Vasebreaker (Plants vs. Zombies 2)

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For this mini-game in the original Plants vs. Zombies or in Plants vs. Zombies 3, see Vasebreaker & Vasebreaker (PvZ3).
Vasebreaker in the Trailer

Vasebreaker is the first (and so far the only) mini-game in Plants vs. Zombies 2. It was added in the 2.7.1 update, and six new Vasebreaker levels were added in the 3.4.4 update. Vasebreaker involves breaking open vases to reveal its hidden contents that can be helpful or harmful to the player. The objective remains the same: to build a defense to defeat the zombies, albeit carefully as the vases are randomized.

The focus of this puzzle is to utilize the player's ability to think critically to formulate a strategy based on the various types of plants given, versus the stage's different types of zombies. Vasebreaker gives more zombies than plants generally, so randomly breaking open too many vases will only increase the likelihood of the player's being overwhelmed or defend each of the five lanes if they lack the resources.

Each vase will have either a zombie, a seed packet containing a plant, Plant Food, or 50 sun (Endless levels only) in it. The green vases with a leaf printed on them will always contain plants, which are great at the beginning of levels to plan the player's defense. In contrast, there are also purple vases with a zombie face printed on them, which will always contain a Gargantuar. Three new Power Ups exclusively for Vasebreaker can be discovered here.

To unlock the Vasebreaker Mini-game, the player must finish Ancient Egypt - Day 1. Plant Food can also be first used in Vasebreaker instead of Ancient Egypt - Day 2. Cherry Bomb can also be used in Endless levels.


Currently, there are a total of 13 levels divided into five groups: Vasebreaker Intro, Egyptian Challenge, Pirate Challenge, Western Challenge, and Vasebreaker Endless, As of version 3.4.4, Pirate Challenge and Western Challenge became available.

Name Plants Zombies First time reward
Vasebreaker Intro
Tutorial Seven Peashooter2.png Two Wall-nut2.png One Potato Mine2.png Two Bonk Choy2.png Seven Basic Zombie2.png One Conehead Zombie2.png A money bag
To the Left Three Wall-nut2.png One Potato Mine2.png Two Bonk Choy2.png Seven Split Pea2.png Seven Basic Zombie2.png Two Conehead Zombie2.png Two Buckethead Zombie2.png A money bag
Boss Vase Two Wall-nut2.png Two Potato Mine2.png Two Bonk Choy2.png Seven Repeater2.png Ten Basic Zombie2.png Three Conehead Zombie2.png Two Buckethead Zombie2.png One Vase Gargantuar2.png One Imp2.png Reveal Vase
Egyptian Challenge
One at a Time Two Wall-nut2.png Two Potato Mine2.png Seven Bloomerang2.png Nine Mummy Zombie2.png Two Conehead Mummy2.png Seven groups of Camel Zombies2.png A money bag
Freeze 'Em Two Potato Mine2.png Five Cabbage-pult2.png Five Iceberg Lettuce2.png Three Repeater2.png Four Mummy Zombie2.png Two Conehead Mummy2.png One Buckethead Mummy2.png Seven Explorer Zombie2.png A money bag
Block and Spike Four Wall-nut2.png One Potato Mine2.png Five Repeater2.png Four Spikerock2.png Four Mummy Zombie2.png Three Conehead Mummy2.png Two Buckethead Mummy2.png Six Pharaoh Zombie2.png Butter Zombie
Pirate Challenge
3x3 ThreeWall-nut2.png Five Spikeweed2.png Three Threepeater2.png Eight Pirate Zombie2.png SixConehead Pirate2.png Four Seagull Zombie2.png A money bag
Spring Rollers FourSpring Bean2.png  Four Peashooter2.png  Four Spikerock2.png Two Threepeater2.png Eight Pirate Zombie2.png  Four Conehead Pirate2.png One Buckethead Pirate2.png Two Barrel Roller Zombie2.png A money bag
Buttery Birdies Two Wall-nut2.png Three Spikeweed2.png Four Bloomerang2.png Five Bonk Choy2.png Five Pirate Zombie2.png Two Conehead Pirate2.png Six Seagull Zombie2.png Two Pirate Captain Zombie2.png A Mystery Gift Box
Western Challenge
Split Decision Three Wall-nut2.png Three Chili Bean2.png Four Split Pea2.png Three Cowboy Zombie2.png Five Conehead Cowboy2.png ThreeProspector Zombie2.png Eight Poncho Zombie2.png A money bag
Chicken Skewers Five Spikeweed2.png Three Chili Bean2.png Six Repeater2.png One Melon-pult2.png Two Conehead Cowboy2.png Two Buckethead Cowboy2.png Five Chicken Wrangler Zombie2.png Four Poncho Zombie2.png One Pianist Zombie2.png A money bag
The Mine Cart Four Iceberg Lettuce2.png Five Potato Mine2.png Two Peashooter2.png Five Split Pea2.png Three Conehead Cowboy2.png Two Buckethead Cowboy2.png Three Prospector Zombie2.png Nine Poncho Zombie2.pngOne Zombie Bull2.png A Mystery Gift Box
Vasebreaker Endless
Vasebreaker Endless Wall-nut2.png Potato Mine2.png Bonk Choy2.png Repeater2.png Threepeater2.png Split Pea2.png
Cherry Bomb2.png(needs 150 sun)
Basic Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Vase Gargantuar2.png Imp2.png Move Vase (after wave 15 only)

Piñata Party events

We need more gems and sprouts.
This section is currently under construction. You can help expand it; it's your choice.

These levels were referred to as "Eggbreaker" levels and were playable in the form of Piñata Parties during the Springening event.

Others were playable in the Summer Nights event.

Name Plants Zombies First time reward
Springening 2015
Eggbreaker Seven Homing Thistle2.png Five Chard Guard2.png Seven ImpSp.png Five Dodo Rider Zombie2.png Four Weasel Hoarder2.png 3 prizes to choose from
Eggbreaker One Cherry Bomb2.png Two Citron2.png Five (Frozen) Guacodile2.png Three Stunion2.png Seven Fire Peashooter2.png Five Basic Zombie2.png Four Conehead Zombie2.png Two GargantuarSp.png Seven ImpSp.png 3 prizes to choose from
Eggbreaker Three Iceberg Lettuce2.png Five Split Pea2.png Five Starfruit2.png Five ImpSp.png Five Explorer Zombie2.png Three Prospector Zombie2.png Three Hunter Zombie2.png 3 prizes to choose from
Eggbreaker Three (One on lawn) Sweet Potato2.png Three Snapdragon2.png Three Spikerock2.png Five Pea Pod2.png Seven Basic Zombie2.png Six Conehead Zombie2.png One Pharaoh Zombie2.png Two Robo-Cone Zombie2.png 3 prizes to choose from
Eggbreaker Seven (Three on lawn) Torchwood2.png Three Peashooter2.png Two Split Pea2.png Two Threepeater2.png Eight ImpSp.png Five Conehead Zombie2.png Two Prospector Zombie2.png Three Wizard Zombie2.png 3 prizes to choose from
Eggbreaker Five Rotobaga2.png Five Snow Pea2.png Two Iceberg Lettuce2.png Four Chard Guard2.png Seven Basic Zombie2.png Six Conehead Zombie2.png One Flag Zombie2.png Three Explorer Zombie2.png One Robo-Cone Zombie2.png 3 prizes to choose from
Springening 2016
Eggbreaker Five Chomper2.png Three Primal Wall-nut2.png Two Spikerock2.png One Cherry Bomb2.png Eight Basic Zombie2.png Six Conehead Zombie2.png Four Mecha-Football Zombie2.png One Gargantuar2.png 3 prizes to choose from
Eggbreaker Seven Kernel-pult2.png Four Chard Guard2.png Three Bonk Choy2.png Two Guacodile2.png Nine Basic Zombie2.png Five Pirate Captain Zombie2.png Seven Robo-Cone Zombie2.png Three Weasel Hoarder2.png One Gargantuar2.png 3 prizes to choose from
Summer Nights 2015
Firebreaker Five Pea Pod2.png Three (One on lawn) Sweet Potato2.png Three Snapdragon2.png Three Spikerock2.png Seven Basic Zombie2.png Five Conehead Zombie2.png Two Robo-Cone Zombie2.png One Pharaoh Zombie2.png 3 prizes to choose from
Firebreaker FiveIceberg Lettuce2.png Five Red Stinger2.png Five A.K.E.E.2.png Four Basic Zombie2.png Four Excavator Zombie2.png Four Parasol Zombie2.png Two Conehead Zombie2.png 3 prizes to choose from
Firebreaker Three Repeater2.png Five Peashooter2.png Two Threepeater2.png Three Potato Mine2.png Four Chard Guard2.png Six Basic Zombie2.png Four Conehead Zombie2.png Two Buckethead Zombie2.png Two Bug Zombie2.png One Vase Gargantuar2.png 3 prizes to choose from
Firebreaker FiveBonk Choy2.png Five Endurian2.png Five Split Pea2.png Four Basic Zombie2.png Two Conehead Zombie2.png Five Bug Zombie2.png Six Chicken Wrangler Zombie2.png 3 prizes to choose from
Firebreaker Three Stunion2.png Two Chili Bean2.png Five Snapdragon2.png Seventeen Imp2.png Four Conehead Zombie2.png Two Seagull Zombie2.png One Buckethead Zombie2.png 3 prizes to choose from
Time Twister
Piñata Party Seven Chard Guard2.pngThree Threepeater2.png

One Jalapeno2.png

Eight Conehead Zombie2.png Five Knight Zombie2.png One Seagull Zombie2.png 3 prizes to choose from
Piñata Party Three Wasabi Whip2.png Six Squash2.png Two Snapdragon2.png Seven Jetpack Zombie2.png Four Poncho Zombie2.png Two Newspaper Zombie2.png 3 prizes to choose from
Piñata Party Four Snow Pea2.png Eight Iceberg Lettuce2.png One Winter Melon2.png Three Magnet-shroom2.png Nine Explorer Zombie2.png Six Prospector Zombie2.png Three Punk Zombie2.png 3 prizes to choose from
Summer Nights 2016
Firebreaker 3 prizes to choose from
Firebreaker 3 prizes to choose from
Firebreaker 3 prizes to choose from
Firebreaker 3 prizes to choose from
Firebreaker 3 prizes to choose from
Feastivus 2016
Firebreaker 3 prizes to choose from
Firebreaker 3 prizes to choose from
Springening 2017
Vasebreaker 3 prizes to choose from
Eggbreaker 3 prizes to choose from

Penny's Pursuit

Vasebreaker became available in Penny's Pursuit. As of ZCorp Incorporated, Inc., only one level became accessible.

Name Plants Zombies First time reward
ZCorp Incorporated, Inc.
Level 5 Five Split Pea2.png Two Ghost Pepper2.png Five Red Stinger2.png Three Endurian2.png Four ZCorp New Hire2.png Six ZCorp Contractor2.png One ZCorp Conehead2.png One ZCorp Contractor Buckethead2.png Depends on difficulty

Chinese Vasebreaker  (China only)

Currently, there are six Vasebreaker levels that are accessible at any time, four in Big Wave Beach and two in Lost City.

Name Plants Zombies First time reward
Big Wave Beach
Day 14 Two Squash2C.png Five Strong Broccoli2.png Five Guacodile2C.png Eight Pompadour Zombie2.png Five Pompadour Conehead2.png A star
Day 14 (Hard) Four Wall-nut2.png Two Cabbage-pult2.png One Jalapeno2C.png Three Melon-pult2.png Three Pompadour Zombie2.png Four Pompadour Conehead2.png Three Pompadour Buckethead2.png Five Snorkel Zombie2.png Two stars, a chest
Day 20 Two Wall-nut2.png Three Bowling Bulb2.png Two Tangle Kelp2C.png Two Homing Thistle2C.png Seven Pompadour Zombie2.png Four Pompadour Conehead2.png Two Pompadour Buckethead2.png One Octo Zombie2.png A star
Day 20 (Hard) Two Wall-nut2.png Two Winter Melon2.png One Fume-shroom2.png Five Bowling Bulb2.png Three Tangle Kelp2C.png Five Pompadour Zombie2.png Seven Pompadour Conehead2.png Two Octo Zombie2.png One Deep Sea Gargantuar2.png Two stars, a chest
Lost City
Day 15 Five Red Stinger2.png Four A.K.E.E.2.png Three Lava Guava2C.png Two Adventurer Zombie2.png Four Conehead Adventurer Zombie2.png Four Parasol Zombie2.png Two Lost Doctor Zombie2.png A star
Day 15 (Hard) Five Red Stinger2.png Two A.K.E.E.2.png One Lava Guava2C.png Four Stallia2.png Two Adventurer Zombie2.png Two Bug Zombie2.png Four Relic Hunter Zombie2.png Four Lost Doctor Zombie2.png Two stars, a chest

Piñata Party

A Children's Day-themed Vasebreaker Piñata Party took place from June 1 to June 14, 2019. After beating all seven levels, you were given the Cattail or ten puzzle pieces of the said plant (if you own Cattail already) as the prize.

Name Plants Zombies First time reward
Children's Day
Piñata Party Four Wall-nut2C.png Four Potato Mine2.png Seven Bloomerang2.png Nine School Bag Imp2.png Two Balloon Imp2.png Two Lollipop Zombie2.png 3 prizes to choose from
Piñata Party Four Wall-nut2C.png Four Potato Mine2.png Eight Bloomerang2.png Eight School Bag Imp2.png One Balloon Imp2.png Three Lollipop Zombie2.png 3 prizes to choose from
Piñata Party Three Wall-nut2C.png Four Potato Mine2.png Eight Bloomerang2.png Seven School Bag Imp2.png Six Lollipop Zombie2.png 3 prizes to choose from
Piñata Party Three Wall-nut2C.png Three Potato Mine2.png Eight Bloomerang2.png Ten School Bag Imp2.png Three Bubble Gun Imp2.png One Lollipop Zombie2.png 3 prizes to choose from
Piñata Party Four Wall-nut2C.png Four Potato Mine2.png Seven Bloomerang2.png Eight School Bag Imp2.png Two Bubble Gun Imp2.png Three Lollipop Zombie2.png 3 prizes to choose from
Piñata Party Three Wall-nut2C.png Four Potato Mine2.png Eight Bloomerang2.png Eight School Bag Imp2.png Two Bubble Gun Imp2.png Three Lollipop Zombie2.png 3 prizes to choose from
Piñata Party Four Wall-nut2C.png Five Potato Mine2.png Eight Bloomerang2.png Seven School Bag Imp2.png Two Toy Car Imp2.png Two Lollipop Zombie2.png 3 prizes to choose from

Vasebreaker Event

A Vasebreaker event was held from August 20 to September 2, 2019. The Vasebreaker event used the otherwise unused Vasebreaker levels for Far Future, Dark Ages, and Big Wave Beach.

Name Plants Zombies First time reward
Vasebreaker Intro
Tutorial Seven Peashooter2C.png Two Wall-nut2C.png One Potato Mine2.png Two Bonk Choy2.png Seven Basic Zombie2.png One Conehead Zombie2.png A money bag
To the Left Three Wall-nut2C.png One Potato Mine2.png Two Bonk Choy2.png Seven Split Pea2.png Seven Basic Zombie2.png Two Conehead Zombie2.png Two Buckethead Zombie2.png A money bag
Boss Vase Two Wall-nut2C.png Two Potato Mine2.png Two Bonk Choy2.png Seven Repeater2.png Ten Basic Zombie2.png Three Conehead Zombie2.png Two Buckethead Zombie2.png Vasebreaker Power-Ups
Futuristic Challenge
Plant Food! Four Peashooter2C.png Four Magnifying Grass2.png Six Tile Turnip2.png Two Future Zombie2.png Four Future Conehead Zombie2.png One Future Buckethead Zombie2.png Six Bug Bot Imp2.png A money bag
Strong Connection! Four Cabbage-pult2C.png Three Iceberg Lettuce2.png Two Citron2.png Two Infi-nut2.png Two Future Conehead Zombie2.png Three Future Buckethead Zombie2.png Six Jetpack Zombie2.png One Robo-Cone Zombie2.png A money bag
Retreat! Two Potato Mine2.png Six Spikeweed2.png Two Laser Bean2.png Six Tile Turnip2.png Six Future Conehead Zombie2.png Four Shield Zombie2.png One Mecha-Football Zombie2.png Vasebreaker Power-Ups
Dragon Challenge
Magnetic Party! Two Wall-nut2C.png Seven Fume-shroom2.png Two Magnet-shroom2.png Ten Peasant Zombie2.png Two Conehead Peasant2.png Six Buckethead Peasant2.png One Knight Zombie2.png A money bag
Magnetic Party! II Two Wall-nut2C.png  Seven Fume-shroom2.png Two Magnet-shroom2.png Five Peasant Zombie2.png  Two Conehead Peasant2.png Seven Buckethead Peasant2.png A money bag
Magnetic Party! III Two Wall-nut2C.png  Seven Fume-shroom2.png Two Magnet-shroom2.png Five Peasant Zombie2.png  Two Conehead Peasant2.png Seven Buckethead Peasant2.png A Mystery Gift Box
Beach Challenge
One By One Two Wall-nut2C.png Three Bowling Bulb2.png Four Homing Thistle2C.png Four Pompadour Zombie2.png Two Pompadour Conehead2.png One Pompadour Buckethead2.png Four Bikini Zombie2.png Two Bikini Conehead2.png One Bikini Buckethead2.png Three Snorkel Zombie2.png Four Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png A money bag
Precision Strike One Magnet-shroom2.png Three Tangle Kelp2C.png Three Banana Launcher2.png Three Lava Guava2C.png Three Pompadour Conehead2.png Two Pompadour Buckethead2.png Two Snorkel Zombie2.png Four Surfer Zombie2.png Six Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png One Deep Sea Gargantuar2.png A money bag
Be Careful! Fifteen Lily Pad2C.png(pre-planted)
Two Citron2.png Two Starfruit2C.png One Hypno-shroom2C.png Three Tangle Kelp2C.png One Bowling Bulb2.png Two Rotobaga2C.png
Six Bikini Zombie2.png Three Bikini Conehead2.png Two Bikini Buckethead2.png Two Surfer Zombie2.png Three Octo Zombie2.png Two Deep Sea Gargantuar2.png A Mystery Gift Box
Vasebreaker Endless
Vasebreaker Endless Bonk Choy2.png Squash2C.png Bowling Bulb2.png Homing Thistle2C.png Sweet Potato2C.png Acidic Lemon2.png
Cherry Bomb2C.png(needs 150 sun)
Vase Gargantuar2.png Imp2.png Pompadour Zombie2.png Pompadour Conehead2.png Pompadour Buckethead2.png 3 prizes to choose from (every wave)
Vasebreaker Power-Ups (after wave 15 only)

Another Vasebreaker event was held from November 11 to November 24, 2019. This event featured levels for Jurassic Marsh, Lost City, Modern Day, and a Renaissance Age-themed Vasebreaker Endless.

Jurassic Challenge
Control Two Squash2C.png One Shrinking Violet2C.png Five Primal Peashooter2.png Six Jurassic Zombie2.png Nine Jurassic Conehead2.png One Jurassic Fossilhead2.png A money bag
Behind the Attack Five Melon-pult2.png One Coconut Cannon2.png Five Celery Stalker2.png Five Jurassic Zombie2.png Three Jurassic Buckethead2.png Five Jurassic Bully2.png A money bag
Magnets Five Threepeater2C.png Two Magnet-shroom2.png Twenty-seven Jurassic Buckethead2.png Vasebreaker Power-Ups
Lost Challenge
Bouncing Three A.K.E.E.2.png Five Red Stinger2.png Six Adventurer Zombie2.png Three Conehead Adventurer Zombie2.png Three Buckethead Adventurer Zombie2.png Four Turquoise Skull Zombie2.png A money bag
Offensive Direction Five Bonk Choy2.png  Five Endurian2C.png Two Toadstool2C.png Four Adventurer Zombie2.png Four Conehead Adventurer Zombie2.png Two Excavator Zombie2.png Five Parasol Zombie2.png Two Bug Zombie2.png A money bag
Parasols Five A.K.E.E.2.png  Five Red Stinger2.png Two Lava Guava2C.png Two Adventurer Zombie2.png Two Conehead Adventurer Zombie2.png Four Excavator Zombie2.png Four Parasol Zombie2.png A Mystery Gift Box
Modern Challenge
The Shadow Family Two Moonflower2.png Two Grimrose2.png Five Nightshade2.png Five Dusk Lobber2.png Six Basic Zombie2.png One Buckethead Zombie2.png Three Newspaper Zombie2.png A money bag
Art is an Explosion Eight Explode-O-Nut2C.png Five Basic Zombie2.png Two All-Star Zombie2.png Five Super-Fan Imp2.png Nine Sunday Edition Zombie2.png A money bag
Chaos in Spacetime Bonk Choy2.png Kernel-pult2.png Snapdragon2.png Tall-nut2C.png Citron2.png Fume-shroom2.png Banana Launcher2.png Pepper-pult2.png Rotobaga2C.png A.K.E.E.2.png Phat Beet2.png Primal Wall-nut2.png Grimrose2.png Blooming Heart2C.png (One of each) Pharaoh Zombie2.png Seagull Zombie2.png Pianist Zombie2.png Zombie Chicken2.png Shield Zombie2.png Jester Zombie2.png Wizard Zombie2.png Snorkel Zombie2.png Surfer Zombie2.png Hunter Zombie2.png Dodo Rider Zombie2.png Parasol Zombie2.png Boombox Zombie2.png Jurassic Bully2.png (One of each) A Mystery Gift Box
Vasebreaker Endless
Vasebreaker Endless Bonk Choy2.png Rose Swordfighter2.png Angel Starfruit2.png Hot Date2C.png Bearberry Mortar2.png Wax Gourd Guard2.png
Cherry Bomb2C.png (needs 150 sun)
Vase Gargantuar2.png Imp2.png Aristocrat Zombie2.png Conehead Aristocrat Zombie2.png Buckethead Aristocrat Zombie2.png 3 prizes to choose from (every wave)
Vasebreaker Power-Ups (after wave 15 only)

Related achievements

Pottery Trained2.png
Tomb Breaker2.png
Tomb Breaker
Complete the Egyptian Challenge Pack
Davy Jones' Vase2.png
Davy Jones' Vase
Complete the Pirate Seas Challenge Pack
Vase Wrangler2.png
Vase Wrangler
Complete the Wild West Challenge Pack



  • As stated by PopCap Games, this will never be officially included as a Brain Buster. Instead, it will be a mini-game which is currently the only one in Plants vs. Zombies 2.
    • However, the Chinese version of the game has it as Brain Busters for Big Wave Beach and Lost City.
  • When Crazy Dave and Penny introduce the player to Vasebreaker, Crazy Dave references an unused Vasebreaker level from the first game, calling Vasebreaker "Facebreaker".
  • This game's Vasebreaker mode has many differences from the first game.
    • The player does not use a mallet to break the vases. Instead, they are tap-activated.
    • The player must beat all levels in this mode in order.
    • Vases appear to have cracks.
    • Gargantuars do not smash vases here. Instead, they ignore them altogether.
    • Vases give 100 sun rather than 50 if they contain sun.
    • The player is given Split Peas instead of backwards-facing Repeaters.
  • Unlike the original Plants vs. Zombies, this version of Vasebreaker has three types of vases, introducing one new vase where in it will always contain a GargantuarPlants vs. Zombies also had an image file for a zombie vase, but it was scrapped.
    • The Gargantuar that comes out of the vase is the Vase Gargantuar, not the regular one. So far the Vase Gargantuar is the only new zombie introduced in Vasebreaker. However, the Vase Gargantuar does not do anything different from a normal Gargantuar, apart from having a slower speed and slight difference in appearance.
    • Vase Gargantuars are never spawned from any vase besides Gargantuar vase, which making it easier to plan defense.
  • Most Vasebreaker level names (except for the Endless Zone) give a hint on how to complete the level or what the level is about.
  • Some of the levels are inspired by the original levels in the Plants vs. Zombies. To the Left is almost identical to the first To the Left, Boss Vase is similar to Ace of Vase, and Block and Spike is inspired by Hokey Pokey.
  • Music during Vasebreaker in Plants vs. Zombies 2 is Grasswalk in Intro and a remix of Cerebrawl in Egyptian Challenge Pack.
  • Imp Dragon Zombie and E.M.Peach both appeared in ads for Vasebreaker, but they have not appeared in the Vasebreaker mini-game itself.
  • In the 3.4.4 update, all the players who have played the Vasebreaker levels would lose their progress, but previously unlocked Power Ups could still be used and progress for Vasebreaker Endless was saved (although it had to be unlocked again). This also happened in the 6.0.1 update for some users.
  • When completing Vasebreaker levels for the first time, money bags given contain 200 coins. This feature was added in the 3.4.4 update.
  • In the 3.5.1 update, the Vasebreaker button (as seen from the world selection) was now added in the Zen Garden.
  • In all levels, the player's plants will be at level one regardless of amount of experience points and levels obtained from the Plant Upgrade System. It is unknown if this is intentional or not
    • However in Vasebreaker Endless, Cherry Bomb is the only leveled up plant to be used.
      • If there are any pre-planted plants they will be leveled up.
Wall-nut seed packet enlarged, showing it being ‘collected’
  • There is a bug where if the player leaves a seed packet unused until the player breaks all the vases, the seed packet will automatically be ‘collected’ as if it were a prize.
    • Another bug exists where selecting a seed packet (other than that of Cherry Bomb in Endless) would cause it to have the seed packet background of plants from the Player's House and Modern Day. For example, selecting the seed packet of a Split Pea would cause it to have the background of the aforementioned worlds rather that of Wild West.


Vasebreaker Intro

Egyptian Challenge Pack

Pirate Challenge Pack

Western Challenge Pack

Vasebreaker Endless

Eggbreaker Parties 2015

Firebreaker Parties 2015

Eggbreaker Parties 2016

Time Twister

Firebreaker Parties 2016

Feastivus Parties 2016

Springening Parties 2017

Firebreaker Parties 2017

Eggbreaker Parties 2018

Big Wave Beach  (China only)

Lost City  (China only)

Olympic Parties 2017/2018  (China only)

V · E
Plants vs. Zombies 2 Vasebreaker levels
Player's House Tutorial · To the Left · Boss Vase · Endless
Ancient Egypt One at a Time · Freeze 'Em · Block and Spike
Pirate Seas 3x3 · Spring Rollers · Buttery Birdies
Wild West Split Decision · Chicken Skewers · The Mine Cart
Chinese version
Far Future
Dark Ages
Big Wave Beach
Lost City
  • Bouncing · Offensive Direction · Parasols
Jurassic Marsh
Modern Day
Renaissance Age