Flowers are a type of environment modifier that form a part of some levels in Plants vs. Zombies 2. The player must not let the zombies trample the flowers at all costs, as failing its associated objective will cause the player to lose the level since the 1.7 update (or not get a star from version 1.6 and below but the game allowed you to continue) if the zombies manage to. Also before the said update, when a level is successfully completed without the flowers being trampled, the player would get a star. After the 1.7 update, they are present in some levels as an additional mandatory objective in order to win the level. The levels with this objective present state the rule "Don't let the zombies trample the flowers."
Ancient Egypt
Pirate Seas
Wild West
Frostbite Caves
Lost City
Far Future
Neon Mixtape Tour
Jurassic Marsh
Modern Day
Piñata Party
On a level which the objective is not to trample the flowers, the player should plant more defensive plants and also instants, like Cherry Bomb. Plants that explode in a 3x3 area are useful because it can be a last-second approach of not letting the zombies trample the flowers. Grapeshot is a great choice in these kind of levels, as its explosion not only kills all the zombies in 3x3 area that are approaching the flowers, but also sends out projectiles to hurt and possibly kill more. Keep in mind flying zombies like Seagull Zombies don't count as trampling flower, or anything that can be blown by Blover.
Defensive plants, especially high health ones like Tall-nut are vital to beat levels like this. The player could plant Tall-nut or other defensive plant at the right of the flowers, so the zombies would be blocked from trampling them. Chard Guard is also useful in levels like this, because although its health isn't high, you can use it to knock zombies back away from the flowers. But when the Chard Guard loses all its leaves, you will have to plant another Chard Guard in its place (or you could just put an Aloe behind it). Infi-nut can also prove useful in this level, as its force field can block all the zombies on each lane from trampling the flowers. However, once the force field is gone, the Infi-nut is just like any regular defensive plant, and the zombies will be able to advance to the flowers again. If the flowers are on a tile instead of between tiles, you can plant Spikeweed, Spikerock, Cactus, Iceweed, Sundew Tangler, or Nightcap on the flowers and it will not count as crossing them so the player wont lose if the zombies step on any of these plants. Blover, albeit temporarily, can also do this. If the level is very fast-paced, use Primal Wall-nut to set up defenses quickly.
Slowing plants or stalling plants like Stallia, Iceberg Lettuce, or Winter Melon are useful in these kind of levels because the zombies will walk slower to the flowers, giving more time for the player to build up their defenses.
Avoid using plants that can bounce zombies back spaces, since it is possible for them to land on the flowers, instantly trampling them.
The Flowers at the start of the level in Pirate Seas
Game over screen that shows when the player lets a zombie walk over the flowers (from version 1.7 onwards). Note that the brain still appears, despite the fact that the zombies did not eat the player's brains (Adventure Mode, Piñata Party, and Epic Quests)
- If the player successfully completes a level with flowers, they will grow stems underneath them.
- Flying zombies cannot trample the flowers.
- Before the 7.0.1 update, if hypnotized zombies crossed the flowers, the player would fail the objective which resulted in losing the level. This is because even though they are hypnotized and therefore on the plants' side, they still count as zombies.
- After the 7.0.1 update hypnotized zombies can cross the flowers and not cause objective failure and loss of a level.
- If Zoybean Pod's Zomboids cross the flowers the player will not lose the level because they count as plants.
- When trampled, the flowers turn yellow, wither, and disappear.
- Zombies blown over the flowers with Hurrikale, pulled over by plants such as Spikeweed, Spikerock, and Fume-shroom is not counted as trampling them. This is to prevent the player from instantly failing the objective resulting in losing the level very easily.
- Zombies pushed or kicked by Primal Peashooter or raptors respectively is also not counted as trampling the flowers.
- However, zombies pushed by Spikeweed or Spikerock when they are planted before the flowers, Chomper, Coconut Cannon for all zombies that bypass the flower line (i.e. Swashbuckler Zombie) while their Plant Food effects are active and zombies that get pulled across the flowers by sand or snowstorms, this does count as trampling the flowers and cause the player to lose the level.
- If the flowers are located in the middle of a tile, the player can plant on the flowers without the flowers being hurt.
- All-Star Zombies used to be able to jump over flowers if timed properly.
- Like any other normal objectives from version 1.7 and above, when the player lets a zombie trample the flowers, a brain still appears if the player fails the objective and loses the level.
- However, the game over message will show as the objective description of the level (Don't let the zombies trample the flowers) in green text instead and does not uses the font of a standard game over message (THE ZOMBIES ATE YOUR BRAINS!).
- However, the "Don't let the zombies trample the flowers" game over screen does not show in Thymed Events levels as the "YOU LOST!" screen is instead shown. This can also happens if the player fails other level-specific objectives and losing Save Our Seeds levels in Thymed Events.
- In levels with these, when only Prospector Zombies are left in a level and it is a final wave, they will not die so that they can be allowed to trample the flowers.
- Raptors in Jurassic Marsh can trample the flowers but the player won’t fail the objective and lose the level because they don’t count as zombies.
- If the player plants a Spikerock, Spikeweed, or Cactus on top of the flowers and a zombie crosses to them, the player won’t fail the objective and lose the level, because the flowers are covered up.
- This also works with Power Mints during the effect time.
- In Penny's Pursuit, if the zombies cross the flowers the player will still continue and not lose the level like failing objectives before the 1.7 update, they just won't get the bonus for the objective.
- Unlike other means of losing, when failing the objective "Don't let the zombies trample the flowers" (along with other level-specific objectives since the 1.7 update), the game over music of a particular world will play when the failed objective description in green text appears above the screen, lowers, and plays the bouncing animation while the screen goes black and after a few seconds, the brain image, and options to return to map, Zen Garden and try the level again will then appear. Even after the game over screen for failing the objective is completed, background SFX from a level continue to be played until the player returns to map, enters the Zen Garden, and restarts the level.
- The "NOOOOO!" scream will not be heard and the music stops after the game over music of a particular world plays when losing due to failed objective, similar to losing Zombiquarium, Last Stand (mini-game and puzzle versions), Seeing Stars (iOS and Android versions), I, Zombie levels, I, Zombie Endless, and Vasebreaker Endless in the original game (however on that game, no SFX will be heard as everything will be silent after the game over music plays).
- However, if a gameplay has no SFX and the player fails an objective upon level completion, the game will be silent after the game over music plays (i.e. if failing "Produce at least X sun" objective"), similar to ways of losing in the original game that only the losing music plays when the losing dialog box shows.