Category:Aquatic plants

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The four aquatic plants from the first game.
Not to be confused with Underwater plants.

Aquatic plants are plants that can or must be planted while having direct contact with a body of non-scenery water, which only appear in the Pool and Fog levels in Plants vs. Zombies and the Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2, and Big Wave Beach in both the International and Chinese versions of Plants vs. Zombies 2.

Quick-search table
Plants vs. Zombies Lily Pad1.png Tangle Kelp1.png Sea-shroom1.png Cattail1.png
Plants vs. Zombies:
Endless Edition
Iron Man NutEE.png Wukong PeaEE.png Pig SquashEE.png Sandy NutEE.png Monk FlowerEE.png Nezha ShooterEE.png Lily Pad1.png Tangle Kelp1.png Sea-shroom1.png Cattail1.png
Oxygen AlgaeEE.png Sea StarfruitEE.png Bramble Sea GrassEE.png Water Gun GrassEE.png Electric AnemoneEE.png
Plants vs. Zombies 2 Lily Pad2.png Tangle Kelp2.png Guacodile2.png SeaFlora2.png Electric Peel2.png Sea-shroom2.png Guard-shroom2.png Aqua Vine2.png
Plants vs. Zombies 2
(Chinese version)
Lotus Pod2.png Lily Pad2C.png Tangle Kelp2C.png Guacodile2C.png Cattail2.png Narcissus Shooter2.png Electric Peel2C.png Aqua Vine2C.png
Plants vs. Zombies
Oxygen AlgaeO.png GarlicO.png Bubble FlowerO.png Electric Sea PineO.png Mine FruitO.png Sea AnemoneO.png Lychee DrillO.png Sea StarfruitO.png
Plants vs. Zombies:
All Stars
Lily PadAS.png
Plants vs. Zombies
Ensign UprootH.png Sting BeanH.png Sea-ShroomH.png Water ChestnutH.png Corn DogH.png Marine BeanH.png Pear CubH.png GuacodileH.png SmackadamiaH.png Body-GourdH.png
Grizzly PearH.png Admiral Navy BeanH.png Lily PadH.png Lima-PleurodonH.png SpyrisH.png Lightning ReedH.png Laser CattailH.png Pear PalH.png CattailH.png MayflowerH.png
Navy BeanH.png Snake GrassH.png SnapdragonH.png Bird of ParadiseH.png Jolly HollyH.png Dark Matter DragonfruitH.png
Plants vs. Zombies 3 Lily Pad3.png Tangle Kelp3.png


Specific to Plants vs. Zombies

  • In the Zen Garden, the aqua pot for the aquatic plants is bigger than the Flower Pot for the non-aquatic plants if grown at least once by fertilizer.

Specific to Plants vs. Zombies 2 (Chinese version)

See also