User talk:Someone456/Archive 10

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Someone456's Talk Page Archives

Current talk page

Archive number 1
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Archive number 5
Archive number 6
Archive number 7
Archive number 8
Archive number 9
Archive number 10

Archive number 11
Archive number 12
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Archive number 21
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Archive number 30

Archive number 31
Archive number 32
Archive number 33
Archive number 34
Archive number 35
Archive number 36
Archive number 37
Archive number 38

About Promotions

Dear Someone456, Hi there, I want to ask if there is still any chance for me to be a Chat, and if you know me, the majority of my time contributing in this wiki is editing main articles but not chatting, is this really affects me to be a Chat Moderator? Besides, since I meet all the requirements, is it worth it for me going for a shot on Administrator? I am willing to hear your advice.
NapalmRosalina (talk) 14:04, July 30, 2014 (UTC)

Oh, okay then.-3primetime3- (talk) 14:16, July 30, 2014 (UTC)

Vandalizer alert!

this use vandalized dark ages. sorry for tattle tailing. i don't know how to report someone. Masterlugia64 A.k.a LOLZombie 15:56, July 30, 2014 (UTC)

From Uselessguy

Hi someone,

If the category use digit words, then what about number of flags in the infobox?

Uselessguy (talk) 04:37, July 31, 2014 (UTC)


Thank you for your checks.

P.S: When did you and I become friends? I saw this in your Almanac Entry. I think I should have known this.

Uselessguy (talk) 10:52, July 31, 2014 (UTC)


…then DON’T REMOVE the highlight, dude, I still struggle for votes!
NapalmRosalina (talk) 13:52, July 31, 2014 (UTC)

Koopalings Artwork - Mario Kart 8.png
NapalmRosalina – NR
Do you think I can really win the admin vote? And just asking, if I become an admin, does it mean I get all rollback, chat mod and admin rights?
NapalmRosalina (talk) 14:28, July 31, 2014 (UTC).

ZombieNinja723 – Zombie Ninja is sneaking messages on this talk page!
This is a yes or no question: When WM43 and JC03 blocked me last Friday/Saturday and you unblocked me, does that count as an actual block? (meaning I can no longer become b-crat)

Chat Mod

Hi Someone456, I notice you closed my Chat Mod thread because my admin thread. I got 7 yes and 7 no, so... can I be a Chat Mod first?...( does that even count as I "win"?)
NapalmRosalina (talk) 02:05, August 1, 2014 (UTC)

Since I'm Now a Rollback...

Reapeageddon – Sup
How do you revert edits? :P

Can you go to chat chat--Electric Plants (talk) 09:10, August 2, 2014 (UTC)

Questions about User Promotions

ZombieNinja723 – Zombie Ninja is sneaking messages on this talk page!
1. Does the rule where b-crat and admin votes get 3 points, chat mod and rollb votes get 2 points, etc. apply with user promotions? 2. How come it's considered "cheating" in a user promotion thread if the person doesn't alert the voters with not enough mainspace edits that they don't have enough?

ZombieNinja723 – Zombie Ninja is sneaking messages on this talk page!
Well, just saying I am now applying for rollback again.

Vote counts

Dear Someone456, I heard that ZombieNinja723 said that vote from Bureaucrat and Administrator count as 3 points and vote from Chat Moderator and Rollback count as 2 points, is that true? If that is true, I would have already won in both of my Chat Moderator AND Administrator’s thread…
NapalmRosalina (talk) 15:15, August 2, 2014 (UTC)


Just asking, I want to know when will my admin vote ends... (then I can be promoted!!!)
NapalmRosalina (talk) 16:49, August 2, 2014 (UTC)

482478 10151478843547264 1126650129 n.jpg
Hoanganhminh Yoko Kurama
Can u give translations to all the Almanac Entries of the Chinese Zombies?

Then the special zombies first, the 8 basic ones later Yu-yu-hakusho--small--1.jpgYu Yu HakushoYu-yu-hakusho--small--4.jpg 03:27, August 3, 2014 (UTC)

How's translating work?

Yu-yu-hakusho--small--1.jpgYu Yu HakushoYu-yu-hakusho--small--4.jpg 10:39, August 3, 2014 (UTC)


SirBardock didn't break any rules! Why did you blocked him?

[[User:PlantShielder|PlantShielder (talk) 14:41, August 3, 2014 (UTC)The DDT just left a message...(DAHEQ SINCE WHEN BLOONS CAN WRITE?!?!?)PlantShielder (talk) 14:41, August 3, 2014 (UTC)]]

The Lawn

Hi Someone456, I went to The Lawn and found 3 buttons that I don't know what they do: PM, AFK and Multikick. I don't want to do anything wrong so I didn't click them but I wanna know what they are.
NapalmRosalina (talk) 13:25, August 4, 2014 (UTC)

New things I don't know.

Hi Someone456, I saw something weird call Eat Brains, what even is it? And I want to know where to see the list of badges:)
NapalmRosalina (talk) 06:13, August 5, 2014 (UTC)

Then can u gimme translations of the Hammer Zombie and the Swordsman Zombie first? Just those 2!

Yu-yu-hakusho--small--1.jpgYu Yu HakushoYu-yu-hakusho--small--4.jpg 23:13, August 6, 2014 (UTC)

When I can be Rollback? --Electric Plants (talk) 12:36, August 7, 2014 (UTC)

Oh and Blew Zombie too plz? Thanks

Yu-yu-hakusho--small--1.jpgYu Yu HakushoYu-yu-hakusho--small--4.jpg 12:37, August 7, 2014 (UTC)

Re:Word or digit

Hey Someone, sorry about that - I didn't know as all of the PvZ levels pages were done like that. I guess I have to change those instead of the PvZ2?

-3primetime3- (talk) 20:25, August 7, 2014 (UTC)

Could you do me a favor?

Hi someone456, you are an admin, right? Could you please ad this


to the mainpage. thx in advance --Hinterdeichler (talk) 23:49, August 7, 2014 (UTC)


Any particular reason why you reverted my edit here?


1Zulu (talk) 16:37, August 8, 2014 (UTC)1Zulu

EMPeachy4 – Just smile...
Leo's supposed to be promoted today.

EMPeachy4 – Just smile...
Ok, thanks for that. See you tomorrow.

ZombieNinja723 – Zombie Ninja is sneaking messages on this talk page!
1. Should I make a voting thread where users can vote for the new promotion rules? 2. If you said yes to question 1, should I make the requirement for voting on the thread I'm making 50 m-space edits, since it is a very major change?

Barrel Roller

I reverted it again because the Barrel Roller looks slightly different.

Wait, what? Different how? It is identical to how it looks in game, down to the golden tooth, the accessories, and the patches in its clothing

Bottom ones are the ones I added; top ones are from the game

What's more, there 90% of all the "HD" pics which are fan made (by tracing over or redrawing existing pictures), and they are still around. Both of these images I uploaded are official artwork.

1Zulu (talk) 16:01, August 9, 2014 (UTC) 1Zulu

The face looks a little different because the in-game stuff needs to be animated and they just dropped some details. The almanac button pics are static so it's easier for them to retain these small details. But regardless, this is official artwork. I see no reason why more explanations should be needed.

1Zulu (talk) 03:15, August 10, 2014 (UTC) 1Zulu

Your Hat, Sir

5 pts on IOS, Just checkd. Winter melons are cool (talk) 03:39, August 10, 2014 (UTC)

And can you promote me to admin or at least chat mod? Winter melons are cool (talk) 03:45, August 10, 2014 (UTC)


Hi Someone456, I want to know who demote Wintermelon43 and why did he do that... and how did he do that? Besides, How do you guys self-demotion?
NapalmRosalina (talk) 06:50, August 10, 2014 (UTC)

Demoting NR (NapalmRosalina)

ZombieNinja723 – Zombie Ninja is sneaking messages on this talk page!
I think we should seriously demote NapalmRosalina. She may be nice to admins like you, but she gives me 0 respect. Reasons: 1. She got admin RIGHT after rollback which is kind of hasty. 2. She, JC03, and WM43 accused me of "cheating" on my promotion thread because I ignored a user's vote who didn't have enough mainspace edits. Strike one. Also, saying, "Can some admins vote please? then we can all shut up," is totally rude. Strike two. Last, when WM43 admitted I was "cheating", NR said, "Good job Wintermelon!" which was also rude. Strike three. She's out. 3. NR told Miles she hates him because he demoted WM43. You can actually go on Miles's talk page and go to section 54 called "hatemail." 4. She gave ambiguous reasons to support her interpretation of some plants' plant food ability. 5. She created a thread under the wiki management branch, maligning me. It is called "I only want admins and higher-class staffs to read this." I don't care about what the title says, it's pretty rude to do that.

About coding

Brainulator9 (BUL9) – Totally obsessed with and absolutely adores Sonamy! SONAMY FTW!!!!!!!!!!
TALK CONTRIBS BLOG – I'll tell you tomorrow!
Yeah, that is called "comments" or "hidden text". They can be used to note an issue to editors or to make part of a page invisible, since they can only be seen by editing in the classic editor. Hope this helps. --BRAINULATOR9 11:33, August 10, 2014 (UTC)

P.S. Is this a good time to ask for bureaucrat?

Do you thik my Grammer is better now?--Electric Plants (talk) 03:22, August 11, 2014 (UTC)

Edit the Staff page

There's a mistake on the Staff page that says "Chickenwrangler369, Rollback since June 12, 2013." Can you change it please because he's promoted this year not last year. The Zombies are coming! (talk) 12:34, August 11, 2014 (UTC)