User blog:Plant Protecter/Fanfiction: Danger: High-Voltage Currants

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My 15th fanfiction. As always, I appreciate feedback and I accept requests.


Electric Blueberry's other group of brothers, the High-Voltage Currants, pay her an unexpected visit, before wreaking havoc. Will she be able to stop them?

Danger: High-Voltage Currants

  • [The story starts at Electric Blueberry's house, where she is giving Sunflower, Shrinking Violet, Ghost Pepper, Dusk Lobber, and Fishy Imp a tour of her house.]

Electric Blueberry: "And with the basement, that finishes the tour of my house."

Sunflower: "I'm still surprised how you are able to live in a house this small."

Fishy Imp: "Yeah. I keep hitting my head on the miniature ceiling fans."

Electric Blueberry: "Trust me. My house would be smaller if my husband, Lightning Reed, wasn't so tall."

Ghost Pepper: "Wait. Fishy Imp, why are you even here? Not to be entirely offensive, but shouldn't you be with your family, doing... whatever the heck they do? I mean, it's not even 8:30 AM."

Fishy Imp: "Well, it was either go on this tour of this tiny house, or do spring cleaning. So, I chose the obvious choice. Besides, mom would probably make me organise the library books using the Dewey Decimal system, and I don't know what that is!"

Shrinking Violet: (curiously) "You guys have a library?"

Fishy Imp: "Of course! What kind of self respecting mansion doesn't have a library? We have a LOT of books, including those dumb Brain Austen books my mom loves so much."

Dusk Lobber: (shocked) "Your mom reads Brain Austen novels, some of the most acclaimed books of all time?!"

Fishy Imp: "She's practically addicted to them! She doesn't even like other people touching them!"

Ghost Pepper: "That's a bit much."

  • [Suddenly, there is a knock on the front door, and they go answer it. Outside, Hover Goat-3000 is waiting with a parcel and a letter.]

Hover Goat-3000: "I have a delivery for Electric Blueberry. Signature required for mail claim."

  • [A claw coming out of his hover board holds a clipboard, which he shows to Electric Blueberry. She charges electricity, and she releases a small cloud, which sends a small bolt of lightning onto the clipboard, causing her name to be written in lightning-styled writing. The clipboard-holding claw retracts into the hover board, and the Hover Goat-3000 zooms away, while the others look at Electric Blueberry in surprise.]

Ghost Pepper: "That was cool."

Electric Blueberry: "It's one way of writing a signature."

Shrinking Violet: (eagerly) "Open the parcel first! Do it!"

Dusk Lobber: "But the letter could tell us what's inside, so we don't metaphorically die of suspense."

Sunflower: "Here, let me open the letter."

  • [She opens the letter, and gives the paper to Electric Blueberry.]

Electric Blueberry: "Hey, it's from my brothers. You know, the Electric Currants?"

  • [Everyone nods, except Fishy Imp, who shakes her head.]

Electric Blueberry (reading) "Dear..." (sighs) "...Electra, Eric and Al here, telling you that our..." (eyes widen in shock) "...other brothers are coming to visit you?!"

Fishy Imp: (curiously) "You have brothers?"

Dusk Lobber: "Yes. Two of them, and according to her reaction, she has others she doesn't like. Who are they, anyway?"

Electric Blueberry: "I have another group of brothers: the High-Voltage Currants. Yes, that's their actual name. I love them, platonically of course, but they are troublemakers. They LOVE to cause mischief."

Ghost Pepper: "Like Fishy Imp?"

  • [Fishy Imp gasps in offence.]

Fishy Imp: (offended) "How dare you accuse me of being a troublemaker!"

  • [Sunflower then starts to blink rapidly while squinting. She then looks worried.]

Sunflower: (worried) "Guys? My contacts are missing!"

  • [Ghost Pepper looks at Fishy Imp accusingly, before the latter reluctantly returns Sunflower's contacts. Suddenly, the parcel starts jumping around unexpectedly, startling the others.]

Shrinking Violet: (scared) "Haunted box! HAUNTED BOX!!" (faints)

Ghost Pepper: "This box isn't haunted. I know what a haunted box looks like."

Sunflower: "Electric Blueberry, what in the world did your brothers send you?!"

  • [The box's tape then gives way, causing the box to open and six small red spheres with eyes, mouths, blue masks and green leaves to hop out of it onto the ground. They spot Electric Blueberry.]

???: (excited) "Electric Blueberry!"

  • [The spheres then tackle her, before nuzzling against her.]

Fishy Imp: (confused) "What in the what are these?"

Electric Blueberry: "These little balls of energy, are my brothers. You know, the High-Voltage Currants I was telling you all about."

Dusk Lobber: "According to my maths, if these ARE your brothers, then, with the Electric Currants, you have eight brothers."

Sunflower: "That's a lot of mouths to feed."

Electric Blueberry: "This is nothing. You should see how many SISTERS I have. It's actually quite startling."

  • [The High-Voltage Currants stop snuggling Electric Blueberry, and look at her.]

High-Voltage Currant #1: "Sorry we are a bit late. We would of come earlier, and smelt a bit cleaner, but Watt kept getting travel sick."

Watt: "Hey!"

High-Voltage Currant #3: "So this is your house, and these are your friends?"

High-Voltage Currant #4: (notices Fishy Imp) "Hey look, a zombie. Let's zap her!"

Fishy Imp: (confused) "Excuse me?"

  • [A High-Voltage Currant jumps onto her head and electrocutes her, before Electric Blueberry stares at him angrily.]

Electric Blueberry: (angrily) "No Ohm, don't electrocute my friend!"

Ohm: "You're no fun sometimes, you know that?"

  • [He gets off a fried Fishy Imp, who falls on the ground, dazed. The High-Voltage Currants start bouncing around the front yard, while Electric Blueberry tries to catch one. She fails, and the High-Voltage Currants start bouncing down the street, shocking anything close to them.]

Electric Blueberry: (worried) "Oh no, this is bad. They're going exploring."

Shrinking Violet: "And that is bad... why?"

Electric Blueberry: "Because, unlike other electric plants, they're too young to actually control when they release electricity. They will shock anything and anyone close to them, usually on purpose."

Ghost Pepper: "Can't we just leave them alone until they get tired, and THEN capture them?"

Electric Blueberry: "Did you not hear me when I said they were 'little balls of energy?' That wasn't a metaphoric description. Now quick, we need to go after them!"

  • [The characters quickly run down the road after the High-Voltage Currants, as the latter group manages to reach a small group of portals.]

Electric Blueberry: (shocked) "Oh no, they're going to split up!"

  • [As if on cue, the High-Voltage Currants split up, with five of them going into the different portals (one Currant going into each portal) and the other Currant bouncing down the road, with the Z-Tech Factory on the horizon.]

Dusk Lobber: "OK everyone, split up and capture the High-Voltage Currants." (looks annoyed at Ghost Pepper) "NO traps."

  • [Ghost Pepper stops looking at the small box of traps near her, and stares at Dusk Lobber.]

Ghost Pepper: "You're just jealous that I have bear traps and you don't."

Fishy Imp: "Can we just go already?"

  • [The six characters spilt up, with everyone going into a portal except Shrinking Violet, who chases after the Currant who bounced towards the Factory. The scene cuts to the Jurrasic Marsh, where Sunflower jumps out of the portal. She looks around and spots a pair of sad Pterodactyls on a cliff ledge. Near them, she notices an empty nest.]

Sunflower: "If I'm right, a Currant took their egg. But what would he want with an egg? He's not an Eggplant."

  • [She continues exploring, and notices Jurrasic Imp panicking nearby. He goes up to her, and starts speaking to her in a primitive language.]

Sunflower: (curiously) "What's wrong with you? Did someone take one of the eggs you were saving for lunch?"

  • [Jurassic Imp nods, and he continues talking in the same primitive language. He points in a direction, where primal bushes have been electrified. She goes down the path, and she sees a giant shadow approaching her, which is revealed to be a Brontosaurus (who looks glum).]

Sunflower: "Poor thing. The Currant must of taken its egg. What does he want with these eggs?"

  • [She passes a marsh, and after pushing a bush apart, she sees a High-Voltage Currant wearing a chef's hat made of leaves resting in front of a makeshift frying pan (made of rocks and sticks). Three eggs are seen leaning against a small rock. The Currant notices Sunflower.]

High-Voltage Currant #3: "Hi. You're one of my sister's friends, aren't you? Whoever you are, you just in time for scrambled eggs. Locally sourced, of course."

Sunflower: "You stole them from their previous owners!"

High-Voltage Currant #3: "So what if I did? You're not giving them back. If you're going to try and take these delicacies, then you'll have to get through me, Volt."

  • [He sends an electric bolt towards Sunflower, who dodges it. She picks up a nearby bone, and reflects the next bolt shot at her.]

Volt: "Oh no you don't!"

  • [He picks up the frying pan, and deflects the bolt back to Sunflower. She deflects it back, so does he, and this repeats.]

Volt: "Ha! I can keep this up all day!"

Sunflower: "Hey chef! Someone's stealing your eggs."

Volt: (shocked) "What?!"

  • [He turns around to check, giving Sunflower the perfect chance to reflect the Currant's bolt at him, electrifying him and knocking him out. She proceeds to find a nearby dinosaur skull, and puts the Currant inside, trapped by the rows of teeth. She then proceeds to return the eggs, first to the Brontosaurus.]

Sunflower: "Here's your egg back."

  • [She pushes the egg next to the Brontosaurus, and it suddenly hatches into a baby Brontosaurus. She breifly looks at the baby in awe, before the Brontosaurus picks the baby up with its mouth and takes it away to its nest. She then gives the Pterodactyl egg back to the Pterodactyls.]

Sunflower: "Your egg, I presume?"

  • [The egg hatches into a baby Pterodactyl, who starts crying, while Sunflower looks at it in amazement. One of the Pterodactyls suddenly plummets beak-first into the ground. It gets up, dazed, before focusing and grabbing its baby, carrying it to the nest. Finally, Sunflower returns the last egg to Jurassic Imp.]

Sunflower: "Here's your lunch back."

  • [The egg then 'hatches' into an Eggshell Imp, startling Sunflower and causing Jurassic Imp to hug him. Sunflower slowly backs away, and starts walking back to the portal, Currant in hand.]

Sunflower: "I'm no biologist, but I'm pretty sure Imps don't hatch from eggs. Either that, or I know a lot less about Imps than I thought."

  • [She jumps into the portal. The scene cuts to the Big Wave Beach, where Dusk Lobber jumps out of the portal... only to find out the portal spawned mid-air. She then lands in the ocean.]

Dusk Lobber: "Of course."

  • [She uses her catapult-like appendage as a propellor, moving her thorough the water. On her way, she passes multiple electrocuted fish.]

Dusk Lobber: (thinking) "Poor fish. The Currant must of come this way. That, or an electric eel."

  • [She makes it to the shore, and spies a Currant hopping towards the other end of the beach. As she follows him, she spots a beach party, with all of the Big Wave Beach plants and zombies playing and partying in the water. A grim look appears on her face.]

Dusk Lobber: (grimly) "I know what happens when electricity and water mix. If he gets into the water..."

  • [She suddenly races towards the Currant, and blocks his path. The Currant looks angrily at her.]

High-Voltage Currant #5: "Hey, I was just wanting to join the party."

Dusk Lobber: "Sorry, beach is closed."

High-Voltage Currant #5: (annoyed) "Nobody comes between Amp and a party! I'm the life of the party! I deserve to be in this party! I-"

  • [A hook attached to some fishing line suddenly lands on Amp's head, getting caught in his leaves. The line and hook then fling him out towards the ocean, where Fisherman Zombie is reeling in what he caught.]

Fisherman Zombie: "I hope I get a fish this time. If it's Cherry bomb again I swear..."

  • [He fully reels in his line, and comes face to face with Amp.]

Fisherman Zombie: "You're not a fish."

Amp: "Let me go! Why don't you go catch a boot instead?"

  • [Offended, Fisherman Zombie uses his fishing rod to cast his line out, along with Amp. The line snaps, and he starts heading towards Surfer Zombie, who is admiring himself in a mirror.]

Surfer Zombie: "Aren't you gorgeous?"

  • [He tilts his mirror, and sees Amp heading straight at him.]

Surfer Zombie: (annoyed) "Another beach ball?"

  • [He then picks up his surfboard and, when he gets closer, hits Amp with it, sending him towards Bikini Zombie and Pompadour Zombie, the former holding a bucket.]

Pompadour Zombie: "Wow. Your new bucket sure looks shiny."

Bikini Zombie: "I know. Just got it today."

  • [Without warning, Amp lands in the bucket, and Pompadour Zombie and Bikini Zombie look at the now bruised Currant.]

Pompadour Zombie: "What is it?"

Bikini Zombie: "I don't know, but I DO want to see how far my bucket goes with something inside it."

  • [She starts spinning around with both hands grabbing the bucket, the centrifugal force keeping Amp in the bucket. She lets go of the bucket, sending it flying towards the beach. Her arms then fall off.]

Bikini Zombie: "I think I spun too much. Could you help me get my arms back?"

  • [The bucket then lands sideways on the beach, and Dusk Lobber approaches it. Amp, now looking battered, bruised and somewhat sick, looks at Dusk Lobber.]

Amp: (weakly) "Help... me..."

Dusk Lobber: "Don't worry. I'll take you back to your sister, and she'll take care of you."

  • They both enter another portal, one that's appeared on the beach. The scene cuts to the Lost City, where Fishy Imp is exiting the portal. She looks around, and spots the Currant going into her mansion.]

Fishy Imp: "What's that Currant doing? If he messes with my dolls..."

  • [She goes towards her mansion. The scene cuts to the mansion's library, where Parasol Zombie is sitting on a chair next to a stack of novels, reading a novel.]

Parasol Zombie: "There's nothing like reading an Austen novel in front of the warming fireplace. It's so relaxing."

  • [Suddenly, the Currant (Watt, specifically) jumps in front of her.]

Watt: "Hi there!"

  • [Parasol Zombie looks over her book, and spots Watt. She lowers her book and stares at him curiously.]

Parasol Zombie: (curiously) "What..."

Watt: "That's my name. Don't wear it out. Now stop reading and let's play!"

  • [He jumps on Parasol Zombie, electrocuting her. He hops backwards, giggling mischievously. He hops near the fireplace, and accidentally knocks Parasol Zombie's parasol into the fireplace.]

Parasol Zombie: (shocked) "My parasol!"

  • [She gets up and takes the flaming parasol out of the fireplace. She then grabs the rug on the floor, and covers the parasol, extinguishing the flame. However, an ember from the parasol lands on Watt, setting him alight. He then starts hopping around wildly.]

Watt: (in pain) "Ow! Hot! Burning!"

  • [While he is hopping around wildly, he accidentally sets fire to the stack of novels near where Parasol Zombie was sitting. She notices this, and her eyes widen in horror.]

Parasol Zombie: (horrified) "My Brain Austen novels!"

  • [She quickly runs towards them, but they quickly disintegrate into ashes. She grabs some of the ashes, and bursts into tears. Watt quickly puts the fire burning him out, before worriedly looks at her.]

Watt: (guiltily) "Gee, I didn't mean to go THIS far. I-I just wanted to play. Are you OK?"

  • [Parasol Zombie then stops crying and slowly turns towards Watt, her face displaying utter rage, startling him.]

Parasol Zombie: (enraged) "You can electrocute me. You can set my parasol on fire. Heck, you can ruin my good rug. But what you CAN'T do, is RUIN MY BRAIN AUSTEN NOVELS!! I will make you PAY!"

Watt: "Pay how? I have $2.70, some dirt and a button, will that help?"

Parasol Zombie: (infuriated) "I will turn you into CURRANT JAM!!"

  • [She takes out one of her potions and throws it at Watt. He dodges it, and the potion hits the wall, dissolving it. He looks at Parasol Zombie, terrified, and hops away quickly.]

Parasol Zombie: (angrily) "Come back here!"

  • [She starts chasing Watt, throwing potions at him.]

Parasol Zombie: (angrily, throws potion) "THIS is for Pride and Pumpkins!"

  • [The potion misses Watt, hitting and blowing up a wall.]

Parasol Zombie: (angrily, throws potion) "THIS is for Seeds and Sensibility!"

  • [The potion misses Watt, hitting and shrinking a wardrobe.]

Parasol Zombie: (angrily, throws two potions) "And THESE are for Stemma and Mansfield Bark!"

  • [The potions miss Watt, one hitting a vase and setting it on fire, the other hitting a chair and freezing it solid. Parasol Zombie finally corners Watt, and looms over him.]

Parasol Zombie: (enraged) "This'll show you what happens when you destroy peoples' property!"

???: "Mom! Stop!"

  • [Parasol Zombie and Watt turn towards the voice, revealing it to be Fishy Imp.]

Parasol Zombie: (annoyed) "Not now, sweetie. I have to teach this PUNK a lesson first."

Fishy Imp: "No no no no no." (walks between Parasol Zombie and Watt) "I'm all for senseless destruction, but you CAN'T destroy him. He's Electric Blueberry's brother."

Parasol Zombie: "I don't care WHO he is, he destroyed my Brain Austen novels!"

Fishy Imp: "No wonder you're mad. But still, you can't squish... Watt, is it?" (Watt nods) "You can't squish Watt into jam. Although, currant jam WOULD be nice..."

Watt: "Hey, whose side are you on?"

Fishy Imp: "Sorry. So mom, I'm just going to take him and go-"

Parasol Zombie: "Oh no you're not, young lady. I have unfinished business with this berry."

Fishy Imp: "Then I feel there's only one way to solve this. Run Watt!"

  • [She and Watt bolts towards the front door, Parasol Zombie following them. As they are running, Excavator Zombie walks into the hall.]

Excavator Zombie: "Hey Fishy Imp, what's the rush?"

  • [Fishy Imp and Watt dodge him, while Parasol Zombie, too focused to see him, bumps into his shovel and lands on the ground, dazed.]

Excavator Zombie: "Honey, you OK?"

  • [She groans. Outside, Fishy Imp and Watt continue running, and both jump into a portal. The scene changes to the Modern Day, where a Currant is hopping towards the Z-Tech Factory. Shrinking Violet notices this.]

Shrinking Violet: "Oh no. He's heading towards the Z-Tech Factory, the most dangerous place for plants in the area! Except for Exploding Imp's Extra-Large Explosives Emporium. Now THAT place is a death trap."

  • [An explosion is heard, and a small mushroom cloud can be seen in the distance.]

Shrinking Violet: "And that would be the Emporium's weekly destruction by explosives."

  • [She enters the Z-Tech Factory, and after a few seconds, finds Zombie Commander hitting a machine with a wrench.]

Shrinking Violet: "Zombie Commander! I need your help!"

Zombie Commander: "What are you doing here, squirt? The Z-Tech Factory's no place for a plant, not with all the dangerous robots and the many zombies."

Shrinking Violet: "Where ARE all the zombies? You're the only one I've seen."

Zombie Commander: "Well, since Painter did all of the errands Dr. Zomboss wanted so well, he gave him a coupon for one whole day off."

Shrinking Violet: "So?"

Zombie Commander: "Because of this, all the zombies wanted to get the coupon for themselves."

Shrinking Violet: "Why?"

Zombie Commander: "Have you ever worked for Dr. Zomboss before? It's tiring. But good pay. I'm the only one who didn't go after the coupon. I've dated Zomboss long enough to know it's already expired."

Shrinking Violet: "Zombie Commander, have you seen a electrified Currant go by here?"

Zombie Commander: "No, but I did see a sparkly red bouncy ball pass by here."

Shrinking Violet: "And where did this 'bouncy ball' go?"

Zombie Commander: "Over there by the giant pile of crates with dynamite in them. Why?"

  • [The Currant is seen hopping near a detonator, next to a large pile of dynamite-filled crates. Shrinking Violet screams in shock, and rushes over to stop him, Zombie Commander following her. They make it, and Zombie Commander looks at the detonator.]

Zombie Commander: "Why is the bouncy ball smiling at us? And why is he going to make us explode?"

  • [Shrinking Violet notices where they are, which can is right beside the crate pile. The Currant is near the detonator and is smiling evilly at Shrinking Violet and Zombie Commander.]

Shrinking Violet: (nervously) "N-now now. You're Ohm, right?" (Ohm nods) "Y-you don't need to blow us up. I mean, why do it now, if you could do it later?"

  • [Ohm leans closer to the detonator, while Zombie Commander spots something near the crate pile.]

Shrinking Violet: (nervously) "C-come on Ohm. Who will you play with if you blow us up? Your brothers have split up, and it'll take a while for them to find you."

  • [Ohm thinks about what Shrinking Violet said. As he is thinking, Zombie Commander suddenly throws a net on him, trapping him. She picks up the net.]

Shrinking Violet: "Good job, Zombie Commander! Now let's go."

Zombie Commander: OK. Let me just move this detonator away from the crate pile."

  • [She kicks the detonator, making it hit the crate pile and activating the detonator. The scene cuts to the outside of the Z-Tech Factory, where an explosion is seen. Zombie Commander, Shrinking Violet and Ohm (the latter two giving the former angered looks), now charred, are seen flying through the sky due to the blast. Zombie Commanders starts flapping her arms.]

Zombie Commander: "Ha! Parasol Zombie was wrong! I CAN fly."

  • [The three land in a nearby tree. The scene cuts to Neon Mixtape Tour, where Ghost Pepper jumps out of the portal.]

Ghost Pepper: "OK. Now where is that Currant?"

  • [Unbeknownst to her, the Currant is looking at a graffiti-covered power box.]

High-Voltage Currant #6: (yawns) "It's too loud and bright here. Maybe if I electrocute this, it'll stop the music and lights."

  • [He does just that, and the power box breaks down, causing a blackout. Screams of surprise and shock are heard throughout the neighbourhood. Ghost Pepper is startled by the sudden blackout.]

Ghost Pepper: "Hey, who turned off the lights? And music? Good thing I glow in the dark."

  • [She starts wondering around, searching for the Currant. She turns a corner, and suddenly comes face to face with Arcade Zombie, who screams in fright.]

Ghost Pepper: "Arcade Zombie, you alright?"

Arcade Zombie: (frightened) "S-sorry Ghost Pepper. It's j-just I'm not the biggest fan of the d-dark."

Ghost Pepper: "Anyway, since I found you, could you help me find a plant? Think of a red electrical sphere."

Arcade Zombie: (scared) "Sorry G-Ghost Pepper. I haven't seen anything like that. Maybe we should go check the power box. It p-powers the entire neighbourhood. Follow me."

  • [Arcade Zombie (using Ghost Pepper as a light) shows her where the power box is.]

Ghost Pepper: "Here's the power box, but where's the Currant?"

Arcade Zombie: "Uh, Ghost Pepper?"

  • [She turns to him, and he shows her the Currant, peacefully sleeping on top of a bush. Ghost Pepper goes up to him.]

Ghost Pepper: "Who do you think you are? This era basically lives and breathes off of electricity."

High-Voltage Currant #6: (wakes up, sleepily) "I'm Joule." (yawns) "Sorry for the trouble. I just wanted to sleep. I sleep a lot."

Ghost Pepper: "That's no excuse. Now, could you come with me? Your sister wants you back home."

  • [Joule goes back to sleep, much to Ghost Pepper's annoyance. She turns to Arcade Zombie.]

Ghost Pepper: "Could you help me get him back to the Modern Day? He's Electric Blueberry's brother, and she doesn't want him to get into trouble."

Arcade Zombie: "Sorry Ghost Pepper. My mom told me to never handle electrical equipment nor electrical characters. Let's leave it to a professional."

  • [Ghost Pepper wordlessly floats towards him and phases into him. After a moment, she possesses him, and uses him to rip the bush carrying Joule out of the ground, and carrys them to the portal. The scene cuts to the Wild West, where Electric Blueberry exits the portal. She instantly notices the large piles of feathers around her.]

Electric Blueberry: "Chicken feathers? Why are there piles of chicken feathers in the middle of the Wild West?"

???: (angrily) "I'll tell ya why!"

  • [Electric Blueberry turns around, revealing Chicken Wrangler Zombie.]

Chicken Wrangler Zombie: (angrily) "One of them electric plants done shocked most of me chickens. Now I have loads of feathers, but no chickens! What am I supposed ta do now?"

Electric Blueberry: "Give pillows stuffed with chicken feathers to the homeless?"

Chicken Wrangler Zombie: "That there be a good idea!"

  • [He starts grabbing armfuls of feathers.]

Electric Blueberry: "You don't suppose you know where the plant went, do you?"

Chicken Wrangler Zombie: "I done chased the city slicker off my property. He probably went into town. If he keeps causin' trouble, I'm mighty sure he'll be going to jail."

Electric Blueberry: (horrified) "JAIL?!"

  • [She rushes over to the nearby town. The street is deserted, except for a horse, a rattlesnake, two bulls and a brain-shaped tumbleweed. Electric Blueberry hears fighting, and turns to the saloon, where Cowboy Zombie is thrown out the door. She goes inside, and sees her brother fighting the Wild West zombies.]

High-Voltage Currant: #1 "You can't beat me!"

  • [As they are fighting, Pianist Zombie is playing a song on his piano. Wild West Gargantuar then pushes both him and his piano towards the Currant, in hopes of squashing him. They miss, and both Pianist Zombie and his piano fly out the door. Electric Blueberry approaches her brother.]

Electric Blueberry: "Coulomb! Stop this at once!"

  • [Coulomb turns towards his sister.]

Coulomb: "Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to show up?"

Electric Blueberry: "Come on, these zombies did nothing wrong. You're just causing trouble."

Coulomb: "You know, I never understood why you never joined me and my brothers. Being a troublemaker is fun."

Electric Blueberry: "Just stop this and come home with me."

Coulomb: "The only way you're going to make me come with you, is to defeat me in a duel."

  • [The Wild West zombies gasp in shock, while Electric Blueberry and Coulomb stare at each other with steely gazes.]

Electric Blueberry: "You're on."

  • [The scene cuts to the middle of town, where Electric Blueberry and Coulomb are staring at each other from opposite ends of the street. The Wild West zombies are hiding, waiting for the upcoming battle.]

Coulomb: "This town ain't big enough for the two of us."

Electric Blueberry: "Actually, this town is pretty big, compared to our size. I mean, have you SEEN how big chickens are compared to us? Our entire family could move here, and there would still be room for the normal townsfolk-"

Coulomb: (annoyed) "It's an expression! Now, are you ready to fight?"

Electric Blueberry: "I don't want to, but if it's the only way you'll come home, then I'll do it."

  • [The two berries stare at each other, while dramatic piano music plays. After a while, the two look towards the saloon in annoyance.]

Electric Blueberry and Coulomb: (annoyed) "Do you mind?"

  • [It then cuts to Pianist Zombie, who suddenly stops playing his piano. The berries turn towards each other.]

Coulomb: "Now, where were we?"

  • [A pillow is suddenly thrown at Coulomb, stunning him. Electric Blueberry turns around, and it shows Chicken Wrangler Zombie holding a stack of pillows.]

Chicken Wrangler Zombie: "That's for electrocutin' my chickens!"

Coulomb: "A pillow can't stop me!"

  • [A whole bunch of pillows are thrown on him.]

Coulomb: (muffled) "A stack of pillows, on the other hand..."

  • [He wiggles out of the pile of pillows, and turns to his sister.]

Coulomb: "Fine, fine, I'll go. It is getting boring, causing mischief here."

  • [He starts hopping out of town, his sister following him. They then find and hop through the portal. The scene cuts to Electric Blueberry's house, where Sunflower and Volt have returned.]

Volt: "Let me out! I want to cook those eggs! I'm hungry."

Sunflower: "Sorry, lunch is cancelled."

???: "Sunflower!"

  • [She turns around, revealing Dusk Lobber and a slightly injured Amp.]

Sunflower: "Dusk Lobber!" (notices Amp) "Woah, what happened to him?"

Dusk Lobber: "He got hit by a surfboard, amongst other things."

???: "Wish I could of seen that."

  • [Fishy Imp and Watt are revealed to be behind them.]

Fishy Imp: "Word of caution: don't talk to my mom for a while. She needs some time to cool off."

???: "What'd she do now?"

  • [Shrinking Violet, Zombie Commander and Ohm (still charred) walk up to them.]

Fishy Imp: "Woah, what happened to you?"

Shrinking Violet: "Zombie Commander happened."

Zombie Commander: "I flew!"

Dusk Lobber: "Riiight..."

???: "Hey guys."

  • [Ghost Pepper (who is still possessing Arcade Zombie, and is still holding the bush Joule is sleeping on) floats towards the group, startling them. She then stops possessing Arcade Zombie, who looks around confused.]

Zombie Commander: (angrily) "Why did you possess Arcade Zombie?"

Ghost Pepper: "It was the quickest way to get Electric Blueberry's brother here."

Arcade Zombie: (confused) "How did I get here? And why am I holding a bush?"

  • [He puts down the bush and leaves. Electric Blueberry and Coulomb arrive.]

Ghost Pepper: "Hey Electrici Blueberry! We rounded up your brothers!"

Electric Blueberry: (quietly) "Amp, Coulomb, Joule, Ohm, Volt and Watt." (aloud) "There all here! Thanks for helping me get them all."

Fishy Imp: "Where's our rewa-"

  • [Sunflower covers Fishy Imp's mouth, much to the latter's annoyance.]

Sunflower: "What she means is, what are you going to do with them?"

Electric Blueberry: "Unfortunately, I'm going to have to ground them. They caused trouble, and they have to face the consequences."

  • [The Currants look sourly at their sister.]

Ghost Pepper: "Well, one DID cause a neighbourhood-wide blackout."

Electric Blueberry: "Again Joule? Really? Look, all of you just-just go inside. I'll talk to you soon."

  • [The Currants begrudgingly go inside Electric Blueberry's house. She turns towards her friends.]

Electric Blueberry: "Thanks again. They can be real troublemakers sometimes. Now if you excuse me, I have to have a word with them."

  • [She goes inside her house.]

Sunflower: "What do we do now?"

Ghost Pepper: "Well, the power in Neon Mixtape Tour is most likely still out. We can try and fix the power box."

Zombie Commander: "Sounds dangerous. I like it. Let's go!"

  • [Zombie Commander heads towards the portal to Neon Mixtape Tour, her friends following her.]




  • This can be seen as the sequel to "And the Currants Come Rolling In!" as both stories are about Electric Blueberry's brothers unexpectedly visiting her, and the chaos that surrounds those visits.
  • I like to call the High-Voltage Currant the "High-Voltage Currants." It makes more sense to me, since they're at least six different Currants shown on the card itself.
    • I also named all Currants after terms related to electricity.

Cultural references

  • The fanfiction's title is a reference to the warning Danger: High-Voltage Current.
  • The author "Brain Austen" is a reference to Jane Austen, an English novelist known primarily for her six major novels.

Changed content

  • Originally, all the main characters would of helped capture the High-Voltage Currants.