User blog:Plant Protecter/Plant Protecter's PvZ Fanfictions: Something's Fishy

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My sixth PvZ fanfiction (if people want me to keep calling them stories then I will). Feedback is appreciated.

Something's Fishy

  • The scene opens in front of the Zomburger, where the main characters are talking at one of the tables outside of the restaurant.

Sunflower: So, Parasol Zombie, any new potions you have created recently?

Parasol Zombie: Actually, yes. I have created a potion that can turn normals zombies into Imp versions of themselves.

Bikini Zombie: Cool. (continues eating her sandwich)

Ghost Pepper: Speaking of Imps, has anyone seen Imp Mermaid Zombie recently?

Sweet Potato: Now that I think about it, I haven't seen Imp Mermaid Zombie today.

Glitter Zombie: Do you think she's OK?

Parasol Zombie: Ask her yourself. She walking over here right now.

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie is seen walking towards the table the main characters are sitting at.

Sweet Potato: Morning, Imp Mermaid Zombie.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: Don't talk to me, you loser.

  • The characters at the table stare at Imp Mermaid Zombie, shocked.

Sweet Potato: (shocked) How could you say that to me?

Shrinking Violet: Hey!

  • Shrinking Violet hops off her chair and approaches Imp Mermaid Zombie.

Shrinking Violet: You can't speak to her like that.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: Buzz off, pipsqueak.

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie lifts her right foot behind her.

Shrinking Violet: (worried) Wait, what are you-

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie kicks Shrinking Violet, who is screaming, off-screen. While the characters look at Imp Mermaid Zombie in shock, the sounds of knocked over trash cans and a scared cat are heard.

Shrinking Violet: (off-screen) I'm OK!

Bikini Zombie: (shocked) How could you do that?!?

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie hops onto Shrinking Violet's chair and stares at Bikini Zombie, who has continued to eat her sandwich while still staring at Imp Mermaid Zombie.

Bikini Zombie: (worried) What are you looking at?

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie suddenly swipes Bikini Zombie's sandwich from her hands.

Bikini Zombie: (annoyed) Hey, I wasn't finished with that.

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie then opens Bikini Zombie's sandwich (revealing the contents) and throws one slice at Bikini Zombie's face, and the other at Glitter Zombie (who is sitting next to Bikini Zombie).

Glitter Zombie: (annoyed) What was that for?!?

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie then turns to Parasol Zombie, who nervously looks back at Imp Mermaid Zombie.

Parasol Zombie: (nervous) Um... What are you looking at?

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie puts her hand in her hair and move it around, searching for something. She brings her hand out of her hair, along with a plastic spider. She then throws it at Parasol Zombie, who panics.

Parasol Zombie: (frightened) SPIDER!!! (frantically searches for where the spider landed on her)

Ghost Pepper: She's really afraid of spiders, isn't she?

  • Parasol Zombie eventually finds the plastic spider, throws it onto the table and repeatedly slams it with the end of her parasol. She then starts "breathing" heavily, while the others just stare (except for Imp Mermaid Zombie, who is laughing).

Parasol Zombie: Sorry. Me and spiders have a... disagreement.

Weasel Hoarder: OK...

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (laughs) You nerds are hilarious, but I have to leave and be with COOL people. Ciao.

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie hops off the table and walks off-screen.

Bikini Zombie: (angrily) I would chow, if I STILL HAD MY SANDWICH!!!

Blooming Heart: Imp Mermaid Zombie would never act like this.

Gold Leaf: Yeah, and she smelt more fishy than usual. I mean REALLY fishy.

Zombie Commander: Maybe one of Parasol Zombie's potions backfired. Again. (looks at Parasol Zombie)

Parasol Zombie: Hey it wasn't my fault. This time.

Glitter Zombie: And look. Imp Mermaid Zombie's talking to Impunk. She'd never talk to him.

  • The camera moves to another table, where Impunk and Imp Mermaid Zombie are talking.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: So, are you busy today? Maybe we can work together and cause mischief.

Impunk: Causing mischief is my second-favourite thing, other than singing.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: I heard Balloon Zombie and Cactus are selling balloons again.

Impunk: You think what I'm thinking?

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (grins evilly) Oh yes.

Impunk: I'll get the porcupines.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: And I'll meet you at the fair.

  • Both of the Imps run from the table, while the main characters continue talking.

Parasol Zombie: Maybe there are clues to her strange behaviour in her room.

Bikini Zombie: My house it is.

  • The characters walk off-screen, while Shrinking Violet hops on screen, with a banana peel on her head.

Shrinking Violet: Wait for me, guys! (hops off-screen, while the banana peel falls off her head).

  • The scene changes to the inside of Bikini Zombe's house.

Parasol Zombie: Remind me again. Why does Imp Mermaid Zombie live with you?

Shrinking Violet: Is she your daughter?

Bikini Zombie: That would be nice, but no. (whispers to Parasol Zombie) Parasol Zombie, can we speak privately?

Parasol Zombie: Sure.

  • Bikini Zombie grabs Parasol Zombie's arm and brings her upstairs. They end up in Imp Mermaid Zombie's bedroom.

Bikini Zombie: (whispers) I found Imp Mermaid Zombie in a basket on my doorstep one night. I felt so bad for her, so I took her in. I've been taking care of her ever since. The poor thing doesn't know we're not related.

Parasol Zombie: Oh, I... uh... never knew.

Bikini Zombie: (whispers) I don't like to talk about it. I have seen you take care of Imp Mermaid Zombie before. Maybe we can partner together, you take care of her some days, I take care of her other days.

Parasol Zombie: Sure, why not.

  • Suddenly, the closet starts shaking violently. Bikini Zombie and Parasol Zombie back away from it, while the other main characters enter the room.

Zombie Commander: What is that noise?!?

  • Parasol Zombie slowly approaches the closet, while the others slowly walk away from it. Her right hand (that is shaking in fear) reaches slowly for the closet's doorknob. She slowly opens it, and Imp Mermaid Zombie appears, gagged and with her hands and feet tied together with rope. The characters gasp, and Bikini Zombie approaches her.

Bikini Zombie: Imp Mermaid Zombie! (removes the gag from Imp Mermaid Zombie's mouth) What happened?!?

Imp Mermaid Zombie: I'll tell, but can someone please remove this rope? It itches.

  • Weasel Hoarder gets an Ice Weasel from her hair and uses him to cut through the rope.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: Thanks. Now, it all started early this morning.

  • The screen flashes white, and Imp Mermaid Zombie appears on a sofa, watching television.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (voiceover) I was watching TV when suddenly I hear a creak.

  • A creak is heard, and Imp Mermaid Zombie glances in the direction of the stairs, where at the bottom of the stairs is another Imp Mermaid Zombie. The real Imp Mermaid Zombie looks back at the TV for a couple of seconds, but then she suddenly looks at the look-alike, shocked.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (voiceover) Next thing I know, there are two of me.

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie jumps off the sofa and cautiously approaches her look-alike. She raises her right arm, and her copy mirrors her. Her copy continues to mirror the movements she makes. After a while, she hugs her clone.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (ecstatic) Are you the twin sister I always wanted?

Imp Mermaid Zombie Clone: Nope. (grins evilly) I'm your worst nightmare.

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie's happy expression then turns into one of confusion.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (confused) Wait, what?

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (voiceover) And then things went from good to bad.

  • The Clone suddenly jumps onto Imp Mermaid Zombie, and a dust cloud occurs. When it clears, Imp Mermaid Zombie is gagged and her hands and feet are tied togetherness with rope.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: And then things went from bad to worse.

  • The scene cuts to the inside of the closet, which is pitch-black. The Clone opens the closet door and throws Imp Mermaid Zombie inside.

Imp Mermaid Zombie Clone: Once I am done, no-one will want to be friends with you. (laughs evilly)

  • The Clone then closes the closet door, and the screen flashes white. When the flash disappears, it shows Imp Mermaid Zombie sitting on the sofa, with the others surrounding her.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: And then after a while, you guys appeared and saved me.

Glitter Zombie: That's horrible.

Bikini Zombie: When I find that look-alike, I'll give her a piece of my mind.

???: What mind?

  • The characters hear this and look in the direction of the stairs, where the copy is standing, looking at them.

Bikini Zombie: Woah, I'm seeing double.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (angrily) YOU!!! (walks over to her mimic) I don't know who you are, but you are in so much trouble!

Imp Mermaid Zombie Clone: No, you are.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (confused) What?

  • The Clone suddenly takes off her aquamarine-coloured hair, revealing long red-orange hair. She then takes off the coconuts she is wearing, revealing seashells. She takes off the blue tail she is wearing, revealing a yellow bikini bottom with black dots on it. She puts her hand in her hair, moves it around, and finds a brown shoe, which she puts on her right foot.

Bikini Zombie: I'm still seeing double.

Shrinking Violet: (shocked) Who are you?

???: I am Fishy Imp, and you, pipsqueak, better move away or else.

  • Shrinking Violet, scared, moves away from Fishy Imp.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: So you took my place? But why?

Fishy Imp: Don't act like you don't know.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: But I don't know.

Fishy Imp: (angry) It's because of Greaser Imp!

Imp Mermaid Zombie: My best friend?

Fishy Imp: (angry) That's the point! I was going to ask him to be my friend. I was going to become his best friend. But you stole that away from me!

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (shocked) I didn't know. Honestly.

Fishy Imp: It's too late for that. I already made my revenge.

Glitter Zombie: How?

Fishy Imp: (angry) YOU'RE NOT IN THIS CONVERSATION!!! But, since you asked, I'll tell. I dressed up like Imp Mermaid Zombie and acted like a total jerk to everyone so that people wouldn't like you anymore, and so that Greaser Imp would be my friend.

Ghost Pepper: And did it work?

Fishy Imp: It will soon.

  • Suddenly, there are multiple knocks at the door, and muffled shouting can be heard.

Fishy Imp: Looks like it's time for me to make my escape. (holds a smoke bomb) Until we meet again, nerds!

  • Fishy Imp throws the smoke bomb at the ground, creating a thick pink cloud. The characters inside start to cough, and the slamming of a door can be heard.

Bikini Zombie: She escaped (coughs) through the back door.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: I'll answer the (coughs) front door.

  • She walks to the front door and jumps up to reach the doorknob. She turns it, drops to the ground and the door opens, revealing an angry crowd.

Cactus: (infuriated) YOU!!!

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie suddenly closes the door, petrified.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (frightened) I-it's f-for y-you, B-bik-kini Z-zomb-bie.

  • Bikini Zombie walks to the door and opens it, revealing the same angry crowd as before.

Bikini Zombie: May I help you?

Black-Eyed Pea: Is Imp Mermaid Zombie home? We'd like to have a word with her.

Bikini Zombie: No, she's not here. She went on a vacation to... uh... the moon.

  • Black-Eyed Pea looks past Bikini Zombie and notices Imp Mermaid Zombie inside.

Black-Eyed Pea: She's inside!

  • The crowd walks inside starts walking towards Imp Mermaid Zombie. Glitter Zombie then comes between the crowd and Imp Mermaid Zombie.

Glitter Zombie: Now wait just a second. Imp Mermaid Zombie didn't do anything wrong.

Bombegranate: Yes she did!

Sunflower: Like what?

Balloon Zombie: She and her friend popped all the balloons I made at the fair! And she put holes in the ones I weren't using!

Cat Lady: (holding hairless cats) She shaved all my cats! And I have a LOT of cats.

Briar Rose: (without petals) She plucked my petals!

Morning Glory: (tired) She stole all my coffee. (yawns) And if I don't get my morning coffee, I get very very-

  • Morning Glory slumps to the ground and starts snoring. The crowd and main characters stare at Morning Glory. Briar Rose picks up Morning Glory.

Briar Rose: She's fine. (laughs nervously) See?

  • Briar Rose lets go of Morning Glory, and for a few seconds, she stays upright. She then slumps to the ground and continues snoring.

Briar Rose: Anyone have any coffee?

Bikini Zombie: I can make some if you want me to.

Zombie Coach: Enough with the small talk. We can here for Imp Mermaid Zombie and we're gonna get Imp Mermaid Zombie.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (scared) Uh oh.

All-Star: Get her!

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie screams and runs upstairs, followed by the angry crowd (except for Morning Glory and Briar Rose, who is taking care of Morning Glory).

Bikini Zombie: So... I'll start the coffee. (walks into the kitchen).

  • The camera cuts to Imp Mermaid Zombie's bedroom, where Imp Mermaid Zombie is slowly backing away from the crowd, who are slowly backing away from her.

Arctic Trooper: Nowhere to run!

Chomper: Nowhere to hide!

Banana Launcher: One of us! One of us! One of us!

  • The crowd stops walking towards Imp Mermaid Zombie and stares at Banana Launcher. Missile Toe, who is next to him, whispers into his "ear".

Banana Launcher: One of... Wait, we're not doing that?

  • Missile Toe whispers into Banana Launcher's "ear".

Banana Launcher: Oh. Sorry about that.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: It's OK.

Swabbie: Now, where were we?

  • The crowd continues walking towards Imp Mermaid Zombie. She then hops onto the windowsill and the crowd stop walking toward her.

MC Zom-B: Easy there. We don't want any trouble.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: Then what are YOU ALL DOING?!?

Peashooter: Being an angry crowd?

Wall-nut: We just don't want you to get hurt.


Astronaut: Why WERE we being an angry mob? It was just a bunch of pranks.

Newspaper Zombie: If we're not an angry crowd, how about we go back to our normal lives.

  • The crowd agrees and start singing walking out of the room. Pogo Zombie then jumps on his pogo stick. He then bounces so high he hits his head on the ceiling, causing dust and a small part of the ceiling to fall to the ground. The dust lands on Peashooter's "snout".

Peashooter: Ah... Ah...

Sanitation Expert: Oh no.

Peashooter: ACHOO!!!

  • Peashooter sneezes and shoots a pea, which hits Imp Mermaid Zombie, knocking her off the windowsill aand out of the window. The crowd then gasps and stares at Peashooter.

Peashooter: Oh no.

  • Some of the crowd looks out the window to try and find Imp Mermaid Zombie. They see nothing but sand, a couple of bushes near the house and seashells. Imp Mermaid Zombie then walks out of one of the bushes, dazed.

Cactus: She's alive! NOW we go back to our normal lives.

  • The crowd leave the room and the house. Inside the house, Morning Glory exits the kitchen drinking coffee.

Morning Glory: Thanks for the coffee, Bikini!

Bikini Zombie: No problem.

  • Outside of the house, on a nearby sand dune, Fishy Imp and Greaser Imp are facing the house.

Greaser Imp: Uh... Why are we here again?

Fishy Imp: Oh, just enjoying a victory. (moves closer to Greaser Imp)

Greaser Imp: (nervous) Please don't come that close to me.

  • The crowd is then walking past the two Imps, and Ice Block Zombie starts sniffing the air.

Ice Block Zombie: (sniffing) I know that smell. That's the smell of a Flounder.

Gargantuar: So?

Ice Block Zombie: When Imp Mermaid Zombie was being a jerk, don't you remember she's smelt like this?

Relic Hunter Zombie: Hey, you're right.

  • Ice Block Zombie continues sniffing the air and follows the smell to Fishy Imp and Greaser Imp.

Fishy Imp: So, have you ever thought about you and me being friends? Or maybe even, best friends? (puts her hand on his)

Greaser Imp: (nervous) I... uh... You see...

Ice Block Zombie: I found the source. (points at Fishy Imp) She smells of Flounder.

Greaser Imp: (sniffs) You do smell, now that I think about it.

Fishy Imp: Oh, you noticed. (giggles) What do you think?

Greaser Imp: I think you need to explain why all these plants and zombies are surrounding us.

Fishy Imp: (nervous) I may have impersonated Imp Mermaid Zombie and made everyone angry at her so that you can be my friend. But that's now the past, and we're friends now, right? (smiles)

Greaser Imp: (shocked) What?!?

Newspaper Zombie: So she's the culprit.

Energy Drink Zombie: Maybe we should become an angry crowd and chase you!

Fishy Imp: Uh oh. Greaser Imp, how about you and me lie low for a while?

  • The camera moves away from Fishy Imp, revealing Greaser Imp is no longer sitting next to her.

Fishy Imp: Greaser Imp?

  • Greaser Imp is next seen running away from the large crowd.

Greaser Imp: You're on your own, you weirdo!

  • Fishy Imp turns around to find the crowd is looking at her angrily.

Fishy Imp: (nervously) Oh... uh... (waves at them) Hi...

All-Star: Get her!

  • Fishy Imp screams and starts running away while the crowd chases her.

The End


  • Before any other appearance of Fishy Imp.
  • After "Chemical Chaos".


  • Banana Launcher chanting "One of us" is a reference to the 1932 American horror film Freaks.