Jade Cactus

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Jade Cactus is a Super Rare armored variant of the Cactus in Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare and Rare in Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2. She was added in the Legends of the Lawn DLC. She has more health than the regular Cactus, but her movement speed is slower.


The Jade Cactus is based off of a cactus like the usual Cactus, though she is made out of jade. Jade is a mineral often used for jewelry or ornaments and occasionally weapons and tools. It is commonly green in color. The description for the Mystical Energy weapon upgrade references jade's supposed mystical powers in pseudoscience and spirituality. Her appearance and underground origins also seem to be based on terracotta soldiers of the terracotta army. Terracotta soldiers were sculptures depicting the soldiers of Qin Shi Huang's army that were buried with his corpse.


Stickerbook description

Formed from ancient, mystical rock, the Jade Cactus slumbers deep beneath the desert. Legends speak of a stoic, green guardian who would return to us, in a time of great need. Can she save us from Dr. Zomboss' schemes? Where exactly did she get that cool armor? Did Crazy Dave make the whole thing up? Only time will tell.

In-game description

Jade Cactus' armor plating gives her extra health at the expense of speed.

AI health (Garden Warfare 2 only)

  • Easy: 90
  • Normal: 120
  • Hard: 150
  • CRAAAAZY: 180

Primary weapon

The Jade Cactus's primary weapon is Shatter Shot. With the damage upgrade it deals 22-27 critical damage and 21-25 non-critical damage depending on distance, with her splash dealing 15 damage. If her shots hit a surface other than a zombie, they have a delayed explosion which activates after 1 second, dealing 15 damage.


Left abilities
Potato MineGW1.png
Potato Mine
Potato Mines force Zombies to look down. If a Zombie sets foot on a Potato Mine, it will explode and they will experience the full force of a "SPUDOW!"
Potato Nugget MineGW1.png
Potato Nugget Mine
These little nuggets are small, have a great sense of humor and enjoy sitting around waiting to blow Zombies sky high. While not as damaging as their potato cousins, these little nuggets still pack a spudow!
Center abilities
Garlic DroneGW1.png
Garlic Drone
By launching her Garlic Drone companion, she can monitor Zombies from the skies, attack them from the air, and call in devastating Corn Strikes.
Artichoke DroneGW1.png
Artichoke Drone
The Artichoke Drone has a really thick skin. This gives it more health and helps it last longer in a fight. However, it does not have the same firepower as its Garlic counterpart.
Right abilities
Tallnut BattlementGW1.png
Tallnut Battlement
Tallnut Battlements have many uses. They can be shields and they can block paths to stop the Zombies in their tracks. They're terrible card players, though.
Iron MaidenGW1.png
Iron Maiden
Encased in iron armor, these Iron Maiden Tallnuts will stare at Zombies with an unmatched intensity. They are very hard to destroy and enjoy getting in the way.

Left abilities
Potato MineGW2.png
Potato Mine
Potato Mines force Zombies to look down. If a Zombie sets foot on a Potato Mine, it will explode and they will experience the full force of a "SPUDOW!"
Potato Nugget MineGW2.png
Potato Nugget Mine
These little nuggets are small, have a great sense of humor and enjoy sitting around waiting to blow Zombies sky high. While not as damaging as their potato cousins, these little nuggets still pack a spudow!
Pizzazzling Potato MineGW2.png
Potato Mine
Need some more shine in your life? These potatoes love to pizzazle zombies, and will leave a cloud of glitter after a whopping sparkling spudow!
Center abilities
Garlic DroneGW2.png
Garlic Drone
By launching her Garlic Drone companion, she can monitor Zombies from the skies, attack them from the air, and call in devastating Corn Strikes.
Artichoke DroneGW2.png
Artichoke Drone
The Artichoke Drone has a really thick skin. This gives it more health and helps it last longer in a fight. However, it does not have the same firepower as its Garlic counterpart.
Red ArtichokeGW2.png
Red Artichoke
This agile Artichoke shouldn't be messed with. It's as fast as a clam and quick like a cucumber!
Dark Garlic DroneGW2.png
Dark Garlic Drone
The Dark Garlic Drone is infused with mystical dark energy. It has cool magical weapons and cool magical look.
Right abilities
Tallnut BattlementGW2.png
Tallnut Battlement
Tallnut Battlements have many uses. They can be shields and they can block paths to stop the Zombies in their tracks. They're terrible card players, though.
Iron MaidenGW2.png
Iron Maiden
Encased in iron armor, these Iron Maiden Tallnuts will stare at Zombies with an unmatched intensity. They are very hard to destroy and enjoy getting in the way.
Bling MaidenGW2.png
Bling Maiden
This Tallnut is encased in solid bling gold armor! How did a Tallnut even afford such expensive armor though?

Weapon upgrades


Improved Mining

Diamond saws produce jade shards at an accelerated rate, resulting in quicker reload times.

Rock Tumbler

Jagged jade fragments are rounded and smoothed, resulting in more shots per clip!

Mystical Energy

Imbued with mystical energy, each jade core is destabilized at a molecular level, resulting in more damaging shots.


The Jade Cactus is useful for players who like to take on the role of "counter-sniping." That is done by shooting down any zombies that are attacking your teammates from a high vantage point like a cliff or a rooftop this can deal some good damage to the enemy. The extra 25 health is useful as even if you do happen to get shot at, you are less likely to die to enemy fire, allowing you to duck behind cover to recover health. The Iron Maiden is good for this purpose as it allows you to create a semi-solid object to duck behind if there is nothing else available.

The Jade Cactus may be tougher but she moves even slower than before, meaning if you get caught in an enemy's line of fire and there is no cover to get behind, you are likely going to die unless you can kill the attacking enemy. The Jade Cactus is less useful when sniping near the front-lines as the 25 extra health does not offer much of an advantage, and the Jade Cactus' even slower foot speed will put you at a disadvantage against speedier opponents. Because of this, it is important to learn how to use your abilities to escape such situations, and camouflaging yourself to avoid altercations. Though she is a cactus she doesn't have very good damage falloff, so it's overall more beneficial to attack closer-ranged targets, which is aided by her weapon having good accuracy while not zoomed in. She is best played on defense as her higher health allows her to hold ground better.

The explosive needles (and the splash damage that comes with them) on the other hand have many uses. The splash damage allows you to deal damage around corners (allowing you to attack something that you would normally not be able to) in addition to allowing you to attack zombies that are hiding behind cover. The splash damage also allows you to "check" around corners to see if there is something there. Shoot at the ground near the object and wait for the needle to explode. If it deals damage, then there is something behind the object, if you keep shooting needles at the ground near the object you may (if it is a zombie player) eventually force the zombie to reveal himself (as otherwise it will die if it does not have an escape route).

This Cactus also has excellent camouflage capabilities due to her coloration. The dark green color can blend in well with certain foliage or shadowy areas. If a player finds the correct place and applies appropriate customization (such as a dark colored tattoo, non-glowing hats, etc.), enemies will have a hard time finding you.

Take advantage of the Cactus's long-ranged capabilities and try to be as far from the main fight as possible. Memorize the best places to do this in as many maps as possible, especially those in Turf Takeover. This camouflage is most effective against distracted, far-off targets, and can be used very effectively in objective-based modes. However, do note that when in hiding you may be too focused on your front and could be ambushed from other sides, becoming vanquished faster than you can get away. Always be aware of your surroundings, or be sure you are well protected behind and around you by using your nut barricades and Potato Mines.

Balancing changes

Trouble in Zombopolis: Part Two DLC

  • Reload time was increased from 2s to 2.25s.
  • Inner blast radius was reduced from 2 to 1.

Related achievements

Making Popcorn PSN.png
Making Popcorn
As a Cactus, Vanquish 10 Players with the Drone's Corn Strike
Weed Whacker PSN.png
Weed Whacker
Vanquish 100 Peashooters, 100 Sunflowers, 100 Chompers and 100 Cacti


Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2

In other languages

Please note that only official translations are used.

Language Name Description
United States of America English Jade Cactus
France French Cactus de jade "Jade Cactus", lit. "Cactus of Jade"
Germany German Jade-Kaktee
Italy Italian Cactus giada "Jade Cactus"
Japan Japanese ジェイドサボテン "Jade Cactus", "Jade" is transliterated, while the Japanese word for "Cactus" is used
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese Cacto de Jade "Jade Cactus", lit. "Cactus of Jade"
Spain Spanish Cactus jade "Jade Cactus"


  • If one looks closely at one of her projectiles after it hits an object like a wall, one can see that it actually grows and then explodes, hinting at the notion that they expand from the inside before exploding.
  • She is the only plant in the game based on a precious stone (the Zen Cactus also appears visually to be stone-based but it is unknown whether or not this is true).
  • She is the first armored variant of the Cactus, with the second being the Petrified Cactus.
  • She can do large amounts of damage very quickly to Dummy Shields and Tallnut Battlements. This is because each shot deals both the impact damage and then the explosion damage afterwards.
  • She is much shinier in Garden Warfare 2.
    • However, applying any tattoos will severely diminish the luster of both her armor and body.
V · E
Plants (Shooter games)
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare plants
Playable Classes
Peashooters Peashooter · Fire Pea · Ice Pea · Toxic Pea · Commando Pea · Agent Pea · Law Pea · Berry Shooter · Plasma Pea
Sunflowers Sunflower · Mystic Flower · Power Flower · Fire Flower · Shadow Flower · Metal Petal · Sun Pharaoh · Alien Flower
Chompers Chomper · Hot Rod Chomper · Toxic Chomper · Fire Chomper · Power Chomper · Count Chompula · Armor Chomper · Chester Chomper · Chomp Thing
Cacti Cactus · Camo Cactus · Fire Cactus · Ice Cactus · Power Cactus · Future Cactus · Bandit Cactus · Citrus Cactus · Jade Cactus
Boss Mode Crazy Dave
Peashooter Chili Bean Bomb · Pea Gatling · Hyper · Sombrero Bean Bomb · Retro Gatling · Super Pea Jump
Sunflower Heal Beam · Sunbeam · Heal Flower · Rainbow Heal Beam · Solar Flare Beam · Dark Flower
Chomper Goop · Burrow · Spikeweed · Super Sticky Goop · Sprint Burrow · Spiky Spikeweed · Cheesy Goop · Chesterweed
Cactus Potato Mine · Garlic Drone · Tallnut Battlement · Potato Nugget Mine · Artichoke Drone · Iron Maiden
Boss Mode Coconut Spotting Station · Twin Heal Flower · Cherry Strike · Revive Rainbow
Spawnable Plants Pea Cannon · Pea Repeater · Gatling Pea · Bonk Choy · Scaredy-shroom · Heal Flower · Fume-shroom · Goop-shroom · Snap Dragon · Ice-shroom · Doom-shroom · Ice Peashooter · Fire Peashooter · Bamboo Shoot · Laser Bean
Others Corn Mortar · Flax Cannon · Tallnut · Mega Flower · Tactical Cuke · Tallnut Cannon
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 plants
Playable Classes
Peashooters Peashooter · Fire Pea · Ice Pea · Toxic Pea · Commando Pea · Agent Pea · Law Pea · Plasma Pea · Rock Pea · Electro Pea
Sunflowers Sunflower · Mystic Flower · Power Flower · Fire Flower · Shadow Flower · Metal Petal · Sun Pharaoh · Alien Flower · Vampire Flower · Stuffy Flower
Chompers Chomper · Hot Rod Chomper · Toxic Chomper · Fire Chomper · Power Chomper · Count Chompula · Armor Chomper · Chomp Thing · Yeti Chomper · Disco Chomper · Unicorn Chomper · Twilight Chomper
Cacti Cactus · Camo Cactus · Fire Cactus · Ice Cactus · Power Cactus · Future Cactus · Bandit Cactus · Jade Cactus · Zen Cactus · Petrified Cactus
Citrons Citron · Frozen Citron · Electro Citron · Iron Citron · Party Citron · Toxic Citron
Roses Rose · Druid Rose · Fire Rose · Frost Rose · Party Rose · Nec'Rose
Corns Kernel Corn · BBQ Corn · Mob Cob · Pops Corn · Party Corn · Commando Corn
Others Torchwood · Junkasaurus
Peashooter Chili Bean Bomb · Pea Gatling · Hyper · Sombrero Bean Bomb · Retro Gatling · Super Pea Jump · Dark Bean Bomb · Bling Gatling
Sunflower Heal Beam · Sunbeam · Heal Flower · Rainbow Heal Beam · Solar Flare Beam · Dark Flower · Rainbow Flower
Chomper Goop · Burrow · Spikeweed · Super Sticky Goop · Sprint Burrow · Spiky Spikeweed · Chomp Cannon · Vampweed · Rainbow Warp · Twilight Warp
Cactus Potato Mine · Garlic Drone · Tallnut Battlement · Potato Nugget Mine · Artichoke Drone · Iron Maiden · Pizzazzling Potato Mine · Red Artichoke · Bling Maiden · Dark Garlic Drone
Assault Mode EMPeach · Citron Ball · Peel Shield · Party Citron Ball · Mood Shield
Citron Ball Hyper Ball · Assault Mode · Spin Dash
Rose Time Snare · Arcane Enigma · Goatify · Arcane Lotus · Psychedelic Goat
Kernel Corn Butter Barrage · Husk Hop · Shuck Shot · Bigger Better Butter · Multi-Shuck
Torchwood Blazin' Blast · Smoldering Madness · Leaf Shield
Junkasaurus Charge of Insanity · Epic Mega Blast · Spin Override · Super Heavy Hornblast
Spawnable Plants
Soil of Summoning Weed · Pumpkin Weed · Terracotta Weed · Leaf Shield Weed · Wood Shield Weed · Vase Weed · Porcelain Vase Weed · Heal Weed · Flag Weed · Dandelion Weed · Hypno-shroom
Grow-a-Pot Bonk Choy · Pea Cannon · Gatling Pea · Lightning Reed · Scaredy-shroom · Fume-shroom · Goop-shroom · Doom-shroom · Ice-shroom · Toxic Gloom-shroom · Bamboo Shoot · Snap Dragon · Heal Flower
Bosses Giga Torchwood · Super Bean · Sunflower Queen · Big Stump · Marigold · Squash · Royal Hypno-Flower · Spooky Squash
L.E.A.F. Agent Citron · Agent Rose · Agent Corn · Grumpy Stumpy · Ironball
Others Assistant Manager Bitey · Crystal Guardian · Tallnut · Tallnut Cannon
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville plants
Playable Classes
PvZ BfN Attack Class Icon.png Attack Peashooter · Chomper · Kernel Corn · Night Cap · Snapdragon
PvZ BfN Defend Class Icon.png Defend Cactus · Citron · Acorn (Oak)
PvZ BfN Support Class Icon.png Support Sunflower · Rose
Swarm Wildflower
Peashooter Chili Bean Bomb · Pea Gatling · Pea Suped
Chomper Spikeweed · Burrow · Grody Goop
Kernel Corn Butter Beacon · Husk Hop · Shuck Shot
Night Cap Casting Shadows · Fung Fu · Shadow Sneak
Snapdragon Swoop Slam · Blue Blazes · Blazing Trail
Cactus Potato Mine · Garlic Drone · Petal Propeller
Citron E.M.Peach · Spin Dash · Navel Laser
Acorn & Oak
Solo Sap Trap · Invoke Oak · Acorn Dash
Passenger Sap Trap · Treeject · Lumber Support
Oak Super Sap Trap · Treeject · Roll for Damage
Sunflower Sunny Side Up · Sunbeam · Heal Beam
Rose Jinx · Arcane Enigma · Goatify
Wildflower Wild Life · Weed Out · Bloom Boom
Spawnable Plants
Range Pea Cannon · Gatling Pea · Scaredy-Shroom · Lightning Reed
Support Heal Flower · Goop-Shroom
Melee Bonk Choy · Doom-Shroom · Fume-Shroom
Soil of Summoning
Melee Terracotta Weed · Vase Weed · Dandelion
Range Wildflower · Terracotta Wildflower
Support Heal Weed · Hypno-Shroom
Battle Leaders Bam-Bam-Boo · Bluehorn Corn · Flotsamuel · Lucy · No-Neck Raffi · Pinky Rain · Pollen Kate · Pound Cake · Queen Capra · Sherman · Sproutrage · Teddy
Bounty Hunt
Weirding Woods Queenigma · Solar Sisters · Wild Bunch
Town Center Bitey Brothers · Mirror-Shroom · Tiger Klaus
Elusive Foes
Weirding Woods Amber Gemma · Pops Cyclops · Sleepy
Town Center Big Hurtle · Kitty Sparkles · Mrs. Veilbiter
Bosses Dreadroot · Giga Torchwood · Sunflower Queen · Super Bean · Marigold · Hypno Sunflower Queen · Spooky Squash · Bitter Dill · Dreadwood · Blight Cap
Quest NPCs Air Ron · Best Fishing Friend™️ · Bingo-Bongo · Brian · Corny Corn · Dandelion · Exposition Al · Gilly the Kid · Harmela · Land Phil · Major Sweetie · Mark · Mike · Sergeant Peel · Sir Crustworthy · Sir Victor-Ian · Tenderleaf · Tumbleweed Ted · Vivian
Others Weed · Pumpkin Weed · Leaf Shield Weed · Pumpkin Wildflower · Mindblower