User blog:GamesterD/PvZH Re-Review

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Some of you guys might know that I made a review for PvZH a while ago. If you want to see it, here. But now that many people have come, this has gotton some changes along with balances and new stuff. So here's my re-review of Plants vs. Zombies Heroes.


Penelopea: The Stealer of the Fertilised and Giver of the Wilted

So I've played her more and I decided she suits best as a bean pea deck. She also can use Threepeater buff combo which is just so OP. She can freeze and bounce zombies that are too strong for her or to buff up things like Pea Pod and Doubled Mint. She's also got amphibious which is good as well. Overall, I stand as I said from the previous blog. She's just OK.

Hawt N' A-flammable

Solar Flare was one of the few I haven't made much progress with. She's still good but her lack of amphibious and card gaining makes her weak if you rush her. If you're smart and don't rush with her, you will have a good time with sun and many dead zombies. With Solar, she can use lots of damaging cards via Kabloom to murder you outright or your entire army. Though if you survive the onslaught, things should go fairly for you. Unless that last card she has kills you.

The Nut Killable Healer

Wall-Knight is still good. Unfortunately I've been playing many other characters AKA not this guy. Whenever I do use him, he's good. With Guardian, Solar, and his signiture ability you will not be ending him fast. Army of nuts will stop you if you don't have the Weed Spray, none of your zombies are safe, even Gravestone, and even if you do get him to critical health he'll just heal. His offense isn't great but he can go bowling faster than other plants. Oh and this thing .

Shrimpzilla to Godzilla x A Lot

Chompzilla...gosh she's great for me. Strikethrough is already good. What's better is her bonus attacks to literally attack the hero and minions at the same time multiple times. Not to mention boosted strikthrough is broken. And don't even get me started on healing or destructive cababilities. She's very great.

A Really Drunk Abomination Potato

Why did they make this thing again? Spudow was a nice touch to the potato family but not in his battling style. Gosh I know he's the only hero that can use Mirror-Nut combos without the possibility of them getting wipped out immediatly, but Berry Angry takes the next turn. Also defending does nothing when your other goal is to murder everything else in your path. My skills have not improved much either.

Sir Sucker Punch A Lot

After Itsleo helped me out with him on the last blog, I gotten better. His true motiative is to boost up Truestike( F*** the new Bullseye) so you won't ever be blocked. If that doesn't work, he can protect currently growing to become monsters with nuts or boost the nuts to make a wall of offense. Thank you Itsleo!

Combonusable Deathwood

I wish I didn't get new cards. This slightly ruined my CC deck but I'm still good with him. But with the Gravestone, he's just done. Without Gravestone, you're done. This is literally a game of "Will he place a Gravestone". If not, please kill the Zombie Hero right know with bonus attacks. Kabloom is very helpful for getting rid of non-Gravestones if Plant Food is not avaliable. And if you don't know already, he's a boost master. But you should know by now.

The Sorceress of Stopping

Rose is mainly a freeze deck but she's also good at defense as well. By that I mean very good. She can bounce to make stat boosting useless, freeze to stop enemies track(Permanantly if Winter Squash is present), and kill things outright if the former two fails. And she's got two superpowers that can turn big tanks like Zombot 1000 into a stupid Zombie(Though one may lead to your downfall). She's a good character and powerful for a sorceress.


Citron I just don't get. To put it simple I'll just say 7 words Citron is good at: Beans, amphibious, and d***ing you on mission 40.

Assashroom's Creed

I like Night Cap(Once again screw the new name) as he's like my type. Kill your target only and if nessessary, any minions. The other ways to get rid of the latter besides death is to bounce them. This of course leads the death mark open to the enemy ending their lives easily. Night Cap is a great character but just don't always use him in a rush deck against some match ups. They will not go well.

Swiftly Deadly

Super Brainz I got much better with. I decided to go all out Antihero and it works out well. Smoke Bomb works well but what really stands out is the fact he's got Bonus Attacks. This way, he can deal even more damage to the plants swiftly killing them in at least the 4th turn. If that doesn't happen, he's still got deadly things that can kill tanks before they even know what hit them.

Imps R Us

Impfinity is useful like Super Brainz. He's like Super Brainz but instead of bonus attacks and brains, he uses damage and more damage. It may not seem better at first but with certain legendary zombies , it can wipe the entire bored. If you out of legendary stuff, use your gravestone army than boost them with absurb strength to wipe out opponents that can't kill hordes easily. Gosh he's so fun.

Still Stayin Alive-ish

Personally I'm not good with this hero but I've seen other people who are. One time this EB stalled me until the Garg's Feast came. Seriously. EB is the stall hero and waits and counters all things with butts and bugs. Once the time is right, he will unleash his Gargantuar army and murder you with them. But as for me, I don't do well. Oh and he's a god with dancing decks.


Smash too is a stall hero. Unlike EB though, he not as good to deal with high level things but he can send out his Gargantuar army earlier. He also has more bulk than EB due to being Hearty and can easily kill anything under 2 with Weed Spary. He's also a proficient pet hero as seen with Iamrepeater.

Zombie #75823578439507245894230758239769

I only thought Rustbolt was OP as an AI. As soon as I got 4 Weed Sparys, I knew I was wrong. He's great if you have 4 of A. Rocket Science, B. Weed Spray and C. Medic. Gosh that and the Super Brainz was the reason why I got to the Taco League. He can kill anything that's not 3 but there's his Shrink Ray and Landscaper to take care of that. And teleporting walls is a great idea. By walls I mean life saviors.

Imps Rule

Z-Mech is a great chacter who kills weak things and damages the plants to death. Anything about kill your walls? Your solutions are butt, fireball, cakes, chickens, rocks, spray, and missles. Gosh and if you have the chance to, why not turn your tanks into monsters? That's a great idea! To kill the plants. Maybe that's why the future is rules by the zombies.

Rapid Beast Productor

Immorticia has found another role in my arsenal. It's to serve up beasts unexpectedly and send the plant hero to the next world just as fast. Seriously, with her brains, she can get Gargantuars earlier and at unexpeted times with Teleport. One particular Gargantuar is the Zombot 1000. Play that with Teleport and the plant hero will have a bad time for the next 2 seconds. Besides that, any Garg remaining will have the Plant Hero regret their decision when the Gargantuar is fed brains for the win.

Graves of Spamming

Neptuna is probably the best Gravestone user ever. She can use Hearty to tank those Gravestone zombies and Sneaky to move them if tank isn't the solution. She's got the amphibious lane covered and can heal herself with Medics and burrying them with Mixed-Up Gravedigger for more health. This is very useful with Undying Pharaoh as well since you can not worry about dying unless the opponent is either Kablooming to kill you outright while the egyption god is resting or Guardian which with luck can kill the Pharaoh. Besides that, all you have to do is spam Graves.

He Just Wanted Ice Cream...

Brain Freeze used to be my worst zombie hero. But I found a secret to sucess for him. It's not Pet decks. It's not Grave decks. It's strikethrough deck. Brain Freeze has great Strikethrough and can buff them with Beastly or even better laugh at the hero till they get double or triple striked. He's also the amphibious master of the zombies so keep that in mind if you're out of strikethrough.


Professor Brainstorm's own super power is bassically hacking. But hacking can be useful as we all know it. He can get cards that he can't get on his own. When not destroying the world as we know it, he likes to throw lots of butts at us and use crazy powerful bonus attacks to end you fast. He is truely a great character.

​Tier List

1. Chompzilla
Chompzilla Website.png
2. Rustbolt
Rustbolt Website.png
3. Wall-Knight
Wall-Knight Website.png
4. Super Brainz
Super Brainz appearing 2.jpeg
5. Immorticia
Immorticia Pose.jpeg
6. Impfinity
Impfinity Pose.jpeg
7. Captain Combustible
Captain combustible pose.jpeg
8. Solar Flare
Solar Flare Pose.jpeg
9. Green Shadow
Green Shadow Pose.jpeg
10. Professor Brainstorm
Brainstorm pose.jpeg
11. Grass Knuckles
HD Grass Knuckles.png
12. Rose
A PVZH P Rose@3x.png
13. Z-Mech
Z-Mech sad face.png
14. Brain Freeze
HD Photo of Brain Freeze from Heroes Site.png
15. The Smash
HD Photo of The Smash from Heroes Site.png
16. Electric Boogaloo
17. Night Cap
18. Neptuna
Neptuna defeat.jpeg
19. Spudow
20. Citron
Citron rekt defeat.jpeg


I'm not going to talk about all of them but here are some of the best cards in the game in my opinion.


In the Heroes Section, I challange you to find 8 refrences from the hero names and name those refrences in the comments. They can be in other media or in my past blogs. Hope you enjoyed this blog!