User blog:Plant Protecter/Fanfiction: Up With the Sickness!

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My 14th fanfiction. As usual, feedback is appreciated and I accept requests.

NOTE: This story features upcoming characters.


After becoming ill, a sickened Glitter Zombie tries to participate in a roller skating competition. With the help of a new ally, will she be able to both win the event AND not infect everyone in the process?

Up With the Sickness!

  • [The story starts at the exterior of Glitter Zombie's house. A loud scream is heard, before the scene cuts to the inside of the house. A horrified Zombie Commander, along with the other characters, stare at a seemingly motionless Glitter Zombie laying on the floor.]

Zombie Commander: (horrified) "She's dead! Again!"

Ghost Pepper: (elated) "Who wants to hold a funeral?"

  • [Bikini Zombie angrily approaches them.]

Bikini Zombie: (angrily) "For the last time, she is not dead dead and there will be no funeral! She is just sick!"

Ghost Pepper: "Boo, I want a funeral."

Bikini Zombie: "Now, you all stay out here, while me and Parasol Zombie check on her and see what's wrong."

  • [She shoos the crowd (except for Parasol Zombie) outside the room and closes the door. She then picks up Glitter Zombie, puts her back in bed and tucks her in, before sticking a thermometer in her mouth.]

Bikini Zombie: "Glitter Zombie, I've told you several times, you are sick. You will not leave this room. And you will definitely NOT go to the inline speed skating competition today."

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "But mom, I have to go!" (coughs) "I need to go!" (sneezes) "I'm the only female roller skating zombie around, and I have to represent us females."

Parasol Zombie: "She does have a point."

Bikini Zombie: "You're not helping."

Parasol Zombie: "Fine, let's just check on her."

  • [She takes the thermometer out of Glitter Zombie's mouth, before examining it.]

Parasol Zombie: "Well, I see two obvious problems here. One, she has a fever of some kind, accompanied by some kind of purple goop she keeps sneezing out."

Bikini Zombie: "Obviously."

Parasol Zombie: "And two, this isn't a mouth thermometer."

  • [Glitter Zombie looks in horror, while Bikini Zombie looks in confusion.]

Bikini Zombie: (confusion) "Wait, there's a difference?"

Parasol Zombie: "Obviously! Do you have any idea how many germs would be transmitted if you put that kind of thermometer into a mouth?!"

Bikini Zombie: "Good thing that's a new thermometer."

  • [Glitter Zombie sighs in relief, before Parasol Zombie turns to her.]

Parasol Zombie: "Glitter Zombie, do you have any idea what may have caused your illness?"

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "Yes, actually."


  • [It shows Bikini Zombie and Glitter Zombie walking on a sidewalk, with Bikini Zombie looking worriedly at Glitter Zombie. She notices this, and looks at her mother.]

Glitter Zombie: "Mom, you OK?"

Bikini Zombie: (worried) "I'm just worried that you may be living too much of your unlife wearing your roller skates. I mean, when was the last time you took them off?"

Glitter Zombie: "...What month is it?"

Bikini Zombie: "See? Look, how about you walk for a while, OK?"

Glitter Zombie: (annoyed) "Fine..."

  • [She begrudgingly takes off her roller skates and gives them to Bikini Zombie, who accidentally sniffs the roller skates and gags.]

Bikini Zombie: (disgusted) "Ew, these smell like something decayed in them!"

Glitter Zombie: "Yeah. Parts of my feet. Now before you ask, I can walk. Just watch me."

  • [She starts walking, before immediately slipping and falling face first into a thick purple puddle. She pulls her face out of the puddle, revealing that her face is covered in the gunk. Poison Mushroom and Shadow-shroom hop towards them.]

Poison Mushroom: "Sorry about that. Me and my friend over here often leave this poi-I mean-gunk everywhere we go. Anyway, I'm Poison Mushroom, and the mushroom blowing raspberries is Shadow-shroom."

Shadow-shroom: "Nice-" [raspberry] "-to meet-" [raspberry] "-you."

Glitter Zombie: (concerned) "Wait, this is poison?!"

  • [Poison Mushroom and Shadow-shroom nervously look at each other, before looking back at the two zombies.]

Poison Mushroom: "No?"

Bikini Zombie: "Seems OK to me."

  • [Glitter Zombie gets up off the ground, and continues walking with Bikini Zombie, while Poison Mushroom and Shadow-shroom look at each other, worried.]

[Flashback end]

  • [Parasol Zombie looks at them, surprised.]

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "I knew taking off my roller skates would end badly."

Bikini Zombie: "I know, you've said that."

Parasol Zombie: "Well anyways, stay in bed for a couple of days and you should most likely heal. I could also give you a potion to drink."

Glitter Zombie: (worried, in a nasally voice) "No, I'm fine! I don't need to drink a potion. But Parasol Zombie?"

  • [She hugs Parasol Zombie.]

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "Thanks for the help."

Parasol Zombie: (sarcastically) "And thanks for getting your germs all over me. Bleh."

  • [She leaves. Bikini Zombie walks out of the room, and returns with a bowl of soup and a spoon.]

Bikini Zombie: "Here's a nice hot bowl of chicken soup. That should help you with your illness."

  • [Glitter Zombie takes the bowl and spoon, before drinking some of it.]

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "It's missing a little something."

Bikini Zombie: "I'll get some salt."

  • [She leaves, and Glitter Zombie smiles sinisterly, before revealing she has one of Parasol Zombie's potions.]

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "Needs more... sleeping potion."

  • [She pours some of the potion into the soup, before hiding the bottle and putting the bowl on her nightstand.]

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "I should feel bad for stealing this from Parasol Zombie when I hugged her, but it was the only way my plan can work."

  • [Bikini Zombie comes back with a salt shaker, and sprinkles some salt on the soup.]

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "Could you taste-test it for me?" (coughs) "I wanna see if it's good with salt."

Bikini Zombie: "Of course! I love taste-testing things!"

  • [She drinks some of the soup, before becoming a bit drowsy.]

Bikini Zombie: (drowsily) "I thought this was chicken soup, not turkey soup." (yawns) "Because this is making me so sleepy..."

  • [She slumps to the floor, fast asleep. Glitter Zombie looks at her in worry, before getting out of bed.]

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "Impressive." (hacks) "Less than 30 seconds and she's out cold. Parasol Zombie is pretty good at chemistry."

  • [She wraps Bikini Zombie in a blanket, before skating out of her room. When she opens the front door, she encounters MC Zom-B, who is holding a "get well soon" card, along with a bunch of flowers. Glitter Zombie looks at him, irritated.]

MC Zom-B: "So I heard that you were sick and I just came here to give you some get well soon gifts!"

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "MC Zom-B, I have told you many times before. I am not attracted to you. Never have, never will. And we will never get mar... ah... ah..."

  • [She sneezes on MC Zom-B, leaving purple goop on him.]

MC Zom-B: (disgusted) "Ew, what is this?!"

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "It's the reason I'm sick. Now get out of my way!"

  • [She skates out of her house and down the street, while MC Zom-B walks down to the other end of the street.]

MC Zom-B: "Another attempt, another failure."

  • [He suddenly holds his head in pain and groans.]

MC Zom-B: "What is this stuff she sneezed at me?! I don't feel well..."

  • [He falls down, and rises up as sick as Glitter Zombie. Near him, Arcade Zombie is taking out the trash. MC Zom-B lurches towards him.]

MC Zom-B: (nasally) "Help me..."

  • [Arcade Zombie notices him, and backs away.]

Arcade Zombie: "It's just like the video games! The infection, the lurching, the fear of being infected as well! I have to defend myself!"

  • [He runs into his house, closes the door and pushes an arcade machine in front of it.]

Arcade Zombie: "If I know my video games, then the infection will of spread even more by now. And there should be a news report about it in the next scene!"

  • [The scene changes to Parasol Zombie's mansion, where she is giving a lecture about the moulting of insects, while the other main characters (sans Glitter Zombie and Bikini Zombie) are bored. Excavator Zombie then runs into the room.]

Excavator Zombie: "There a news report I think you guys should see. Your friend is the 1980s roller skater, right?"

  • [They look at each other, before running to the TV, where the news channel is on.]

???: "Hello, and welcome to the Plant News Network. As always, I'm Hot Date.

???: "And I'm Button Mushroom."

Hot Date: "Today's major news story: a mysterious sickness has infected multiple plants and zombies, who are roaming the streets asking for help, unintentionally infecting those nearby."

Button Mushroom: "Sources have indicated that Glitter Zombie, the local roller skater from the 1980s, is patient zero. Everyone has been warned to stay inside until this has passed."

Hot Date: "And in other news, potatoes have been grown ON THE MOON!"

  • [The TV is switched off, and the characters look at each other, some in worry, some in terror.]

Imp: "At least none of us are infected."

Ghost Pepper: "Wait for it..."

  • [Parasol Zombie suddenly clutches her stomach and leans against a wall in pain.]

Excavator Zombie: (worried) "Parasol Zombie!"

  • [She turns towards him, revealing that she, too, is infected. The others scream, and back away.]

Ghost Pepper: "And this is how the movies started."

  • [Weasel Hoarder quickly grabs Excavator Zombie's shovel.]

Weasel Hoarder: "Quick! Let's get her before she infects the rest of us!"

Excavator Zombie: "No!"

  • [Excavator Zombie grabs his shovel, and the uninfected quickly leave the room. Weasel Hoarder tries to follow, but is too slow and is accidentally locked in. She turns to Parasol Zombie.]

Weasel Hoarder: (nervously) "You know I meant that in a joking way, right?"

  • [It cuts to the outside of the room, where she is heard banging on the door in terror, pleading, before the banging and pleading stop.]

Ghost Pepper: "And we have already lost two people to the infection."

Sweet Potato: (panicking) "What do we do?!"

Zombie Commander: "I know! Let's ask Parasol Zombie! She always has ideas."

Blooming Heart: "Zombie Commander, no!"

  • [Zomnie Commander opens the door, revealing an infected Weasel Hoarder (and infected Ice Weasels) along with Parasol Zombie.]

Ghost Pepper: "Zombie Commander, you are an undead idiot."

  • [The scene cuts to the zombie hospital, where the staff are watching the same news report. They look at each other in worry, before Lost Doctor Zombie stands up.]

Lost Doctor Zombie: "Mine friends, ve have a zituation!"

Medic: "We know that!"

Nurse Gargantuar: (panicking) "What are we going to do?!"

Lost Doctor Zombie: "Don't worry. I have a plan!"

Doctor Imp: "Which is?"

Lost Doctor Zombie: "Me, along with another medical professional, vill try und neutralise ze patient zero. Zen we shall try multiple medicinal combinations on ze patient zero, until ve find a cure!"

Medic: "And?"

Lost Doctor Zombie: "Zen ve vill disperse the cure, zave everyone and be proclaimed heroes!"

  • [The staff cheer.]

Lost Doctor Zombie: "Now who shall join me?!"

  • [The staff immediately become silent. Lost Doctor Zombie looks at them, annoyed.]

Lost Doctor Zombie: "Von't zomevun join me on mine quest?"

  • [Suddenly, the door bursts open, revealing Zombie Nurse.]

Zombie Nurse: "Sorry I'm late! I would of come sooner, but there was a lot of infected characters around here."

Lost Doctor Zombie: "Vait. You risked your own unlife to actually come to work today?"

Zombie Nurse: "Obviously! I'm dedicated to my work!"

Lost Doctor Zombie: "How vould you like to help cure zis epidemic?"

Zombie Nurse: "Would I?!"

Lost Doctor Zombie: "Quick! To ze ambulance!"

  • [The two leave, while the rest of the staff look at each other.]

Medic: "What do we do now?"

  • [They shrug. The scene changes to Glitter Zombie, now in the Modern Day, skating through the streets. She spots a coffee shop, and skates towards it.]

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "I'm so thirsty." (coughs) "Being sick really takes the energy out of you."

  • [She enters the shop, filled with uninfected customers. They turns to her, and they all run out of the shop in fear (with some jumping out the windows). She grabs an untouched coffee and starts drinking it.]

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "You know, half of me thinks that I should of stayed home. That way, I wouldn't of infected MC Zom-B, and possibly other characters." (sighs) "This stinks. I wish I never got this stupid sickness!"

???: (nasally) "You know, you can still live unlife with an illness."

  • [Glitter Zombie turns around, revealing that Sneezing Zombie is sitting at a table, drinking coffee.]

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "Go away, please! I'll just infect you."

Sneezing Zombie: (nasally) "Please. I've already had what you have. I'm prone to sickness."

  • [She sneezes, causing her head to be blasted off into the air, until it lands on a table.]

Glitter Zombie: (nasally, shocked) "Wait, you have this before? Can you help cure me? And how can you sneeze like that?!"

Sneezing Zombie: (nasally) "Let me tell you a little story."

  • [She grabs her head and places it back on her body.]

Sneezing Zombie: (nasally) "Out of all the illnesses I've had, I have had one that has sickened me again and again: hay fever."

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "Hay fever?"

Sneezing Zombie: (nasally) "Yeah. I've sneezed so many times, my sneezes are basically super sneezes. You've seen how I sneezed my head off. Unfortunately, it's incurable."

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "You poor thing."

Sneezing Zombie: (nasally) "Yep. I've had it since I was born a human, and I've had it since I've died. Heck, my hay fever technically CAUSED me to die. Word of caution: never stand on a cliff near a field of flowers, especially if you could fall off said cliff."

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "An oddly specific word of caution."

Sneezing Zombie: (nasally) "But you know what? I may have had hay fever, but I still went through my human and afterlives like a normal person/zombie. I didn't just stay in my bed and wait to get better; I went and accomplished my dreams, even though I was sick."

Glitter Zombie: (nasally, impressed) "Wow. But what does that have to do with my problem?"

Sneezing Zombie: (nasally) "What I'm saying is that you don't have to be healthy to accomplish your dream. So what if you're sick? I've been sick since the 1970s and I'm perfectly fine!"

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "You're right." (coughs) "Sure, I may be ill, but I can still compete in a skating competition."

  • [Suddenly, an ambulance skids to a stop outside the building. Lost Doctor Zombie and Zombie Nurse get out of the ambulance, and face the two.]

Lost Doctor Zombie: "Zombie Nurse, look! She's about to infect zomevun!"

Sneezing Zombie: (nasally) "Hi Zombie Nurse!"

  • [She waves at Zombie Nurse, who waves back. Lost Doctor Zombie looks at her, annoyed.]

Zombie Nurse: "What? She's my next door neighbour. I regularly heal her due to her sneezes."

Lost Doctor Zombie: "Right. Anyvay, you-" (points to Glitter Zombie) "-aren't going to infect anyvun else."

Glitter Zombie: (nasally, confused) "What do you mean?"

Zombie Nurse: "Haven't you watched the news? You've infected multiple characters! You've caused an epidemic!"

Lost Doctor Zombie: "Zo just come vith us, und be shall try to find ze cure. Try being the key word."

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "And how long will this take?"

Zombie Nurse: "A few weeks, maybe?"

Glitter Zombie: (nasally, shocked) "A few weeks?! I'm sorry, I can't, I have something important to do."

Lost Doctor Zombie: "Zen ve shall take you using force!"

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "Wait wait wait. Sneezing Zombie knows the cure. Don't you, Sneezing Zombie?"

Sneezing Zombie: (nasally) "I never said I had the cure. I just said I had your illness."

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "Oh."

Lost Doctor Zombie: "Can ve begin chasing you now?"

Sneezing Zombie: (nasally) "Run, Glitter Zombie!"

  • [She and Glitter Zombie run away. Lost Doctor Zombie and Zombie Nurse hop into the ambulance and follow them. The scene changes to Parasol Zombie's house, where some of the characters are running from the infected. An infected Sunflower jumps and grabs Imp Mermaid Zombie, and the uninfected run and hide in a room. Fishy Imp screams in terror.]

Fishy Imp: (horrified) "Oh no!"

Sweet Potato: "I know, your whole family is infected now. I'm so sorry."

Fishy Imp: "Forget them! I broke a nail!"

  • [The rest look at her in disbelief.]

Ghost Pepper: "Wow. Skewed priorities, much?"

Blooming Heart: "OK guys, half of us are infected. Any ideas?"

Ghost Pepper: "I've watched movies like this."

Zombie Commander: "Really? Quick, how do the survivors survive?"

Ghost Pepper: "Survive? You're kidding. No one makes it in the movies I watch."

Shrinking Violet: "But at least one person is supposed to survive, right?"

Ghost Pepper: "But it's no fun when someone lives."

  • [Suddenly, the infected bust through the door, causing everyone (sans Ghost Pepper) to scream in terror. The scene changes to the streets of Zomburbia, where the ambulance (swerving haphazardly) is chasing Glitter Zombie and Sneezing Zombie, with Lost Doctor Zombie throwing syringes at the two.]

Lost Doctor Zombie: "Zombie Nurse, steer straight! I can't concentrate on throwing mine syringes if you don't drive properly!"

Zombie Nurse: "I can't drive under pressure! I can't drive an ambulance! I can't drive!"

  • [Lost Doctor Zombie steps on the break, and the ambulance skids to a stop.]

Lost Doctor Zombie: "Zen you throw ze syringes und I drive!"

  • [They swap seats, and Lost Doctor Zombie starts driving, while Zombie Nurse throws syringes. Glitter Zombie and Sneezing Zombie hid in an alley, while the ambulance drives past them.]

Sneezing Zombie: (nasally) "We're are we even going?!"

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "To the roller rink!" (sneezes) "There's a competition on today and I have to go."

Sneezing Zombie: (nasally) "But that's on the other side of town! How are we going to get there without those mad doctors spotting us?"

  • [Glitter Zombie looks around, before noticing a florist.]

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "How powerful are your sneezes?"

Sneezing Zombie: (nasally) "No idea. Why?"

  • [Glitter Zombie takes Sneezing Zombie to the florist, and starts shaking the flowers.]

Sneezing Zombie: (nasally, panicking) "Glitter Zombie, do you have any idea what flower pollen does to me?!"

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "I have an idea."

  • [Due to all the pollen, Sneezing Zombie is about to sneeze. Glitter Zombie puts her arms around her, and Sneezing Zombie sneezes, blasting the two through the florist's roof and breaking the windows. The two then soar through the air, propelled by Sneezing Zombie's sneeze.]

Glitter Zombie: (nasally, amazed) "This. Is. AWESOME!"

  • [Lost Doctor Zombie and Zombie Nurse spot the two, and they turn the ambulance around and head towards them. Glitter Zombie and Sneezing Zombie are seen flying next to the zombie hospital, where the staff are playing with cards. The two fly near an open window, causing Doctor Imp to look up from his hand.]

Doctor Imp: (confused) "Anyone else hear that?"

Medic: "No." (looks up) "Hey! Stop cheating, Nurse Gargantuar!"

  • [Nurse Gargantuar is seen holding her head in her hands, looking at Doctor Imp's hand of cards. He spots her, and she puts her head back on while sporting a sheepish smile.]

Nurse Gargantuar: "Hey. I'm not the only one who cheats. Am I, Medic?"

  • [She forcefully takes of Medic's helmet, revealing multiple cards. Medic glares at her angrily.]

Medic: (angrily) "Dang it Nurse Gargantuar!"

  • [The scene cuts to a pair of bushes, where Glitter Zombie and Sneezing Zombie land. The two get up, dazed. Glitter Zombie regains her focus.]

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "Sorry for abusing your sneezing."

Sneezing Zombie: (nasally) "Don't worry, it's not the first time someone's done that."

  • [Glitter Zombie looks up, and smiles.]

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "Sneezing Zombie, look! It's the roller rink!"

  • [The view changes to show that the roller rink is up ahead. They start walking towards it, when the ambulance suddenly blocks the way. Lost Doctor Zombie and Zombie Nurse step out of the vehicle.]

Lost Doctor Zombie: (angered) "Zat's it! Ve have chased you two around long enough! It ends here!"

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "You'll never get me undead!"

Zombie Nurse: (laughs) "I doubt that."

  • [The two medical professionals start to walk towards Glitter Zombie and Sneezing Zombie, who slowly back away.]

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "Any ideas?"

Sneezing Zombie: (nasally) "Just one. Quick, hold your arms out."

  • [Glitter Zombie does this, and Sneezing Zombie sits onto her shoulders, while Lost Doctor Zombie and Zombie Nurse look at each other in confusion.]

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "Now what?"

  • [Sneezing Zombie takes the flower of her head and sniffs it (and its pollen), causing her to sneeze. The two are rocketed forward while spinning haphazardly towards Lost Doctor Zombie.]

Lost Doctor Zombie: (panicking) "Nien! Halt! Nien!"

  • [One of Glitter Zombie's arms hits the syringe Lost Doctor Zombie is holding, launching it into the air. The two spinning then run into Lost Doctor Zombie, flinging him into a dumpster. Zombie Nurse quickly hides in the dumpster, while the two spinning slowly stop.]

Glitter Zombie: (nasally, dazed) "Wow, what a rush!"

Sneezing Zombie: (nasally) "I know."

  • [She gets off Glitter Zombie and high fives her, before the syringe lands on her arm and injects her. She falls to the ground, limp.]

Sneezing Zombie: (nasally, slurred) "Oh no. The needle was filled with anaesthetic. Leave me, Glitter Zombie. Go and face your destiny-"

  • [The view changes to reveal Glitter Zombie has already started skating towards the roller rink.]

Sneezing Zombie: (nasally, slurred) "Of course. They always leave before the person finishes speaking."

  • [Glitter Zombie enters the roller rink, to find it mostly empty, except for two characters wearing hazmat suits.]

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "Who are you two? Sorry, but this place is already booked."

???: "It's us, Glitter Zombie. Rocket Zombie and Roller Zombie.

???: "You may have infected everyone, but that doesn't mean we'll quit."

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "Good, because I brought my A game." (hacks) "And an illness."

  • [The three line up at the starting line.]

Rocket Zombie: "We all know the rules?"

Roller Zombie: "Obviously! First person to legally cross the line after three laps wins."

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "Yeah! But who's going to judge us?"

Rocket Zombie: "Hello? Security cameras?"

  • [The view changes to a close-up shot of a security camera. The view changes back, and the three are crouching down at the starting line. A buzzer is heard, and the three start skating, with Glitter Zombie becoming dizzy.]

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "Once again, I'm thinking I should of stayed in bed."

Roller Zombie: "Yeah, you should of, to save yourself the agonising feeling of defeat when you lose!"

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "Oh, it's on now!"

  • [Rocket Zombie and Roller Zombie finish their first lap, while Glitter Zombie finishes her first lap a few seconds later.]

Rocket Zombie: "You usually put up more of a fight, Glitter Zombie. I expected more competition from you."

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "You won't be like that when I win."

  • [Glitter Zombie speeds up, but she sneezes, propelling her backwards, making unable to catch up to the two other competitors.]

Glitter Zombie: (nasally, thinking) "Oh no! At this rate, they're going to win! What can I do?" (coughs) "Wow, even my subconscious is sick. OK, think."

  • [She thinks, and realises something.]

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "If sneezing while facing forward pushes me back, what about when I face backwards?"

  • [She smiles and turns around, as Rocket Zombie and Roller Zombie finish their second lap.]

Glitter Zombie: (nasally) "I hope this works."

  • [She sneezes, propelling her backwards, making her finish her second lap. She speeds towards the two other competitors.]

Rocket Zombie: (curiously) "You hear something?"

  • [Suddenly, Glitter Zombie rockets past the two, just barely finishing her third lap before Rocket Zombie and Roller Zombie. She swerves to a stop in front of the trophy stand, while Rocket Zombie and Roller Zombie angrily approach her.]

Roller Zombie: (angrily) "Hey, you cheated! You're disqualified!"

Rocket Zombie: (reading a book) "Wait a minute. I checked the rules. Nothing says that competitors are unable to use sneezes to their advantage."

Roller Zombie: "Give me that!"

  • [He grabs the rule book and looks at the pages, before glaring at Glitter Zombie.]

Roller Zombie: "You're lucky this time. But next year, we will win!"

  • [He and Rocket Zombie leave, while Sneezing Zombie enters and excitedly runs towards Glitter Zombie.]

Sneezing Zombie: (nasally) "You did it! After the anaesthetic wore off, I came here and I saw you win through the window! Congratulations!"

Glitter Zombie: (cheerfully) "Thanks!" (realises) "Wait. My illness is gone! I must of sneezed all the goop out!"

Sneezing Zombie: (nasally) "Yeah, all over the roller rink."

  • [The view changes to reveal the roller rink having multiple puddles of purple goop splattered around the inside of the building.]

Glitter Zombie: "I'm not cleaning that up."

Sneezing Zombie: (nasally) "Ditto."

  • [Glitter Zombie grabs the trophy, and both leave. As they are walking, Glitter Zombie suddenly stops, with an unsure look on her face. Sneezing Zombie notices this.]

Sneezing Zombie: (nasally) "You OK?"

Glitter Zombie: "Yeah. But I feel like there are multiple loose ends left in this story."

  • [The scene cuts to Glitter Zombie's house, where Bikini Zombie is still fast asleep.]

Bikini Zombie: (groggily) "No, get way, cake. I'm supposed to eat you, not the other way around!"

  • [She continues snoring. The scene changes to Arcade Zombie's house, where Arcade Zombie, who is wearing a bowl on his head, is hiding in a make-shift fortress.]

Arcade Zombie: "This fortress should hold. And when the infected barge in here, I'll get them with my weapon!"

  • [He holds up a water gun. He looks at it, before it fires in his face, spraying water in his face and making him fall over. The scene cuts to Parasol Zombie's house, where Fishy Imp is getting cornered by most of the other main characters (who are all infected).]

Fishy Imp: (nervously) "Come on, guys. Can't we discuss this? How about I escape, and you DON'T infect me, huh?"

  • [The horde lunges at her, and the view changes to reveal that Ghost Pepper is hovering above the horde, smiling.]

Ghost Pepper: "One of the perks of being a ghost; not being able to be infected by an illness. And they say ghosts have no fun."

  • [The scene changes to the Plant TV station, where Hot Date and Button Mushroom are on a lunch break.]

Button Mushroom: "All this infected talk seems to have caused quite a stir, Hot Date."

Hot Date: "Indeed. I wouldn't be surprised if we had to stay here until everything went back to normal."

  • [A bell rings, and the two go into a studio, about to present the news. The scene cuts to the dumpster where Lost Doctor Zombie and Zombie Nurse are still hiding.]

Zombie Nurse: "Should we get out now? I think they're gone."

Lost Doctor Zombie: "Nien. Let's stay here for a bit. I can't feel mine legs."

  • [The scene cuts back to Glitter Zombie and Sneezing Zombie, who are in thought. They then turn to each other.]

Glitter Zombie: "Nevermind, I guess I was wrong."

  • [The two walk off-screen.]




  • I got the idea for this after wondering what being poisoned by Shadow-shroom and Poison Mushroom would be like.

Cultural references

Original content

  • The original title of this fanfiction was "Sickness on Skates," but I changed it due to somehow completely forgetting the name from when I first thought of the idea.
  • Originally, Arcade Zombie would of assisted Glitter Zombie, but was changed to just be a cameo.
    • In a similar case, Nurse Gargantuar would of assisted Lost Doctor Zombie, but was changed to be a cameo.