User blog:Natapat/PvZH Decks

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Note: these decks are come from another website.

link=Spudow 100px Midrange Berry Spudow

PvZH Kabloom Icon.png PvZH Guardian Icon.png
This deck has been doing well for me in the mid 40s. The meta is full of gravestones right now so I wanted a hero with Gravebusters. Blooming heart can get really powerful if you can keep it alive for a turn or two by moving it or busting graves. Strongberry combos great with Grapes of Wrath, Bluesberry and Berry Blast. The 2 legendaries aren’t vital to this deck’s success but they’re definitely nice to have. Poison Oak also works well as a finisher if you don’t have DLK.
Blooming HeartH.png x4 Berry BlastH.png x4 Gardening GlovesH.png x3 Grave BusterH.png x4 Jugger-nutH.png x3
Wild BerryH.png x2 Hibernating BearyH.png x2 Pear CubH.png x2 GuacodileH.png x3 Sergeant StrongberryH.png x2
Sour GrapesH.png x3 BluesberryH.png x2 Cherry BombH.png x2 Dandy Lion KingH.png x1 Grapes of WrathH.png x2
Kernel CornH.png x1

link=Brain Freeze (PvZH) 100px Epitaph Tundra:My Basic Deck

PvZH Sneaky Icon.png PvZH Beastly Icon.png
Will add an explanation later, too lazy to right now.
Headstone CarverH.png x4 NibbleH.png x2 Smoke BombH.png x3 Squirrel HerderH.png x2 Swashbuckler ZombieH.png x4
Toxic Waste ImpH.png x3 Backyard BounceH.png x2 Line Dancing ZombieH.png x2 LoudmouthH.png x3 Stealthy ImpH.png x3
FirefighterH.png x2 Pogo BouncerH.png x3 Tomb Raiser ZombieH.png x3 Locust SwarmH.png x2 Surprise GargantuarH.png x2

link=Neptuna 100px Gravestone Neptuna

PvZH Hearty Icon.png PvZH Sneaky Icon.png
I know gravestone decks are played out but wanted to put this one out there for up and comers. You wanna try and start the game with a headstone Carver. Always wanna play him normally in second lane. If you don’t get him from the start that’s OK. I win most games without him being a factor. Start off with HS Carver then with the sumo in first lane. Move over whatever they play a kill with the buffed sumo. Then you wanna start with the land scapers and pirates. 2 pirates on board is awesome as they will get double buffed when they hit the hero. Use weed spray as needed. Also you wanna play the 3-2 octo super in the water lane usually. On turn one if u have it without a headstone Carver. Also you can run 2 fish imps and or 2 toxic waste imps. I run one of both since you get the benefit of deadly and extra damage from fish. Occasionally synergy with the anti hero garbage Imp. This deck is so good at tempo. As your opponent is trying to deal with the last one or two cards u played you pour on the damage. Use tomb raiser at just the right time and right placement for extra gravestones on board. Bouncing plants , rebouncing with mixed up grave digger and hide a zombie in a gravestone. Be careful when you play these as buffed zombies will lose the buff. By the time your opponent catches up you have so many zombies on board you can use camel cross to keep them alive and monster mash to pour on the hurt. The one defensive end is not nesscesary but a good finisher they won’t see coming. Also the surprise gargs moving around is great. You can interchange this deck with more line dancers or more garbage imps. Pretty much any gravestones are great. I won lots of games with this deck even before I had mixed up or tomb raiser. Just put in more surprise gargs and a rodeo or two. Good Luck!!
Camel CrossingH.png x3 Headstone CarverH.png x4 Fishy ImpH.png x1 Sumo WrestlerH.png x4 Swashbuckler ZombieH.png x4
Toxic Waste ImpH.png x1 LandscaperH.png x2 Line Dancing ZombieH.png x2 Smelly ZombieH.png x2 Stealthy ImpH.png x1
Weed SprayH.png x3 Pogo BouncerH.png x3 Tomb Raiser ZombieH.png x2 Mixed-Up GravediggerH.png x3 Monster MashH.png x1
Surprise GargantuarH.png x3 Defensive EndH.png x1

link=Spudow 100px Hot Pine Dandy

PvZH Kabloom Icon.png PvZH Guardian Icon.png
This deck has alot of early options for damage and removal. This deck is also very interchangeable with other cards. IE- More juggernuts & or Pine Clones. Basically you wanna start off with the Blooming Hearts or shroom for 2s. Then use the hot dates , grave busters , and berry for removal. The hot dates work great on the water lanes for removal. Then come in with the wild berry , poision ivy’s , and juggernuts. Be wary of the squirrels with this deck. Card placement is key in this deck. You wanna get the most from your steel magnolias and the hibernating berries. You have lots of options for removal with the berry blasts, doom shroom, guacadile , pear cub, and cherry bomb. You also have the pine clones if that works out. Also early game creates so much damage and you’re already ahead. You can finish off with strong berry , tough beets, dandy, and grapes of Wrath if needed. With this deck you wanna watch out for weed spray and squirrels. Also be careful playing too many cards too fast as there is no card draw in this deck but normally not needed if played correctly. You could also take out the strong berries for something else like smackadamia or sour grapes. Spudow doesnt have many 4 drop options. I’ve won lot of games with this deck and variants. Good Luck!!
Blooming HeartH.png x3 Shroom for TwoH.png x4 Berry BlastH.png x4 Grave BusterH.png x2 Hot DateH.png x3
Jugger-nutH.png x2 Wild BerryH.png x2 Hibernating BearyH.png x2 Pear CubH.png x1 Poison IvyH.png x2
Steel MagnoliaH.png x2 GuacodileH.png x2 PinecloneH.png x2 Sergeant StrongberryH.png x2 Doom-ShroomH.png x1
Tough BeetsH.png x1 Cherry BombH.png x1 Dandy Lion KingH.png x2 Grapes of WrathH.png x2

link=Wall-Knight 100px Control Wall Knight !

PvZH Guardian Icon.png PvZH Solar Icon.png
This deck is amazing especially in this meta! I’ve won countless games and had to share this deck. I will make an in depth guide if people want it.
Morning GloryH.png x4 Grave BusterH.png x4 Jugger-nutH.png x4 Sage SageH.png x4 2nd-Best Taco of All TimeH.png x4
Whack-a-ZombieH.png x4 GuacodileH.png x3 Doom-ShroomH.png x3 Power FlowerH.png x4 SquashH.png x3
Poppin' PoppiesH.png x1 CornucopiaH.png x2

link=Chompzilla 100px Healing Flower

PvZH Mega-Grow Icon.png PvZH Solar Icon.png
This is my deck I use for Chompzilla. This deck also a strong build of sun, to then easy overpower an opposing force.
SunflowerH.png x4 Pepper M.D.H.png x4 Water BalloonsH.png x1 2nd-Best Taco of All TimeH.png x1 FertilizeH.png x3
FlourishH.png x4 Whack-a-ZombieH.png x4 LawnmowerH.png x1 Magnifying GrassH.png x1 Metal Petal SunflowerH.png x4
Power FlowerH.png x4 SquashH.png x4 Briar RoseH.png x2 Laser BeanH.png x1 Smashing PumpkinH.png x1
Super-Phat BeetsH.png x1

link=Neptuna 100px [Tempo Midrange] Gravestone

PvZH Hearty Icon.png PvZH Sneaky Icon.png
{{{Deck description}}}
Headstone CarverH.png x4 Sumo WrestlerH.png x4 Swashbuckler ZombieH.png x4 Backyard BounceH.png x2 LandscaperH.png x4
Line Dancing ZombieH.png x4 Stealthy ImpH.png x2 Weed SprayH.png x2 Zombie High DiverH.png x2 Pogo BouncerH.png x4
File:Mixed-up GravediggerH.png x2 Surprise GargantuarH.png x2 Defensive EndH.png x4

[[File:{{{Hero}}}H.png|link={{{Hero}}} 100px]] {{{Name of Deck}}}

{{{Deck description}}}

[[File:{{{Hero}}}H.png|link={{{Hero}}} 100px]] {{{Name of Deck}}}

{{{Deck description}}}

[[File:{{{Hero}}}H.png|link={{{Hero}}} 100px]] {{{Name of Deck}}}

{{{Deck description}}}

[[File:{{{Hero}}}H.png|link={{{Hero}}} 100px]] {{{Name of Deck}}}

{{{Deck description}}}

[[File:{{{Hero}}}H.png|link={{{Hero}}} 100px]] {{{Name of Deck}}}

{{{Deck description}}}

[[File:{{{Hero}}}H.png|link={{{Hero}}} 100px]] {{{Name of Deck}}}

{{{Deck description}}}

[[File:{{{Hero}}}H.png|link={{{Hero}}} 100px]] {{{Name of Deck}}}

{{{Deck description}}}

[[File:{{{Hero}}}H.png|link={{{Hero}}} 100px]] {{{Name of Deck}}}

{{{Deck description}}}