Fishing net

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Fishing nets or spider webs are projectiles respectively shot by Fisherman Zombies and Spider Devil Zombies respectively from Plants vs. Zombies: Endless Edition and Plants vs. Zombies: Great Wall Edition. They have the same appearance. They can immobilize a plant which attacks for some time before disappearing. It can be blown away by Blover.


For more strategies, see Fisherman Zombie (PvZ: JttW) or Spider Devil Zombie.

As a fishing net or a spider web can immobilize any attacking plant for a long period of time, it is suggested to save enough sun to constantly remove them from the field using Blovers.

They can be used to the players' advantage by having them immobilizing Potato Mines instead, as immobilized Potato Mines can withstand attacks and explode upon death. With enough stalling plants or immobilized Potato Mines, fishing nets or spider webs can be stalled till expiration, letting Fisherman Zombies and Spider Devil Zombies to reapply fishing nets or spider webs onto Potato Mines again.


  • It is the only projectile to have two different variations in two games that is also shared by two different zombies while retaining the exact same function.

See also