User blog:LawnDefender072003/My top 10 best and worst plant in PvZ2.

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Yay! My first blog on this wiki! Here's my top 10 best and worst plant (IMO) of PvZ2!

Don't mad because your favourite plants are in the worst list!

The best!

10. A.K.E.E.: When it was introduced, I <3-ed it because only for 175 sun and it can bounce it projectiles from this zombie, to that zombie! It replaces the horrible Bloomerang. And its name is the best name ever! The punniest name of a plant.

9. Guacodile: Guacodile is really useful, and replaces the Peashooter. For only 25 more sun, and it can be like a weaker lawn mover. And we don't need Lily Pad to place it on water. Guacodile, if only you can shoot in water, you'd be on the top.

8. Homing Thistle: My friend told me that "You shouldn't buy it. It's horrible!". But IMO, it's really an useful plant. It's kinda a landbound Cattail, which every one likes. Homing Thistle can attack enemies everywhere, the Snokel Zombies, the annoying Jester... With 5 or 7 of them I can protect my house from the hngry zombies

7. Chard Guard: Chard Guard is awesome. Knock zombies back (3 times), then become a defensive plant. Better than the horrible Spring Bean.

6. Grimrose: Grimrose can drag zombies into the ground, and it targets the strongest zombie in its lane. While Tangle Kelp has a 90% chance of missing the target. If you pair her with Moonflower, this could get even better. And its costume is an Asian/Vietnamese concial hat, where I live.

5. Celery Stalker: It's my favourite plant (if you look im to my avatar). It's damage is so high. It can kill a Conehead Zombie. Using Iceberg Lettuce or Stunion and this to deal with Gargantuars.

4. Primal Sunflower: Better then Sun-shroom. You don't have to wait to get 75 sun. It's really cute too. 

3. Primal Potato Mine: Only for 50 sun and you get a need-to-wait Cherry Bomb? Primal Potato Mines is the best primal plant IMO. I used him in EZs a lot.

2. Moonflower: Moonflower is cute. And I use her to produce dozen of sun. Every EZ Levels when I use her, I usually spare 3000 sun or more. And she's a supporter, Grimrose, Dusk Lobber, Shadow-shroom is more useful when she's around. And Nightshade is a little bit more useful.

1. Escape Root: He'sa shape-shifter. He can transform into a Cherry Bomb or Primal Potato Mine. Even better, Grapeshot. And he can swirch places with plants. A Banana Launcher almost get smash by a Garg, use Escape Root to switch place with him! He's the most useful plant.

 The worst!

10. Kernel-pult: He's overrated. Not always, Kernel-pult fires butter! He fires weak kernel sometimes.

9. Sun-shroom: Meh, I used to love him but then Primal Sunflower showed up.

8. Sap-fling: A real pinecone falls to anybody's head is gotta hurt. GOTTA HURT. except somebody wearing a helmet. But Sap-fling's pinecone won't damage zombies. It just slow down zombies. I'd rather use Stallia, thank you very much.

7. Lightning Reed: he's only useful when there's Chickens. He's not even useful when there are Weasels. Only 0,5 damage? And cost 125 sun? I'd rather use the Peashooter.

6. Peashooter: with many new and powerful plants, nobody use him.

5. Sweet Potato: Wayyy too much sun. And cost gems. I would never waste my 109 gems for a peiece of Garbage, thank you very much.

4. Chomper: Takes a very long time too chew. Then he burps. That's growse and takes time.

3. Nightshade: It's recharge speed it too slow. And he slaps zombies only.

2. Spring Bean: Only can knock back one zombie, and only a tile? Without Blover, and you boosted, no way I'd use you!

1. Blooming Heart: Please EA, PopCap, i'm begging you. Fix this glitch ASAP! Immortal zombies is very annoying.

So yeah, this is my Top 10 best and worst plant in PvZ2. And also my first blog here. Have a nice day!