User blog:Plant Protecter/Plant Protecter's PvZ Stories: Suburbia's Got Talent!

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For the other transcripts of stories I have written, see here, here, here and here.

Special thanks to Lily8763cp for suggesting me to write this.

Suburbia's Got Talent!

  • The episode starts outside the Zomburger, where the main characters are talking and eating.

Sweet Potato: So, how was the Lawn of Doom? Did you go trick-or-treating?

Ghost Pepper: No, I was too busy hosting the big Lawn of Doom party that was happening. And I can't really eat things, due to being a ghost and all.

Sweet Potato: Oh.

???: Hey!

Bikini Zombie: Here comes Glitter Zombie.

  • Glitter Zombie arrives at the table, skidding to a stop just before hitting it.

Glitter Zombie: Have any of you heard the news?

Parasol Zombie: What news?

Glitter Zombie: Sunflower has created a new TV show!

Gold Leaf: Another one? What is it about?

Glitter Zombie: See for yourself. The ad for it is playing on the small TV screens on the side of that building over there. (points to the building next to the Zomburger, where a small crowd of Plants and Zombies have gathered to watch the ad)

Shrinking Violet: Why is there a bunch of TV screens on the outside of a building?

Parasol Zombie: Dr. Zomboss' idea. I still think it's a waste of money.

Blooming Heart: The ad's on! Quick, let's get a look.

  • They rush to the TV screens, where Sunflower is seen on the screens.

Sunflower: Do you have a special talent?

Blooming Heart: Maybe.

Sunflower: A special ability that sets you apart from others?

Glitter Zombie: Most likely.

Sunflower: Then come audition to be part of the newest TV show, the first created by both Plan-TV Studios and Zomb-TV Studios.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: Sounds exciting.

Sunflower: Do you what it takes to be a part of Suburbia's Got Talent?

  • The TV screens then turn to another advertisement, and the crowd goes on with their lives.

Glitter Zombie: Wow. I want to audition.

Blooming Heart: I know what I'm doing.

  • Suddenly, a ringing sound is heard coming from Parasol Zombie's satchel. She reaches inside and grabs her phone and presses a button.

Parasol Zombie: Hello? Oh, hi. I just saw it. (gasps) Really?!? Of course, I'd love to! OK. Bye.

Bikini Zombie: Who was it?

Parasol Zombie: It's a secret. I need to go. (runs away) Bye!

Ghost Pepper: Weird.

Glitter Zombie: Maybe she's going to audition. I am. (starts skating) See you later!

Shrinking Violet: This seems like it will be very interesting.

Hours later...

  • A large building is seen, and inside, a TV studio with an audience, the judges and a stage is seen. A door near the judges' table opens, and Sunflower walks in and sits in a chair at the judges' table.

Sunflower: (to Paparazzi Zombie) Remember, try and film the judges, the acts and the audience. Not at the same time, but try film all three evenly.

Paparazzi Zombie: OK.

  • Theme music starts playing, and the words "Suburbia's Got Talent!" appear on a titlecard. Paparazzi Zombie then moves his camera over towards Sunflower.

Sunflower: Hello, and welcome to Suburbia's Got Talent!

  • The audience then cheers.

Sunflower: I am Sunflower, a judge and the host of "Suburbia's Got Talent!" Here with me are fellow judges Pea-nut...

Pea-nut (top head): Hi!

Pea-nut (bottom head): I'm here as well.

Sunflower: ...Newspaper Zombie...

Newspaper Zombie: (notices the camera's pointed at him) Ugh. (whispering to himself) How did I get myself caught in this show?

Sunflower: ...and Parasol Zombie!

  • Parasol Zombie waves at the camera.

Weasel Hoarder: So that's where she went.

Sunflower: We had many auditions, but we managed to shorten the list to only three acts. (gets a notepad out) And the first act is (surprised) Jester Zombie?!?

  • Jester Zombie then backflips onto the stage and wave to the audience.

Toadstool: (whispers to herself) Not this maniac again. Being tied above a giant blender wasn't fun.

Sunflower: (sighs) Jester Zombie, what is your act?

Jester Zombie: I'll juggle.

Sunflower: OK. Let's see what you can do.

Jester Zombie: My assistant Trickster will throw me items to juggle. (to Trickster) Start with the pies, which I made myself.

Trickster: Right!

  • Trickster throws four pies at Jester Zombie, who catches and juggles them.

Jester Zombie: Now the other assistants.

Trickster: OK!

  • Trickster throws the two assistants at Jester Zombie, who he also juggles.

Ghost Pepper: Those assistants looks famailiar...

  • Shrinking Violet is flung into the air by Jester Zombie, shortly followed by Imp Mermaid Zombie.

Shrinking Violet: Help! I didn't agree to be part of this act!

Sweet Potato: Oh no! I hope Shrinking Violet's OK.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (to Shrinking Violet) You think you're the only one?

Parasol Zombie: (whispering to herself) Imp Mermaid Zombie! Oh no! Oh no!

Newspaper Zombie: (notices Parasol Zombie panicking) Are you OK? You seem stressed.

Parasol Zombie: (nervous) Oh, I-I'm fine. Just trying to focus on the act.

Jester Zombie: And now, the bowling ball!

Trickster: A bit much...

  • Trickster picks up the bowling ball and, struggling under its weight, throws it at Jester Zombie, who catches it and juggles it.

Jester Zombie: A bit heavier than I thought...

  • A small snap is heard.

Jester Zombie: (thinking) Oh no, my arm is loose! Time to get rid of the weight. Hopefully, the pies will land on the judges' table.

  • Jester Zombie then starts spinning wildly, sending his arm, the bowling ball, Shrinking Violet, Imp Mermaid Zombie and the four pies flying toward the judges and audience.

Sunflower: (Jester Zombie's arm flies into her mouth) Oof!

Pea-nut: (the bowling ball flies into his top head) Owch!

Newspaper Zombie: (Shrinking Violet flies into his mouth) Mmph!

Parasol Zombie: (Imp Mermaid Zombie flies into her) Ack!

  • The pies end up hitting random members of the audience in the face, one of them being Bikini Zombie.

Bikini Zombie: (licks her lips) This tastes good! I have to ask him for the recipe.

  • One of Weasel Hoarder's ice weasels, who has some whipped cream on her lips, licks her lips and, after her eyes widen, starts vibrating.

Bikini Zombie: Your ice weasel's set on vibrate.

Weasel Hoarder: What? No! That whipped cream the pie had included too much sugar. She's having a sugar rush!

  • The ice weasel leaps out of Weasel Hoarder's lap, rushes into the hallway behind the audience and into a room.

Gargantuar: AGH! Who let this rabid rat into the kitchen!?! It's going to eat all the food!

Weasel Hoarder: Uh oh. I better help.

Bikini Zombie: And I'm going to get the recipe.

Weasel Hoarder: ONLY the recipe? Not the food in the kitchen?

Bikini Zombie: Fine.

  • Weasel Hoarder enters the kitchen while Bikini Zombie sneaks into the kitchen and comes out with a sandwich. She then eats it, and runs to backstage.

A couple of minutes earlier...

Jester Zombie: (nervous) Uh oh. S-so, how was my act?

Sunflower: (spits out the arm, surprised) Ew! (presses the red buzzer) Grossgrossgrossgrossgross!

Pea-nut (top head): (speaks gibberish and spits a pea, which hits the red buzzer)

Pea-nut (bottom head): Oh no.

Newspaper Zombie: Huh?

  • Shrinking Violet opens Newspaper Zombie's mouth from the inside.

Shrinking Violet: One: Your breath stinks. And two... (faints onto the table, landing on the red buzzer)

Parasol Zombie: Ugh... Are you alright, Imp Mermaid Zombie?

Imp Mermaid Zombie: Yes. A bit dazed, but alright.

Parasol Zombie: You take Shrinking Violet and join the audience.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: On it. (picks up Shrinking Violet and runs into the audience)

  • Parasol Zombie presses the red buzzer near her.

Sunflower: Jester Zombie, you are eliminated.

Jester Zombie: Oh.

Sunflower: OK.

Pea-nut (bottom head): Sunflower?

Sunflower: What?

Pea-nut (bottom head): My top head got hit pretty hard by that bowling ball. I think I need to sit the next acts out. You have to find a replacement for me. (hops out of the door near the table)


Bikini Zombie: I got the recipe.

Weasel Hoarder: Along with a jam sandwich.

Bikini Zombie: No...

Weasel Hoarder: The jam on your lip says otherwise.

Bikini Zombie: OK, I got one sandwich.

Weasel Hoarder: At least you ate one.

Bikini Zombie: *cough*Dozen*cough*

Weasel Hoarder: ...Just sit down and watch the show.

  • The audience starts whispering and muttering.

Sunflower: Luckily I have a backup. (gets out a walking-talkie and talks into it) Backup, you're on.

  • Peashooter then enters the room and sits in the seat next to Sunflower.

Peashooter: I saw Pea-nut. It looked like a bowling ball hit him on the head.

Sunflower: One did. But no worries. OK. The next act is the Hover-Goat 3000!

  • The Hover-Goat 3000 flies onto the stage.

Sunflower: (whispers to Paparazzi Zombie) Get the goat translator.

Hover-Goat 3000: What's up, everybody?

Sunflower: Nevermind. So, Hover-Goat 3000, what will you be doing?

Hover-Goat 3000: I will teleport a ramp onto the stage and perform tricks on my awesome hoverboard!

Sunflower: OK, you are good to go.

  • The Hover-Goat 3000 presses a button on his robotic bell, and a skate ramp appears on stage. He then jumps onto the ramp and hovers toward one of the edges of the ramp.

Hover-Goat 3000: Here I go!

  • The Hover-Goat 3000 flies into the air, spinning wildly and landing back on the ramp.

Hover-Goat 3000: The Twister!

  • The Hover-Goat 3000 hovers towards an edge of the ramp and stays on the edge of the ramp, teetering on the edge.

Hover-Goat 3000: The Sea-saw!

  • The Hover-Goat 3000 then teleports a small ramp in front of the judges' table.

Parasol Zombie: Huh?

  • The Hover-Goat 3000 then speeds towards the judges on the ramp. He reaches the edge of the ramps and does a flip in front of the judges.

Hover-Goat 3000: Backflip!

  • The flames from the Hover-Goat 3000's hoverboard during the backflip set fire to Newspaper Zombie's newspaper.

Peashooter: Uh oh.

  • Newspaper Zombie's newspaper then disintegrates into ash. He then starts shaking in anger.

Newspaper Zombie: Grrr...

Parasol Zombie: OK. Newspaper Zombie, just breathe- I mean relax.

Newspaper Zombie: (annoyed) Fine, but I'll be very grumpy.

Hover-Goat 3000: So, how were my gnarly tricks?

  • Sunflower, Peashooter and Parasol Zombie press their green buzzers, whiles Newspaper Zombie press his red buzzer.

Sunflower: A great act.

Hover-Goat 3000: Thanks. (presses a button to teleport the ramps out of the studio and then leaves)

Sunflower: The last act, due to time constraints, is Imp Porter and Blooming Heart in a duet.

  • Imp Porter and Blooming Heart walk onto the stage.

Sunflower: So, what song are you two going to sing.

Imp Porter: It's a song we made together called "Love".

Blooming Heart: Yes. We made it ourselves.

Sunflower: You are good to go.

  • Pop music starts playing.

Glitter Zombie: (notices she is emitting a rainbow) Ooo. This must be pop music. This is going to be good.

Imp Porter and Blooming Heart: LOVE!

Imp Porter: It makes the world go 'round.

Imp Porter and Blooming Heart: LOVE!

Blooming Heart: It marks the start of something real profound.

Peashooter: This is a good start.

Imp Porter and Blooming Heart: We may be different species but our love for each other's the same! This feeling's real, this ain't a video game!

Imp Porter: I love you.

Blooming Heart: And I love you.

Imp Porter and Blooming Heart: With the power of love, there's nothing we can't do together.

Toadstool: Wow. They're good.

Imp Porter and Blooming Heart: Ooo, LOVE!

  • The audience cheers wildly.

Sunflower: Amazing! (presses her green buzzer)

Peashooter: Oh. My. Pod. That was fantastic! (presses his green buzzer)

Newspaper Zombie: The best act I have seen tonight. I would have found it better if I had my newspaper. (presses his green buzzer)

Parasol Zombie: That was wonderful! (presses her green buzzer)

Sunflower: Imp Porter and Blooming Heart. You are the winners of "Suburbia'S Got Talent!"!

  • The audience cheers wildly. Imp Porter and Blooming Heart stare into each other's eyes, smiling. They then kiss.

Sunflower: Aww. It's cute, don't you think?

Peashooter: Yep.

Parasol Zombie: Young love. Isn't it beautiful?

Newspaper Zombie: Yes-I-I mean no, because I'm grumpy. (blushes)

Parasol Zombie: You're blushing.

Newspaper Zombie: Just watch the act.

Sunflower: (to camera) And there you have it folks. The winners of "Suburbia's Got Talent!" Thank you for watching and goodnight. (notices the light on the camera is still on) Wait, the camera's still on. Let me just turn it off-

  • The screen turns black.



  • Before "Horrid Lawn of Doom"
  • After "The Joke's on Your!"


  • There were originally going to be six acts, but three were removed because I felt the story would get too long. The removed three acts were:
    • Abracadaver and Magic Mushroom pulling Rabbit Zombie out of a hat, making a Gargantuar disapper and cutting their assistants, Glitter Zombie and Cactus, in half while blindfolded (they do not get hurt during the act).
    • Imitater miming Plants and Zombies (and stealing the trophy after the act)
    • The "Berry Blasts" (Bluesberry, Strawburst and Sergeant Strongberry playing chase musicwhile security (Mall Cop Zombie and Split Pea) try and find Imitater.
  • The title is a reference to the "_____'s Got Talent!" series of television talent shows.