User blog:Comicboss4000/Epic Quest - No Power Up Nor Plant Food

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Level Type: Regular Level

Location: Modern Day

Difficulty: Very Hard

Zombies: Mummy Zombie2.png Conehead Mummy2.png Buckethead Mummy2.png Mecha-Football Zombie2.png Brickhead Zombie2.png Jurassic Fossilhead2.png Rally Zombie2.png Gargantuar2.png 

Lawnmowers Present? Yes

Portals: 1x PortalNMT.png and 3x PortalBWB.png

Summoned: Imp2.png (thrown by Gargantuar2.png) MC Zom-B2.png Breakdancer Zombie2.png Octo Zombie2.png Surfer Zombie2.png

Flags: Two


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Brickhead Zombie2.png Mummy Zombie2.png Mummy Zombie2.png Mummy Zombie2.png Mummy Zombie2.png Sandstorm!
2 Jurassic Fossilhead2.png Explorer Zombie2.png2 Explorer Zombie2.png4 None 5 tombstones spawn
3 None Mecha-Football Zombie2.png Mecha-Football Zombie2.png Mecha-Football Zombie2.png Necromancy!
4 Jurassic Fossilhead2.png2 Jurassic Fossilhead2.png3 Jurassic Fossilhead2.png4 None
5 Rally Zombie2.png Gargantuar2.png Brickhead Zombie2.png Explorer Zombie2.png Conehead Mummy2.png Conehead Mummy2.png Conehead Mummy2.png Buckethead Mummy2.png Buckethead Mummy2.png Buckethead Mummy2.png First Flag; Sandstorm!; 4 tombstones spawn
6 None Mecha-Football Zombie2.png Mecha-Football Zombie2.png Mecha-Football Zombie2.png Mecha-Football Zombie2.png Mecha-Football Zombie2.png Necromancy!
7 Explorer Zombie2.png1 Explorer Zombie2.png3 Explorer Zombie2.png5 Brickhead Zombie2.png Brickhead Zombie2.png None PortalNMT.png spawns on Column 4, Row 2
8 None Conehead Mummy2.png Conehead Mummy2.png Conehead Mummy2.png Explorer Zombie2.png Explorer Zombie2.png Explorer Zombie2.png Buckethead Mummy2.png Buckethead Mummy2.png Buckethead Mummy2.png Sandstorm!; 6 tombstones spawn
9 Brickhead Zombie2.png Mecha-Football Zombie2.png Mecha-Football Zombie2.png Mecha-Football Zombie2.png Mecha-Football Zombie2.png Mecha-Football Zombie2.png Mecha-Football Zombie2.png Necromancy!
10 Rally Zombie2.png Gargantuar2.png Gargantuar2.png Conehead Mummy2.png Conehead Mummy2.png Conehead Mummy2.png Conehead Mummy2.png Explorer Zombie2.png Explorer Zombie2.png Explorer Zombie2.png Explorer Zombie2.png Buckethead Mummy2.png Buckethead Mummy2.png Buckethead Mummy2.png Buckethead Mummy2.png Final Flag; Sandstorm!; PortalBWB.png spawns on Column 5 Rows 1, 3, and 5

Level Information

Location: Modern Day

Level Type: Regular Level with objectives

Objective 1: Survive without planting on Dave's mold colonies

Objective 2: Produce at least 6500 sun

Gold Tiles present

Gold Tiles placements: Entire 1st, 5th, and 9th column

Mold Colonies present

Mold colonies placements: Entire 2nd, 3rd, 4th,6th,7th, 8th column

Lawnmowers present? No

Difficulty: Extremely Hard

Flags: Three

Zombies: Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Brickhead Zombie2.png Rally Zombie2.png Imp Porter2.png Wizard Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png None
2 Buckethead Zombie2.png Brickhead Zombie2.png None
3 Rally Zombie2.png Imp Porter2.png1 Imp Porter2.png3 Imp Porter2.png5 None First Flag!
4 Newspaper Zombie2.png2 Newspaper Zombie2.png3 Newspaper Zombie2.png4 None
5 Brickhead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Wizard Zombie2.png2 Wizard Zombie2.png4 None
6 Rally Zombie2.png Imp Porter2.png1 Imp Porter2.png2 Imp Porter2.png3 Imp Porter2.png4 Imp Porter2.png5 Brickhead Zombie2.png Brickhead Zombie2.png None Second Flag!
7 Buckethead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png1 Newspaper Zombie2.png5 None
8 Wizard Zombie2.png Wizard Zombie2.png Wizard Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Brickhead Zombie2.png None
9 Rally Zombie2.png Wizard Zombie2.png1 Wizard Zombie2.png3 Wizard Zombie2.png5 Wizard Zombie2.png Imp Porter2.png Imp Porter2.png Imp Porter2.png Brickhead Zombie2.png1 Brickhead Zombie2.png2 Brickhead Zombie2.png3 Brickhead Zombie2.png4 Brickhead Zombie2.png5 None Final Flag!

Level Type

Location: Modern Day

Flags: Three

Level Type: Locked And Loaded Level

Given Plants: Twin Sunflower2.png Phat Beet2.png Spikeweed2.png Stallia2.png Wall-nut2.png

Difficulty: Very Hard

Zombies: Punk Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Hair Metal Gargantuar2.png Rally Zombie2.png 

Summoned: Impunk2.png


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Conehead Zombie2.png Punk Zombie2.png2 None Punk plays!
2 Buckethead Zombie2.png2 Conehead Zombie2.png Punk Zombie2.png2 None
3 Rally Zombie2.png Punk Zombie2.png1 Punk Zombie2.png3 Punk Zombie2.png5 Buckethead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png None First Flag
4 Punk Zombie2.png1 Punk Zombie2.png3 Punk Zombie2.png5 Punk Zombie2.png Punk Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png None
5 Punk Zombie2.png1 Punk Zombie2.png2 Punk Zombie2.png5 Buckethead Zombie2.png1 Buckethead Zombie2.png4 Buckethead Zombie2.png5 None
6 Rally Zombie2.png Punk Zombie2.png1 Punk Zombie2.png2 Punk Zombie2.png3 Punk Zombie2.png4 Punk Zombie2.png5 Buckethead Zombie2.png1 Buckethead Zombie2.png2 Buckethead Zombie2.png3 Buckethead Zombie2.png4 Buckethead Zombie2.png5 None Second Flag!
7 Buckethead Zombie2.png1 Buckethead Zombie2.png2 Buckethead Zombie2.png4 Buckethead Zombie2.png5 Punk Zombie2.png Punk Zombie2.png Punk Zombie2.png Punk Zombie2.png None
8 Buckethead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Punk Zombie2.png Punk Zombie2.png Punk Zombie2.png Punk Zombie2.png None
9 Rally Zombie2.png Hair Metal Gargantuar2.png Punk Zombie2.png1 Punk Zombie2.png1 Punk Zombie2.png2 Punk Zombie2.png2 Punk Zombie2.png3 Punk Zombie2.png3 Punk Zombie2.png4 Punk Zombie2.png4 Punk Zombie2.png5 Punk Zombie2.png5 Buckethead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png None Final Flag!

Level Information

Location: Modern Day

Level Type: Conveyor-Belt Level

Difficulty: Very Hard

Plants: A.K.E.E.2.png Repeater2.png Iceberg Lettuce2.png Witch Hazel2.png

Flags: Two

Lawnmowers Present? No

Zombies: Brickhead Zombie2.png Mecha-Football Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png Sunday Edition Zombie2.png Barrel Roller Zombie2.png Pyramid-Head Zombie2.png Torchlight Zombie2.png Pianist Zombie2.png Wizard Zombie2.png Rally Zombie2.png Jurassic Gargantuar2.png Gargantuar Pirate2.png Poncho Zombie2.png

Summoned Zombies: Imp Pirate Zombie2.png Jurassic Imp2.png


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Brickhead Zombie2.png3 Torchlight Zombie2.png4 None A.K.E.E.2.png and Repeater2.png are available
2 Pyramid-Head Zombie2.png1 Pyramid-Head Zombie2.png5 Torchlight Zombie2.png2 Torchlight Zombie2.png4 None
3 Barrel Roller Zombie2.png1 Newspaper Zombie2.png2 Newspaper Zombie2.png4 None Iceberg Lettuce2.png is available
4 Barrel Roller Zombie2.png1 Barrel Roller Zombie2.png5 Torchlight Zombie2.png2 Torchlight Zombie2.png3 Wizard Zombie2.png2 Wizard Zombie2.png4 None
5 Rally Zombie2.png Pianist Zombie2.png2 Jurassic Gargantuar2.png5 Wizard Zombie2.png1 Wizard Zombie2.png3 Wizard Zombie2.png5 Sunday Edition Zombie2.png4 Mecha-Football Zombie2.png4 Poncho Zombie2.png1+ Poncho Zombie2.png3+ Poncho Zombie2.png5+ None First Flag; Witch Hazel2.png is available
6 Pyramid-Head Zombie2.png3 Pyramid-Head Zombie2.png5 Brickhead Zombie2.png2 Sunday Edition Zombie2.png2 Wizard Zombie2.png2 Wizard Zombie2.png5 None
7 Pianist Zombie2.png1 Torchlight Zombie2.png3 Torchlight Zombie2.png4 Torchlight Zombie2.png5 Sunday Edition Zombie2.png2 Wizard Zombie2.png2 None
8 Barrel Roller Zombie2.png1 Barrel Roller Zombie2.png2 Barrel Roller Zombie2.png3 Wizard Zombie2.png2 Wizard Zombie2.png4 Wizard Zombie2.png5 None
9 Gargantuar Pirate2.png4 Pianist Zombie2.png4 Pianist Zombie2.png5 Wizard Zombie2.png1 Wizard Zombie2.png2 Sunday Edition Zombie2.png3 Newspaper Zombie2.png3 None
10 Rally Zombie2.png Jurassic Gargantuar2.png1 Jurassic Gargantuar2.png5 Wizard Zombie2.png1 Wizard Zombie2.png5 Brickhead Zombie2.png4 Pyramid-Head Zombie2.png3 Torchlight Zombie2.png1 Torchlight Zombie2.png3 Torchlight Zombie2.png5 Sunday Edition Zombie2.png2 Mecha-Football Zombie2.png3 None Final Flag!

Poncho Zombie2.png+ Always carries metal grate

Level Information

Location: Modern Day

Level Type: Regular Level

Minecarts and Rail present

Minecarts: 1

Rails: 1 (Column 5 Rows 1, 2, 3, and 4, and 5)

Difficulty: Hard

Flags: Three

Poratls: PortalBWB.png x1

Zombies: Tomb Raiser Zombie2.png Breakdancer Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png Gargantuar2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Brickhead Zombie2.png Rally Zombie2.png Explorer Zombie2.png 

Summoned Zombies: Imp2.png Surfer Zombie2.png Octo Zombie2.png


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Conehead Zombie2.png None Rap plays!
2 Explorer Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png None
3 Conehead Zombie2.png Tomb Raiser Zombie2.png None
4 Rally Zombie2.png Brickhead Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png Breakdancer Zombie2.png1 Breakdancer Zombie2.png2 Breakdancer Zombie2.png3 Breakdancer Zombie2.png4 Breakdancer Zombie2.png5 Tomb Raiser Zombie2.png2 Tomb Raiser Zombie2.png3 Tomb Raiser Zombie2.png4 None First Flag!
5 Newspaper Zombie2.png2 Newspaper Zombie2.png3 Newspaper Zombie2.png4 None
6 Brickhead Zombie2.png Explorer Zombie2.png1 Explorer Zombie2.png3 Explorer Zombie2.png5 None
7 Tomb Raiser Zombie2.png1 Tomb Raiser Zombie2.png2 Tomb Raiser Zombie2.png3 Tomb Raiser Zombie2.png4 Tomb Raiser Zombie2.png5 None
8 Rally Zombie2.png Gargantuar2.png4 Explorer Zombie2.png1 Explorer Zombie2.png3 Explorer Zombie2.png5 Breakdancer Zombie2.png1 Breakdancer Zombie2.png3 Breakdancer Zombie2.png5 None Second Flag; PortalBWB.png spawns on Column 5, Row 2
9 Brickhead Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Tomb Raiser Zombie2.png None
10 Explorer Zombie2.png1 Explorer Zombie2.png5 Breakdancer Zombie2.png1 Breakdancer Zombie2.png5 None
11 Tomb Raiser Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png1 Newspaper Zombie2.png5 Buckethead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png None
12 Rally Zombie2.png Gargantuar2.png1 Gargantuar2.png5 Explorer Zombie2.png Explorer Zombie2.png Explorer Zombie2.png Explorer Zombie2.png Tomb Raiser Zombie2.png Tomb Raiser Zombie2.png Tomb Raiser Zombie2.png Tomb Raiser Zombie2.png Brickhead Zombie2.png Breakdancer Zombie2.png Breakdancer Zombie2.png Breakdancer Zombie2.png Breakdancer Zombie2.png None Final Flag!

Level Information

Location: Modern Day

Level Type: Last Stand

Sun Given: 2000

Plant Food Given: None

Flags: Two

Difficulty: Very Hard

Zombies: Brickhead Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png Sunday Edition Zombie2.png All-Star Zombie2.png Poncho Zombie2.png Rodeo Legend Zombie2.png Octo Zombie2.png Balloon Zombie2.png Rally Zombie2.png Gargantuar2.png*


Dynamic Difficulty: Gargantuar2.png

The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Balloon Zombie2.png Brickhead Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png None
2 Rodeo Legend Zombie2.png3 None
3 Poncho Zombie2.png2+ Poncho Zombie2.png4+ None
4 Brickhead Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png1 Sunday Edition Zombie2.png5 Balloon Zombie2.png All-Star Zombie2.png None
5 Rally Zombie2.png Rodeo Legend Zombie2.png1 Rodeo Legend Zombie2.png3 Rodeo Legend Zombie2.png5 None First Flag!
6 Poncho Zombie2.png2+ Poncho Zombie2.png3+ Poncho Zombie2.png4+ None
7 Octo Zombie2.png Balloon Zombie2.png Brickhead Zombie2.png1 Brickhead Zombie2.png5 None
8 Newspaper Zombie2.png All-Star Zombie2.png All-Star Zombie2.png Sunday Edition Zombie2.png1 Sunday Edition Zombie2.png3 Sunday Edition Zombie2.png5 None
9 Octo Zombie2.png Balloon Zombie2.png2 Balloon Zombie2.png4 Balloon Zombie2.png Balloon Zombie2.png Rodeo Legend Zombie2.png4 None
10 Rally Zombie2.png Rodeo Legend Zombie2.png1 Rodeo Legend Zombie2.png2 Rodeo Legend Zombie2.png3 Rodeo Legend Zombie2.png4 Rodeo Legend Zombie2.png5 Octo Zombie2.png1 Octo Zombie2.png3 Octo Zombie2.png5 Balloon Zombie2.png Balloon Zombie2.png Sunday Edition Zombie2.png All-Star Zombie2.png Gargantuar2.png* None Final Flag!


Gargantuar2.png* - may not always appear

Level Information

Level Type: Locked And Loaded + Save Our Seeds

Difficulty: Extremely Hard

Plants: Cabbage-pult2.png Wasabi Whip2.png Moonflower2.png Wall-nut2.png Spikeweed2.png Potato Mine2.png

Endangered Plants: 3x Wall-nut2.png on C6R2, C6R3, and C6R4

Zombies: All-Star Zombie2.png Barrel Roller Zombie2.png Brickhead Zombie2.png Seagull Zombie2.png Rally Zombie2.png

Summoned Zombies: Imp Pirate Zombie2.png

Flags: Three


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 All-Star Zombie2.png2 None
2 All-Star Zombie2.png3 None
3 Rally Zombie2.png All-Star Zombie2.png4 Brickhead Zombie2.png Seagull Zombie2.png3 None First Flag!
4 Barrel Roller Zombie2.png2 Barrel Roller Zombie2.png3 Barrel Roller Zombie2.png4 None
5 Barrel Roller Zombie2.png1 Barrel Roller Zombie2.png5 Seagull Zombie2.png All-Star Zombie2.png None
6 Rally Zombie2.png Barrel Roller Zombie2.png2 Barrel Roller Zombie2.png3 Barrel Roller Zombie2.png4 Brickhead Zombie2.png Brickhead Zombie2.png All-Star Zombie2.png None Second Flag!
7 Seagull Zombie2.png Barrel Roller Zombie2.png Brickhead Zombie2.png None
8 All-Star Zombie2.png All-Star Zombie2.png Seagull Zombie2.png1 Seagull Zombie2.png5 None
9 Rally Zombie2.png All-Star Zombie2.png1 All-Star Zombie2.png2 All-Star Zombie2.png3 All-Star Zombie2.png4 All-Star Zombie2.png5 Barrel Roller Zombie2.png3 Barrel Roller Zombie2.png4 Barrel Roller Zombie2.png Seagull Zombie2.png Seagull Zombie2.png Seagull Zombie2.png Seagull Zombie2.png None Final Flag!

Level Information

Location: Modern Day

Level Type: Regular Level with objective

Plants: Choice without sun-producers or Caulipower2.png

Objective: Produce at least 2000 sun

Pre-placed Plants: Five Tall-nut2.png on Column 5

Difficulty: Extremely Hard

Zombies: Jester Zombie2.png Brickhead Zombie2.png Wizard Zombie2.png Sunday Edition Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png All-Star Zombie2.png Rally Zombie2.png Super-Fan Imp2.png Gargantuar2.png

Summoned: Imp2.png

Flags: Three


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Jester Zombie2.png None
2 Jester Zombie2.png Jester Zombie2.png None
3 Newspaper Zombie2.png3 None
4 Jester Zombie2.png Jester Zombie2.png Brickhead Zombie2.png None
5 Rally Zombie2.png Wizard Zombie2.png4 Brickhead Zombie2.png Brickhead Zombie2.png Jester Zombie2.png1 Jester Zombie2.png2 Jester Zombie2.png4 Jester Zombie2.png5 None First Flag!
6 Sunday Edition Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png None
7 All-Star Zombie2.png3 None
8 Super-Fan Imp2.png2 All-Star Zombie2.png2 Wizard Zombie2.png Sunday Edition Zombie2.png None
9 Brickhead Zombie2.png1 Brickhead Zombie2.png3 Brickhead Zombie2.png5 Jester Zombie2.png Jester Zombie2.png None
10 Rally Zombie2.png Gargantuar2.png3 Wizard Zombie2.png2 Wizard Zombie2.png3 Wizard Zombie2.png4 Super-Fan Imp2.png5 All-Star Zombie2.png5 Super-Fan Imp2.png1 All-Star Zombie2.png1 None Second Flag!
11 Brickhead Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png Sunday Edition Zombie2.png All-Star Zombie2.png None
12 Wizard Zombie2.png1 Wizard Zombie2.png3 Wizard Zombie2.png5 None
13 Brickhead Zombie2.png1 Brickhead Zombie2.png2 Brickhead Zombie2.png3 Brickhead Zombie2.png4 Brickhead Zombie2.png5 Super-Fan Imp2.png1 Super-Fan Imp2.png2 Super-Fan Imp2.png3 Super-Fan Imp2.png4 Super-Fan Imp2.png5 None
14 Jester Zombie2.png1 Jester Zombie2.png2 Jester Zombie2.png4 Jester Zombie2.png5 Newspaper Zombie2.png Brickhead Zombie2.png None
15 Rally Zombie2.png Super-Fan Imp2.png2 Super-Fan Imp2.png4 All-Star Zombie2.png2 All-Star Zombie2.png4 Super-Fan Imp2.png3 All-Star Zombie2.png3 Gargantuar2.png1 Gargantuar2.png5 Wizard Zombie2.png Wizard Zombie2.png Sunday Edition Zombie2.png1 Sunday Edition Zombie2.png3 Sunday Edition Zombie2.png5 None Final Flag!

Level Information

Location: Modern Day

Level Type: Save our Seeds level

Endangered Plants: 2 Twin Sunflower2.png on Column 3 Rows 1 and 5

Difficulty: Very Hard

Zombies: Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Brickhead Zombie2.png Rally Zombie2.png All-Star Zombie2.png Sunday Edition Zombie2.png Imp Cannon2.png Dark Ages Gargantuar2.png

Summoned Zombies: Imp Monk Zombie2.png

Flags: Four


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Conehead Zombie2.png5 None
2 Buckethead Zombie2.png2 Buckethead Zombie2.png4 None
3 Rally Zombie2.png Sunday Edition Zombie2.png All-Star Zombie2.png Imp Cannon2.png2 None First Flag!
4 Brickhead Zombie2.png None
5 All-Star Zombie2.png2 All-Star Zombie2.png3 All-Star Zombie2.png4 Conehead Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png None
6 Rally Zombie2.png Dark Ages Gargantuar2.png3 Imp Cannon2.png1 Imp Cannon2.png5 Sunday Edition Zombie2.png1 Sunday Edition Zombie2.png5 None Second Flag!
7 Sunday Edition Zombie2.png All-Star Zombie2.png1 All-Star Zombie2.png5 None
8 Brickhead Zombie2.png Sunday Edition Zombie2.png None
9 Rally Zombie2.png Dark Ages Gargantuar2.png1 Dark Ages Gargantuar2.png5 Imp Cannon2.png1 Imp Cannon2.png2 Imp Cannon2.png3 Imp Cannon2.png4 Imp Cannon2.png5 None Third Flag!
10 All-Star Zombie2.png Sunday Edition Zombie2.png4 Brickhead Zombie2.png None
11 All-Star Zombie2.png2 All-Star Zombie2.png4 Buckethead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png None
12 Rally Zombie2.png Dark Ages Gargantuar2.png1 Dark Ages Gargantuar2.png5 Dark Ages Gargantuar2.png Imp Cannon2.png3 Imp Cannon2.png4 Sunday Edition Zombie2.png1 Sunday Edition Zombie2.png5 Sunday Edition Zombie2.png None Final Flag!

Level Information

Level Type: Not OK Corral

Difficulty: Very Hard

Plants: Tall-nut2.png Chili Bean2.png Repeater2.png Cherry Bomb2.png Split Pea2.png

Flags: Two

Zombies: Conehead Cowboy2.png Buckethead Cowboy2.png Cart-Head Zombie2.png Prospector Zombie2.png Flag Cowboy Zombie2.png Chicken Wrangler Zombie2.png

Summoned: Zombie Chicken2.png

Minecarts: 7

Rails: 7

Rails cover entire 1st to 5th columns plus C6R1, C6R2, C6R4, and C6R5


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Conehead Cowboy2.png3 None Repeater2.png is available
2 Conehead Cowboy2.png2 Conehead Cowboy2.png3 None Tall-nut2.png is available; Repeater2.png is no longer available
3 Cart-Head Zombie2.png1 Conehead Cowboy2.png4 None Chili Bean2.png is available; Tall-nut2.png is no longer available
4 Conehead Cowboy2.png5 Buckethead Cowboy2.png4 None Repeater2.png is available; Chili Bean2.png is no longer available
5 Flag Cowboy Zombie2.png Conehead Cowboy2.png4 Prospector Zombie2.png1 Prospector Zombie2.png5 None First Flag; Split Pea2.png is available; Repeater2.png is no longer available
6 Conehead Cowboy2.png2 Conehead Cowboy2.png4 Buckethead Cowboy2.png2 None Tall-nut2.png is available; Split Pea2.png is no longer available
7 Prospector Zombie2.png3 Cart-Head Zombie2.png2 Cart-Head Zombie2.png4 None Chili Bean2.png is available; Tall-nut2.png is no longer available
8 Conehead Cowboy2.png1 Conehead Cowboy2.png1 Conehead Cowboy2.png5 Conehead Cowboy2.png5 Prospector Zombie2.png4 None Repeater2.png is available; Chili Bean2.png is no longer available
9 Conehead Cowboy2.png1 Conehead Cowboy2.png3 Conehead Cowboy2.png4 Conehead Cowboy2.png5 Cart-Head Zombie2.png2 None Chili Bean2.png is available; Repeater2.png is no longer available
10 Flag Cowboy Zombie2.png Chicken Wrangler Zombie2.png2 Chicken Wrangler Zombie2.png4 Conehead Cowboy2.png1 Conehead Cowboy2.png2 Conehead Cowboy2.png3 Conehead Cowboy2.png4 Conehead Cowboy2.png5 Buckethead Cowboy2.png 1 Buckethead Cowboy2.png5 Prospector Zombie2.png4 Prospector Zombie2.png5 None Final Flag; Cherry Bomb2.png is available; Chili Bean2.png is no longer available

Level Information

Location: Modern Day

Regular Level with objective

Objective: Don't spend more than 2000 sun

Difficulty: Extremely Hard

Zombies: Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png Blastronaut Zombie2.png Rally Zombie2.png Gargantuar2.png

Banned Plants: Blover2.png Hurrikale2.png Caulipower2.png

Flags: Three


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Conehead Zombie2.png None
2 Buckethead Zombie2.png None
3 Conehead Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png None
4 Rally Zombie2.png Blastronaut Zombie2.png2 Blastronaut Zombie2.png4 Gargantuar2.png5 None First Flag!
5 Buckethead Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png None
6 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Conehead Zombie2.png2 Conehead Zombie2.png3 Conehead Zombie2.png4 Conehead Zombie2.png5 Blastronaut Zombie2.png1 Blastronaut Zombie2.png5 None
7 Jetpack Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png Blastronaut Zombie2.png Blastronaut Zombie2.png None
8 Rally Zombie2.png Gargantuar2.png2 Gargantuar2.png4 Blastronaut Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png None Second Flag!
9 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Conehead Zombie2.png5 Conehead Zombie2.png5 None
10 Buckethead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Blastronaut Zombie2.png2 Blastronaut Zombie2.png3 Blastronaut Zombie2.png4 None
11 Jetpack Zombie2.png1 Jetpack Zombie2.png2 Jetpack Zombie2.png3 Jetpack Zombie2.png4 Jetpack Zombie2.png5 Gargantuar2.png3 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Conehead Zombie2.png2 Conehead Zombie2.png3 Conehead Zombie2.png4 Conehead Zombie2.png5 None
12 Rally Zombie2.png Gargantuar2.png1 Gargantuar2.png5 Blastronaut Zombie2.png Blastronaut Zombie2.png Blastronaut Zombie2.png Blastronaut Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png None Final Flag!

Level Information

Level Type: Boss Battle

Boss: Zombot Tomorrow-tron2.png

Health: absorbs 3500 NDS

Plants: Winter Melon2.png Banana Launcher2.png Cold Snapdragon2.png Spikeweed2.png Chard Guard2.png Stallia2.png

Difficulty: Extremely Hard

Zombies: Explorer Zombie2.png Torchlight Zombie2.png Octo Zombie2.png Brickhead Zombie2.png Gargantuar2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png Sunday Edition Zombie2.png Balloon Zombie2.png All-Star Zombie2.png Super-Fan Imp2.png

Phases: 3

Summoned Zombies

Phase 1: (HP 2750 - 3500) 

Brickhead Zombie2.png Balloon Zombie2.png Explorer Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png

Phase 2: (HP 1575 - 2750)

Gargantuar2.png Explorer Zombie2.png Torchlight Zombie2.png Sunday Edition Zombie2.png

Phase 3: (HP 0 - 1575)

Super-Fan Imp2.png All-Star Zombie2.png Octo Zombie2.png Brickhead Zombie2.png