User blog:GamesterD/Plants Vs. Zombies 2 Saga:Lost City

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Too lazy to put down both sagas links.


PvZ2 Saga LC.jpg
  • At the Frostbite Caves...*

Peashooter: *Comes into Penny chattering along with Wall-nut and Potato Mine*W-w-w-why was it cold.

Potato Mine: Y-y-y-you idiot.

Wall-nut:D-d-d-don't call him that.

Sunflower: *Goes inside perfectly fine*You all should stop fighting and make a truce already.

Peashooter: E-e-e-e-easy for you to say. Your not the one who's been trapped in an ice bloc for 23 minutes.

Wall-nut: W-w-w-where's Chomper?

Sunflower: He's doing patrol.*Chomper comes into Penny with fur and blood on his mouth*You ate a mammoth didn't you.

Chomper: *gulping*Sorry. I had to eat.

Potato Mine: But a mammoth? You son of a ...

Crazy Dave: Ra re wah!*Translation: Here we go!*

  • Penny goes into a time portal and comes out into another one with temples*

Penny: We have arrived at the Lost City.

Peashooter: Well*looks at a temple*this looks intresting.

Wall-nut: Really? What makes you say that?*Sees some nearby Adventurer Zombie being squished by a giant stone.


Crazy Dave: Oi, raco blana tamckle!*Translation: My, there's a temple with a taco.

Penny: Don't you dare.

Crazy Dave: Raco blana gwee grwa!*Translation: To the temple with a taco!**Drives Penny to the temple only to have a bouder come. Groonooo!*Translation: NOOOO!

Chomper: Well, this is bad.*Tries to eat the boulder only to be bounced back*Can sheepfy this?

Sunflower: Ummm...*Tries to sheepify the boulder only for the spell to be destroyed.* Nope.

Wall-nut: We're doomed. Initiate screaming.*All of the characters scream only for a plane to come and carry them.*

???: You OK?

Peashooter: *Gasping*Y-yeah. Who are you?

??? : I am Endurian, also known as the Lost Explorer Nut. I'm looking for a certain relic.

Potato Mine: Do you have any plants on board?

Endurian: Yes. There is Lava Guava, Red Stinger, A.K.E.E., Toadstool, Stallia, Gold Leaf, and Strawburst.

Sunflower: So no familiar faces.

Endurian: So what made you go to the Taco Temple?

Potato Mine: *glares at Dave*Well someone wants a taco that's lost in time.

Lava Guava: A taco? That's stupid as s***!

Peashooter: Don't say that or you get the wrath of Dave.

Stallia: I know his wrath is just as horrible as a tacos.

Crazy Dave:*Eyes on fire*RA TACO BLOOM GRA!!!!!!!!!*Translation: YOU SHALL NOT INSULT TACO!!!!!!!!!!**Grabs a chainsaw and starts chasing Stallia*

Peashooter: Tht at's why he's called Crazy Dave.

Endurian: I see. Red Stinger, turn off the light. I need to sneak them off somewhere.

Red Stinger: OK?

Endurian: So, why are you here?

Sunflower: To defeat Zomboss.

Endurian: Figures. The Doctor is evil everybody knows that.

Red Stinger:*From a speaker*Ladies and gentleplants, we are now going to turn off the flight.

Potato Mine: Sure, turn off the...TURN OFF THE FLIGHT?!!?

Endurian: Stupid flower can't hear well.

Sunflower: How do land safetly.

Toadstool: We don't. We're going to die.

Chomper: I don't think so.*Grab Toadstool's tounge*Quick, who' the most craziest plant here?

Lava Guava: That would be A.K.E.E.

A.K.E.E.: INSANE! I'M NOT INSANE, I'M CRA-Z!!!!!!*Throws Toadstool's tounge into a branch and swings on it like Indiana Jones.

Wall-nut: My this merciless soul.

Toadstool: Owwww.

  • All the plants and Dave swing on the rope before the plane crashes and blows up some trees*

Gold Leaf: Well, at least we are safe.

  • All the plants and Dave drop into a group of Relic Hunters.

Sunflower: We're doomed.

Endurian: Nah, I know what to do.*Pulls out a fake turqious skull*Here's the relic, Go get it!*Throws the skull at Lava Guava*

Relic Hunter Zombies: SKULL!!!!*Goes to get the "skull, only to be burned by lava*

Strawburst: We win. PARTY!

Peashooter: Umm...not now.

Strawburst: I just pushed a button. It should get some confetti!

Peashooter and Endurian: NOOOOOOOO!*Strawburst pushes the button*.

Endurian: It's going to activate a trap!

Potato Mine: Don't be stupid. Zomboss will come.

  • Flames come out and almost burn the plants.*

Lava Guava: Learn your traps b****.

Stallia: Zombies, comin in!

Excavator Zombie: Brains!

Red Stinger: *Attacking the zombie*This isn't working!

A.K.E.E.: TIME TO GO CRA-Z!*Destroys all the zombies*There!

Wall-nut: *whispering*Is she always like this?

Toadstool: Pretty much.

Sunflower: Well, what can possibly go wrong now?

  • Shadow suddenly comes in which makes the plants look at it revealing Zomboss in it*

Peashooter: W-w-we didn't press your button.

Dr. Zomboss: You did. I activated your flame trap.

Potato Mine: Told ya.

Dr. Zomboss: But now you shall bow before the Zombot Aeroastic Gondola!

Endurian: It's just a gondola!

Dr. Zomboss: Heh.*pulls a lever which drops down Lost Pilot Zombies*That summons zombies! And you will like this.*drops a sandbag which activates a boulder*

Wall-nut: SCATTER!

  • All plants scatter*

Stallia: This is bad.

Peashooter: Hmm...*Looks at Stallia and Dave*I got an idea.

Sunflower: What?

Peashooter: Distract Zomboss.

Sunflower: Umm..OK.*Turns a Lost Pilot into a sheep*

Dr. Zomboss: *Shaking the sheep off*Get off stupid animal!

Peashooter: Stallia, charge at Zomboss.

Stallia: *starts running*Why?


Stallia: WHAT?!!?

Crazy Dave: GRACK GOOP!*Translation: F*** YOU!**Gets his chainsaw*

Stallia: YEEP!*Jumps onto Zomboss*Hide me from that man.

Dr. Zomboss: Get off me you idiot. Besides, this machine is strong enough to survive 1497 wrecking balls.

  • Crazy Dave charges at the Zomboss slicing the machine in half*

Dr. Zomboss: *Sputtering*W-w-w-w*gets his evil face*NO MATTER! I SHALL PROCEED!*Teleports away.

Crazy Dave: Groo gra.*Translation: Your still dead.*

Endurian: Oh for peat sake.*Hands off a taco relic*Here you go.

Crazy Dave: GRIIB WRAGROO!*Translation: YES! ALL FORGIVEN!*

Chomper: Can I have some?*gets glared by everybody*What?

The End.