User blog:Plant Protecter/Plant Protecter's PvZ Stories: The Joke's on You!

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If you want me to write a transcript for a certain story, ask me, and I will happily write it.

The Joke's on You!

  • The episode starts in the Dark Ages, where Jester Zombie is waking up inside the castle.

Jester Zombie: April Fool's Day! My favourite time of the year! And I have a master plan...

  • Jester Zombie wanders around the castle to the throne room, which has two empty thrones.

Jester Zombie: (grinning) Perfect, the king and queen aren't here yet.

  • Jester Zombie walks towards the thrones, and puts whoopee cushions on the thrones. He then runs out of the throne room to find another victim.

Jester Zombie: I know! I'll prank that wizard. He's too serious.

  • Jester Zombie sneaks into Wizard Zombie's room, and uses a saw to cut his staff nearly in half.

Jester Zombie: (giggles) One more victim. That executioner...

  • Jester Zombie sneaks out of Wizard Zombie's room and into the dungeon.

Jester Zombie: (shudders) I remember spending time in here for my previous pranks. But not this year!

  • Jester Zombie finds the Dark Ages Gargantuar napping. He sneaks up towards the Dark Ages Gargantuar and takes of his mask and replaces it with one without eye holes.

Jester Zombie: I can't wait until they wake up!

  • Dark Ages Gargantuar and Imp Monk Zombie yawn.

Jester Zombie: Uh oh, better leave.

  • Jester Zombie rushes back towards his room, while hearing a crash behind him.

Dark Ages Gargantuar: Hey! Who turned it the lights?!? (runs into a suit of armour) Oops, sorry Knight Zombie.

Imp Monk Zombie: You're talking to a suit of armour.

In the throne room...

Zombie King: Another day, another long trip to my throne.

Zombie Queen: It would be faster if you lost a few pounds.

Zombie King: Just help me to my throne.

  • Zombie Queen helps Zombie King onto his throne, when a farting sound is heard.

Zombie King: (blushing) Uhhh...

Zombie Queen: Eww.

Zombie King: That wasn't me!

Zombie Queen: Fine...

  • Zombie Queen sits on her throne, and a farting sound is heard.

Zombie Queen: (blushing) Uhhh...

Zombie King: That was you, wasn't it?

Zombie Queen: N-no, it wasn't... Hey, there's a whoopee cushion on my throne! There must be one on your throne as well.

Zombie King: JESTER ZOMBIE!!!

  • Jester Zombie cartwheels into the room.

Jester Zombie: Yes, your royalties?

Zombie King: (holds a whoopee cushion) Is this yours?

Jester Zombie: (giggles) Yes.

Zombie King: You hardly ever use these. Don't tell me it's your favourite holiday.

Jester Zombie: Yep.

Zombie King: (groans) We've talked about this. No pranks in the castle. Go torture something else.

Jester Zombie Why?

Zombie King: (angry) Because if you pull one more prank, you will be executed!

Jester Zombie: I have been executed nearly a dozen times. I'm a zombie, I can live without my head.

Zombie King: Just go!

Jester Zombie: Fine.

Zombie King: Hey, where's Wizard Zombie?

  • Wizard Zombie walks into the room.

Wizard Zombie: JESTER ZOMBIE!!! Did you break my staff!?!

Jester Zombie: Uh oh, time to exit.

  • Jester Zombie then backflips out of the castle while laughing maniacally.

Zombie King: You've got to admit, some of his pranks are a bit funny.

Dark Ages Gargantuar: (runs into another suit of armour) Sorry.

In the Backyard Battleground, near the Zomburger.

Parasol Zombie: (sits down at a table) Ug.

Bikini Zombie: (sits down next to Parasol Zombie while scratching herself) I know, right? Whoa, what happened to you?

Parasol Zombie: (surprised) I may ask you the same question.

Bikini Zombie: I woke up in my bed in the middle of the ocean. I had to swim to the beach, and I didn't have my medical cream. I'm sure Octo Zombie did this to me. I think he's still angry about our break up. Now I have a rash.

Parasol Zombie: Ew. I woke up this morning, and when to mix some potions. Someone tampered with my potions, and now my hair's white and my face is pale. I look like a human. I think Relic Hunter Zombie did this, as payback for the treasure he lost on my expedition.

Bikini Zombie: (drooling) Are you using your brain? I haven't had breakfast...

  • Parasol Zombie growls.

Bikini Zombie: (scared) Oh, uh, nevermind.

???: That's nothing!

Parasol Zombie: Who... (surprised) Glitter Zombie! Is that you?

  • A zombie with a blond arfo, glasses with blue lens, a pink glitter shirt, white pants and platform shoes sits down next to Bikini Zombie.

Glitter Zombie: Yes. I woke up to find my hair like this, my hairbrush and forks stolen and this suit was the only thing left in my wardrobe. I look like a female Disco Zombie and, what's worse, Electric Boogaloo's in love with me! I think Impunk did this. He's always being mean.

  • Electric Boogaloo sits next to Glitter Zombie.

Electric Boogaloo: Are you sure you don't want to go on a date with me?

Glitter Zombie: NO!

???: (muffled) Anyone there?

Glitter Zombie: Imp Mermaid Zombie?

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (muffled) Yep, that's me. I was walking under a coconut tree when I saw a plate of pancakes on a table. I like pancakes so I was about to eat one when a coconut fell on my head and it's stuck! I'm sure Surfer Zombie did this, I never liked him.

???: Help...

Parasol Zombie: (gasps) Weasel Hoarder! What happened, you're as thin as sticks!?!

Weasel Hoarder: Yes. (gasps) I woke up in Ancient Egypt. I was stuck to my ice bed. It took around 30 minutes for my bed to melt, and I sweated so much I am thinner than normal. And so hungry. I think Chief Ice Wind Zombie did this. He hates my Weasels. I don't even know where they are.

Parasol Zombie: (gasps) Of course! It's April Fools Day! We've all been pranked.

Electric Boogaloo: I haven't.

Weasel Hoarder: Your goggles are a fit foggy.

Electric Boogaloo: I'll clean them.

  • Electric Boogaloo removes his googles, and a black line where the googles were on his face appears.

Bikini Zombie: (giggles) You got pranked.

Electric Boogaloo: Hmm?

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (muffled) I have a hand mirror. (places it on the table)

Electric Boogaloo: (looks in the mirror and gasps) I have been pranked. I have to go and wash this off.

  • Electric Boogaloo runs towards the bathroom in the Zomburger.

Weasel Hoarder: (notices the coconut on Imp Mermaid Zombie's head) Are you going to eat that?

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (muffled) If you can get it off my head, it's yours.

  • Weasel Hoarder pushes Imp Mermaid Zombie off the chair she's on, and the coconut breaks in contact with the ground.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: Thanks. (notices the other zombies) What happened!?!

  • Weasel Hoarder starts trying to eat the coconut pieces.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (notices Glitter Zombie's hairdo) Oh my. That look doesn't suit you at all. (takes out a fishbone) Let me use my hairbrush to fix that.

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie fixes Glitter Zombie's hair to look like normal.

Glitter Zombie: Thanks.

  • Electric Boogaloo walks back to the table.

Electric Boogaloo: I'm back. Hey, where did my love go?

Glitter Zombie: She went to the 1970s.

Electric Boogaloo: Thanks.

  • Electric Boogaloo leaves.

Glitter Zombie: Let me get your medical cream, mother.

Bikini Zombie: (scratching herself) Please. Do it quickly.

10 minutes later...

Parasol Zombie: (to Bikini Zombie) So, when did you first discover you had a allergic reaction to sea water?

Bikini Zombie: Well, it was 1963 and I...

Glitter Zombie: (running) I have it!

  • Glitter Zombie gives a tube of cream to Bikini Zombie.

Bikini Zombie: Thanks. I'll be back.

  • Bikini Zombie runs to the bathroom in the Zomburger.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (to Glitter Zombie) That necklace around your neck looks pretty.

Glitter Zombie: Thanks. It came with the suit.

Weasel Hoarder: Still... hungry...

  • Bikini Zombie runs back to the table, without her rash.

Parasol Zombie: You look a lot better.

Bikini Zombie: I feel better too. Now let's see if I can fix your problem. (gets a towel and wipes Parasol Zombie's face and hair) At least it isn't permanent. There. No more pale skin or white hair.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: And no more makeup. You look like a mess. Here. (gives Parasol Zombie a small pink box, a hand mirror and a fishbone) Use these to make yourself look pretty.

Glitter Zombie: (to Imp Mermaid Zombie) How can you carry so much beauty items?

Imp Mermaid Zombie: I keep it in my hair and my tail.

Parasol Zombie: There. Back to normal.

Weasel Hoarder: Uhhh...

Parasol Zombie: (to Weasel Hoarder) Let me buy you breakfast. Do you want pancakes?

Weasel Hoarder: Anything...

Parasol Zombie: Pancakes it is. How about pancakes for all of us?

All zombies at the table: Yes!

5 minutes later...

Weasel Hoarder: That was a fantastic breakfast. (burps and then blushes) Oh, excuse me.

Parasol Zombie: It's OK. Now, we have to find the source of the pranks. We're most likely not the only ones pranked.

  • MC Zom-B runs to the table.

MC Zom-B: (muffled) Help!

Glitter Zombie: What do you want? And take your microphone out of your mouth.

MC Zom-B: (muffled) I can't. It's stuck. Someone superglued it to my mouth.

Parasol Zombie: Oh. (takes a potion out of her satchel) Here. This should fix it.

  • MC Zom-B drinks the potion, which reverts the sugerglue's effect.

MC Zom-B: (removes the microphone) Thanks. I heard that Jester Zombie might be behind all the pranks.

Glitter Zombie: Thanks. Wait, is there a joke shop in Suburbia? And where are all the Plants?

Parasol Zombie: No, but there's the Gigglechuckle Factory of Pranks in downtown Suburbia. And I don't know.

MC Zom-B: I heard that Jester Zombie has kidnapped all the Plants and is ready to "get rid of them".

Bikini Zombie: He must be in there!

Weasel Hoarder: Then let's go!

20 minutes later...

Imp Mermaid Zombie: Why are there all these transitions between scenes?

Parasol Zombie: Because the story is too boring without them.

  • The zombies enter the door of the factory, only to find...

Bikini Zombie: Octo Zombie?

Imp Mermaid Zombie: Surfer Zombie?

Weasel Hoarder: Chief Ice Wind Zombie?

Parasol Zombie: Relic Hunter Zombie?

Glitter Zombie: Impunk?

Impunk: That's right.

Octo Zombie: We're here to stop you!

Imp Mermaid Zombie: Nope. (throws some powder from her makeup box at Chief Ice Wind Zombie)

Chief Ice Wind Zombie: Oh no... Ah...

Surfer Zombie: NOOO!

Chief Ice Wind Zombie: ACHOOO!!! (accidentally freezes him and his allies)

Relic Hunter Zombie: (muffled, to Chief Ice Wind Zombie) This... is... your... fault!

Deeper in the factory...

  • All the Plants are tied together on a platform above a giant blender.

Jester Zombie: (laughs maniacally) You all must be wondering why I've tied you together.

Bonk Choy: We're wondering HOW you tied us together.

Jester Zombie: I am going to destroy all of you ONCE AND FOR ALL!

Torchwood: What?!?

Sweet Pea: You're mad!

Jester Zombie: No, I'm eccentric. When I pull this lever in front of me, you will be dropped into the Zombot Blendomatic, and I will be known as the zombie who destroyed all the plants!

Power Chomper: If you destroy us, what will you zombies do?

  • Jester Zombie stops laughing and thinks about it.

Jester Zombie: I don't know, take over the universe or something.

Spring Bean: Not to burst your bubble, but the blender's not plugged in.

Jester Zombie: (looks at the plug) So it is. Thanks.

  • All the plants look angrily at Spring Bean.

Fire Peashooter: YOU!!!

Wall-nut: Not helping!

Kiwibeast: ROAR!!!

Jester Zombie: There we go. Now, to pull the lever.

  • Suddenly, the main zombies burst through the door.

Parasol Zombie: Stop right there!

Jester Zombie: Nope. (presses a button which traps the zombies) Now, where was I?

  • Suddenly, the door behind Jester Zombie bursts open, revealing an angry mob of zombies. Super Brainz flies to the Plants, and starts rescuing them.

Super Brainz: Trap me in a room of mirrors, will you?!? You'll pay for this. But I did look handsome.

Jester Zombie: Uh oh.

Balloon Zombie: You put a hole in ALL of my deflated balloons. AND the balloon I was using to fly!

Weightlifter Zombie: You stole my weightlifting arm!

Plumber: You put this plunger over my eyes!

Jester Zombie: No, you did that.

Plumber: Oh.

Jester Zombie: Now before you destroy me, I have to say one thing. SMOKE BOMB! (throws a smoke bomb at the ground and escapes)

Excavator Zombie: (coughs) He escaped.

Imp For now.

Parasol Zombie: (escapes from the trap, along with the other trapped zombies) Now hopefully everything will go back to normal.

Glitter Zombie: Uhh, Parasol Zombie?

Parasol Zombie: What?

  • Glitter Zombie holds a shrunken MC Zom-B in her hands.

MC Zom-B: You did this!

Parasol Zombie: Oops. Sorry.



  • This was one of my first stories, but I forgot about it until recently.
  • The title of the story is based on Jester's description in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes.
  • The Zombot Blendomatic is based on some drawings I drew.