Plants vs. Zombies 2 Robots Comic: The Legend of Heroes

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The Malaysian Chinese book cover of "The Legend of Heroes"
The English book cover of "The Legend of Heroes"

Plants vs. Zombies 2 Robots Comic: The Legend of Heroes (植物大战僵尸2·机器人漫画:英雄前传 Yīngxióng Qiánzhuàn; lit. "Prequel of a Hero") is a part of Plants vs. Zombies 2 Robots Comic series. It was published in April 2021, and an English and Malay translation was published on Malaysia and Singapore in August 2022.


Fires break out one after another in the unmanned warehouses of Plants City. Unmanned transport vehicles, industrial manipulators and other robots fall into chaos and land the city in crisis. Who is the culprit behind this? Is it Solar Flare who just obtains her fire-breathing ability? Or Fanilla who bought a huge-sum insurance policy? Or Bloomerang who disguises himself to enter the unmanned warehouses? Or the secretive Gentleman Zombie? Who is the real manipulator behind the scene? And who can change everything?

Find out the answer in this book. Let us read about the childhood story of the heroes together and understand the development of logistics robots!


The story took place a few years before the current storyline.

In the Plant City, through the news, Solar Flare heard that Green Shadow will be attending a press conference for her heroic deeds. She immediately phoned Green Shadow to remind her of the event held in Plants University by Wind-Blowing Vanilla, the founder of Fannerang Technology Company.

At the sewers, having captured Zomboss and Future Zombie, Green Shadow took the call from Solar Flare. She threatened the two zombies to send themselves to the police or face the consequences before leaving.

In the school, taking over the talk from Bloomerang, the co-founder of Fannerang Technology Company, Wind-Blowing Vanilla started the question section. Lava Guava said that he wanted to join the company and develop artificial intelligence which has independent thoughts, but soon proven technologically impossible by Solar Flare who suddenly interupted the talk. Impressed by her knowledge, Wind-Blowing Vanilla grew interest on her and invited her to come to the interview of the company in the afternoon.

Feeling beaten down, Lava Guava depressedly returned to his dormitory only to find Gentleman Zombie waiting for him.

Feeling nervous about the interview in the afternoon, Solar Flare asked Lava Guava to lend him some books on robotics but ultimately trapped in the freezer by Lava Guava. He very soon regretted his behaviour but Gentleman Zombie calmed him down by saying he would take all the blame. In the freezer, Solar Flare eventually fell into coma.

She remembered his two childhood friends, Jalapeno and Lotus Root. With their savings, they bought a skateboard and had fun together. The next day, Penelopea told the trio that the teacher asked them to clean the classroom before leaving. Wanting to leave, Jalapeno and Lotus Root quickly finished the cleaning and left the classroom, leaving Penelopea and Solar Flare behind. Solar Flare tried to transport a bucket of water using the skateboard, but accidentally shattering it. Jalapeno and Lotus Root misunderstood Solar Flare and thought she was having fun with Penelopea and became angry at her, saying that they will only forgive her if she distances Penelopea. Not knowing what to do, she asked Teacher Torchwood for suggestions. Torchwood told her that no one can force anyone to do anything, including making friends or not, and it all comes down to Solar Flare herself. Preparing for a make up, Solar Flare in the following days studied hard to improve her academic results and practised hard on skateboarding. Several months later, after mastering skateboarding, her skill successfully made Jalapeno and Lotus Root make up with her.

In the office of the principal of Plant University, Wind-Blowing Vanilla and Bloomerang were waiting for Solar Flare since Wind-Blowing Vanilla was determined to only accept Solar Flare among all the students. He thought she would be perfect for his "Plan Drone" and had a small argue with Bloomerang. Despite having passed the time for interview, Wind-Blowing Vanilla still hasn't started it since he wanted to wait for Solar Flare. Meanwhile, Solar Flare woke up from the coma and was trying to leave the freezer and believed that Penelopea would come to save her, who was attending a ceremony at the police station.

At dawn, Wind-Blowing Vanilla and Bloomerang were still waiting for Solar Flare in Plant University. They had another argument right of decision making and Bloomerang left in rage. In the freezer, unable to get out, Solar Flare fell into coma once again and found herself in a weird place with only snow and ice. A voice started to speak with her and Solar Flare tried to reach it, only to find out that it was her own voice at the end in an ice block. She begged for a fire to warm herself and the image of her in the ice block ignited with flames. The snow ground cracked open with flames coming out and Solar Flare fell down into the bottomless pit.

In the dormitory, Penelopea was awaken from her sleep hearing a huge explosion which was later found to have occurred in the freezer. After opening the door, the plants found Solar Flare lying inside unconcious, with the freezer being unnaturally hot.

The next day, leaving her room in a dizzy state, Solar Flare learnt that because she didn't attend the interview, Wind-Blowing Vanilla decided to not accept any plants graduated from Plant University and this angered many students of the university.

From the news broadcast, it was known that a total of four robot warehouses of Fannerang Technology Company had been set on fire within a week.

Citron, the Secretary of Public Security Bureau of Plant City, arrived at the headquarters of Fannerang Technology Company to investigate the incidents. Apparently, the security camera from Warehouse No. 5 which was set on fire the most recently captured an image of the arsonist, yet the same person was not found in any other records of the other security cameras. Therefore, Citron concluded that it was the worker of the company who deleted captured footages of themselves after setting on fire, meaning the arsonist is like an employee of the company.

In Solar Flare's dormitory, she tried to leave her room while listening to discussions about the incident from other plants. They suspected that it was Wind-Blowing Vanilla who set fire on his own warehouses, since he could receive huge amount of money from the insurance company due to this incident and could use them to pay his debts.

At night, Citron has commanded the police force to look after the other four warehouses which have not been set on fire, and he himself was looking after Warehouse No. 4. Unforunately, Warehouse No. 4 sudddenly went up in flames and even after searching the entire exterior of the warehouse, no one was found to have escaped from it.

The next day, citizens of Plant City rushed to buy fire extinguishing devices and there were protests of requesting Green Shadow the hero to investigate the incident as quickly as possible. Tring to calm the citizens down, Citron made an announcement promising that there will be no more arsons happening.

To learn more about Wind-Blowing Vanilla, Solar Flare went to Lava Guava's room because he is a big fan of his. However, Lava Guava panicked and told her that it was Gentleman Zombie who told him to lock her in the freezer. Solar Flare proceeded asking Lava Guava about information of Wind-Blowing Vanilla and Lava Guava begged for her to forgive him as he took all the information he possessed. Solar Flare reminded Lava Guava that actions speak louder than words and then left.

At midnight, Bloomerang received a phone call from one of his employee informing him that Warehouse No. 3 is set on fire. Just as he was about to leave the house, Gentleman Zombie interupted. He told Bloomerang that he knew Wind-Blowing Vanilla had bought insurance and hence he was able to pay all his debts due to these incidents as he handed over the contracts to Bloomerang. Bloomerang was shocked on how Gentleman Zombie came to know all this in the first place. Gentleman Zombie continued to accuse Bloomerang for helping Wind-Blowing Vanilla burning down the warehouses so he can get the compensations while keeping all this a secret from the police and threatened him that he would reveal the truth if Bloomerang didn't confess to the police himself. The very next day, the news broadcasted that Wind-Blowing Vanilla had brought an insurance and due to the incidents he was able to pay his debts, meaning he has the motive to set fire on his own warehouses.

At the following day, Citron announced in the press conference that the insurance was bought by Wind-Blowing Vanilla when the warehouses were first constructed, meaning there was no direct connection between it and this incident. He also swore that the police will arrest the true culprit.

Through the information gave by Lava Guava, Solar Flare found where Wind-Blowing Vanilla lives and saw him leaving the house. She followed him and found him waiting outside Warehouse No. 2 for the arsonist. She approached Wind-Blowing Vanilla saying that she could help him on the matter. They entered the warehouse and Wind-Blowing Vanilla installed an intelligent patrolling robot to surveillance the surroundings for him. Meanwhile, in Wind-Blowing Vanilla's office in the headquarters of Fannerang Technology Company, Citron was investigating the desk and accidentally discovered a button of accessing a secret room. Within, there is a board with a plan of rebuilding all the warehouses while finding extra money for this plan. Citron immediately contacted the police force and ordered them to arrest Wind-Blowing Vanilla at once.

At night, the police rushed to Wind-Blowing Vanilla's house but couldn't find anyone inside. They immediately headed to Bloomerang's house instead. Meanwhile, just when Bloomerang was about to leave the house, Green Shadow broke in to intercept him. She told Bloomerang to bring her to Wind-Blowing Vanilla's laboratory, as police realized Green Shadow had already come when they arrived at Bloomerang's house. In Wind-Blowing Vanilla's lab, Bloomerang told Green Shadow that the capital of the company suddenly decreased one year ago, and it turned out that Wind-Blowing Vanilla was secretly studying drones with the money. He was sad that such a true friend of his has changed so much through the years.

At the same time, in the alleys, Solar Flare was trying to help Wind-Blowing Vanilla to escape. Just when Wind-Blowing Vanilla stepped on the road, Citron in his police car has encountered him. The news immediately started streaming the chase of Wind-Blowing Vanilla the suspected arsonist. Wind-Blowing Vanilla ran into a thin alley, only to find out that Green Shadow is also looking after him after watching the news. Just when Wind-Blowing Vanilla was about to be arrested by Green Shadow, Solar Flare appeared in flames and stopped her. Jalapeno also appeared to take Wind-Blowing Vanilla away. Thinking that the inflaming figure was the true arsonist, Green Shadow had a fight with the transformed Solar Flare. Solare Flare fled the scene immediately as she saw a chance.

In the house of Jalapeno and Lotus Root, Wind-Blowing Vanilla learnt that they were the old citizens of the old city area and also long friends of Solar Flare and they were willing to help out. Solar Flare also fled to the house after a while. Knowing that the arsonist had once appeared in Warehouse No. 1 which has not been burnt down yet, both Solar Flare and Green Shadow headed to there.

Trying to light up the area, Solar Flare transformed. She saw a mysterious figure, which was Bloomerang, running the warehouse but could not hit it with her flames. Green Shadow also arrived and thought that Solar Flare was the true arsonist and started another fight with her.

Meanwhile, listening to the news broadcast of mysterious figure intruding Warehouse No. 1, Lava Guava was determined to go to see the true culprit, leaving his investigation results of Bloomerang in his room. Wind-Blowing Vanilla on the other hand also left Jalapeno and Lotus Root's house after knowing Bloomerang has entered Warehouse No. 1 through photo taken by security cameras sent to his mobile phone.

Solar Flare did not want to fight with Green Shadow, thus fled the scene through the roof. Citron arrived just in time to see the warehouse on fire with Green Shadow inside. After learning that the arsonist was a person with superpowers, he questioned why Green Shadow took Bloomerang away, obstructing the police's investigation. He warned her that otherwise they would have to be enemies if it happens again.

The next day, knowing that Green Shadow was defeated in last night's fight, plants became unsecure and many tried to leave Plant City.

In the dormitory, Solar Flare received a call from Wind-Blowing Vanilla, saying that he would catch the arsonist by himself no matter the cost before he hung up. Wind-Blowing Vanilla on the other side of the phone has gone to the headquarters of Fannerang Technology Company, looking for Bloomerang and screaming all around the place. Bloomerang who was in the alley was surprised to see him doing so and immediately came to him. The news immediately started broadcasting this event as Solar Flare, Citron and Green Shadow all rushed to the scene at once. Solar Flare who arrived the first tired to stop the argument of Wind-Blowing Vanilla and Bloomerang, only to have Green Shadow and Citron arriving later. Bloomerang and Wind-Blowing Vanilla fled the scene while Solar Flare and Green Shadow started another big fight on the rooftop. To counter for Solar Flare's superpowers, Green Shadow started an artificial precipitation using her own superpower. Seeing all this chaos, Citron had a phone call suggesting a lockdown of the entire city. At the same time, Bloomerang and Wind-Blowing Vanilla started another arugment in the alley, without noticing Gentleman Zombie observing the entire event on the side, laughing maniacally in the rain. During the fight, Solar Flare knocked over Green Shadow and broke her transforming device and left before Citron could get to the rooftop.

Throughout Plant City, a loud announcement of the lockdown of the city can be heard. Several kids also rushed to the hospital as they heard the powerful Green Shadow was defeated by the bad guy. Blocking them outside, Citron calmed them down while having secretly sent Green Shadow to the hospital to be treated by Lightning Reed.

Meanwhile, Bloomerang and Wind-Blowing Vanilla were still having their argument in Jalapeno and Lotus Root's house. Solar Flare arrived in relief thinking that the incident was finally over as all the possible warehouses had been burnt down, only to be told by Bloomerang that there is a Warehouse No. 0 in the headquarters of Fannerang Technology Company. Wind-Blowing Vanilla also realized that abnormal data was detected in feedbacks from Warehouse No. 0. Solar Flare immediately rushed to there while Jalapeno and Lotus Root headed to set up barricades to stop the police from going there while Bloomerang and Wind-Blowing Vanilla tried to find the cause of the abnormal data.

In the hospital, knowing that the army is heading to the headquarters of Fannerang Technology Company, Green Shadow insisted that she will be going there too, even without superpowers. She encountered the kids and Lava Guava appeared in his newly made vehicle just in time to relocate them to a safer place. She also promised Lava Guava that she would bring Solar Flare to the dormitory safely. Meanwhile, as the army was going to the headquarters, they were stopped by barricade made by Jalapeno and Lotus Root, allowing Solar Flare to safely enter the building alone. In the house, Bloomerang and Wind-Blowing Vanilla also reached the conclusion that the huge fire could be worsened by improper behaviour of the robots caused by contradictions in handling information. Meanwhile, Citron sent them a customer ID, saying that he could be the true culprit of the crime. He said the police had been informed by a citizen that there are packages with inflammable items sent to him. The police therefore deduced that packages containing inflammable items were returned to the warehouses and thus causing huge fire all over the place. By lookin up the customer ID, it was revealed that the person who had been keep returning the packages was Gentleman Zombie. Bloomerang, Wind-Blowing Vanilla and Citron then decided to head to the headquarters.

At the same time, Gentleman Zombie called the TV station and told them that if they head to the headquarters of Fannerang Technology Company immediately, they will find out that the arsonists were Bloomerang and Wind-Blowing Vanilla all along, and they could catch them red-handed.

Arriving at the headquarters, Green Shadow heard the announcement telling all the plants nearby to evacuate. She found Jalapeno and Lotus Root who were trying to empty the road by removing the wreckages of panzers and barricades. They said that the panzers started bashing everything like crazy and eventually broke themselves. They also slipped their mouths telling Green Shadow that Solar Flare was in the headquarters at the time.

In the heardquarters, Solar Flare was trying to top Fannerang No. 0, a relocation robot which was trying to carry the packages around. She stopped it just in time to see Citron's helicopter malfunctioning due to program errors and was about to crash. She transformed and successfully caught the helicopter. Outside the heardquarters, Citron, Solar Flare, Wind-Blowing Vanilla and Bloomerang gathered around. It was revealed that Gentleman Zombie utilized the loopholes in the codes of the robots and started the incident. They all admited their faults and agreed to correct their mistakes as the police and Green Shadow arrived.

The next day, announcing that the incident was truly over, Citron quit his job and handed the position to Red Stinger. Red Stinger announced that with the help of Bloomerang, processing chips from all the robots have been removed and the police was determined to arrest Gentleman Zombie. As Citron left the press conference in the police station, Lava Guava turned himself in. In the hospital, Solar Flare received a meal prepared by Green Shadow, but it turned out to be prank from her.

At the end of the story, outside the headquarters of Fannerang Technology Company, Snapdragon and Bloomerang were going to the police station to hand in the X Chip they have removed. However, Gentleman Zombie stopped them with sleep inducing gas and took the X Chip from them, claiming that he will be creating a robot using the chip, named "Turing".


  • Solar Flare has a pair of unseen parents that's working in the overseas, as revealed in the chapter 2.
  • In chapter 2, Green Shadow's head appeared in a speech panel on an panel where Penelopea warns Jalapeno that the skateboard with the water bucket is about to hit him, despite most of her appearances in the chapter were not her hero identity. This error only exists in some prints.
  • Despite having quit the job, Citron appeared as the Secretary of Public Security Bureau again in Mechanical Chaos.


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