Fairytale Forest - Day 2 (Part 1)

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For the level in part two of the Fairytale Forest which uses the same name, see Fairytale Forest - Day 2 (Part 2).

Fairytale Forest - Day 2 in Part 1 is the second level of the Fairytale Forest as a part of the Secret Realms gamemode. This level introduces the Guard Gargantuar.


This stage features three Guard Gargantuars but because they only appear near the end of the stage, they shouldn't be seen as too great of a threat. A player can use chilling and other slowing plants for this stage and use their newly aquired Heath Seeker to defeat the Guard Gargantuars.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Poker Zombie2.png1 None
2 Poker Zombie2.png1 Poker Zombie2.png2 None
3 Poker Zombie2.png Conehead Poker Zombie2.png None
4 Flag Poker Zombie2.png Poker Zombie2.png Poker Zombie2.png Poker Zombie2.png None First flag
5 Conehead Poker Zombie2.png Conehead Poker Zombie2.png Poker Zombie2.png Poker Zombie2.png None
6 Poker Zombie2.png Poker Zombie2.png None
7 Poker Zombie2.png Conehead Poker Zombie2.png Poker Zombie2.png None
8 Flag Poker Zombie2.png Poker Zombie2.png Conehead Poker Zombie2.png Poker Zombie2.png None Second flag
9 Buckethead Poker Zombie2.png Conehead Poker Zombie2.png Poker Zombie2.png None
10 Guard Gargantuar2.png Conehead Poker Zombie2.png Conehead Poker Zombie2.png Poker Zombie2.png Poker Zombie2.png None Carries x1 Plant Food
11 Guard Gargantuar2.png Buckethead Poker Zombie2.png Conehead Poker Zombie2.png None
12 Flag Poker Zombie2.png Buckethead Poker Zombie2.png Buckethead Poker Zombie2.png Conehead Poker Zombie2.png Guard Gargantuar2.png None Final flag


Frogs Croaking (青蛙呱呱叫; pinyin: Qīngwā Guāguājiào) is the second level of the Fairytale Forest in Part 1 and Hard Mode. On this difficulty, Witch Zombies will appear instead of the Guard Gargantuars that appeared on normal mode. In addition, blue magic fog is also present in this version of the stage.


With the presence of Witch Zombies and blue magic fog, a player should bring Heath Seeker as usual to target both the aforementioned zombies and the magic shields. As one of the stage objectives forbids against losing too many plants, a player should only use the Heath Seeker when the fog is not present on the lawn as a zombie's magic shield cannot be destroyed while the protected zombies is still in the fog.

Optional Objectives

  • Don't use any Energy Beans
  • Don't lose more than 15 plants
  • Defeat 10 zombies in 5 seconds


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Poker Zombie2.png1 None Blue Magic Fog appears
2 Poker Zombie2.png1 Poker Zombie2.png2 None
3 Poker Zombie2.png Conehead Poker Zombie2.png Witch Zombie2.png None
4 Flag Poker Zombie2.png Poker Zombie2.png Poker Zombie2.png Poker Zombie2.png Witch Zombie2.png None First flag, Magic Wind appears
5 Conehead Poker Zombie2.png Conehead Poker Zombie2.png Witch Zombie2.png Witch Zombie2.png None Carries x1 Plant Food
6 Poker Zombie2.png Witch Zombie2.png None
7 Poker Zombie2.png Conehead Poker Zombie2.png Poker Zombie2.png3 Witch Zombie2.png3 None
8 Flag Poker Zombie2.png Poker Zombie2.png Conehead Poker Zombie2.png3 Witch Zombie2.png3 Witch Zombie2.png3 None Second flag, Blue Magic Fog appears
9 Buckethead Poker Zombie2.png Conehead Poker Zombie2.png3 Poker Zombie2.png3 Witch Zombie2.png3 None
10 Conehead Poker Zombie2.png Conehead Poker Zombie2.png3 Conehead Poker Zombie2.png3 Witch Zombie2.png3 Witch Zombie2.png3 None Carries x1 Plant Food
11 Buckethead Poker Zombie2.png Conehead Poker Zombie2.png3 Poker Zombie2.png3 Witch Zombie2.png3 None Magic Wind appears
12 Flag Poker Zombie2.png Buckethead Poker Zombie2.png Buckethead Poker Zombie2.png Conehead Poker Zombie2.png3 Poker Zombie2.png3 Witch Zombie2.png3 None Final flag

(!) Superscripted number refers which lane the zombie appears in - Subscripted number refers to the tier/level the zombie has been set to appear as
