Plants vs. Zombies 2 Weapon Secrets and Wonder Adventure: History Comic; Prehistoric Period

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Plants vs. Zombies 2 Weapon Secrets and Wonder Adventure: History Comic; Prehistoric Period (植物大战僵尸2武器秘密之神奇探险历史漫画远古时期) is the first book in the Plants vs. Zombies 2 Weapon Secrets and Wonder Adventure: History Comic series. Its stories are related to the ancient legends or myths from the ancient China.



Pangu Who Created the World (盘古开天地)

Bonk Choy was reading a book about the story of Pangu creating the world as he was on his way to school. He bumped into a car and angrily punched it multiple times before realizing no one was on the driver seat, and it turned out he was the one who accidentally crashed into Squash's car and he fled from the scene as Squash was angered by the destroyed headlight.

In Plant Primary School, Imitater announced to the class that Teacher Torchwood will be absent and the students were told to study by themselves. The truth was, Torchwood was observing by the windows in secret to see how the students would behave. Wall-nut complained that they had to boringly study in the classroom while the borderless world was waiting outside and Peashooter asked how the world was created in the first place. Bonk Choy then started to tell them the story of Pangu creating the world.

Long, long ago, there were no sky nor the ground, the entire world was an egg-shaped dark glob. 18000 years later, a giant called Pangu was born. He could saw nothing when he opened his eyes, so he grabbed a godly axe nearby and started swaying it around as he roared.

Just when Bonk Choy was telling the story, Torchwood slowly approached from behind. Without noticing him, Bonk Choy swayed his arm like Pangu and hit Torchwood so hard that he crashed onto the blackboard. Bonk Choy was therefore punished by Torchwood to stand outside the classroom. Wall-nut asked about the follow-up of the story and Torchwood decided to continue telling it.

After Pangu had cut the darkness using the axe, all light matter floated upward and formed the sky while the heavy matter sunk downward and formed the ground. Pangu then stood in between the sky and the ground to supported them by himself. Every day, the sky became one zhang higher, the ground became one zhang thicker, and Pangu became one zhang taller. 18000 years later, Pangu became a giant, the sky and the ground are 90000 li apart and they will never close up again. Pangu then fell down in exhaustion. His head became the mountains, his limbs became four columns supporting the sky, his eyes became the sun and the moon, his blood bacame the rivers, his skin and hair became plants, his breath became wind, his roar became thunder, his tears became rain, hydrating the world. He created the world, and sacrificed himself to the world he created.

While his classmates were listening to the story in the classroom, Bonk Choy was complaining that he had to stand outside the classroom. As it started raining, he swore he couldn't get more unlucky before getting struck by a lightning. At the end, in his dream, he wished to create a world like Pangu, but this time, a world without schools.

Nüwa Who Created Humanity (女娲造人)

At 10 p.m., Wall-nut was studying about the origin of the humankind in his room. Tall-nut entered and asked why he hasn't gone to bed yet. Wall-nut replied that his teacher told the class to answer questions about the origin of humans in the following day, and he was trying to find answers in the book. Tall-nut giggled and said that it was an easy question. Wall-nut was delighted to learn that Tall-nut knew the answer. Tall-nut then went on to tell the story of a Chinese goddess, Nüwa.

In the ancient times, there were already the sun, the moon and the stars in the sky, with animals and plants on the ground. However, for some reasons unbeknownst to her at the time, Nüwa still felt lonely. One day, she came to her realization that she should create lives like her after looking at her reflection in the water. Using some yellow mud and some water, she made a figurine. This figurine came to life and called her "mom". That is how Nüwa created the humankind.

Wall-nut was fascinated by the story, but was confused about how Nüwa created so many humans at once. Tall-nut continued the story by explaining that Nüwa covered a vine into mud and whipped it to create a lot of humans at once. Wall-nut then went to sleep, being confident about answering teacher's questions.

The next day, Teacher Torchwood asked Wall-nut if he had studied the textbook, which Wall-nut answered "yes". Torchwood then asked Wall-nut to briefly describe how the humankind came into exitence as he drank his glass of water. Wall-nut said that the humankind was created by Nüwa using yellow mud, to which the other students were very surprised and Torchwood chocked on his glass of water. Torchwood angrily questioned the out-of-place answer Wall-nut said, and Wall-nut asked for a moment for him to rethink his answer. Very soon Wall-nut realized what he was wrong about, and said that the humankind was created by Nüwa using yellow mud and water. Upon hearing this answer, the whole class bursted into laughter as Torchwood passed out.

Later, Torchwood asked Wall-nut to carefully think about his answers, as it would be improbably for Nüwa to create so many humans. Wall-nut confidently answered that Nüwa created the rest of the humans by whipping a vine covered in mud.

Nüwa Mending the Sky (女娲补天)

Fire from Drill (钻木取火)

Fuxi Who Created Bagua (伏羲创八卦)

Shennong Who Tasted the Plants (神农尝百草)

The Offsprings of Yan and Yellow Emperor (炎黄子孙)

Jingwei's Reclamation (精卫填海)

Battle of Banquan (阪泉之战)

Battle of Zhuolu (涿鹿之战)

Cangjie Who Made Chinese Characters (仓颉造字)

Kuafu Who Chased the Sun (夸父追日)

Xingtian Who Dances with Axe and Shield (刑天舞干戚)

Gonggong Who Smashed the Buzhou Mountain (共工怒触不周山)

The Demise of Yao to Shun (尧舜禅让)

Hou Yi Who Shot the Suns (后羿射日)

Wu Gang Who Cut the Cherry Bay (吴刚伐桂)

Hou Ji Who Taught People Farming (后稷教民稼穡)

Gun Who Stole Xirang (鲧窃息壤)

Yu the Great Who Controlled the Waters (大禹治水)


Listed by order of appearing:

Plants vs. Zombies characters

  • Bonk Choy ※#
  • Squash ※#
  • Imitater ※#
  • Wall-nut ※#
  • Peashooter ※#
  • Cherry Bomb %#
  • Chili Bean ※
  • Sunflower ※#
  • Torchwood ※#
  • Iceberg Lettuce ※#
  • Snow Pea ※#
  • Potato Mine ※%#
  • Tall-nut ※#
  • Melon-pult ※%
  • Snapdragon ※#
  • Jalapeno ※#
  • Kernel-pult #
  • Grave Buster %
  • Lightning Reed ※
  • Power Lily %
  • Bloomerang %
  • Spring Bean ※%
  • Repeater %
  • Jumpy Frog ※#
  • Red Kangaroo #
  • Coconut Cannon
  • Fire Hat ※#
  • Crazy Dave

Appeared non-fictional characters

Non-fictional characters that were mentioned but did not appear (%)

※ - means the character appeared in more than one chapter
% - means the character had no dialogues
# - means the character was mentioned in the Main Characters page
◊ - means the character's name(s) was/were only mentioned in the Knowledge Card or Knowledge Summary section
° - means the character's name(s) was/were not mentioned anywhere in the stories



  • Fuxi described Bonk Choy as "a bok choy which can talk".
  • Tao Qian was the only historcial character who wasn't from prehistoric period.
  • Crazy Dave speaks Mandarin instead of Crazy Dave.
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