User blog:Ultimate Racer NFS/How to properly use Torchwood guide

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Torchwood Guide

The Subject


This is the second guide I've made so far, the first being a steam guide on defeating Sans in Undertale that became popular for a while until people stopped using it due to Undertale losing its hype. Now, if you're reading this guide it means you most likely just bought Torchwood and are disappointed with its lack of splash damage, fear not, because it has other uses as well, this guide will be discussing what to do and what not to do with a Torchwood plant.


Now, first of all, this plant will be a good plant to start with in Ancient Egypt, due to the lack of high damaging plants with the exception of Bonk Choy it can be difficult to have something to depend on, you can also use Snow Pea, which would be, most of the time, a better plant than Torchwood. While Snow Pea has a good slowing effect, it lacks the crowd control Torchwood provides. Not only does it allow the peashooting plants to do more damage with less space required, but it's a cheaper solution as well, put the following things into consideration.

What to consider

  • Torchwood is cheaper than a Repeater .
  • It will enchance the damage of ANY peashooting plants, except for Snow Pea.
  • A Torchwood will melt the ice in Frostbite Caves.
  • Torchwood has a fast recharge rate

Saving Sun

Now, let's say you have both Repeater and Torchwood in your seeds. You place down a repeater, but a buckethead appears, and you need additional damage to deal with it, which would be a better plant to use in this situation? A torchwood or a repeater, now, a big negative to Torchwood is that you need to place him far forward in order to buff a lot of peashooting plants, but to tell the truth, you can completely avoid that negative by simply shovelling up your second row of sunflowers in the back and replacing it with peashooting plants, and placing Torchwood a bit further back, on top of being cheaper than a Repeater, a Torchwood is also more instant, a Repeater will take a short pause after being placed down before firing, while Torchwood will light the peas on fire as soon as he is planted.


The Dreaded Snow Pea

A general formula to follow while using torchwood and making it beneficial is:

P - (75 sun x n) > 175

P =The sun cost of all peashooting plants behind Torchwood (with the exception of Snow Pea and Fire Peashooter

T= 175 sun      n= Amount of Snow Peas behind Torchwood

It sounds a bit complicated, but you can replace - (75 sun x n) with zero if you aren't using Snow Pea

The Lack of Splash Damage benefits

While Snow Peas will get their shots melted when it passes by a torchwood, a Snow Pea ahead of Torchwood will provide a short slowdown, making it a little worthwhile, and, because there's no more splash damage, a frozen zombie can stay frozen for a long time if a faster zombie tanks the fire shots for it, although Cold Snapdragon and Winter Melon can do this much better,

Primal Peashooter

Despite what you would think, Torchwood works on Primal Peashooters, and they still maintain their effects after going through it, although a lack of a Fire Rock Pea sprite will make them re-use the same fire pea texture.

Difficulties and Hindrances

Now, Torchwood is probably one of the worst premium plants you could have possibly bought, despite the benefits mentioned above, because, like the Torchwood page mentions, the zombie horde grows thicker in PVZ2, which is why splash damage plants will excel more, and despite the formula being nearly flawless, It has a few exceptions, like Pea Pod, using a Pea Pod with two heads behind Torchwood, despite what the formula will say, is a bad decision, as using a Repeater in that situation would be a much better answer, although if it has three heads or more, Torchwood would be a great, if not a perfect plant to use in this situation, not only will you use 2 columns for 10 NDS of damage per lane, but placing Torchwood in this situation will be the equivalent of placing a second 5 headed Pea Pod, which is an extremely great offer, considering the recharge time of placing a Pea Pod five times and the cost of five Pea Pods versus the recharge time of one Torchwood and the cost of one Torchwood.

Another thing that hinders the Torchwood is zombies that block peas, which there are more of in this game than in previous ones.


Despite Torchwood having to overcome certain challenges, it can be a decent plant if used properly, although it's not really worth it for a premium plant