With this stage featuring the debut of the Witch Zombie, there aren't too for the player to worry about so rather it would be beneficial to player to learn how the work now so they can better plan how to deal with them in future levels when these zombies become obscured by fog. Just like in the previous stage, stalling plants such as Winter Melon and Primal Rafflesia can slow down the few Guard Gargantuars present and then use Heath Seeker and instant explosive plants such as Cherry Bomb to weaken them.
The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Fairytale Forest - Day 4 (Part 1) is the fourth level of the Fairytale Forest as a part of the Secret Realms gamemode. On this difficulty, there are no Red Queen Imps but purple magic fog makes its first appearance.
With the presence of purple magic fog that grants zombies a 75% damage reduction shield, Heath Seeker is recommended to be brought into the stage to destroy said shield and deal damage to the Witch Zombies. It is also helpful to bring manually controlled plants such as Magnifying Grass or Missile Toe to attack zombies hidden within the magic fog at your own discretion. As for the additional objectives, don't use Heath Seeker more than necessary to fulfill the plant loss restriction. It is also helpful to note that this stage features much less Guard Gargantuars than other Fairytale Forest stages so not bringing explosives to meet the optional objectives shouldn't be a concern.
The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.