Community-built decks/Professor Brainstorm

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link=Professor Brainstorm 100px Stars on the Dancefloor (created by NoAuthor)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
Professor Brainstorm is on a roll today, and he has arranged a special party at moon base z, where special guests are binary stars and "bullseye". While aid of teleportation zombie lets you to implement funky tricks, like dance off + flamenco!
Disco-NautH.png x4 Bungee PlumberH.png x4 Quickdraw Con ManH.png x4 Exploding FruitcakeH.png x4 Conga ZombieH.png x4
Aerobics InstructorH.png x4 Teleportation ZombieH.png x4 Moon Base ZH.png x3 MoonwalkerH.png x3 Binary StarsH.png x3
Flamenco ZombieH.png x3

This article contains the various Community-built decks for Professor Brainstorm in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes. You're free to add your decks, but please refer to the rules page first.

link=Professor Brainstorm 100px Throwster (created by b and sushi, description by Max Sun 0622)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
What you want to do is play a lot of tricks to reduce your cost of the Trickster. Teleport Trickster is a free 12 damage to face so do that if possible. Gargantuar-Throwing Imp is there in case you don’t get your Tricksters. Teleport it in front of a lane of 2 Plants to get 2 Gargantuars! We have a bunch of removal such as Exploding Fruitcake, Bungee Plumber, and of course the OP Barrel of Deadbeards-Final Mission combo. Cell Phone Zombie actually proves his worth by drawing your Tricksters if you don’t have them in your starting hand. Play him in front of a Plant or pair him with Final Mission so he doesn’t charge the block meter though.
Bungee PlumberH.png x4 TeleportH.png x4 Barrel of DeadbeardsH.png x4 Beam Me UpH.png x3 Cell Phone ZombieH.png x3
Cryo-BrainH.png x4 Exploding FruitcakeH.png x4 Final MissionH.png x4 Fun-Dead RaiserH.png x4 Gargantuar-Throwing ImpH.png x2
TricksterH.png x4

Professor BrainstormH.png Sharp Eye (created by thatpvzguy)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png

Bullseye zombies will reign supreme when you put them in Moon Base Z. Use Lurch for Lunch and Cakesplosion to make sure that those zombies will hit the hero. The Plant Hero can't block so you don't have to worry about luck.
Cosmic ScientistH.png x4 Lurch for LunchH.png x4 Pool SharkH.png x4 Moon Base ZH.png x4 Wormhole GatekeeperH.png x4
Cosmic Scientist Lurch for Lunch Pool Shark Moon Base Z Wormhole Gatekeeper
CakesplosionH.png Mountain ClimberH.png Shieldcrusher VikingH.png Kitchen Sink ZombieH.png Wizard GargantuarH.png
Cakesplosion x4 Mountain Climber x4 Shieldcrusher Viking x4 Kitchen Sink Zombie x4 Wizard Gargantuar x4
link=Professor Brainstorm 100px Science Power (created by Pmhpc)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
This deck is mostly composed of science zombies, which is a tribe that has various powerful effects that affect only this specific tribe. Like for example, the strength raise of Zombot Drone Engineers or the bonus attacks of the Gadget Scientists. Use this correctly and you will overwhelm your foe easily.
Bungee PlumberH.png x2 Chimney SweepH.png x2 Paparazzi ZombieH.png x2 Tennis ChampH.png x2 Beam Me UpH.png x4
Zombot Drone EngineerH.png x4 Brain VendorH.png x4 ElectricianH.png x2 Kite FlyerH.png x2 Zombot's WrathH.png x1
Mad ChemistH.png x1 Orchestra ConductorH.png x2 The ChickeningH.png x2 Foot Soldier ZombieH.png x1 Gadget ScientistH.png x4
Disco-Tron 3000H.png x1 Hail-a-CopterH.png x2 Wizard GargantuarH.png x2

link=Professor Brainstorm 100px The Future is Now, Thanks to Science! (created by Snapdragon717)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
In short, this is a simple science deck that most early players can get a hold of. The general premise is to maintain a good science deck in the mid to late game, or simply abuse bonus attacks with high attack zombies. If you can deal at least 12 damage and get to turn 6-7, you can basically end a match there if Hail-a-Copter occupies an empty lane. It's recommended to do Professor Brainstorm's quests to get some of the zombies in this deck, namely Gadget Scientist. If you do not have some of the rares, super-rares, or legendaries, replace them with more Beam Me Ups, Chimney Sweeps, Conga Zombies, and Fun-Dead Raisers.
Bungee PlumberH.png x3 Chimney SweepH.png x2 TeleportH.png x1 Beam Me UpH.png x2 Conga ZombieH.png x2
Lurch for LunchH.png x2 Zombot Drone EngineerH.png x4 ElectricianH.png x3 Fun-Dead RaiserH.png x2 Kite FlyerH.png x2
Rocket ScienceH.png x3 ValkyrieH.png x1 The ChickeningH.png x3 Gadget ScientistH.png x3 Shieldcrusher VikingH.png x1
Hail-a-CopterH.png x3 Portal TechnicianH.png x2 TricksterH.png x1

link=Professor Brainstorm 100px Trick or Die (created by Dung Dinh Anh)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
Simple. Tricks. And Gravestones. This deck is very efficient against unsuspecting threats like Poison Oak, Kernel Corn or The Great Zucchini due to the ability to spawn zombies during Trick Phase. Watch out for Black-Eyed Pea and Brainana though.
Bungee PlumberH.png x4 TeleportH.png x4 Beam Me UpH.png x4 Lurch for LunchH.png x3 Paparazzi ZombieH.png x2
Conga ZombieH.png x1 Zombot Drone EngineerH.png x2 Fun-Dead RaiserH.png x1 Gentleman ZombieH.png x2 Kite FlyerH.png x2
AbracadaverH.png x1 Rocket ScienceH.png x3 Zombot's WrathH.png x2 Mad ChemistH.png x2 The ChickeningH.png x2
Hail-a-CopterH.png x2 Portal TechnicianH.png x1 TricksterH.png x1 Gargantuars' FeastH.png x1

link=Professor Brainstorm 100px Valkyrie Zoo (created by PvZTryHard)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
This deck is probably one of the most fun decks I've discovered and it involves a one turn kill set-up using Valkyrie. In order to do this special setup, you want to mulligan for Valkyrie, Chimney Sweep, Tennis Champ and Cell Phone Zombie. Use low health minions to boost our Valkyrie and cycle through our cards using Cell Phone Zombie, Kite Flyer, and Brainstorm's Telepathy. Barrel of Deadbeards is a great keep because it can die and boost Valkyrie twice. If you are running this version of the deck, always place the barrel to the rightmost lane so that our low health zombies can attack first before they are inevitably destroyed. Now, onto the set-up we use to kill our opponent in one turn. Keep an eye on how much health your opponent has, their block meter, their board presence and the amount of cards in their hand to determine when you should place your Valkyrie. Our tools are Teleport, in order to avoid hard removal, and Lurch for Lunch to kill a plant in the way of our Valkyrie. For example: If our opponent has five cards in hand and lane one is open, use Teleport, Valkyrie, and bonus attacks if needed, to finish them off and avoid hard removal. However, if our opponent has no cards in hand and has a side filled with plants, use Valkyrie and bonus attacks to finish them off. This will all be more natural as you play this deck more.
Chimney SweepH.png x2 TeleportH.png x4 Tennis ChampH.png x3 Unlife of the PartyH.png x4 Barrel of DeadbeardsH.png x4
Cell Phone ZombieH.png x4 Pool SharkH.png x3 Lurch for LunchH.png x3 Kite FlyerH.png x4 Exploding ImpH.png x2
Rocket ScienceH.png x3 ValkyrieH.png x4

link=Professor Brainstorm 100px Trick Question (created by GamerNerd_i)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
WARNING: THIS IS A VERY UNIQUE AND HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL DECK THAT IS COMPLETELY UNTESTED. USE IN RANKED AT YOUR OWN RISK. Professor Brainstorm sure does love his Tricks. In which case, why not create a deck that’s nearly all Tricks? The only three Teammates in this deck are Paparazzi Zombie, Trickster, and Mad Chemist. Everything else is a Trick! Use them to play Trickster super early and buff Paparazzi Zombie through the roof. Call in support with Beam Me Up, Hail-a-Copter, and Gargantuars’ Feast! Mad Chemist ensures that you'll never run out of Tricks to play, and a combination of Rocket Science and crazy damage lets you control the board at any time. Creator’s note: It is a actually preferable to have max copies of Trickster and Gargantuars’ Feast. This deck has less than that to help players without access to those hard-to-get cards. If by chance you should have max of these Legendaries, replace these cards in order: Lurch for Lunch x2, Cakesplosion x2
Bungee PlumberH.png x4 Paparazzi ZombieH.png x4 Lurch for LunchH.png x4 Beam Me UpH.png x4 Fun-Dead RaiserH.png x2
Rocket ScienceH.png x2 CakesplosionH.png x4 Mad ChemistH.png x4 The ChickeningH.png x4 Hail-a-CopterH.png x4
TricksterH.png x2 Gargantuars' FeastH.png x2

link=Professor Brainstorm 100px OTK P2W deck (created by Iamarepeater)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
Note: This deck was originally made by FryEmUp. Click on the link to see the deck in action. This is an extremely powerful deck. Control the early game by using Bungee Plumber and Beam Me Up. Wipe clean the field using the Barrel of Deadbeards and Fireworks Zombie combo (which also boosts the Valkyries), terminate high-strength plants with Rocket Science, and finish off the opponent by teleporting either a cheap Trickster or a 20-strength Valkyrie.
Bungee PlumberH.png x4 TeleportH.png x4 Barrel of DeadbeardsH.png x4 Beam Me UpH.png x4 Lurch for LunchH.png x3
Fireworks ZombieH.png x4 Fun-Dead RaiserH.png x2 Rocket ScienceH.png x4 ValkyrieH.png x4 Zombot's WrathH.png x3
TricksterH.png x4

link=Professor Brainstorm 100px OTK Budget deck (created by Iamarepeater)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
Note: This deck was originally made by FryEmUp. Click on the link to see the deck in action. This deck is is meant for players who are unable to afford the high cost of legendaries. Swarm the opponent with glass cannons like Chimney Sweep and Disco Zombie. Force the opponent to destroy them using Orchestra Conductor. Keep the card count with Kite Flyer and teleport in a 20-strength Valkyrie for a surprise finisher if they managed to swat away the swarmers.
Bungee PlumberH.png x2 Chimney SweepH.png x2 TeleportH.png x4 Tennis ChampH.png x3 Unlife of the PartyH.png x4
Cell Phone ZombieH.png x4 Lurch for LunchH.png x2 Disco ZombieH.png x4 Kite FlyerH.png x4 Rocket ScienceH.png x3
ValkyrieH.png x4 Orchestra ConductorH.png x4

link=Professor Brainstorm 100px Poor Man's OTKV (created by Camwood7)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
Are you a starving millennial who literally can't think of a good opening to your deck? Do you think "man, I wanna do a OTK Valy deck, but I only have, like, so much money?" Well, you're in luck, sort of.

This deck does use a few expensive cards, and one event, but you shouldn't suffer too much, as just topdecking the Valykarie and Teleport should prove to be a great endeavor.

Swarm the field with your cheap cards such as Tennis Champ or Unlife of the Party, and boost that Valykarie up, and then teleport them in! And even if it doesn't go as planned, you have backups, with great card control capability and a healthy duo of Tricksters to help in a last-resort, or in simply widdling your opponent down for the fat lady's solo of doom. And to help the Tricksters, or just general control, a good helping of bungee plumbers and rocket science will surely not steer you wrong.
Bungee PlumberH.png x4 Leprechaun ImpH.png x1 Paparazzi ZombieH.png x3 TeleportH.png x3 Tennis ChampH.png x4
Unlife of the PartyH.png x2 Beam Me UpH.png x3 Lurch for LunchH.png x4 Disco ZombieH.png x4 ElectricianH.png x2
Fun-Dead RaiserH.png x3 Rocket ScienceH.png x2 ValkyrieH.png x3 TricksterH.png x2

link=Professor Brainstorm 100px Set 2 Valkyrie (created by LawnDefender072003)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
This deck is my update version of TryHard's deck due to the new cards that came out.
Bungee PlumberH.png x2 Final MissionH.png x3 Leprechaun ImpH.png x4 TeleportH.png x3 Barrel of DeadbeardsH.png x4
Teleportation ZombieH.png x2 Lurch for LunchH.png x3 Medulla NebulaH.png x2 Quasar WizardH.png x2 Disco ZombieH.png x2
Exploding ImpH.png x1 Fireworks ZombieH.png x3 Fun-Dead RaiserH.png x2 Rocket ScienceH.png x2 ValkyrieH.png x4

link=Professor Brainstorm 100px Professor Bad Moon (created by NgThang)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
Swarm the board quickly with plenty of cheap cards, then transform them into stronger zombies by Bad Moon Rising.
Chimney SweepH.png x2 Unlife of the PartyH.png x4 Tennis ChampH.png x3 Kite FlyerH.png x4 Beam Me UpH.png x3
Disco ZombieH.png x3 Cell Phone ZombieH.png x4 TeleportH.png x2 Medulla NebulaH.png x4 Brain VendorH.png x3
Rocket ScienceH.png x3 Bad Moon RisingH.png x4 Lurch for LunchH.png x3

link=Professor Brainstorm 100px 1 Way ticket to a salty opponent (created by MachoCheeseBear)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
Do some early damage with QuickDraw con man and regifting wormhole and unexpected gifts. To take the pressure off, play binary stars. Then teleport in a Valkyrie. Let the salt come in.
Bungee PlumberH.png x3 Quickdraw Con ManH.png x4 Leprechaun ImpH.png x2 TeleportH.png x3 Barrel of DeadbeardsH.png x2
Quasar WizardH.png x2 Regifting ZombieH.png x4 Lurch for LunchH.png x2 Exploding ImpH.png x2 Rocket ScienceH.png x2
Unexpected GiftsH.png x3 ValkyrieH.png x3 Wormhole GatekeeperH.png x3 Thinking CapH.png x1 Binary StarsH.png x2
The ChickeningH.png x1 Shieldcrusher VikingH.png x1

link=Professor Brainstorm 100px Drawing Frenzy (created by Lily8763cp)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
This deck is around drawing a lot of cards to have the upper hand against the enemy, as well as a few ways to draw cards for your allies, so you are able to deal bullseye damage with Quickdraw Con Man.
Bungee PlumberH.png x3 Chimney SweepH.png x3 Loose CannonH.png x3 Quickdraw Con ManH.png x2 TeleportH.png x2
Cosmic ScientistH.png x2 Lurch for LunchH.png x2 Meteor ZH.png x2 Regifting ZombieH.png x2 Brain VendorH.png x2
Fun-Dead RaiserH.png x3 Gizzard LizardH.png x2 Medulla NebulaH.png x3 Rocket ScienceH.png x2 Wormhole GatekeeperH.png x2
The ChickeningH.png x3 TriplicationH.png x2

link=Professor Brainstorm 100px Pseudogargology (created by DigoBlaze12)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
Who thought Brainstorm could make use of the wild gargantuars? Use tricks like Final Mission on Chimney Sweep and Exploding Fuitcake to keep the board clear until the mid game, where Imp-Throwng Gargantuar and Gargantuar-Throwing Imp fill the battlefield to acivate Medulla Nebula. At the end, Wizard Gargantuar makes all your giants attack the hero with Bullseye, while Gargantuar Mime enjoys the show!
Bungee PlumberH.png x4 Final MissionH.png x4 Chimney SweepH.png x4 Leprechaun ImpH.png x4 Exploding FruitcakeH.png x2
Rocket ScienceH.png x4 CakesplosionH.png x2 The ChickeningH.png x2 Medulla NebulaH.png x2 Imp-Throwing GargantuarH.png x2
Gargantuar-Throwing ImpH.png x4 FrankentuarH.png x2 Gargantuar MimeH.png x2 Wizard GargantuarH.png x3 Gargantuars' FeastH.png x1

link=Professor Brainstorm 100px Tank-free damage (created by ByeGuys)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
Reason for choosing this name: 1. Tanky is here as a main 2. All zombies have below 2 damage, and thus would get Bullseye from Disco-Naut, meaning it cannnot be blocked. 3. There is quite some effect damage going on here, so Wall-Nut is useless If you don't have a few, replace them with Flamenco or Conman, but do note that only Wormhole Gatekeeper makes oppo draw extra, and there are only 11 Dancings in this deck.
Disco-NautH.png x4 TeleportH.png x2 Teleportation ZombieH.png x3 Disco Dance FloorH.png x4 Cosmic ScientistH.png x3
Moon Base ZH.png x3 Fun-Dead RaiserH.png x4 Kite FlyerH.png x4 Quasar WizardH.png x2 TankylosaurusH.png x4
Cosmic DancerH.png x2 Wormhole GatekeeperH.png x3 HeadhunterH.png x3

link=Professor Brainstorm 100px Full Moon, Bad Moon (BUDGET) (created by TheMajesticStork)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
It's a budget deck. But with ramping! Swarm the field with Disco Zombie, grow your Unlifes of the Party, ramp 'till your 7 brains are here and pull off a Bad Moon Rising. Not able to pull one off, or are you in danger of being taken out? Evolve a Zom-Blob on a weak minion to draw their attention to it. They won't see the bad moon coming!
Bad Moon RisingH.png x4 Chimney SweepH.png x2 Unlife of the PartyH.png x3 Disco ZombieH.png x4 Zom-BlobH.png x3
Kite FlyerH.png x3 Brain VendorH.png x4 Medulla NebulaH.png x4 Tennis ChampH.png x2 Gentleman ZombieH.png x4
Mystery EggH.png x2 Loose CannonH.png x3 Beam Me UpH.png x3

link=Professor Brainstorm 100px Tank-free damage (created by ByeGuys)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
Reason for choosing this name: 1. Tanky is here as a main 2. All zombies have below 2 damage, and thus would get Bullseye from Disco-Naut, meaning it cannnot be blocked. 3. There is quite some effect damage going on here, so Wall-Nut is useless If you don't have a few, replace them with Flamenco or Conman, but do note that only Wormhole Gatekeeper makes oppo draw extra, and there are only 11 Dancings in this deck.
Disco-NautH.png x4 TeleportH.png x2 Teleportation ZombieH.png x2 Disco Dance FloorH.png x4 Quickdraw Con ManH.png x3
Moon Base ZH.png x4 Fun-Dead RaiserH.png x4 Kite FlyerH.png x4 TankylosaurusH.png x4
Cosmic DancerH.png x4 Wormhole GatekeeperH.png x4 HeadhunterH.png x2

link=Professor Brainstorm 100px Opponent Must ache (created by ByeGuys)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
Gain Brains with Mustache to Zom-blob
Mustache WaxerH.png x4 Mustache MonumentH.png x4 DuckstacheH.png x4 Bungee PlumberH.png x4 Grave RobberH.png x4
Lurch for LunchH.png x4 Medulla NebulaH.png x4 TeleportH.png x4 Zom-BlobH.png x4
Brain VendorH.png x4

link=Professor Brainstorm 100px Janus (created by ByeGuys)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
The essence of this deck is effect damage to face! Preferably with Binary Star! You can also use this with other crazy heroes, just replace Fun-Dead Raiser with Toxic Waste Imp, Cone Zone/Camel Crossing or Secret Agent. Also it is named Janus as Janus is the god with 2 faces, symbolizing Binary Stars to face, and also choices, as this deck you will have to make choices a lot more, for example whether or not to evolve Disco-Tron for example into Headhunter
Disco-NautH.png x4 Loose CannonH.png x3 Bungee PlumberH.png x3 Disco Dance FloorH.png x4
Fun-Dead RaiserH.png x3 Disco ZombieH.png x4 Cosmic DancerH.png x3 Flamenco ZombieH.png x4
HeadhunterH.png x4 Binary StarsH.png x4 Disco-Tron 3000H.png x2 TankylosaurusH.png x2

link=Professor Brainstorm 100px The Heart of the Cards! (created by Pmhpc)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
Card advantage is a huge factor in PvZ Heroes and all other card games. This deck is here to ensure two things: you always have the card advantage, and your opponent is remiss to get it! The highlight of the deck is Quickdraw Con Man, who deals 1 bullseye damage to your opponent whenever they draw a card. Use Regifting Zombie, Wormhole Gatekeepr, and Exploding Fruitcake to speed things along. Meanwhile, use Tankylosaurus to benfit from the extra cards you draw from all these abilities. Slap down a Binary Stars to turn up the heat on your opponent and their plants!
Quickdraw Con ManH.png x4 Leprechaun ImpH.png x4 Exploding FruitcakeH.png x4 Regifting ZombieH.png x4 Kite FlyerH.png x4
Wormhole GatekeeperH.png x4 Unexpected GiftsH.png x4 Fun-Dead RaiserH.png x4 TankylosaurusH.png x4 Binary StarsH.png x4

link=Professor Brainstorm 100px BRAAAAAAAIIIINNNSS (created by Draggon753)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
This deck is all about gaining extra brains for tricks to reduce Trickster's cost as well as to boost evolved Zomblobs, as well as some Mustache synergy for Mustache Waxer, also for extra brains. Thinking Cap and Bad Moon Rising are also supplied in case of the late game.
Mustache WaxerH.png x4 Cryo-BrainH.png x4 Lurch for LunchH.png x3 Quasar WizardH.png x1 AbracadaverH.png x1
Brain VendorH.png x4 DuckstacheH.png x1 Gentleman ZombieH.png x3 Medulla NebulaH.png x4 Mustache MonumentH.png
Zom-BlobH.png x4 Thinking CapH.png x1 Kitchen Sink ZombieH.png x1 Bad Moon RisingH.png x4 TricksterH.png x1

link=Professor Brainstorm 100px Professor Burn (created by Bruhmomentumd)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
Rush out all of your cards to do tons of damage! Flamenco Zombie hits hard, while Binary Stars doubles the damage.
TeleportH.png x4 Disco-NautH.png x4 Quickdraw Con ManH.png x4 Cuckoo ZombieH.png x3 Disco Dance FloorH.png x4
Sugary TreatH.png x4 Regifting ZombieH.png x3 JesterH.png x3 MoonwalkerH.png x4 Flamenco ZombieH.png x3
Binary StarsH.png x2 Shieldcrusher VikingH.png x2

link=Professor Brainstorm 100px OTK Telegg (created by KatDude66)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
This is a meme deck. Teleport egg, and then buff it for an OTK! WARNING: This deck is not meant to win a match, it's because I love Mystery Egg too much. The deck is also untested because I'm F2P..
Mystery EggH.png x4 TeleportH.png x4 Bungee PlumberH.png x4 Leprechaun ImpH.png x2 Meteor ZH.png x4
Sugary TreatH.png x4 Lurch for LunchH.png x3 Cell Phone ZombieH.png x2 Teleportation ZombieH.png x4 Gentleman ZombieH.png x3
Trick-or-TreaterH.png x4 Binary StarsH.png x2

link=Professor Brainstorm 100px We do a lil trolling (created by RandomSnowbun)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
Binary Stars can double any cards and they seriously meant it. Start with some simple tricks to wipe out some weak plants,the fun will trully began when all your tricks gone with double the damages with Binary Stars on the roof (recommended). stack up with Cryo-Brain and then go with Gargantuars' Feast to finish off your oppoment. Works even with some heavy healer in Solar class
Bungee PlumberH.png x4 Cryo-BrainH.png x4 Exploding FruitcakeH.png x3 Fun-Dead RaiserH.png x3 Rocket ScienceH.png x4
Zombot's WrathH.png x4 CakesplosionH.png x4 The ChickeningH.png x4 Thinking CapH.png x4 Binary StarsH.png x4
Gargantuars' FeastH.png x2
link=Professor Brainstorm 100px The great draw-con (created by Alon.roz)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Crazy Icon.png
Drawing cards is good? not when Quickdraw Con-Man is on it. support him by forcing your opponent to draw more cards for him and mill your opponent at the same time for trickster to strike when he is least prepared.
Bungee PlumberH.png x4 Leprechaun ImpH.png x2 Paparazzi ZombieH.png x3 Quickdraw Con ManH.png x4 Exploding FruitcakeH.png x4
Regifting ZombieH.png x4 Rocket ScienceH.png x3 Unexpected GiftsH.png x4 Wormhole GatekeeperH.png x4 Mad ChemistH.png x2
Thinking CapH.png x2 TricksterH.png x4