you know.

Phat Beet: Zzzzz...

Spore-shroom: I should've gotton a better team.*Stares at Solar Flare*You are going down!

Solar Flare: We'll see about that.

Spore-shroom: My team will pound you. WE ARE FROM NEON MIXTAPE TOUR! Except Fume-shroom, but he's good. But prepare for doom!

  • 12 seconds later...*

Solar Flare: *Standing on a shocked Spore-shroom*Git 1 v 3'd nOOb.

Bean Counter: Well Team Flora-Nut is the winner! Next up, Team Smart Zombies vs. Team Dumb Zombies.*Super Brainz and Impfinity come from one side while 3 Jurassic Bullys come from the other*

Jurassic Bully #2451345: What are we doing again?

Bean Counter: Wait, where is your 3rd member Team Smart Zombies?

Super Brainz: He's in the bathroom.

Bean Counter: Well, he's disqualified but you'll carry on your team.

Impfinity: *Giggling*OK! *Goes to an aracde machine and starts to beat up all the Jurassic Bully's characters in the game*DONE!

Bean Counter: And 2/3rds of Team Smart Zombies are the winner! Next up...

Impfinity: *Speaking with a speaker*We did it boss. You taught us well!

???: *In the bathroom*Good. You must defeat all enemies. However, if you're in the verge of loss, I shall assist you.

Impfinity: OK!*Leaves the stage not noticing something dark is near where he was but in the shadows*

???: So this is a hero eh. I should probably stand back for now and watch.*Disappears*

  • 2 hours later...*

Bean Counter: Plants and Zombies, we have our finalists! Team Flora-Nut and Team Smart Zombies! Please teams, come to this stage.

  • Both teams go up toward Bean Counter*

Bean Counter: Alright, this battle will be different. The two non-leaders will face the other...err...*Sees Impfinity clones himself once*...two non-leaders. Battle in FINAL PLANTASY!

Cactus: Jeez, this is just Imps.

Impfinity: Good luck!*Giggles*

Bean Counter: BEGIN!

Wall-Nut: *Presses button*Get ready to eat my Grass Beam!

Impfinity: He he he!*His clone presses another button causing the character he is using to fire a giant laser taking out half of both Wall-Nut and Cactus' avatar's health*

Cactus: Gosh, how are they doing this? I'll end one of you.*Presses a button causing her avatar to shoot thousands of needles immediately killing the clone's avatar.*

Impfinity: I'm still in!*Fires another laser taking both Wall-Nut and Cactus' avatars out*I WIN!

Cactus: GOSH DAMMIT!*Looks at Solar Flare*You're our only hope now.

Solar Flare: I got this.

Super Brainz: You must get through my amazing hair do and sidekick Imp to claim victory plant!

Bean Counter: Alright, our final round will be a 2-1. And why not finish it in Virtual Mortal Zombat!

Solar Flare: Oh this should be fun!*Puts on a helmet teleporting her in a giant screen*

Super Brainz: This should be fun. *Both Impfinity and Super Brainz put on a the same helmet teleporting them to the same screen*

Bean Counter: FIGHT!

Impfinity: CLONE TIME!*Clones himself 1,000,000,000 times*

Solar Flare: I ain't falling towards you again.*Summons a mini sun melting all the clones*

Impfinity: Wha...well I'll just...*Get's a fireball on his belt preventing him from cloning*Oh poop.

Super Brainz: *Get's in front of Impfinity*You'll have to go through me to beat my sidekick.

Solar Flare: Oh you little...*Summons a giant weed and proceeds to use it as a whip*

Super Brainz: SUPER STENCH!*Breathes bad breath destroying the weed*

Solar Flare: Ugh...*Turns into fire mode and charges at Super Brainz*

Super Brainz: YOU'RE GOING CARRIED AWAY!*Grabs a box and smashes it at Solar Flare which does nothing*

Solar Flare: Hah! Do you think a box is gonna do anything?*The box breaks revealing a thousand Impfinity Clones inside there*WHAT THE...

Impfinity Clone #568: Git her!*All the clones begin to beat up Solar Flare*

Solar Flare: NO!!!!!!!!!!*Her health depletes to zero putting her back to real life along with the other zombies*

Bean Counter: And the winner is Team Smart Zombies!*Zombies begin to cheer*

Cactus: Dammit. Peashooter is not going to be happy.

Wall-Nut: Nope.

Solar Flare: *Glares at Impfinity who is struggling to carry a trophy full of brains*HOW DID YOUR BELT NOT DISABLE YOUR CLONING?!!?

Impfinity: didn't hit is well?*Get's grabbed by a giant weed*

Solar Flare: THERE IS NO WAY I COULD'VE NOT BROKE THAT! TELL ME OR I BURN THIS PLACE!*Get's hit by a ray that knock her unconcious*

Cactus: What the...*Turns around to see a zombie with gadjets holding a ray gun*Who are you?

???: I am Professor Brainstorm. A splendid hero. I have stopped another hero and have assisted in having my team winning.

Wall-Nut: So you were that missing 3rd member.

Professor Brainstorm: Indeed nut. And now...*Impfinity puts all the brains in a giant machine behind him* ALL HUMANS WILL BECOME BRAINS WITH MY BRAIN POWERED BRAINIFICATION 2000!

Cactus: Brainifi...STOP HIM!*All the plants begin to attack the machine*

Professor Brainstorm: Too easy.*Presses a button that unleashes an electrical shock defeating every single plant*

Wall-Nut: *Groaning*Stop...him!

Professor Brainstorm: I believe zombies win!*Presses the button on the Brainification 2000 only for it to not work*Huh? I'm pretty sure this worked.*Notices a mushroom inside*Oh I see.*Swats it away*Get off! And now...*Tries to press the button only to be hit by a mushroom like bomb*Augh!

Cactus: What the...*A strange figure throws the same bombs at all the zombies knocking them unconcious than throws another at the machine blowing it up*Who is this?*The figure summons a tornado tossing all the plants and zombies outside*

???: Easier than that Prime.*"Kicks" all the zombies away to Zombie HQ*

Cactus: Who are you?

???: *Looks at Cactus*Best not to know for now*Teleports away*

The End


  • The reason why Wall-Nut and Cactus were in this saga was for two reasons. One was because of the first comic strip, the other being a certain part of the NMT Saga.
  • All the games are puns of plants/zombies and other games or seen in the comics.
  • All attacks used by Solar Flare, Super Brainz, and Professor Brainstorm are their superpowers.
  • The "mysterious" plant will remain mysterious for a while.