User blog:Moon Snail/Moon Snail's Top 20 NEW least favorite plants

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It's amazing how quickly my opinions can change, no?

So, anyway, welcome back. You probably (don't) remember that I posted a blog about my favorite and least favorite plants. However, after shifting opinions, plants being buffed and me finding better uses for plants, my opinions on plants I don't like have drastically changed. While my favorites have stayed the same, aside from a few new favorites, I started to like plants I didn't, and disliked plants I do more. Same rules as before: No judging based on price (In money), World exclusiveness is not a factor, and Plant Food will do nothing to improve these plants. So anyway, here's my new list on my top 20 least favorite plants!

Number 20. Backstabbing Mongrel

Celery Stalker2.png

Just a quick warning, a large majority of the plants on this list are gonna be from Neon Mixtape Tour, as I didn't like any of them aside from Intensive Carrot and the legendary Thyme Warp. So anyway, Celery Stalker. He's not that great of a plant. Sure, he can do a ton of damage, but only to zombies behind him. The zombies in front of him only really eat his front shield. Plus, he only attacks one target, which is a huge negative in this game, since there's far more zombies. Lastly, he was introduced in the wrong world. The one with buffed Jack-in-the-box zombies and object pushing zombies, making him die very easily.

Number 19. The Munching Duo


Fun fact: I actually really liked Chomper in the first game. Since a lot of the plants there lacked the Uumph to kill stronger zombies like Footballers and Bucketheads until you get to the very end, Chomper can easily chew down huge threats that your other plants can't. So he actually had some niché use in the first game. Sure, he sucked in SE, but that's one game mode.

Buuuuuut, in the second game, he, and his sister Toadstool, are borderline useless. The sheer amount of zombies that appear can quickly overwhelm our hungry friends, who can only swallow one zombie at a time, which really doesen't cut it at all. And having enough power to kill zombies isn't nearly a problem anymore, since you can theoretically have extremely powerful plants like Strawburst and Cold Snapdragon at the very beginning of the game. Sorry, Audrey jr., but you're not really cut for this challenge.

Number 18. From Hero to Zero


While Blover went from amongst the worst to amongst the best, Poor little Torchwood went from amongst the best to amongst the worst. It took one simple, but devastating change to turn this giant incinerator to a pathetic spark. They removed his splash. If that change wasn't made, this guy would be an absolute beast, with a fantastic plant food effect, and a great combo with Pea Pod. Darn shame, since I'd have used that combo all the time.

Number 17. 50% sea, 50% weed

Tangle Kelp2.png

In the original list, I put this guy on number 5, which was just excessive. But this time, I put him on a fair spot, since he's not awful, but not good either. Once again, he suffers from One Target Syndrom. And Low Tides can destroy him fairly quickly.

This is the highest Big Wave Beach plant on the list.

Number 16. Craptus


Well, she was buffed, at least?

Despite her being buffed, she's still not a reliable option. She can only shoot through three zombies, which is not nearly enough. What makes her worse is what's supposed to be one of her strong points: Her hiding mechanic. From there, she turns from a slightly better Bloomerang to a Spikeweed when a zombie gets close. Wow, pathetic. I honestly don't get what use she has aside from her plant food effect.

Number 15. Fat Fatty Fat Fat

Phat Beet2.png

I'm trying pretty hard to think of a descriptive reason on why this plant is bad, but the reason is just simple. It's a weak Gloom-shroom introduced in a world with a much stronger Jack-in-the-Box zombie, and is pretty much worse than (Cold) Snapdragon in every way.


Number 14. Unfun in the sun

Primal Sunflower2.png

While the other primal plants do outstanding at their job for many reasons, Primal Sunflower provides a good reason for evolving. Thanks to her sun cost, it's extremely hard to get these up very quickly without support from other plants or plant food. I can only get one up before the round starts, and can barely get 2 up before getting flooded with imps. I'll take modern sunflower any day, thanks.

This is the highest Jurassic Marsh plant on the list.

Number 13. Bernie Bots Beans

Sun Bean2.png

Like Tangle Kelp, I felt that Sun Bean's placement on the old list was a bit excessive, but whatever. Sun Bean costs 50 sun, like Sunflower. When consumed, damage to the consumer also produces sun. In almost every case, the time taken to gain that sun could be easily replicated by Sunflower, which you can place multiple very quickly. It's only really useful when boosted or used in conjunction with Magnet-shroom.

This is the highest Dark Ages plant on the list.

Number 12. Aw nuts!


Weak. Endurian is better. Bleh.

Number 11. Sproingy!

Spring Bean2.png

Like Phat Beet, I have a hard time thinking of a good, lengthy description on why this plant is bad. So simply put, He's only good in Pirate Seas, and not even that good. In other worlds, he's a horifficly weak Chard Guard with One Target Syndrome that falls asleep.

This is the highest Pirate Seas plant on the list.

Number 10. Not Cattail

Homing Thistle2.png

Maybe I'm just salty that my favorite plant in the first game was replaced with this guy, but I digress. He's yet another plant with One Target Syndrome, and a terrible price tag and recharge, and overall is a horribly forgettable plant.

Number 9. Blooming Fart

Blooming Heart2.png

Like I said in my last list, this plant fails to meet my anticipations. I thought she'd get stronger as she killed zombies, but no. She's just a lousy One Target Syndrome catapult plant that just damages zombies slightly more as she attacks them. And don't even get me started on that horrendous glitch she had on initial release.

Number 8. Sour Potato

Sweet Potato2.png

Sweet Potato may be a bit better than Garlic for having better HP and not being bite activated, but still. She's too expensive, and just too situational to be of use.

 Number 7. No Gloom-shroom to work with


Why? Why was he nerfed? Not only was he not considered OP in the first game, but he is simply not of value in this game. He can only work with Phat Beet and number 2 on this list. In other words: Never used seriously.

Number 6. When you wish upon a star...


...You will only receive disappointment.

Starfruit was introduced in the first game, and had almost no use in it. So WHY did it become premium in this game!? Nobody ever used it in a serious manner outside of Seeing Stars, and this game has hordes of zombies, so why?

This is the highest premium on the list.

Number 5. Peas of crap


While Sunflower, Wall-nut and Potato Mine are pretty good Jack-of-all-trades plants that you will probably use quite a bit, this plant... well, not at all. Pretty much 90% of the offensive plants outclass him in every way. Even the previously mentioned Cactus, Pea-nut and Blooming Heart! This is basically the plant you just want to abandon ASAP.

This is the highest tutorial plant on the list.

Number 4. Buffed =/= good


For all that may change, some stay the same.

While yes, Dandelion was buffed, he's still a pretty bad plant. Even with the buffed fire rate, In the time he takes to attack all three rows, a Threepeater would've done the same thing 50% better, not that Threepeater is good anyway. And he's basically outclassed by the much cheaper Dusk Lobber in EVERY way.

This is the highest gem plant on the list.

Number 3. Mitosis has never been so useless.


While the multiplication idea may look useful at glance, it's actually completely useless. Either the spawn is close to enemy lines so he gets eaten quickly, the target is killed while eating a plant, preventing the spawn entirely, or another plant kills the target thanks to this plant's slow attack speed.

This is the highest Neon Mixtape Tour plant on the list.

Number 2. Wrong Electric Fruit?

Electric Currant2.png

Now that I actually like Electric Blueberry, I decided to put a different zappy fruit on the list. A recent one, actually.

Honestly, I expected nothing of this plant, and I'm still disappointed. This plant is downright awful. Sure, the damage is good, but the attack rate? Pathetic. His recharge is garbage for no reason at all. And this plant is situational incarnate. He's only useful in Frostbite Caves, and with Garlic. Though, Garlic is also garbage, so not even that. Heck, he's not even that great in Frostbite Caves! Why not use Cold Snapdragon or, hell, even Phat Beet? They have a better role, and can be used for other things! This plant isn't even fun to use. The lack of satisfaction that makes plants like Electric Blueberry and Rotobaga fun to use is absent in this plant, and instead replace with annoying as hell noises that will make you want to tear your ears out and burn them. I can't thing of a single good thing about this plant. His jobs are outclassed by several plants, and he's bad in every situation ever.

This is the highest Epic Quest plant on the list.

Number 1. You saw it coming.

Magnifying Grass2.png

Yep. Magnifying Grass, the plant I just can't get enough of hating. I've already stated why I hate this plant so much, so here's just a recap: This plant drains your sun like Realm of the Mad God drains your wallet, and what do you get? 25 damage on one single zombie. One. Zombie. There's so much better you could do with 50 sun. If you want more information and sun cost math, you can check my original list.

This plant is the highest Far Future plant on the list.

So yeah, there's my list. It stayed the same in some aspects, but changed drastically in others. If you enjoyed, leave a comment! Thanks for reading!