This stage features a few more Guard Gargantuars than the previous stage and because there's no magic fog present in this version of the stage, stalling plants such as Winter Melon and Primal Rafflesia can be used against the Guard Gargantuars. On the final wave, two Guard Gargantuars will carry Red Queen Imps and will, under normal conditions, drop them upon defeat. The Red Queen Imps will then attempt to run leftwards and if not defeated quickly, they will summon two to three Guard Cavalry Zombies which can prove to be dangerous. Luckily, the Guard Cavalry Zombies are only level 1 so a single Heath Seeker or Cherry Bomb can defeat them before they have a chance to begin charging forwards.
The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Tough One (硬茬; pinyin: Yìng Chá) is the third level of the Fairytale Forest in Part 1 and Hard Mode. On this difficulty, all zombies are the same as those that appeared in the normal difficulty of the stage but blue magic fog now present.
With the presence blue magic fog, a player should bring Heath Seeker as usual to break the magic shields around zombies, especially those of the Guard Gargantuars. Stalling plants such as Winter Melon and Primal Rafflesia are still recommended to slow down the Guard Gargantuars as most of the time they appear in this stage is when the magic fog isn't present. One of the objectives does ask to not spend more than 4000 sun so a level 3 Lightning Reed can work here as well as it gains a high chance to stun zombies upon attacking them and has a low sun cost.
Optional Objectives
Don't spend more than 4000 sun
Don't spend sun within any given span of 20 seconds
Freeze zombies 10 times
The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
(!) Superscripted number refers which lane the zombie appears in - Subscripted number refers to the tier/level the zombie has been set to appear as
(!) Asterisk * refers to an armed variant of Guard Gargantuar where he carries a Red Queen Imp with him