User blog:Lily8763cp/Everything Wrong with Plants vs. Zombies.

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Everything wrong with


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Spoilers! (duh)


This is a parody of Cinemasins. This is not meant to be tooken seriously but meant for only humor. You can also see Milesprower2's verison here.

Rules of sins

As long it goes with the game, it's fine.

Put suggestions Here

Link to Sequel here.


  • 1.Why do just 5 zombies appear the first day?
  • 2.Why do only the weak zombies appear the first day?
  • 3.Why don't they just walk on the dirt lanes?
  • 4.Also, grass doesn't go on that way
  • 5.Cherry Bomb sucks...
  • 6.Also Cherry Bomb appears too early(get ready for something similar in another Everything Wrong With)
  • 7.Wall-nut is almost fully worthless when you get Tall-nut, then worthless when you get Pumpkin!
  • 8.Potatos and by extent Potato Mine DON'T have arms. HOW could do an investment stratgey?
  • 9.Also, is this accounting any explosive plant KILLS themselves in this game, THAT'S DARK! That gives 10 sins in itself.
  • 19.Snow Pea is too broken for this early in the game
  • 20.Popcap made a reverence to a movie they DON'T EVEN OWN.
  • 21.Also, why would they want to change Chomper's look? They use the custom...wait wrong game.
  • 22.Repeater outclasses Peashooter in any way.
  • 23."Character that is lone-wolf is the one that wants love cliche"
  • 24.Also bonus 5 sins for all the Repeater x Snow Pea photos even though both are male
  • 29.Why did Puff-shroom and the other shrooms think zombies were fake, due to the amount of zombies, it would seem the attack has been happening for a while
  • 30.Puff-shrooms are also short-sighted
  • 31.Sun-shroom x Sunflower, MAKE IT HAPPEN...not.
  • 32.If shrooms sleep during the day...WHY WOULD FUME-SHROOM HAVE A DAY JOB?
  • 33."Scary character loves really cute things cliche"
  • 34.Grave Buster takes FOREVER to get rid of graves
  • 35.Also it's good for money-grinding
  • 36.Hypno-shroom is creepy.
  • 37.Seriously, I feel uncomfortable.
  • 38."Strong character is scared when others are nearby cliche"
  • 39.Also Scardey-shroom should have had more damage.
  • 40.Also Scardey-shroom is weak. +3 sins
  • 43.Plants can't ride bikes
  • 44.Also, this game is dark, suicide plants and now scarred for life mushrooms! +5 sins
  • 49.Doom-shroom has a little scar on his...thing. So...did HE scar Ice-shroom?
  • 50.Also, if Doom-shroom is so dangerous, why doesn't Crazy Dave put it in chains?
  • 51.Speaking of Dave, he says his name is Crazy Dave...and asks you to call him his nickname..."Crazy Dave"...IT ISN'T DIFFERENT!
  • 52.The Wall-nut in Dave's hand is smaller than the ones in the game.
  • 53.Why can't we bowl with Wall-nuts in the real game? Maybe the sequel can...Oh...
  • 54.Why can't we have Explode-O-Nut in the main game?
  • 55.Dave is a loser to pots
  • 56.Also, I think the "Move out" thing Dave said...used to be a different word...
  • 57.Apparently Wack-A-Zombie was so fun LAST STAND needed to have it.
  • 58.Whoever didn't play a touch screen version(mainly the X-box version) WERE SCREWED.
  • 59.How can Lily Pad withstand a Tall-nut?
  • 60.Why can't I plant Spikeweed on Lily Pad? I get Potato Mine due to it being in the ground but Spikeweed is moss.
  • 61.Tangle...Kelp...Sucks...
  • 60.Removing a sin though because the design is awesome! -1 sin.
  • 61.Squash appears too late.
  • 62.Also, people who played the demo might have believed Squash didn't exist anymore because it replaced potato mine there
  • 63.Also, WHY did popcap do that?
  • 64.Threepeater exists.
  • 65.Just...just plant 3 repeaters.
  • 66.Why does Tall-nut look so angry?
  • 67.If Tall-nut and Wall-nut are brothers...why are they rivals?
  • 68.Also Tall-nut is a loser to Wall-nut.
  • 69.Why does Spikeweed look like mud?
  • 70."Character likes something but is scared to something used for it cliche"
  • 71.Also...WHY is spikeweed afraid of a hockey...Oh...
  • 72.Also for every spikeweed used to break a Zomboni, there's murder, for the spikeweed and the driver, I mean, THERE'S AN EXPLOSION! +4 sins for once again...DARK
  • 76.Why is the backyard full of water?
  • 77.Also, the fact that the last zombie in 1-10 had Puff-shroom was convenient... too convenient..
  • 78.Same thing for Lily Pad in 2-10.
  • 79.Why did a Zombie have Crazy Dave's keys?
  • 80.Also I refuse to belive this whole game happened in only 3 days.
  • 81.Jalapeno takes too long to recharge, THERE'S ABOUT 4 ZAMBONIS AND 1 JALAPENO!!!
  • 82.Torchwood doesn't burn the peas away when it goes over.
  • 83.It also doesn't melt Snow Pea's peas
  • 84.Or the Snow Pea itself
  • 85.And Winter Melon
  • 86.And...and Ice-shroom.
  • 87.Why didn't they just replace the small zombie idea with Imps? 
  • 88.And how did they get so tiny?
  • 89.Too...many...LILY PADS.
  • 90.Oh hey, the TOO CONVENIENT PLANT THING HAPPENS AGAIN(This time: Sea-shroom)
  • 91.Sea-shroom hasn't SEEN the sea? If it's in his name surly he should have looked it up.
  • 92.It's night but we only get 2 new mushrooms.
  • 93.The
  • 94.Plantern is too weak
  • 95.Also outside of fog and blover it's useless.
  • 96.Plantern is a witch, explains his chinese costume.
  • 97.Cactus...exists.
  • 98.They should have increas...wait I said that already,
  • 99.How can a Cactus and an Armadillo mate?
  • 100.Why doesn't Cactus strech itself on the roof?
  • 101.Also how convient that we have 5 lawnmowers!?!?
  • 102.Crazy Dave's van shows 1 pool cleaner but buying 1 magically makes it 2
  • 103.Same with the Roof cleaners but it turns into FIVE this time.
  • 104.Where did the player/dave get a conyeor?
  • 105.And why does it just magically give plants?
  • 106.Also how much did does even cost to BUY the seed packets and coneyor?(counting it as 1 sin)
  • 107.And why do we need to sun to plant them, the coneyor gives it to us for FREE.
  • 108.So...what happened to make Split pea?
  • 109.Why is only 1 head a peashooter and the other repeater? Why not both repeater?
  • 110.Starfruit exists.(no offense starfruitty)
  • 111.And there's a GAME related to it?
  • 112.Pumpkin apparently has a brother
  • 113.Also that isn't a pumpkin, that's a Jack-O-Lantern with a lantern in...Oh...
  • 114.Magnet-shroom appears too late
  • 115.While we are at Magnet-shroom...Gold magnet exists
  • 116.Seriously, why does Gold Magnet exist?
  • 117.ANOTHER given plant convience, this time CABBAGE-PULT!
  • 118.Why are there flower pots already on the roof?
  • 119.How did the zombies get on the roof?
  • 120.How did the TRUCKS get on the roof?
  • 121.Why doesn't the roof break?
  • 122.Who fixes the roof? 
  • 123.The cardboard Kernel-pults are robots, programmed to fling butter. Why can't we use those?
  • 124.Coffee Bean appears too...late?
  • 125.Also, why does it's artwork have WINGS?!?!
  • 126.Garlic appears too late to be useful
  • 127.Marigold's tooth
  • 128.Plant accountists... the heck?
  • 129.Kernel-pult is a wisecrack.
  • 130.Cob Cannon is too cheap, in both how it works and it's coin cost.
  • 131.Imitater appears too late.
  • 132.Twin Sunflower's recharge is too long to be useful
  • 133.Cattail only can be used in 2/5 stages...why?
  • 134.Why can't flower pot put aquatic plants in it?
  • 135.Spikerock isn't even based on a plant!
  • 136.How smart is Newspaper Zombie to understand a newspaper?
  • 137.Who writes the first 4 notes because the one sent Zomboss is well written?
  • 138."Character who leads a group of dumb minions is the only one who's smart cliche"
  • 139.(For Football Zombie) Irony
  • 140.Also 110% doesn't exist.
  • 141.Backup Dancer takes a space in the alamanc. 
  • 142.The old Dancer Zombie was so much of a reverence that it had to be taken out.
  • 143.On the contary the Zomboni didn't have enough reverence so it had to add that.
  • 144.Also avertsing.
  • 145.Jack-In-The-Box-Zombie... * sigh *
  • 146.Why not make it so the bomb explodes closer?
  • 147.Also the game is even darker, first suiside plants,next scarred plants, then spikeweed murder,then tangle kelp murder and now suiside zombies? +10 sins
  • 157.Why does Balloon Zombie get run over by the lawn mower?
  • 158.How can the balloon keep it up?
  • 159.Balloon Zombie wouldn't blow away with blover because it'd make the balloon not that light.
  • 160.Pogo Zombie exists
  • 161.Also it has the lamest alamanc...EVER.
  • 162.Ladders don't cost $8.99, they cost more.
  • 163.How would anyone know a Yeti's Birth date?
  • 164.Or social security number?
  • 165.Or...or favorite sandwich?
  • 166.And who even cares?
  • 167.Catapult Zombie launches BASKETBALLS you know...not ROCKS or anything like that?
  • 168.Also they look more like grapefruit than basketballs.
  • 169. * sigh * "Character who's lone wolf wants love cliche"...
  • 170.Imp apparently has a ton of time on his hands
  • 171.How can he play an instrument that probably taller than him?
  • 172.Bungee...Zombies...Exist...
  • 173.Dr Zomboss has a huge robot, how did he get the parts?
  • 174.And how can it breathe FIRE?
  • 175.Or ice...balls? Ice spheres. Snowballs?
  • 176.And why doesn't the roof break?
  • 177.How did it even get on the roof it's clearly standing on it!
  • 178.The zombanty zombies lack in almanac entries.
  • 177.Removing a sin though because that name was actually plants vs. zombie's beta name
  • 178.Too bad it's used twice.
  • 179.Zen Garden gives no rewards other than coins and worthless achievements for growing a plant.
  • 180.Glitched Stinky that's never fixed.
  • 181.There's Peashooter Zombie and Gatling Pea zombie but no Repeater Zombie...why?
  • 182.Jalapeno Zombie.
  • 183.Also another suicide zombie.
  • 184.And squash zombie is as well.
  • 185.Melon-y Lane isn't really punny
  • 186.Same with Don't Pea in the Pool
  • 187.Or Popcorn Party.
  • 188.And...and... Nobal Peas prize.
  • TBA


  • 189.Potato Mine
  • 190.Cherry Bomb
  • 191.Ice-shroom
  • 192.Doom-shroom
  • 193.Squash
  • 194.Tangle Kelp
  • 195.Lily Pad
  • 196.Wall-nut
  • 197.Tall-nut
  • 198.Garlic
  • 199.Flower Pot
  • 200.Pumpkin
  • 201.Hypno-shroom
  • 202.Explode-O-Nut
  • 203.Jack-In-The-Box-Zombie
  • 204.Jalapeno Zombie
  • 205.Squash Zombie
  • TBA