
From Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
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Hello, I'm SirSkrill. I'm a founder of one wiki and administrator on another wiki.

My favorite movie is How To Train Your Dragon, and I'm a true fan of the franchise.

I also love playing PvZ. I've finished the first game twice and the second game once.

I've played the games for almost 3 years now, and I plan never to stop playing.

I love playing PvZ 2 so much, I wake up early in the morning just to play Pinata Party. :D

I plan to help this wiki and contribute to it. If I cause an error on an article, let me know.

My Likes and Hates: Plants

Repeater2.png This user's favorite plant is Repeater.
Winter Melon2.png This user's favorite plant is Winter Melon.
Bonk Choy2.png This user likes Bonk Choy.
Fume-shroom2.png This user likes Fume-shroom.
Bloomerang2.png This user likes Bloomerang.
Imitater2.png This user likes Imitater.
Spring Bean2.png This user hates Spring Bean.
Split Pea2.png This user hates Split Pea.
Puff-shroom2.png This user's least favorite plant is Puff-shroom.

My Likes and Hates: Zombies

Dark Ages Gargantuar2.png This user's favorite zombie is Dark Ages Gargantuar.
Jester Zombie2.png This user's favorite zombie is Jester Zombie.
Treasure Yeti2.png This user likes Treasure Yeti.
Ra Zombie2.png This user likes Ra Zombie.
Knight Zombie2.png This user likes Knight Zombie.
Zombie Chicken2.png This user hates Zombie Chicken.
Explorer Zombie2.png This user's least favorite zombie is Explorer Zombie.
Barrel Roller Zombie2.png This user hates Barrel Roller Zombie.

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