User blog:GamesterD/PvZH Saga Issue 8: Everything's Coming Up Goats

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You should know the drill by now. If you haven't started, read the first PvZH Saga here. GW2 sagas are here. PvZ2 belongs to here. PvZH and PvZ2 links are in my userpage. Sorry, too lazy to post them here.


  • Suburbia. Plant HQ*

Chompzilla: *Drops Neptuna's net towards Rose but does not unwrap it*Here is a zombie hero we caught!

Neptuna: Let me go!

Rose: *Stares at Neptuna for a brief moment*Well...I may know what to do with this hero.*Uses her magic to remove a scale from Neptuna*

Neptuna: OUCH!!!

Rose: Apologies.*Places the scale on a projector*Do any of the plant heroes want to sacrifice a piece of their body for this?

  • Dead Silence*

Rose: Well I guess I have to do this.*Removes her L.E.A.F badge and places with the scale causing a hologram to show up*It worked.

Green Shadow: Wait, what happened?

Rose: Some plants and I worked on a hero tracker to find the rest of the heroes.

Solar Flare: I thought we already had one?

Rose: Yes but someone had to leave pizza everywhere.

Chomper: *Get's stared at*It wasn't me. It was Nate!

Nate Timely:*From a distance*Heard that!

Rose: Anyway, we managed to make a new and improved one, but it would only work successfully if we had an example of each type of hero, plant and zombie.

Peashooter: Great. Let's track the rest of the heroes down.

Solar Flare: Is any one of them a corn?

Rose: *Looks at the hologram with intense concentration before shaking her head*I'm afraid that is not a hero. This plant is quite strong though. The last of our heroes are that mysterious plant you met at the arcade. He is somewhere in the forrest. I can't quite find the last one but we'll get to that later.

Grass Knuckles: I thought it was improved. You guys clearly suck.

Rose: *Rolls her eyes as she looks closely*Zombie heroes are mostly at Zombie HQ. I only sense two outside it including Neptuna. This last Zombie hero is in a graveyard. Who can go get this hero?

Green Shadow: I'll go. I'll take Grass Knuckles.

Grass Knuckles: You'll need it weakling.*Both walk out of the HQ*

Solar Flare: Wait, I'll go with you!

Rose: Not a chance Solar Flare. I chose you to guard Neptuna at my castle.

Peashooter: You have a castle?

Rose: Yes I do.*Switches the hologram to another screen revealing an enormous castle*Our prisoner will be kept here.

Neptuna: I will not be kept prisoner of you little...

Rose: *Points her wand toward Neptuna*Oh cool down.*Unleashes a blast that freezes Neptuna's body in place of her tank*

Neptuna: Can't...move....

Rose: Anyway, Solar Flare, you must defend her at all costs. The zombies will be wanting her back. Citron will help you.

Solar Flare: He will?

Citron: *Rolls into the scene*Yes I will!

Peashooter: Good. We're counting on you.

Solar Flare: *Smiles*We will not fail*Solar Flare, Citron, and a partially frozen Neptuna disappear in a pink flash*

Peashooter: I know we'll do this.*Turns around not noticing a parrot with a mechanical eye behind him*

Squawk: *Looking at the plants one by one and than the hologram before flying away*

  • Zombie HQ, Z-Tech HQ*

Captain Deadbeard: *Looking in a screen with Zomboss and a Gadget Scientist*This good information?

Dr. Zomboss: You have helped a lot. Pirate Captain did say you were amazing.

Captain Deadbeard: Ye am. Also Squawk is amazing as well.

Dr. Zomboss: Your in the army. I'll assign you to take over Rose's Castle with two other heroes. *Whispers to the Gadget Scientist*Go get Super Brainz and The Smash.

Gadget Scientist: Yes sir.*Rushes off somewhere*

Dr. Zomboss: *Looks toward Deadbeard*You better do good you no.

Captain Deadbeard: Don't worry. Ye got a few trick in ye sleves.

  • Rose' Castle, A Very Far Away Place*

Solar Flare: *Sleeping on Neptuna*Why oh why did I have to be guarding this frozen fish.

Neptuna: You know I can paralyze you for that.

Citron: Shut up lady. We can easily take you down if we wanted to. Now shut up.

Neptuna: Alright.*The two other heroes leave*Gosh, prisoner of war sure is painful*Notices something coming towards the rescue and thinks to herself*Is that a rescue crew? How do they know?

  • Very nearby...*

Super Brainz: *Flying towards the castle carrying The Smash who is holding a ton of zombies including Captain Deadbeard*Fellow hero, we will rescue you!

The Smash: Me think you should not say that now.

Mini-Ninja #234: Will we meet that ninja plant. That'd be nice.

Swashbuckler Zombie #23589: Doubtfully matey. I'm just glad to have Captain Deadbeard back.

Captain Deadbeard: It's certainly good to be back matey. *The zombies arrive at the gate of the castle*Now how do ye break through ye gate.

The Smash: Easy. *Taps on the gate nd it immediatlly explodes*Done.

Arm Wrestler #8924: You just...with a touch?

The Smash: Me been training.

Citron: Eh?*Notices the zombies*Looks like we have intruders!

Solar Flare: *Quickly goes into fire form and flies towards the enemies*Oh this'll be fun!

Super Brainz: Yes. More action time!*Punches a Briar Rose into the air and slams it towards some other plants.

Citron: You won't stop us.*Takes out a peach and fires it stunning multiple zombies*

Solar Flare: Nice!*Summons a mini sun and melts the said zombies*

Swashbuckler Zombie #23589: We're losing this!*Get's hit by a laser*

The Smash: Me help. *Grabs a rock and tosses it at some plants vanquishing a ton of them*

Citron: You won't get away with this.*Goes into ball form only to be forced out by a buller*Wait what?*Get's hit by more bullets*Where is this coming from?*Notices Captain Deadbeard shooting some other plants*You?!!?*Get's grabbed by Super Brainz*Hi....

Super Brainz: The Smash, SMASH HIM!

The Smash: SMASH!!!*Smashes down on Citron, vanquishing him*

Solar Flare: Citron.*Looks towards Deadbeard*You'll pay.*Charges right at Deadbeard*You may be good at long range but you'll be trash in close range!

Captain Deadbeard: Wrong move.*Fires a ton of metal at Solar Flare knocking her towards a river*

Super Brainz: Wow, you really are tricky.

Captain Deadbeard: Thanks matey. Now let's go find that hero.*Before any of the zombies have a chance to move, a pink energy appears in the middle of the room and Rose appears*

Rose: *Looks surprised at first but quickly turns back into a serious face*Well...this was a surprise.

Zombie #83091851033452: Get him. *A bunch of normal zombies go charage at Rose*

Rose: Hff...*Freezes a bunch of zombies solid and traps others in a giant coccon. Her wand begins to glow*I warn you once. Get out. *Summons a giant weed and slams it onto some zombies*

The Smash: Me no surrender!*Charges at Rose*

Rose: You asked for it.*Fires a pink energy at The Smash turning him into a goat*

The Smash: *Looks at his new body*BAAAAA!!!

Super Brainz: What is this madness!??!*Turns around and finds a mirror. He then picks it up*Oh you look gorgeous.

Captain Deadbeard: Are ye kidding me?*Notices Rose is turning more zombies into goats*I gotta call Squawk and get out before I become one of these stinkers.*Shoots down a window and jumps out of it*

Rose: *Hears the sound and turns around*I thought I heard something. *Goatifies a Gargantuar without looking*Must've been dreaming.*Notices Super Brainz looking at himself in a mirror*Well that'll keep him busy for a while. I'll go punish some other zombies. Now where is that pirate?

Captain Deadbeard: *Hiding in a bush*I need to get that Rose down or ye are doomed.*Notices Squawkis nearby*Oh ye know what to do now.

  • 1 hour later...*

Rose: *Goatifies the final zombie hiding in a mushroom.*Well, that's the last of them out. Now all I need to finish off is that superhero and pirate. *Notices Super Brainz is still where he's standing*I'm taking him down first.*Fires her spell at Super Brainz*

Super Brainz: Oh you look handsome. Yeah, I like how you look! *Notices a parrot pooping on his mirror*Hey! Your ruining my view!*Swings his mirror towards the parrot but misses and ends up hitting the spell Rose fired, reflecting it in the process*

Rose: Wait what?!!?*Get's goatified*Baaa!!!

Super Brainz: *Washes his mirror in the sink*Oh no. Oh no. OH NO!

Captain Deadbeard: *Climbs out of the window*Matey, it's over.

Super Brainz: We beat her? But without me?

Neptuna: You helped. Just get us outta here.

Super Brainz: Yes madame!*Grabs Neptuna, Captain Deadbeard, and all the goats except for Rose and flies toward Zombie HQ*

Solar Flare: *Crawls out of the river, choking*I'm*Gasps*Back. *Notices a Red goat and a wand nearby*What is this?*Grabs the wand and uses it on the goat turning it back to Rose* did you?

Rose: Don't mention it. Ever. We need to find those two other heroes. *Notices a mountain with a leaf carved in the top*I think I know where to go*

  • Zombie HQ*

Captain Deadbeard: *Talking to Dr. Zomboss*...and that's what happened.

Dr. Zomboss: Hm...*Looks at the The Smash goat*I wish I can study you but you are a hero. *Stares at the other goats*I can study them though...*Grins evily*Anways, I don't know how we can get him back to normal.

Super Brainz: But you have to know. You're the boss!

Dr. Zomboss: I don't know honnestly. But...*A zombie witch comes from the dark*...she might.

???: I know what to do.*Summons a potion and has The Smash drink it turning him back to normal*

Super Brainz: Whoa, who are you?

???: I'm Immorticia, the protector of bats.

The End


  • This is the first saga that starts immediatally after the end of another one.
  • This saga brings more super powers to use.
  • Dr. Zomboss' quote of wanting to study The Smash is a refrence of a part in GW2 where Dr. Zomboss says the same thing.
  • Immorticia was added due to being Rose's "nemesis". The same with Captain Deadbeard.
  • You might wanna take a closer look at Gadget Scientist's link.