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Say brainz!
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HD Imp Worker Wrench.png
They can be tough nuts to crack.
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Champions are rare enemies that appear in Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare and Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2. They consist of plant, zombie, or even gnome heroes with customization items equipped, one for each class. They also have increased health, making it hard to take them down easily, but they reward more XP than regular opponents. When a champion is vanquished, they will drop coins, coin bags, and diamonds, that the players can pick up and add to their current balance of coins.

While they do appear in Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville, they do not reward coins anymore, unless the player is in a free-roam region. They are also usually the Battle Skirmisher that starts a Battle Zone area, with Champion Bosses potentially being the Battle Leader for that Battle.

Notable Champions

Some champions are notable as from named when the player hunts from single-player quests are the following:




Try to think of these champions as stronger versions of normal characters. Due to rewarding you with coins, it should inspire players to defeat them with all their work. The easiest way to defeat them is using the Chomper since it will still swallow these zombies like any other zombie. Remember, they have more health than you, but they do less damage than you.

Other Champions



Champion Bosses



  • Super Brainz is the only champion to not have any customization items equipped.