Plants vs. Zombies 2 Weapon Secrets and Questions & Answers: Science Comic; Medicine and Sickness

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Plants vs. Zombies 2 Weapon Secrets and Questions & Answers: Science Comic; Medicine and Sickness (植物大战僵尸2武器秘密之你问我答科学漫画医学与疾病卷) is a book in the Plants vs. Zombies 2 Weapon Secrets and Questions & Answers: Science Comic series.



What Is the Study of Medicine? (什么是医学?)

Which Department Should You Go In a Hospital? (生病了应该去哪儿看病?)

What Are the Characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Modern Western Medicine? (中医和西医各有什么特色?)

How Do Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Diagnose Diseases? (中医大夫是怎样看病的?)

Did You Know Who Is Li Shizhen? (你知道李时珍吗?)

What If the Chinese Herbal Medicine Is Too Bitter to Be Drunk? (汤药太苦喝不下去怎么办?)

How Effective Is It to Use Traditional Chinese Medicine to Treat Common Cold? (用中药治疗感冒疗效如何?)

Why Can Massaging Partially Relieve Physical Pain? (为什么按摩能缓解部分疼痛?)

Why Can Puncturing Needles on the Body Cure Diseases? (为什么在人的身上扎针能治病?)

Why Is "Compound of Green-Blue Wormwood" Said to Be "the Gift to the World from Traditional Chinese Medicine"? (为什么说青蒿素是传统中医送给世界的礼物?)

Why Should We Have Body Checks Regularly? (为什么要定期体检?)

Why Is Blood Test Conducted in a Body Check? (为什么检查身体需要验血?)

What Is Electrocardiography? (什么是心电图?)

How Does Medical Ultrasound Diagnose Disease? (超声波检查是如何诊断疾病的?)

In What Treatments Can Laser Therapy Equipments Be Used? (激光治疗仪可以应用于哪些病症的治疗?)

What Are the Differences of CT Scan And MRI Scan? (CT扫描和MRI检查有什么区别?)

Why Do People Have Fevers When They Catch Cold? (为什么人会感冒发烧?)

Why Do Tonsils Inflame? (为什么扁桃体会发炎?)

Why Do People Have Bronchitis and Pneumonia? (为什么人会得支气管炎和肺炎?)

What Is Chickenpox? (水痘是怎么回事?)

Why Should We Get Vaccinated? (为什么要打疫苗?)

What Are Dental Cavities? (龋齿是怎么回事?)

Why Do People Have Anemia? (为什么人会贫血?)

Can Myopia Be Prevented? (近视眼能有效预防吗?)

What Are the Differences of Myopia And Amblyopia? (近视和弱视有什么区别?)

Did You Know How to Protect Your Eyes? (你知道如何保护眼睛吗?)

During the lesson, Wall-nut kept looking outside the window. When asked why by Teacher Torchwood, he replied that the professionals said looking at green objects helps relaxing the eyes to protect them. Torchwood complained that Wall-nut has been looking outside the window ever since the lesson started and Wall-nut insisted that protecting his eyes is more important than the lesson. Several minutes later, Torchwood painted himself in green and claimed that now Wall-nut has a reason to look at him during the lesson. Wall-nut said that he would rather cover his eyes with leaves to look at green objects instead of green Torchwood.

What Is Scoliosis? (脊柱侧弯是怎么回事?)

Why Do People Have Allergies? (为什么有些人会过敏?)

Why Is There a Skin Allergy Test Before Penicillin Injection? (注射青霉素前为什么要做皮肤敏感试验?)

Is Obesity a Disease? (肥胖也是一种病吗?)

Is Premature Greying of Hair Caused By Diseases? (“少白头”是生病导致的吗?)

Why Do People Have ADHD? (为什么会患多动症?)

Can Congenital Heart Defect Be Cured? (先天性心脏病可以治愈吗?)

Why Do Humans Have Cancer? (为什么人类会患癌症?)

Can Cancer Be Prevented? (癌症可以预防吗?)

Can Cancer Be Cured? (癌症可以治好吗?)

How Long Have You Stayed in Your Mother's Womb? (你在妈妈肚子里待了多久?)

How Does a Fetus Leave the Mother's Body? (小孩是怎样从妈妈肚子里出来的?)

What Is a Test Tube Baby? (试管婴儿是怎么回事?)

What Are the Differences of Boys and Girls? (男孩和女孩有什么不同?)

Did You Know How to Use Your Brain? (你会使用你的大脑吗?)

In a room, Bonk Choy asked Red Kangaroo why he was writing with his left hand and Red Kangaroo replied that he was training his right brain. He explained that the left brain focuses on rational thinking and is more logical while the right brain focuses on emotional thinking and is more creative, whilst a picture showing which parts of the brain deal with which fields of thinking is shown. Red Kangaroo added that a left-hander has a more developed right brain and Bonk Choy asked why this makes the right brain more developed instead of left brain, and Red Kangaroo responded that the right brain controls the left hand and vice versa. He continued to show his left hand's handwriting and it reminded Bonk Choy of a hand-written script he saw on the television. Turns out, Red Kangaroo's handwriting was similar to a blackmailer reported on the news. Red Kangaroo then tore the piece of paper he wrote on to avoid unnecessary suspicion.

Why Do People Fart? (为什么人会放屁?)

Why Do People Sleep-Talk? (为什么人会说梦话?)

Can People Become Young Again? (人能够“返老还童”吗?)

Can Gene Engineering Reveal the Secrets of the Human Body? (基因工程能揭开人体的奥秘吗?)

Why Is 3D Printing Technology Said to Have Lead the Revolution in the Field of Treatment of Transplanting? (为什么说3D打印技术引领了移植医疗领域的革命?)

Which Kind of Robot Can Travel in Blood Vessels to Cure Sicknesses? (哪种机器人能够在血管中穿行治病?)

Knowledge Summary


Listed by order of appearing:

Plants vs. Zombies characters

  • Torchwood ※#
  • Bonk Choy ※#
  • Sunflower ※#
  • Peashooter ※#
  • Wall-nut ※#
  • Potato Mine%
  • Iceberg Lettuce ※#
  • Spring Bean ※%
  • Tall-nut ※#
  • Red Kangaroo ※#
  • Lightning Reed ※
  • Radish ※#
  • Kongfu Zombie
  • Monk Zombie
  • Qigong Zombie ※#
  • Buckethead Cowboy ※#
  • Prospector Zombie ※#
  • Cowboy Zombie ※#
  • Power Flower %
  • Kernel-pult %
  • Conehead Cowboy
  • Jumpy Frog ※#
  • Gong Zombie
  • Zombie Bull Rider #
  • Fire Hat ※#
  • Imitater ※
  • Snapdragon ※
  • Laser Bean
  • Imp Monk ※#
  • Gargantuar Bronze
  • Hammer Zombie
  • Bloomerang
  • Heavenly Peach %
  • Pirate Zombie ※#
  • Buckethead Pirate
  • Zombie Parrot %※
  • Greaser Imp
  • An unknown Beach Zombie who is the assistant of Sunglasses-Wearing Imp
  • Pirate Captain Zombie ※#
  • Imp Pirate Zombie ※#
  • Conehead Kongfu Zombie
  • Chicken Wrangler Zombie

Appeared non-fictional characters

Non-fictional characters that were mentioned but did not appear (%)

※ - means the character appeared in more than one chapter
% - means the character had no dialogues
# - means the character was mentioned in the Main Characters page
◊ - means the character's name(s) was/were only mentioned in the Knowledge Card or Knowledge Summary section
° - means the character's name(s) was/were not mentioned anywhere in the stories


Did You Know How to Protect Your Eyes?

Looking at objects far away relaxes the ciliary muscles in the eyeballs. Usually, plants are used as examples for "far objects" whenever a topic of eye protection is brought up. It is later rumored and misunderstood that green objects protect the eyes. Although the eyes can see the color green better than other colors due to its wavelength, there is no scientific studies which support the claim of "looking at green objects prevents myopia".

Did You Know How to Use Your Brain?

Some parts of the brain controlling different aspects of things have a tendency of having laterization, but it is not always true.[3]


  • Plants and zombies have a heart at the left side of their bodies.
  • Plants can catch malaria when stung by mosquitoes with the pathogens.
  • Zombies have red blood.
  • Plants can have ICH, cerebral infarction and cerebral atherosclerosis.
    • This implies plants have brains and skulls.
  • Plants and Zombies can catch cold and have fevers.
    • When a plant has fever, it is possible to have a stuffy nose.
      • This implies plants have noses.
  • Plants can have tonsillitis.
    • This implies that plants have tonsils.
  • Iceberg Lettuce can freeze objects when sneezing.
  • Plants can have bronchitis and pneumonia.
    • This implies that plants have lungs.
  • Plants can be infected with chickenpox.
  • Plants receive vaccination.
  • Plants have teeth.
  • Zombies can have iron-deficiency anemia.
  • Plants can have myopia and amblyopia.
  • Zombies can have scoliosis.
    • This implies zombies have spines.
  • Zombies age.
  • Wall-nut is allergic to "芥末". It is unknown whether it refers to mustard or wasabi.
  • Zombies can be allergic to penicillin.
  • Plants can have ADHD.
  • Sleeping pills work on plants.
  • Plants can have OCD.
  • Plants can have congenital heart defect.
  • Why Do Humans Have Cancer? is the only chapter which specified humans as its subject.
  • Plants, Zombies and the animal characters can have cancer.
  • China and World Health Organization are mentioned.
  • The specific species of "you" in How Long Have You Stayed in Your Mother's Womb? is never mentioned.
  • Only female zombies can give birth to kids and they do so in a similar way as humans.
  • The Plant Town Hospital which works 24 hours a day has a room for culturing test tube babies.
    • The specific species of the sperms and eggs in the room mentioned by Lightning Reed are never specified.
  • Plants fart.
    • According to the content of Why Do People Fart?, it is implied that plants have intestines and anuses.
  • Zombies have ears.
  • It is implied that plants have blood vessels.
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