Plants (Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2)

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Plants are playable classes and spawnables in Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2.​ There are a total of eight playable plant classes, with the original four and four brand new ones.


The Plants have just recently lost their home to the Zombies, as their technologically advanced weaponry from the future has made them lose the Battle of Suburbia. The Plants have now begun an attacking role, trying to take over Zombie-ridden locations in modes like Graveyard Ops and Herbal Assault, however they are still trying to defend their remaining land from the Zombies in modes like Garden Ops and Gardens & Graveyards. Their goal is to defeat the Zombies and take back Zomburbia.

Playable plants

There are a total of eight Plant classes in the game, each with their own different and unique abilities. The seven Plants consist of the assault class Peashooter, the melee class Chomper, the medic class Sunflower, the sniper class Cactus, the new semi-tank class Citron, the new support class Rose, the new soldier class Kernel Corn, and the unlockable update-added tank class Torchwood.

Plant Image Health Variants Primary weapon Primary weapon damage* Abilities Classic FPS Class
Peashooter PeashooterGW2.png

125 (100 for Agent Pea, 150 for Rock Pea)

Fire Pea
Ice Pea
Toxic Pea
Commando Pea
Agent Pea
Law Pea
Plasma Pea
Rock Pea
Electro Pea
Pea Cannon 25-35 (impact/critical damage)
10 (splash damage)
Chili Bean Bomb
Pea Gatling
Sombrero Bean Bomb
Retro Gatling
Super Pea Jump
Dark Bean Bomb
Bling Gatling
Assault class
Sunflower SunflowerGW2.png 110 (160 for Metal Petal, 85 for Vampire Flower) Mystic Flower
Power Flower
Fire Flower
Shadow Flower
Metal Petal
Sun Pharaoh
Alien Flower
Stuffy Flower
Vampire Flower
Sun Pulse 4-8 (impact damage)
6-10 (critical damage)
Heal Beam
Heal Flower
Rainbow Heal Beam
Solar Flare Beam
Dark Flower
Rainbow Flower
Medic class
Chomper ChomperGW2.png 175 (125 for Hot Rod Chomper, 135 Chomp Thing, 150 for Count Chompula and Twilight Chomper, 215 for Armor Chomper) Hot Rod Chomper
Toxic Chomper
Fire Chomper
Power Chomper
Count Chompula
Armor Chomper
Chomp Thing
Yeti Chomper
Disco Chomper
Unicorn Chomper
Twilight Chomper
Chomp 25

Super Sticky Goop
Sprint Burrow
Spiky Spikeweed
Chomp Cannon

Melee class
Cactus CactusGW2.png 125 (150 for Jade and Petrified Cactus) Camo Cactus
Fire Cactus
Ice Cactus
Power Cactus
Future Cactus
Bandit Cactus
Jade Cactus
Zen Cactus
Petrified Cactus
Spike Shot 25 (impact damage)
30 (critical damage)
Potato Mine
Garlic Drone
Tallnut Battlement
Potato Nugget Mine
Artichoke Drone
Iron Maiden
Pizzazzling Potato Mine
Red Artichoke
Dark Garlic Drone
Bling Maiden
Sniper class
Citron CitronGW2.png 200 (250 for Iron Citron)

Iron Citron
Electro Citron
Frozen Citron
Party Citron
Toxic Citron

Orange Beam 3-6 (impact damage based on distance)
4-7 (critical damage based on distance)
6 splash

Note: When landing impact damage, Citron deals both his impact and splash damage to zombies, resulting in around 10-14 damage per shot

Citron Ball
Peel Shield
Mood Shield
Hyper Ball
Assault Mode
Spin Dash

Tank class
Rose RoseGW2.png 100 Druid Rose
Frost Rose
Fire Rose
Party Rose
Magic Thistles 9 (impact/critical damage) Time Snare
Arcane Enigma
Arcane Lotus
Psychedelic Goat
Support class
Kernel Corn Kernel CornGW2.png 150 Pops Corn
BBQ Corn
Mob Cob
Party Corn
Commando Corn
Cob Busters 5-7 (impact damage)
7-9 (critical damage)
Butter Barrage
Husk Hop
Shuck Shot
Bigger Better Butter
Soldier class
Torchwood TorchwoodGW2.png 275 N/A Wood Chipper 3-7 (impact damage)
5-9 (critical damage)
Blazin' Blast
Smoldering Madness
Leaf Shield
Heavy tank class

*exact damage varies depending on distance (except for Rose and Chomper)

Variant plants

Each playable character class has five variants or more (excluding the Torchwood) that give the base class a perk. The variants also differ slightly in appearance. Unlocking the variants is done through purchasing sticker packs from the Sticker Shop. Lower cost packs will result in single pieces being obtained randomly, more expensive ones will yield multiple pieces for different characters while the most expensive sticker pack will fully unlock a random new variant.


Plant Image Health Primary weapon Primary weapon damage* Variant Perk Rarity
Fire Pea Fire PeaGW2.png 125 Fire Pea Cannon 12-29 (impact/critical damage)
10 (splash damage)
4 (fire damage per second)
Fire variant Super Rare
Ice Pea Ice PeaGW2.png 125 Ice Pea Cannon 15-25 (impact/critical damage)
10 (splash damage)
Ice variant Rare
Toxic Pea Toxic PeaGW2.png 125 Toxic Pea Cannon 17-25 (impact/critical damage)
10 (splash damage)
2 (toxic damage per second or being close to enemy)
Toxic variant Super Rare
Commando Pea Commando PeaGW2.png 125 Full-Auto Pea 6-10 (impact damage)
6-11 (critical damage)
Full-auto weapon variant Rare
Agent Pea Agent PeaGW2.png 100 Pea Silencer 10-15 (impact damage, based on distance)
20-30 (critical damage, based on distance)
Semi-automatic/Great critical shot variant Rare
Law Pea Law PeaGW2.png 125 Six Shooter 13-22 (impact damage)
15-26 (critical damage)
Six ammo/Single shot variant Rare
Plasma Pea Plasma PeaGW2.png 125 Plasmic Disruptor 20-70 (impact/critical damage, based on charge rate)
10-30 (splash damage, based on charge rate)
Charging weapon variant Rare
Rock Pea Rock PeaGW2.png 150 Rock Shot 27-35 (impact/critical damage)
25 (splash damage)
Heavy/Boosted splash effect variant Rare
Electro Pea Electro PeaGW2.png 125 Electro Cannon

20-30 (impact/critical damage)
10-25 (splash damage)
25(manual-triggered explosion)
15 (electric damage per sec)

Electric/Detonation shot variant Super Rare

*exact damage varies depending on distance


Plant Image Health Primary weapon Primary weapon damage* Variant Perk Rarity
Mystic Flower Mystic FlowerGW2.png 110 Mysterious Energy 11-60 (impact damage, based on charge rate)
12-68 (critical damage, based on charge rate)
Charging weapon variant Rare
Power Flower Power FlowerGW2.png 110 Power Pulse 5-7 (impact damage)
6-8 (critical damage)
5-7 (electric splash)
Electric variant Rare
Fire Flower Fire FlowerGW2.png 110 Flame Pulse 6-8 (impact damage)
7-9 (critical damage)
4 (fire damage per second)
Fire variant Rare
Shadow Flower Shadow FlowerGW2.png 110 Dark Energy 7-8 (impact damage)
8-9 (critical damage)
Fast rate of fire variant Rare
Metal Petal Metal PetalGW2.png 160 Metal Blast 4-7 (impact damage)
6-9 (critical damage)
Heavy variant Super Rare
Sun Pharaoh Sun PharaohGW2.png 110 Cobra Laser 10-13 (impact damage)
12-15 (critical damage)
Three-shot burst variant Rare
Alien Flower Alien FlowerGW2.png 110 Spore Mist 10-14 (impact damage)
15-18 (critical damage)
3 (spore damage)
Area of Effect-shot variant Super Rare
Vampire Flower Vampire FlowerGW2.png 85 Life Leech 4-7 (impact/critical damage) Vampire variant Super Rare
Stuffy Flower Stuffy FlowerGW2.png 110 Rainbow Sunburst 5-8 (impact/critical damage) Heal drop shot variant Rare

*exact damage varies depending on distance


Plant Image Health Primary weapon Primary weapon damage Variant Perk Rarity
Hot Rod Chomper Hot Rod ChomperGW2.png 125 Hot Rod Chomp 25 Agility variant Super Rare
Toxic Chomper Toxic ChomperGW2.png 175 Toxic Spray 6 (spray)
2 (toxic damage per second or being close to enemy)
Toxic variant Super Rare
Fire Chomper Fire ChomperGW2.png 175 Flame Spray 10 (spray)
4 (fire damage per second)
Fire variant Rare
Power Chomper Power ChomperGW2.png 175 Electric Spray 10 (spray)
2 (splash)
Electric variant Rare
Count Chompula Count ChompulaGW2.png 150 Vampiric Chomp 25 Vampire variant Rare
Armor Chomper Armor ChomperGW2.png 215 Metal Chomp 45-60 Heavy variant Rare
Chomp Thing Chomp ThingGW2.png 135 Swamp Spray 7 Fast rate of fire/ Accelerated heal rate variant Rare
Yeti Chomper Yeti ChomperGW2.png 175 Arctic Belch 15-25 (impact/critical damage*)
10 (splash damage)
Ice/Ranged shot variant Super Rare
Disco Chomper Disco ChomperGW2.png 175 Disco Chomp 30 (chomp)
40 (Disco Fever chomp)
Bonus passive ability variant, Custom Chomper Legendary
Unicorn Chomper Unicorn ChomperGW2.png 175 Unicorn Chomp 25 Bonus ability variant Special

Twilight Chomper

Twilight ChomperGW2.png 150 Twilight Chomp 35 Bonus ability variant Special


Plant Image Health Primary weapon Primary weapon damage* Variant Perk Rarity
Camo Cactus Camo CactusGW2.png 125 Camo Shot 30 (impact damage)
60 (critical damage)
Great zoom/Great critical shot variant Super Rare
Fire Cactus Fire CactusGW2.png 125 Fire Needle 15-20 (impact damage)
21-28 (critical damage)
4 (fire damage per second)
Fire variant Rare
Ice Cactus Ice CactusGW2.png 125 Ice Needle 15-20 (impact damage)
18-24 (critical damage)
Ice variant  Rare
Power Cactus Power CactusGW2.png 125 Electric Needle 15-20 (impact damage)
18-24 (critical damage)
15 (electric splash)
Electric variant Rare
Future Cactus Future CactusGW2.png 125 Future Shot 17-88 (impact damage, based on charge rate)
20-96 (critical damage, based on charged rate)
30 (splash damage, fully charged projectile only)
Charging weapon variant Super Rare
Bandit Cactus Bandit CactusGW2.png 125 Gatling Needle 9 (impact damage)
10 (critical damage)
Full-auto weapon variant Rare
Jade Cactus Jade CactusGW2.png 150 Shatter Shot 11-26 (impact damage)
13-38 (critical damage)
15 (splash damage)
Heavy/Area of Effect-shot variant Rare
Zen Cactus Zen CactusGW2.png 125 Mystic Orbs 20-60 (impact/critical damage) Five ammo variant Super Rare
Petrified Cactus Petrified CactusGW2.png 150 Egg Blast 16-30 (splash damage)

30-45 (critical damage)

Heavy/Detonation shot variant Rare

*exact damage varies depending on distance


Plant Image Health Primary weapon Primary weapon damage* Variant Perk Rarity
Frozen Citron Frozen CitronGW2.png 200 Frosty Beam 6-8 (impact damage)
7-10 (critical damage)
Ice variant Rare
Electro Citron Electro CitronGW2.png 200 Electro Charger 7-75 (impact damage, based on charge rate)
8-82 (critical damage, based on charge rate)
40 (max charge splash damage)
15 (electric splash)
Electric/Charging weapon variant Super Rare
Iron Citron Iron CitronGW2.png 250 Mech Breaker 24-50 (impact/critical damage) Heavy/One ammo/Bonus passive ability variant Legendary
Party Citron Party CitronGW2.png 200 Party Laser 2-4 (impact and critical)
4-6 (Party Time! impact and critical)
Bonus passive ability variant Legendary
Toxic Citron Toxic CitronGW2.png 200 Limer Slimer 5-7 (impact damage)
6-8 (critical damage)
2 (toxic damage)
2 (AoE damage)
Toxic/Area of Effect-shot variant Super Rare


Plant Image Health Primary weapon Primary weapon damage Variant Perk Rarity
Druid Rose Druid RoseGW2.png 100 Toxic Volley 5 (impact/critical damage)
2 (toxic damage per second)
Toxic variant Super Rare
Fire Rose Fire RoseGW2.png 100 Scorching Scepter 5-50 (impact/critical damage, based on charge rate)
4 (fire damage)
Fire/Charging weapon variant Rare
Frost Rose Frost RoseGW2.png 100 Wand of Freezing 7-50(impact/critical damage, based on charge rate)

Ice/Charging weapon variant

Party Rose Party RoseGW2.png 100 Party Thistles 8 (impact/critical damage)

11 (Party Time! impact/critical damage)

Bonus passive ability variant Legendary
Nec'Rose Nec'RoseGW2.png 100 Staff of Jinxing
6 (uncharged)
15 (fully charged)
Debuff/Charging weapon variant Super Rare

Kernel Corn

Plant Image Health Primary weapon Primary weapon damage* Variant Perk Rarity
BBQ Corn BBQ CornGW2.png 150 Spicy Hot Shot 4-6 (impact damage)
5-7 (critical damage)
4 (fire damage per second)
Fire variant Rare
Mob Cob Mob CobGW2.png 150 Corn Crusher 7-9 (impact damage)
8-10 (critical damage)
Pierce shot variant Super Rare
Pops Corn Pops CornGW2.png 150 Corn Cracker 8-10 (impact damage)
10-12 (critical damage)
Great zoom/Three-shot burst variant Rare
Party Corn Party CornGW2.png 150 Party Busters 4-6 (impact damage)
5-7 (critical damage)
6-8 (Party Time! impact and critical)
Bonus passive ability variant Legendary
Commando Corn Commando CornGW2.png 150 Baby Corn Buster 10-32 (impact and critical)
1-25 (splash)
Area of Effect-shot/Bonus passive ability variant Legendary

*exact damage varies depending on distance

Spawnable Plants

The Plants can summon Spawnable Plants to aid them in battle. The Plants can grow Potted Plants to help them protect their gardens, and they can also summon the all-new Weeds which will roam the battlefield and attack Zombies.


Weed Image Info Description
Weed WeedGW2.png Basic Weed, counterpart to the Browncoat Zombie The backbone of Dave's ground forces, these Weeds can grow just about anywhere.
Pumpkin Weed Pumpkin WeedGW2.png Has triple the health of a Weed, counterpart to the Conehead Zombie With their damage-absorbing hats, Pumpkin Weeds are proud, strong, and always up for a fight.
Terracotta Weed Terracotta WeedGW2.png Has a little under six times the health of a Weed, counterpart to the Buckethead Zombie More than just a fashionable accessory, the terracotta represents the strongest in Weed headwear.
Dandelion Weed Dandelion WeedGW2.png Explodes when Zombies are nearby, counterpart to the Exploding Imp Careful, they pack a wallop.
Leaf Shield Weed Leaf Shield WeedGW2.png Same health as a Pumpkin Weed, has a weak shield, counterpart to the Newspaper Zombie A leaf may not make for the best shield around, but its better than nothing!
Wood Shield Weed Wood Shield WeedGW2.png Same health as a Terracotta Weed, has a strong shield, counterpart to the Screen Door Zombie Having survived his Leaf Shield days, the Wood Shield Weed learned a thing or two about protecting himself.
Vase Weed Vase WeedGW2.png Is protected inside a large vase, counterpart to the Coffin Zombie This Weed grew into a vase and plays it off like he did it on purpose. Luckily, vases are super protective.
Porcelain Vase Weed Porcelain Vase WeedGW2.png Has more protection than the Vase Weed, counterpart to the Outhouse Zombie This Weed totally meant to grow into a porcelain vase. Why wouldn't he?
Heal Weed Heal WeedGW2.png Heals nearby injured Plants, counterpart to the Heal Zombie This Weed comes equipped with magical healing generic brand adhesive bandages! Don't tell anyone, but they aren't waterproof.
Flag Weed Flag WeedGW2.png Gives a defense boost to nearby Plants, counterpart to the Flag Zombie The Flag Weed rallies nearby Plants, and provides them with a defensive morale boost.
Hypno-shroom Hypno-shroomGW2.png Attaches itself to enemies; when near, and disrupts their vision and reverses controls CLOSE RANGE: DISRUPTION
Get too close, and he'll make you lose your marbles!

Potted Plants

Potted Plant Image Info Description
Pea Cannon Pea CannonGW2.png Shoots large peas at Zombies LONG RANGE: IMPACT
Shoots large peas at the Zombies, causing huge amounts of splash damage.
Gatling Pea Gatling PeaGW2.png Shoots rapid-fire peas at Zombies LONG RANGE: RAPID FIRE
Focuses in on one target at a time, unleashing a barrage of rapid-fire peas.
Scaredy-shroom Scaredy-shroomGW2.png Shoots Zombies at long range, but hides when they are close LONG RANGE: PRECISION
Takes Zombies out with superior range, but hides when they get close.
Lightning Reed Lightning ReedGW2.png Deals electric damage to nearby Zombies MEDIUM RANGE: ELECTRIC
Zap! Zap! Zappity Zap!
Bonk Choy Bonk ChoyGW2.png Punches Zombies at close range CLOSE RANGE: MELEE
Makes up for his lack of range with devastating uppercuts.
Ice-shroom Ice-shroomGW2.png Freezes Zombies that are close to it CLOSE RANGE: ICE
Lets out bursts of icy-coldness, freezing nearby Zombies where they stand.
Toxic Gloom-shroom Toxic Gloom-shroomGW2.png Releases a toxic cloud which deals toxic damage to nearby Zombies CLOSE RANGE: TOXIC
Voted most toxic plant 3 years running. He ain't happy about it though.
Doom-shroom Doom-shroomGW2.png Creates a devastating explosion which vanquishes nearby Zombies CLOSE RANGE: EXPLOSIVE
Doom-shrooms are extremely damaging but take time to regenerate.
Goop-shroom Goop-shroomGW2.png Squirts out Goop at Zombies, which slows them down temporarily MEDIUM RANGE: GOOP
Goops Zombies, which slows them down and makes them easy targets.
Fume-shroom Fume-shroomGW2.png Shoots acidic bubbles which pass through shields MEDIUM RANGE: ARMOR BREAKER
Shoots out acidic bubbles that are effective at damaging shields and armor.
Bamboo Shoot Bamboo ShootGW2.png Releases an airstrike on nearby Zombies LONG RANGE: AIRSTRIKE
The Bamboo Shoot shoots bamboo shoots. How many shoots can a Bamboo Shoot shoot?
Snap Dragon Snap DragonGW2.png Releases fire from its mouth which deals fire damage to nearby Zombies CLOSE RANGE: FIRE
Unleashes his firey breath which does additional damage over time.
Heal Flower Heal FlowerGW2.png Releases healing suns which heal nearby Plants SPECIAL: HEALING
Continuously generates sundrops, which can heal nearby Plants.

See also

V · E
Plants (Shooter games)
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare plants
Playable Classes
Peashooters Peashooter · Fire Pea · Ice Pea · Toxic Pea · Commando Pea · Agent Pea · Law Pea · Berry Shooter · Plasma Pea
Sunflowers Sunflower · Mystic Flower · Power Flower · Fire Flower · Shadow Flower · Metal Petal · Sun Pharaoh · Alien Flower
Chompers Chomper · Hot Rod Chomper · Toxic Chomper · Fire Chomper · Power Chomper · Count Chompula · Armor Chomper · Chester Chomper · Chomp Thing
Cacti Cactus · Camo Cactus · Fire Cactus · Ice Cactus · Power Cactus · Future Cactus · Bandit Cactus · Citrus Cactus · Jade Cactus
Boss Mode Crazy Dave
Peashooter Chili Bean Bomb · Pea Gatling · Hyper · Sombrero Bean Bomb · Retro Gatling · Super Pea Jump
Sunflower Heal Beam · Sunbeam · Heal Flower · Rainbow Heal Beam · Solar Flare Beam · Dark Flower
Chomper Goop · Burrow · Spikeweed · Super Sticky Goop · Sprint Burrow · Spiky Spikeweed · Cheesy Goop · Chesterweed
Cactus Potato Mine · Garlic Drone · Tallnut Battlement · Potato Nugget Mine · Artichoke Drone · Iron Maiden
Boss Mode Coconut Spotting Station · Twin Heal Flower · Cherry Strike · Revive Rainbow
Spawnable Plants Pea Cannon · Pea Repeater · Gatling Pea · Bonk Choy · Scaredy-shroom · Heal Flower · Fume-shroom · Goop-shroom · Snap Dragon · Ice-shroom · Doom-shroom · Ice Peashooter · Fire Peashooter · Bamboo Shoot · Laser Bean
Others Corn Mortar · Flax Cannon · Tallnut · Mega Flower · Tactical Cuke · Tallnut Cannon
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 plants
Playable Classes
Peashooters Peashooter · Fire Pea · Ice Pea · Toxic Pea · Commando Pea · Agent Pea · Law Pea · Plasma Pea · Rock Pea · Electro Pea
Sunflowers Sunflower · Mystic Flower · Power Flower · Fire Flower · Shadow Flower · Metal Petal · Sun Pharaoh · Alien Flower · Vampire Flower · Stuffy Flower
Chompers Chomper · Hot Rod Chomper · Toxic Chomper · Fire Chomper · Power Chomper · Count Chompula · Armor Chomper · Chomp Thing · Yeti Chomper · Disco Chomper · Unicorn Chomper · Twilight Chomper
Cacti Cactus · Camo Cactus · Fire Cactus · Ice Cactus · Power Cactus · Future Cactus · Bandit Cactus · Jade Cactus · Zen Cactus · Petrified Cactus
Citrons Citron · Frozen Citron · Electro Citron · Iron Citron · Party Citron · Toxic Citron
Roses Rose · Druid Rose · Fire Rose · Frost Rose · Party Rose · Nec'Rose
Corns Kernel Corn · BBQ Corn · Mob Cob · Pops Corn · Party Corn · Commando Corn
Others Torchwood · Junkasaurus
Peashooter Chili Bean Bomb · Pea Gatling · Hyper · Sombrero Bean Bomb · Retro Gatling · Super Pea Jump · Dark Bean Bomb · Bling Gatling
Sunflower Heal Beam · Sunbeam · Heal Flower · Rainbow Heal Beam · Solar Flare Beam · Dark Flower · Rainbow Flower
Chomper Goop · Burrow · Spikeweed · Super Sticky Goop · Sprint Burrow · Spiky Spikeweed · Chomp Cannon · Vampweed · Rainbow Warp · Twilight Warp
Cactus Potato Mine · Garlic Drone · Tallnut Battlement · Potato Nugget Mine · Artichoke Drone · Iron Maiden · Pizzazzling Potato Mine · Red Artichoke · Bling Maiden · Dark Garlic Drone
Assault Mode EMPeach · Citron Ball · Peel Shield · Party Citron Ball · Mood Shield
Citron Ball Hyper Ball · Assault Mode · Spin Dash
Rose Time Snare · Arcane Enigma · Goatify · Arcane Lotus · Psychedelic Goat
Kernel Corn Butter Barrage · Husk Hop · Shuck Shot · Bigger Better Butter · Multi-Shuck
Torchwood Blazin' Blast · Smoldering Madness · Leaf Shield
Junkasaurus Charge of Insanity · Epic Mega Blast · Spin Override · Super Heavy Hornblast
Spawnable Plants
Soil of Summoning Weed · Pumpkin Weed · Terracotta Weed · Leaf Shield Weed · Wood Shield Weed · Vase Weed · Porcelain Vase Weed · Heal Weed · Flag Weed · Dandelion Weed · Hypno-shroom
Grow-a-Pot Bonk Choy · Pea Cannon · Gatling Pea · Lightning Reed · Scaredy-shroom · Fume-shroom · Goop-shroom · Doom-shroom · Ice-shroom · Toxic Gloom-shroom · Bamboo Shoot · Snap Dragon · Heal Flower
Bosses Giga Torchwood · Super Bean · Sunflower Queen · Big Stump · Marigold · Squash · Royal Hypno-Flower · Spooky Squash
L.E.A.F. Agent Citron · Agent Rose · Agent Corn · Grumpy Stumpy · Ironball
Others Assistant Manager Bitey · Crystal Guardian · Tallnut · Tallnut Cannon
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville plants
Playable Classes
PvZ BfN Attack Class Icon.png Attack Peashooter · Chomper · Kernel Corn · Night Cap · Snapdragon
PvZ BfN Defend Class Icon.png Defend Cactus · Citron · Acorn (Oak)
PvZ BfN Support Class Icon.png Support Sunflower · Rose
Swarm Wildflower
Peashooter Chili Bean Bomb · Pea Gatling · Pea Suped
Chomper Spikeweed · Burrow · Grody Goop
Kernel Corn Butter Beacon · Husk Hop · Shuck Shot
Night Cap Casting Shadows · Fung Fu · Shadow Sneak
Snapdragon Swoop Slam · Blue Blazes · Blazing Trail
Cactus Potato Mine · Garlic Drone · Petal Propeller
Citron E.M.Peach · Spin Dash · Navel Laser
Acorn & Oak
Solo Sap Trap · Invoke Oak · Acorn Dash
Passenger Sap Trap · Treeject · Lumber Support
Oak Super Sap Trap · Treeject · Roll for Damage
Sunflower Sunny Side Up · Sunbeam · Heal Beam
Rose Jinx · Arcane Enigma · Goatify
Wildflower Wild Life · Weed Out · Bloom Boom
Spawnable Plants
Range Pea Cannon · Gatling Pea · Scaredy-Shroom · Lightning Reed
Support Heal Flower · Goop-Shroom
Melee Bonk Choy · Doom-Shroom · Fume-Shroom
Soil of Summoning
Melee Terracotta Weed · Vase Weed · Dandelion
Range Wildflower · Terracotta Wildflower
Support Heal Weed · Hypno-Shroom
Battle Leaders Bam-Bam-Boo · Bluehorn Corn · Flotsamuel · Lucy · No-Neck Raffi · Pinky Rain · Pollen Kate · Pound Cake · Queen Capra · Sherman · Sproutrage · Teddy
Bounty Hunt
Weirding Woods Queenigma · Solar Sisters · Wild Bunch
Town Center Bitey Brothers · Mirror-Shroom · Tiger Klaus
Elusive Foes
Weirding Woods Amber Gemma · Pops Cyclops · Sleepy
Town Center Big Hurtle · Kitty Sparkles · Mrs. Veilbiter
Bosses Dreadroot · Giga Torchwood · Sunflower Queen · Super Bean · Marigold · Hypno Sunflower Queen · Spooky Squash · Bitter Dill · Dreadwood · Blight Cap
Quest NPCs Air Ron · Best Fishing Friend™️ · Bingo-Bongo · Brian · Corny Corn · Dandelion · Exposition Al · Gilly the Kid · Harmela · Land Phil · Major Sweetie · Mark · Mike · Sergeant Peel · Sir Crustworthy · Sir Victor-Ian · Tenderleaf · Tumbleweed Ted · Vivian
Others Weed · Pumpkin Weed · Leaf Shield Weed · Pumpkin Wildflower · Mindblower