User blog:GamesterD/PvZH Saga Issue 7: Attack of the Tentacles

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I plan on doing two sagas per month. If you haven't started, read the first PvZH Saga here. GW2 sagas are here. PvZ2 belongs to here. PvZH and PvZ2 links are in my userpage. Sorry, too lazy to post them here.


  • Florethia Beach, Suburbia*

Solar Flare: BALL!*Throws a volley ball over a net with Chompzilla at the end of it*

Chompzilla: *The ball bumps on her falling into Solar Flare's side*Nice try.

Solar Flare: *Holds the ball up*You have the size advantage. That's unfair.

Chompzilla: *Points at Grass Knuckles who is next to Solar Flare*You have that thing.

Grass Knuckles: Don't insult me lady.*Grabs the ball from Solar Flare's hand and punches it through the net passing through Chompzilla*That's a point for us!

Solar Flare: You were supposed to hit it above. Not through.

Grass Knuckles:'re lying right?

Peashooter: *Pokes his head out of the sand*Nope, that's the rules.

Grass Knuckles: *Sighs*Fine. You win.

Chomper: *Pokes out of the ground with a chest in his mouth*Hey guys! I found a treasure chest!

Solar Flare: Nice. *Volleys the ball to Chompzilla*

Peashooter: *Pulls himself out of the sand*Well, you guys stay here and play volleyball. We'll go search for those 2 last heroes.

Solar Flare: Didn't we find 1 of them.

Chomper: He vanished you know. We'll track him don't worry.

Chompzilla: We trust you. Take care.

  • Exactly 100 yards away...*

???: *Looking through a binocular-like coral at the beach*Those plants stole the sacred octo chest. They will pay. *Notices Chompzilla is eating an octopus*WHAT IS HE DOING!??!*Jumps out of the water with a bowl of water*STOP RIGHT THERE!

Chompzilla: *Looks at the zombie while gulping*What?

Grass Knuckles: GET OUT OF HERE YOU FISH!*Punches the volleyball towards the zombie but it does nothing*

???: ...You can't be serious.*Summons a bunch of octopi*YOU PLANTS WILL PAY FOR EATING OCTO-KID! FOR I AM NEPTUNA! PROTECTER OF OCTOPI!

Solar Flare: Octopi incoming!

Grass Knuckles: S***!!!!!!!

Chompzilla: Don't panic yet. These may not be those octopi.*Get's covered by 10,000 octopi*Nevermind, panic.

Grass Knuckles: AUGH!!!*Starts to punch everything including his teammates*

Solar Flare: That hurt you know.*Goes into fire form and burns all the octopi down*We still have to protect this chest Chomper gave us.

Grass Knuckles: Why is that important again?

Chompzilla: has magical power ups?

Grass Knuckles: *Thinks for a bit and punches an octopus trying to sneak behind him*Yeah I guess so. Where is it?

Chompzilla: *Points at a giant sandcastle*In there.

Solar Flare: Nice. Good place to hide it.

Neptuna: I can hear you.

Solar Flare: Or not.*Burns some more octopi getting launched toward her*

Chompzilla: *Swallows more octopi*Oh why did it have to be octopi?

Grass Knuckles: *Sumo throws an octopi at 10 others*Life clearly hates us.

Solar Flare: *Struggling to keep off some octopi(I swear, I wrote octopi so much in this saga) off her*Yep. *Summons a mini-sun to melt them off.

Chompzilla: Wait, do that again.

Solar Flare: OK, why?

Chompzilla: I can do that too.*Summons her own mini-sun*

Solar Flare: Oh I get it.*Both girls use their mini-suns to burn all the octopi down*We did it!

Neptuna: You little merciless plants. I shall avenge my fallen pets.*Summons a tornado with dolphins*

Grass Knuckles: Watch it weaklings.*Creates a root shield that protects the plants from the tornado*

Random Dolphin: I'm a zombie.

Chompzilla: Shut up.*Eats the dolphin up*Well we need reinforcements.

Solar Flare: I got this.*Concentrates and 2 Button Mushrooms pop out of the floor.

Button Mushroom #3245: What do you want us to do?

Solar Flare: Sick those octopi.

Button Mushroom #2892: OK!*Both mushrooms try to attack the octopi just to be vanquished in seconds*

Grass Knuckles: Oh let me...*Concentrates more and summons a Mirror-Nut*Ah ha! Take that weaklings!

Chompzilla: Sigh.*Concentrates as well and summons a Cornucopia*Beat that.

Solar Flare and Grass Knuckles: WHAT?!!?

Cornucopia: Why am I here? *Summons a Bellflower, Poison Oak, Potato Mine, and Seedling*

Chompzilla: Eh, could've been better.*Points at the octopi*ATTACK!

Bellflower #2894: OK.*Attacks the octopi only to get vanquished as well*

Seedling: I'm just gonna...*Goes behind a tree*

Poison Oak: Sigh. *Begins to poison a couple of zombies*

Potato Mine #28932543: Alright.*Blows up a couple of zombies only to disappear*

Grass Knuckles: There goes that army.

Neptuna: I still have my secret weapon.*Raises her trident and summons 4 Zombot Sharktronic Sub*Go guardian of the seas. Get the plants.

Chompzilla: Wait, didn't that machine get destroyed?

Neptuna: Do you not know the definition of rebuilding?

Solar Flare: Oh you little...destroy that thing!*All the plants attack the zombot but it does nothing*WHAT?!!?

Neptuna: Oh and maybe search up the definition of upgrading.

Seedling: *Pokes around the tree but hides back*Oh gods. I need to help. What to turn, what to turn...*Sees a shadow above*Ah!*Starts to transform*

  • 10 minutes later...*

Chompzilla: *Grabbing two Sharktronic Subs with her vines and starts swinging them around*Go to the junkyard you creeps!

Solar Flare: *Flying around shooting fireballs which Neptuna counters by spraying water*I would not do that.

Grass Knuckles:*Punches through the third Sharktronic Sub*So is that it?

Solar Flare: I guess so.*Does not notice the last Sharktronic Sub is behind her*

Chompzilla: *Notices the Zombot*BEHIND YOU!

Solar Flare: Huh?*Turns around to see the fourth Sharktronic coming at her only for it to be repelled by corn*Huh?

Seedling: I'm here!*Lands on the ground as a corn with corn cobs*Now finish him.

Solar Flare: Right.*The zombot attempts to attack her only for her to summon a giant weed and smacks it down*

Neptuna: What? Well I'll continue to avenge my fellow oct...*Get's captured by a net*WHAT IS THIS?

Chompzilla: *Holding the net with her mouth*I had enough of your octopi. Let's go.

Grass Knuckles: Wait, what about that treasure chest?

Chompzilla: Er...

Grass Knuckles: Time to get some sweet upgrades.*Opens the chest only to find a seashell*WTF IS THIS?!!?

Chompzilla: Oh, I lied. I just wanted you to think this was important so you can stay.

Neptuna: Even though I'm still crossed, nice work dude.

Chompzilla: I'M NOT A DUDE!

Neptuna: *Gulp*

Solar Flare: Time to go...wait, Seedling, who did you transform into?

Seedling: *Back to her normal self*I dunno. I just saw some plant and decided to turn into him.

Solar Flare: Well that plant was not in our data base of plants. He could be a hero. We gotta a lot of things to explain.*All the plants leave the beach with Neptuna on the tow*

The End


  • A pirate zombie with a parrot with a mechanial eye flow onto the beach on a wooden plank. The zombie gets up and notices a treasure chest*

???: Arr...this chest must be for ye.*;Looks into it only to find a seashell*Oh. I know this. Squawk, you know what to do.

Squawk: SQUAWK!*Breaks the shell with it's beak to reveal a scroll*

???: *Grabs the scroll and unrolls it*So this is the way we have to go. This shall be intresting. I, Captain Deadbeard, shall join this Zomboss.

  • Near a tree...*

???: So, this is a zombie hero. No, it must not. I must be hallucinating. He is special though.

Captain Deadbeard: *Squawk notices the plant hiding behind the tree*So, you are there eh?*Grabs his sniper and shoots at the tree*Show ye self!

???: !!!*Does an acrobatc jump over the mountain*

Captain Deadbeard: Drat, ye escaped.*Notices something while zooming where the plant went*Eh?*Turns a little to see Chompzilla with Neptuna in the net*So...those are some heroes. Well I got some information I got to tell our soon to be fellow mateys.


  • Grass Knuckles' reaction to the octopi is a refrence to literally everyone's reaction to Octo Zombie.
    • Additionally, Chompzilla mentioned they may not be the same as the ones they were used to since Octo Zombie is different in this game.
  • Neptuna has 4 Sharktronic Subs cause the AI boss for Attack of the Tentacles has a Sharktronic Sub.
  • There are some more superpowers used by the heroes.
  • The epilouge marks the end of the mystery of the epilouge of Modern Day.