User blog:ThisUserLikesLightningReed/Best Plants of Ancient Egypt

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Ahh, Ancient Egypt, the first world of PvZ2. Can't say much about it, as today I'm going to rate the plants here. I'm going to say how powerful they are, their concept. Start reading this User!

⚠️ Warning ⚠️: You are about to read a page full of opinions. If you disagree, then so be it. Please agree that you will not spam my message wall in anger, as this is my opinion.

Let's start with Bloomerang, (Cabbage-pult is no longer an Ancient Egypt plant as of the 7.1.1 update)


Note: The stats shown below only apply to Level 1.

I hope this new plant can hit up to three targets, twice!

Crazy Dave, Ancient Egypt - Day 3

At first, he seems very reasonable, 175 sun for hitting three targets, twice. He is particularly useful against Camel Zombies, destroying multiple enemies together, and its plant food effect can help eliminate zombies in four directions! Spear-mint is best used with him, as the boosts will render him over powered. It is also useful against octopi as it can attack as much as three octopi in his lane at once.

However, he is easily outclassed by other plants. Cactus can shoot through the whole lane with 40 dps (twice of what Bloomerang outputs). He is also outclassed by Laser Bean, firing at a faster rate and like Cactus, his effect is lane wide, although with less damage. His sun cost makes it hard to accumulate, while placing other plants. He is useless against Jester Zombies, as he will deflect the projectiles, and with plant food, it can easily clear his lane if you're not careful. Shield Zombie also renders this useless, as it will block it.

When leveling it up, I can't recommend it much, as said above, he is not particularly useful in later levels. However, if you do want to upgrade it, at level 3, he gets a big boost. His sun cost will decrease by 25 sun, and his damage will increase.

Otherwise, I rate it 6 out of 10.

Iceberg Lettuce

Note: The stats shown below only apply to Level 1.

Don't get lost staring into Iceberg's adorably cute eyes. If you do, it will be your last step... but only if you're a zombie.

Iceberg Lettuce's Almanac entry

If I would, I could say Iceberg Lettuce is one of the best plants of Ancient Egypt. He is free, and freezes a zombie. His plant food effect helps freeze all zombies on the screen, acting like our RIP Ice-shroom.

He is particularly useful when used with short ranged plants or slow damaging plants, as it will give time to deal damage to high health enemies like Buckethead Zombies andGargantuars, can stop the effects of Jester Zombies or Wizard Zombie, and Winter-mint will extend his freezing time.

However his cons is that he has a very slow recharge of 20 seconds. That's enough time to plant FOUR Sunflowers! However though this can be bypassed by upgrading him or putting plant food on the seed packet. Another con is that he can't freeze multiple zombies at once without plant food or leveling up to Level 11, before he can freeze in a 1 x 2 area. By Level 16 he will freeze in a 3 x 3 area, thus proving his effectiveness. However it is hard to believe that you need over 164,000 coins and you need over 2,000 seed packets to get to level 16, making it hard to achieve. Another would be, using fire or explosive plants, (e.g. Torchwood, Snapdragon, Cherry Bomb, etc) will thaw the frozen zombies, thus rendering the effect useless with fire or explosive plants.

Overall however, despite the cons, I rate him a perfect 10 out of 10

Grave Buster

Note: The stats shown below only apply to Level 1.


Grave Buster's Plants vs. Zombies Heroes description

A fan favorite: Grave Buster. While he may have had a major redesign, his purpose is just the same as the first game, to consume graves. Though enough of that, let's carry on.

His sun cost has changed from 75 in the first game, to 0. His recharge was made faster and his was tougher than his Plants vs Zombies counterpart. His usefulness in Ancient Egypt helps clear the lawn of graves, and are especially useful when there are Tomb Raiser Zombies as they spawn multiple graves. He is also useful in the Pyramid of Doom, as more gravestones will appear in later levels.

His cons though, is that like the first game, he can be eaten by zombies. Another con would be that catapulting plants like Cabbage-pult, Kernel-pult, and Melon-pult among many other catapult plants is that they can bypass the gravestones and attack the zombie behind it instead, thus reducing the need of Grave Buster. Another note is that graves can now be destroyed by plants, without a Grave Buster, reducing the need for Grave Buster.

However he makes himself useful again in the Dark Ages, as sun doesn't fall from the sky, making him the cheapest counter to graves. He makes himself useful in Modern Dayas portals with dangerous zombies appear behind gravestones, blocking plants from attacking zombies behind the graves. Very useful in Arena for destroying tombstones as well. At level 5, he can explode, thus making him very useful in a 3 x 3 area.

Overall when he is in levels with graves, I rate him nothing because, he is too useful so obviously. When there are no graves, obviously why use it?

Bonk Choy

Note: The stats shown below only apply to Level 1.

Little known fact: He used to have two teeth.

Bonk Choy's Plants vs. Zombies Heroes description

He punches, he boxes, and he well KNOCKS the heads off zombies! Bonk Choy is your all out OP puncher, but...

With a sun cost of 150 sun, his reasonable price makes him a good choice in levels, and with a fast recharge, he can be placed on the lawn as fast one can put him. One advantage is that he can punch both forward and backward, making him a good choice for putting him behind a strong enemy, can easily combat Prospector Zombies, or zombies brought by a pterodactyl. He is best used in conjuction with Iceberg Lettuce, Stunion, or Stallia to further slow/stop zombies to absorb more damage. His plant food effect makes him dangerously powerful, punching zombies in a 3 x 3 area, with high damage output, sounds good to me, best used in a horde of zombies.

A disadvantage is that he is a short ranged that needs to be planted close to a zombie, and needs to be protected by defensive plants to prevent him getting eaten. Another disadvantage is that he has a damage output of 15 damage, which is less than a Peashooter! But as he levels up, you'll find him useful, he gets great boosts at levels 5 and 6, thus improving his damage output.

Overall, I rate it an 8 out of 10.


Note: The stats shown below only apply to Level 1.

Yes! Yes! Let's do this! Let's do this!

Repeater's Plants vs. Zombies Heroes description

Ever since I was young, I always wondered why Repeater looks angry. His almanac description in the first game answered me. Anyway, enough with that, he's angry because of zombies!

He is practically two Peashooters, with the same damage output. However, in terms of space, it's more likely you'll choose Repeater over Peashooter. His damage output of 40 dps can defeat a Basic Zombie in five hits. His plant food effect is useful as well, as the amount of peas is twice as a Peashooter's plant food effect, and shoots a giant pea that will do such damage. Other than that almost nothing changed from the first game, well almost.

In the first game, he deals a very small amount of splash damage, that has been removed here. He is easily outclassed by Fire Peashooter, with a lower sun cost, deals the same damage, and doesn't need a Torchwood to have fire peas, he is also outclassed by Snow Pea, costing 50 less sun, has a lower damage output, but compensates it with a chilling effect, which slows them.

But his angry legacy will continue, so I rate him a satisfactory 8 out of 10.

Twin Sunflower

Note: The stats shown below only apply to Level 1.

Makes twice the sun of a regular Sunflower.

Twin Sunflower's Plants vs Zombies Adventures description

She gives two suns? Well two suns is 100 sun and is enough to plant a Peashooter, two Wall-nuts, or four Potato Mines. Enough with math.

Again, like Repeater, she is practically two Sunflowers. In terms of space, she'd be a good choice. With a decreased sun cost of 25, and she is no longer an upgrade plant and can be planted on its own. She didn't change much from her former profile, nothing at all. Her plant food effect makes her useful producing twice a normal Sunflower would give in her plant food effect.

However, she is outclassed by other sun producing plants. Sun-shroom is cheaper by 100 sun, and can give lots of sun overtime. Primal Sunflower, though expensive, is very useful in as she costs 50 less sun. Gold Bloom, while free and gives a lot of sun, she sadly is behind a pay-wall and has a long recharge.

Although she is very useful, I rate her a 8 out of 10.


You don't know how tired I was to type this much User. In conclusion, the average score of Ancient Egypt's plants is a good 8 out of 10. As start up plants, we may find them outclassed by later obtained plants, but truly, they still shine!

Up next, Pirate Seas plants. Expect it in 4 - 6 days!

Until now that's it User!
