One at a Time

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One at a Time is the first Vasebreaker level of Ancient Egypt in Plants vs. Zombies 2. It is the first level in the Egyptian Challenge Pack, and the fourth Vasebreaker level overall. There are thirty vases, and one of them contains Plant Food. After completing this level, the player receives a money bag.


  • The player will get a tutorial about the Reveal Vase Power Up.
  • This level is completely luck-based. Because of the Camel Zombies, the player needs Bloomerangs to deal them, but if there are too many, it can be overwhelming.
  • The amount of Bloomerangs in the vases is just enough to defeat all the Camel Zombies, so plant them wisely.


  • Break the vase from the rightmost column to get a few Bloomerangs. Save the green vases when seeing the Camel Zombies.
  • One column of Bloomerangs is needed to weaken the Camel Zombies. Refrain from breaking more vases ahead of the Camel Zombies if one group is induced by breaking vases, especially if in one row. You will only have a single Bloomerang, and it will put you in danger.

Related achievement

Tomb Breaker2.png
Tomb Breaker
Complete the Egyptian Challenge Pack



V · E
Plants vs. Zombies 2 Vasebreaker levels
Player's House Tutorial · To the Left · Boss Vase · Endless
Ancient Egypt One at a Time · Freeze 'Em · Block and Spike
Pirate Seas 3x3 · Spring Rollers · Buttery Birdies
Wild West Split Decision · Chicken Skewers · The Mine Cart
Chinese version
Far Future
Dark Ages
Big Wave Beach
Lost City
Jurassic Marsh
Modern Day
Renaissance Age

<poll> How would you rate One at a Time's difficulty? Very hard Hard Somewhat hard Medium Somewhat easy Easy Very easy </poll>