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For the spawnable plant, see Wildflower (Spawnable).

Wildflower is a playable plant class in Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville. They are a Swarm class who specializes in grouping up with AI plants to gain armor and trick enemies into thinking that they are one of them, a well as sending out minions to attack the enemy.

Wildflower is purchasable from Rux for 500,000 coins. Their zombie counterpart is the TV Head.


In-game description

Wildflowers by themselves may not pose a huge threat, but as a group they become overwhelmingly powerful. Wildflowers receive armor when they are near ally Wildflowers, pots, or minions.


Primary Weapon

Dual rapid fire petals.

In-game description

Wildflower's primary weapon is the Stinging Petal, which deals 11 damage (52.07 DPS) and 13 critical damage (61.53 DPS), with a rate of fire of 284 RPM, and 35 rounds.


Wildflower's melee attack is the Flower Chop, it deals 50 damage to all zombies in a very short range in front of Wildflower. There will be a 3 second cooldown in which Wildflower will be unable to attack. This attack will always deal critical damage. If a successful hit is landed with the Flower Chop, the Wildflower will earn 10-30 "Smack!" XP.

Unlike other weapons, the Flower Chop is activated using the right stick on console platforms and the scroll wheel on PC


Weapon stats
Internal data
Ammo capacity Fire mode Rate of fire Damage
Reload time
35 Full auto 284 RPM 11
1.5 s
Projectile speed Projectile lifetime Projectile travel distance Projectile gravity
350 m/s
(1148.29 ft/s)
3 s 1050 m
(3444.88 ft)
15 m/s²
(49.21 ft/s²)
Base recoil
Minimum x-axis recoil angle Maximum x-axis recoil angle Minimum y-axis recoil angle Maximum y-axis recoil angle Minimum z-axis recoil angle Maximum z-axis recoil angle
0 -1 0 -0.2 0 0
Minimum FOV recoil Maximum FOV recoil Recoil recovery time
0 0 0.0055
Projectile spread (unzoomed, standing)
Minimum angle Maximum angle Increase per shot Decrease per second
0 0.35 0.065 5
Projectile spread (unzoomed, moving)
Minimum angle Maximum angle Increase per shot Decrease per second
0.4 1 0.08 5
Projectile spread (unzoomed, jumping)
Minimum angle Maximum angle Increase per shot Decrease per second
0.75 1.5 0.03 15
Sway recoil (unzoomed)
Maximum vertical amplitude Vertical increase per shot Maximum horizontal amplitude Horizontal minimum increase per shot Horizontal maximum increase per shot Amplitude decrease factor
2.15 0.17 1.6 -0.225 0.225 10.5
Projectile spread (zoomed, standing)
Minimum angle Maximum angle Increase per shot Decrease per second
-0.4 0.15 0.015 5
Projectile spread (zoomed, moving)
Minimum angle Maximum angle Increase per shot Decrease per second
0.2 0.5 0.05 5
Projectile spread (zoomed, jumping)
Minimum angle Maximum angle Increase per shot Decrease per second
0.4 0.85 0.03 15
Sway recoil (zoomed)
Maximum vertical amplitude Vertical increase per shot Maximum horizontal amplitude Horizontal minimum increase per shot Horizontal maximum increase per shot Amplitude decrease factor
6.6 0.19 1.6 -0.2 0.2 10.5


Left abilities
Wild LifeBfN.png
Wild Life
Place your next respawn location with a flower pot.
Center abilities
Weed OutBfN.png
Weed Out
Control a floaty friend who explodes on command.
Right abilities
Bloom BoomBfN.png
Bloom Boom
Throw an explosive flower that hurts enemies and knocks them into the air.


Perk Cooldown.png
Refreshing Revive
Faster refresh time for all abilities by reviving an ally.

Reduces ability cooldown by 5x for 2 seconds (10 seconds total) when a teammate is revived.
Perk Health.png
Rough Patch
Spawn with more health after suffering multiple vanquishes in a row.

After dying three times in a row, spawn with the maximum amount of overhealth for the currently used class after respawning or being revived.
Perk Awareness.png
Wild LifeBfN.png
Reveal the enemy who destroys your Wild Life flower pot

The spotting effect lasts for 5 seconds.
Perk Health.png
Deep Roots
Gain more armor from each nearby ally Wildflower, pot, or minion.

Armor per-Wildflower is increased from 20, 35, 45, 55, 60 to 30, 50, 60.
Perk Health.png
Pottery Power
Wild LifeBfN.png
Additional health for Wild Life flower pot.

Increases Wild Life flower pot health from 30 to 125 points.
Perk Awareness.png
Weed OutBfN.png
Reveal enemies who are damaged by Dandelion.

The spotting effect lasts for 4 seconds.
Perk Utility.png
Leveling Up
Earn XP faster.

Increases the amount of XP earned by 10%. Does not affect the XP Machine in Giddy Park.
Perk Mobility.png
Flight of the Dandelion
Weed OutBfN.png
Faster movement of Dandelion.

Dandelion moves faster, with the following modifiers: Forward constant = 1.5x, Backward constant = 2x, Left and right constant = 1.578947x.
Perk Damage.png
Soiling Yourself
Explode when vanquished.

Upon Wildflower's death, cause an explosion at their position with the following stats: Blast damage = 40, Inner blast radius = 4.74999 m, Blast radius = 4.75 m, Shockwave damage = 10, Shockwave radius = 5 m.
Perk Cooldown.png
Critical Blow
Faster refresh time for all abilities by earning a critical vanquish.

Reduces ability cooldown by 5.5 seconds upon critically vanquishing an enemy.
Perk Mobility.png
Move faster, except when sprinting.

Increases walking speed by 12.9032%.
Perk Knockback.png
Petal Powered Punch
Stun enemies hit with your Flower Chop.

Using the Flower Chop melee weapon stuns enemies for 0.25 seconds, slows them down by 67%, and slows down AIs by 60%. It also cancels Spell Disaster, Co-Star, Sprint Tackle, and Gravity Smash.
Perk Cooldown.png
Flower Food
Bloom BoomBfN.png
Bloom Boom refreshes faster after earning a vanquish with Bloom Boom.

Killing enemies with Bloom Boom reduces the cooldown of the ability by 6 seconds. This upgrade is currently disabled and cannot be used.
Perk Health.png
Head Pot-ection
Gain increased max health by wearing head protection.

Wildflower has 25 more health points and the Dandelion has 10 more health.
Perk Damage.png
Seed Dispersal
Bloom BoomBfN.png
Carry more Bloom Boom ammo.

Bloom Boom can store 2 charges instead of 1, with a 1-second recharge between uses.


Wildflower is decent on their own, but is much better in groups or with AI. Stay next to AI to get armor buffs, and group up with AI and player Wildflowers to trick enemies into thinking you are AI, get armor and launch devastating attacks in a group. You can see where other Wildflowers are by the link-up icon you see as Acorn or Space Cadet.

It is a good strategy to go around and plant minions and potted plants, as with one minion, potted plant, or another Wildflower nearby, you gain an extra 20% armor, with 2 plants you gain 35% armor, with 3 you gain 45% armor, with 4 you gain 55% armor, and with 5 you gain 60% armor. This is a good reason to stay grouped up with others.


Concepts (Scrapped concept)


  • When on the "Top Performers" screen after a match, the sound Wildflower makes when taunting is replaced with the sound a Foot Soldier makes when taunting.
  • When in a Private Play match of Battle Arena, AI Wildflowers are already sprinting, even though normal players can't move during the start of the match.

In other languages

Please note that only official translations are used.

Language Name Description
United States of America English Wildflower
China Simplified Chinese 野花
Traditional Chinese 狂野花株
The Netherlands Dutch Wildbloem
France French Fleur sauvage
Germany German Wildblume
Italy Italian Fiore selvatico
Japan Japanese ワイルドフラワー
South Korea Korean 야생화
Poland Polish Mlecz
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese Flor Silvestre
Russia Russian Дикий цветок
Spain Spanish Flor silvestre
Mexico Latin American
Flor salvaje

See also

V · E
Plants (Shooter games)
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare plants
Playable Classes
Peashooters Peashooter · Fire Pea · Ice Pea · Toxic Pea · Commando Pea · Agent Pea · Law Pea · Berry Shooter · Plasma Pea
Sunflowers Sunflower · Mystic Flower · Power Flower · Fire Flower · Shadow Flower · Metal Petal · Sun Pharaoh · Alien Flower
Chompers Chomper · Hot Rod Chomper · Toxic Chomper · Fire Chomper · Power Chomper · Count Chompula · Armor Chomper · Chester Chomper · Chomp Thing
Cacti Cactus · Camo Cactus · Fire Cactus · Ice Cactus · Power Cactus · Future Cactus · Bandit Cactus · Citrus Cactus · Jade Cactus
Boss Mode Crazy Dave
Peashooter Chili Bean Bomb · Pea Gatling · Hyper · Sombrero Bean Bomb · Retro Gatling · Super Pea Jump
Sunflower Heal Beam · Sunbeam · Heal Flower · Rainbow Heal Beam · Solar Flare Beam · Dark Flower
Chomper Goop · Burrow · Spikeweed · Super Sticky Goop · Sprint Burrow · Spiky Spikeweed · Cheesy Goop · Chesterweed
Cactus Potato Mine · Garlic Drone · Tallnut Battlement · Potato Nugget Mine · Artichoke Drone · Iron Maiden
Boss Mode Coconut Spotting Station · Twin Heal Flower · Cherry Strike · Revive Rainbow
Spawnable Plants Pea Cannon · Pea Repeater · Gatling Pea · Bonk Choy · Scaredy-shroom · Heal Flower · Fume-shroom · Goop-shroom · Snap Dragon · Ice-shroom · Doom-shroom · Ice Peashooter · Fire Peashooter · Bamboo Shoot · Laser Bean
Others Corn Mortar · Flax Cannon · Tallnut · Mega Flower · Tactical Cuke · Tallnut Cannon
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 plants
Playable Classes
Peashooters Peashooter · Fire Pea · Ice Pea · Toxic Pea · Commando Pea · Agent Pea · Law Pea · Plasma Pea · Rock Pea · Electro Pea
Sunflowers Sunflower · Mystic Flower · Power Flower · Fire Flower · Shadow Flower · Metal Petal · Sun Pharaoh · Alien Flower · Vampire Flower · Stuffy Flower
Chompers Chomper · Hot Rod Chomper · Toxic Chomper · Fire Chomper · Power Chomper · Count Chompula · Armor Chomper · Chomp Thing · Yeti Chomper · Disco Chomper · Unicorn Chomper · Twilight Chomper
Cacti Cactus · Camo Cactus · Fire Cactus · Ice Cactus · Power Cactus · Future Cactus · Bandit Cactus · Jade Cactus · Zen Cactus · Petrified Cactus
Citrons Citron · Frozen Citron · Electro Citron · Iron Citron · Party Citron · Toxic Citron
Roses Rose · Druid Rose · Fire Rose · Frost Rose · Party Rose · Nec'Rose
Corns Kernel Corn · BBQ Corn · Mob Cob · Pops Corn · Party Corn · Commando Corn
Others Torchwood · Junkasaurus
Peashooter Chili Bean Bomb · Pea Gatling · Hyper · Sombrero Bean Bomb · Retro Gatling · Super Pea Jump · Dark Bean Bomb · Bling Gatling
Sunflower Heal Beam · Sunbeam · Heal Flower · Rainbow Heal Beam · Solar Flare Beam · Dark Flower · Rainbow Flower
Chomper Goop · Burrow · Spikeweed · Super Sticky Goop · Sprint Burrow · Spiky Spikeweed · Chomp Cannon · Vampweed · Rainbow Warp · Twilight Warp
Cactus Potato Mine · Garlic Drone · Tallnut Battlement · Potato Nugget Mine · Artichoke Drone · Iron Maiden · Pizzazzling Potato Mine · Red Artichoke · Bling Maiden · Dark Garlic Drone
Assault Mode EMPeach · Citron Ball · Peel Shield · Party Citron Ball · Mood Shield
Citron Ball Hyper Ball · Assault Mode · Spin Dash
Rose Time Snare · Arcane Enigma · Goatify · Arcane Lotus · Psychedelic Goat
Kernel Corn Butter Barrage · Husk Hop · Shuck Shot · Bigger Better Butter · Multi-Shuck
Torchwood Blazin' Blast · Smoldering Madness · Leaf Shield
Junkasaurus Charge of Insanity · Epic Mega Blast · Spin Override · Super Heavy Hornblast
Spawnable Plants
Soil of Summoning Weed · Pumpkin Weed · Terracotta Weed · Leaf Shield Weed · Wood Shield Weed · Vase Weed · Porcelain Vase Weed · Heal Weed · Flag Weed · Dandelion Weed · Hypno-shroom
Grow-a-Pot Bonk Choy · Pea Cannon · Gatling Pea · Lightning Reed · Scaredy-shroom · Fume-shroom · Goop-shroom · Doom-shroom · Ice-shroom · Toxic Gloom-shroom · Bamboo Shoot · Snap Dragon · Heal Flower
Bosses Giga Torchwood · Super Bean · Sunflower Queen · Big Stump · Marigold · Squash · Royal Hypno-Flower · Spooky Squash
L.E.A.F. Agent Citron · Agent Rose · Agent Corn · Grumpy Stumpy · Ironball
Others Assistant Manager Bitey · Crystal Guardian · Tallnut · Tallnut Cannon
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville plants
Playable Classes
PvZ BfN Attack Class Icon.png Attack Peashooter · Chomper · Kernel Corn · Night Cap · Snapdragon
PvZ BfN Defend Class Icon.png Defend Cactus · Citron · Acorn (Oak)
PvZ BfN Support Class Icon.png Support Sunflower · Rose
Swarm Wildflower
Peashooter Chili Bean Bomb · Pea Gatling · Pea Suped
Chomper Spikeweed · Burrow · Grody Goop
Kernel Corn Butter Beacon · Husk Hop · Shuck Shot
Night Cap Casting Shadows · Fung Fu · Shadow Sneak
Snapdragon Swoop Slam · Blue Blazes · Blazing Trail
Cactus Potato Mine · Garlic Drone · Petal Propeller
Citron E.M.Peach · Spin Dash · Navel Laser
Acorn & Oak
Solo Sap Trap · Invoke Oak · Acorn Dash
Passenger Sap Trap · Treeject · Lumber Support
Oak Super Sap Trap · Treeject · Roll for Damage
Sunflower Sunny Side Up · Sunbeam · Heal Beam
Rose Jinx · Arcane Enigma · Goatify
Wildflower Wild Life · Weed Out · Bloom Boom
Spawnable Plants
Range Pea Cannon · Gatling Pea · Scaredy-Shroom · Lightning Reed
Support Heal Flower · Goop-Shroom
Melee Bonk Choy · Doom-Shroom · Fume-Shroom
Soil of Summoning
Melee Terracotta Weed · Vase Weed · Dandelion
Range Wildflower · Terracotta Wildflower
Support Heal Weed · Hypno-Shroom
Battle Leaders Bam-Bam-Boo · Bluehorn Corn · Flotsamuel · Lucy · No-Neck Raffi · Pinky Rain · Pollen Kate · Pound Cake · Queen Capra · Sherman · Sproutrage · Teddy
Bounty Hunt
Weirding Woods Queenigma · Solar Sisters · Wild Bunch
Town Center Bitey Brothers · Mirror-Shroom · Tiger Klaus
Elusive Foes
Weirding Woods Amber Gemma · Pops Cyclops · Sleepy
Town Center Big Hurtle · Kitty Sparkles · Mrs. Veilbiter
Bosses Dreadroot · Giga Torchwood · Sunflower Queen · Super Bean · Marigold · Hypno Sunflower Queen · Spooky Squash · Bitter Dill · Dreadwood · Blight Cap
Quest NPCs Air Ron · Best Fishing Friend™️ · Bingo-Bongo · Brian · Corny Corn · Dandelion · Exposition Al · Gilly the Kid · Harmela · Land Phil · Major Sweetie · Mark · Mike · Sergeant Peel · Sir Crustworthy · Sir Victor-Ian · Tenderleaf · Tumbleweed Ted · Vivian
Others Weed · Pumpkin Weed · Leaf Shield Weed · Pumpkin Wildflower · Mindblower