User blog:Plant Protecter/Plant Protecter's Fanfictions: The Anger of the Rose

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My 13th fanfiction. Feedback is appreciated and I accept requests.


After nearly having one of her friends hurt by Briar Rose, Sunflower helps her try to control her anger. Meanwhile, Dr. Zomboss reveals a new invention...

The Anger of the Rose

  • [The story starts outside the Zomburger, where Sunflower and Bikini Zombie are sitting at a table, the latter eating pancakes while the former looks at her in surprise. Bikini Zombie finishes the pancakes and looks at Sunflower in triumph.]

Sunflower: (surprised) "Wow. You actually managed to eat 30 pancakes in 15 minutes. I didn't think you could do it."

Bikini Zombie: "See? I told you I could. And now..."

  • [She uses a fork to put Sunflower's pancakes onto her plate.]

Bikini Zombie: "I get to eat yours."

  • [As Bikini Zombie starts eating the pancakes, Sunflower looks over to another table with a worried expression on her face. Bikini Zombie (with her mouth filled with pancakes) notices this.]

Bikini Zombie: (muffled) "Sunflower, you OK?"

Sunflower: (worried) "Yes, I'm just looking at a friend."

  • [Bikini Zombie looks into the direction Sunflower is looking. Two flowers (one with red petals and a stem covered in thorns, the other covered in metal) are seen at another table talking to each other.]

Bikini Zombie: (swallows pancakes) "Which one are you looking at?"

Sunflower: (worried) "The red-petaled flower. She is Briar Rose, and I'm just worried something bad might happen."

Bikini Zombie: "To her?"

Sunflower: "No. You see, Briar Rose can be a bit... overprotective of flowers. And when a flower is hurt by a zombie, it can get pretty ugly... for the zombie."

  • [At the other table, Briar Rose is still talking to the metallic flower.]

Briar Rose: "Steel Magnolia, why are you covered in metal? It's a bit weird."

Steel Magnolia: "Let's just say, me and Metal Petal weren't always covered in metal. Anyway, want a drink?"

Briar Rose: "I'd love that."

  • [Steel Magnolia gets out of her seat and hops towards the Zomburger... only to get crushed under the foot of the Zombot 1000. It lifts its foot, revealing a crushed Steel Magnolia.]

Steel Magnolia: (weakly) "Pain..."

  • [Sunflower looks at them in worry, while Bikini Zombie is shocked.]

Bikini Zombie: (shocked) "Is she OK?! Someone should do something!" (notices Sunflower) "At least you're worrying about her."

Sunflower: "It's not Steel Magnolia I'm worried about."

  • [Back at the other table, Briar Rose stares at the Zombot 1000 in shock. Her right eye starts twiching, before getting up and hoping towards the Zombot.]

Briar Rose: (furiously) "How DARE you hurt Steel Magnolia!!"

  • [She starts shaking in anger, while the Zombot 1000 scraps Steel Magnolia off its foot, before backing away slowly.]

Zombot 1000: (robotic voice) "Feeling first emotion: regret."

  • [Briar Rose then lunges at the Zombot 1000. Sunflower and Bikini Zombie look, the latter in sheer horror. Sounds of fighting can be heard, and parts of the Zombot flies past them. Moments later, the head of the Zombot lands next to them, the lights in the eyes turning off. Briar Rose then turns and helps Steel Magnolia up from the ground.]

Briar Rose: (worried) "Are you OK? Should we go to the hospital? How many thorns am I holding up?"

  • [Sunflower then turns to Bikini Zombie, who is looking the the Zombot 1000's head.]

Sunflower: "I knew that would happen."

Bikini Zombie: (shocked) "So you're telling me, that Briar Rose will PUMMEL any zombie who hurts a flower into the ground?!"

Sunflower: "Basically. I actually feel bad for the zombies sometimes. She can be pretty rough with them."

Bikini Zombie: (nervously) "I'm just g-going to drink my c-coffee."

  • [She picks up her coffee cup, only to accidentally drop it, splashing some coffee on Sunflower, who briefly cries in pain.]

Bikini Zombie: (worried) "Oh my brains, are you OK? I am so sorry."

Sunflower: "You should run now."

Bikini Zombie: (confused) "Why?"

  • [She turns her head, only to come face-to-face with a furious Briar Rose.]

Briar Rose: (furiously) "Did. You. Just. Hurt. SUNFLOWER?!"

  • [Bikini Zombie slowly gets up from her seat and backs away slowly.]

Bikini Zombie: (nervously) "Um... Ah... You see..."

  • [She quickly runs away. Briar Rose quickly pursues her, followed by Sunflower. Bikini Zombie runs through a street and sees a line of plants and zombies in front of a cinema, her husband at the front. She quickly runs to him, much to the annoyance of the other characters in line.]

Bikini Zombie: (panicked) "Quick Fisherman Zombie, hide me! There is a crazed maniac behind me!"

???: (shocked) "Excuse me?!"

  • [Bikini Zombie looks behind her, to find an angered Fishy Imp glaring at her.]

Bikini Zombie: "No, I mean the other crazed maniac!"

  • [The camera moves, revealing Jack-in-the-Box Zombie behind Fishy Imp. He gives a crazed smile and waves.]

Fishy Imp: (angered) "Wait, OTHER crazed maniac?!"

Bikini Zombie: "No, I mean-"

  • [She spots Briar Rose and Sunflower coming towards her.]

Bikini Zombie: "I'm sorry, I have to run. See you at dinner!"

  • [She runs away, with Briar Rose and Sunflower pursuing her. Fishy Imp angrily looks at Bikini Zombie.]

Fishy Imp: (angrily) "How DARE she call me a crazed maniac?! Sure, it might be somewhat true, but still!"

  • [She starts pursuing Bikini Zombie. Fisherman Zombie then looks at Jack-in-the-Box Zombie.]

Fisherman Zombie: "Have I ever told you about the time I caught a fish-" (extends arms) "THIS big?"

  • [Jack-in-the-Box Zombie looks at Fisherman Zombie, annoyed. The scene cuts to an alley, where an out-of-breath Bikini Zombie is resting against a wall.]

Bikini Zombie: "I guess-" (pant) "It wasn't such-" (pant) "A good idea-" (pant) "To eat all those pancakes."

  • [She turns to the alleys entrance to reveal a furious Briar Rose slowly hopping towards her, while Sunflower looks in worry.]

Briar Rose: (furiously) "You are going to PAY for hurting Sunflower!!"

Bikini Zombie: (nervously) "Can't we just talk about this? Please?"

  • [Briar Rose then punches a hole clean through a dumpster, while still looking at Bikini Zombie. Trash Can Zombie emerges from a nearby trash can.]

Trash Can Zombie: (annoyed) "OK, what is all this rac-"

  • [Briar Rose stares at Trash Can Zombie, and he slowly goes back inside his trash can while having a shocked expression on his face. Briar Rose turns her attention back to Bikini Zombie.]

Bikini Zombie: (swallows nervously) "Look, I am deeply sorry for hurting Sunflower. It was a complete accident! And besides, I don't want to die again! I have a husband, two children and multiple starfish! Think of the starfish!"

  • [As Briar Rose cocks her thorn-covered "arm" back, Sunflower quickly gets between her and Bikini Zombie.]

Sunflower: "Wait! Don't hurt her! Sure, she hurt me, but it was by complete accident. PLUS, I forgive her. We are friends. You don't need to pummel her into dust!"

  • [Briar Rose lowers her "arm" and turns to Sunflower.]

Briar Rose: "Are you sure? But she hurt you!"

Sunflower: "Yes. I am completely sure. I forgive her."

  • [Briar Rose nods, before turning towards Bikini Zombie.]

Briar Rose: "This isn't over, punk."

  • [She slowly starts hopping backwards until she's at the alley's entrance, staring at Bikini Zombie all the while. She then slowly hops away from the entrance, still staring, until she is out of sight. A few moments later, she looks around the corner and once again stares at Bikini Zombie, before slowly moving out of sight. Bikini Zombie then turns to Sunflower.]

Bikini Zombie: "Thanks you SO much for that! I nearly had the life scared back into me!"

Sunflower: "I think she's going too far now. I think it's time to make her control her temper."

  • [She hops out of the alley, determined. Bikini Zombie starts to follow, before Fishy Imp suddenly lunges at her head and starts scratching her, causing her to panic and run around wildly. The scene cuts to Sunflower and Briar Rose outside a hippie-themed house. Briar Rose then looks at Sunflower, confused.]

Briar Rose: (confused) "Sunflower, why are we outside Soul Patch's house?"

Sunflower: "I personally believe that you are letting your anger get the best of you."

Briar Rose: "I don't think so."

Sunflower: "You literally punched a hole through a DUMPSTER while trying to pummel my friend into the ground. Look, I'm doing this for your own good."

Briar Rose: "I don't need to do this! I can control my anger just fine."

Sunflower: "Briar Rose, what if you hurt a flower during one of your rages?"

  • [Briar Rose realises this, and turns to Sunflower.]

Briar Rose: "I never thought of that. What if I were to hurt Mayflower or Lily of the Valley? You're right, I have to do this."

  • [She knocks on the building's door, and after a few moments, the door opens, revealing Soul Patch.]

Soul Patch: "Greetings, fellow flowers. What brings you to my humble abode on this fine Monday morning?

Sunflower: "My friend here wants to join your meditation class."

Briar Rose: "Apparently, I have anger issues, so my friend here wants me to become "non-violent" so I'm not a danger to everyone."

Soul Patch: "Ah, I understand. My meditation class will be able to help curb your temper."

  • [He moves out of the way, and motions towards the entrance of his house.]

Soul Patch: "Come, and you will become one with peace."

  • [Briar Rose enters the house, with Soul Patch following her. The door closes, and Sunflower starts hopping away.]

Sunflower: "I hope this works."


  • [Sunflower returns to Soul Patch's house, along with Bikini Zombie (with her face covered in bandages), and knocks on the door. The door opens up, revealing Soul Patch.]

Soul Patch: "Greetings, Sunflower. Welcome back." (notices Bikini Zombie) "And who is your injured friend?"

Bikini Zombie: "I'm Bikini Zombie. Don't worry about the bandages. You must be Soul Patch."

Soul Patch: "Indeed I am."

  • [Bikini Zombie shakes Soul Patch's "hand."]

Sunflower: "Is Briar Rose still here? How did the meditation class go?"

Soul Patch: "Yes, she's still here. And the meditation class was fantastic." (looks inside his house) "Ah, here she comes now."

  • [Soul Patch moves out of the way, and a relaxed Briar Rose exits. She calmly waves at Sunflower and Bikini Zombie. Soul Patch then goes into his house and closes the door.]

Sunflower: "So, Briar Rose, how do you feel?"

Briar Rose: "I feel fine, Sunflower. I can't believe how much anger I had in me. But I'm a whole new flower now. No more violence."

  • [Sunflower turns to Bikini Zombie, while Briar Rose is distracted by a butterfly landing on her "arm."]

Bikini Zombie: "How can we test that she is actually changed?"

Sunflower: "Stomp on one of my leaves."

Bikini Zombie: (confused) "What?"

Sunflower: "If we're going to test it, then a flower needs to be injured. Since I'm a flower, I will willingly allow you to hurt me. So, stomp on one of my leaves."

Bikini Zombie: "If you say so."

  • [She lightly steps on one of Sunflower's leaves. Sunflower looks at her, annoyed.]

Sunflower: (annoyed) "Come on, actually do it."

  • [Bikini Zombie stomps on the same leaf with a lot of force, causing Sunflower to yelp in pain. Bikini Zombie takes her foot off the leaf, while Briar Rose approaches them.]

Sunflower: "Oh no. Bikini Zombie hurt me. Whatever shall we do?"

  • [Briar Rose looks at the two of them, before smiling.]

Briar Rose: "There's no need to fight. We're all friends here. Group hug."

  • [She hugs Sunflower and Bikini Zombie's legs. She then lets go and follows the same butterfly as before.]

Bikini Zombie: (elated) "It worked! It WORKED! Sure, my legs hurt because of her thorns, but still, it WORKED!"

Sunflower: "And I can safely say, for sure, that nothing bad will ever happen because of this!"

  • [The scene changes to a Z-Tech factory, where an injured Dr. Zomboss (followed by Cell Phone Zombie and Paparazzi Zombie) walk into a large room with a podium covered with a cloth. The Smash (with Manager Imp), Immorticia (with Zom-Bats), Electric Boogaloo, and Brain Freeze are standing in front the podium.]

Electric Boogaloo: "Zomboss, you wanted to see us?"

Dr. Zomboss: "Yes. Me and-" (grabs a zombie with white hair wearing goggles and a white lab coat and pulls him over) "Scientist here have invented something that I'm sure you will like."

Immorticia: (eagerly) "Oh, oh. Is it the Gargantuar-Throwing-Gargantuar we all wanted?"

  • [The Beastly Heroes smile eagerly.]

Dr. Zomboss: "Uh, no."

  • [The Heroes sigh, disappointed.]

Dr. Zomboss: "There's still a few... kinks to iron out with the Gargantuar-Throwing-Gargantuar."

  • [The screen flashes white, and it shows Dr. Zomboss with a clipboard next to Cell Phone Zombie and Paparazzi Zombie.]

Dr. Zomboss: "Gargantuar-Throwing-Gargantuar: Test No. 1."

  • [Gargantuar and Nurse Gargantuar (with Doctor Imp) walk on-screen.]

Gargantuar: "So Zomboss, what do we need to do?"

Dr. Zomboss: "You-" (points to Gargantuar) "Are going to try and lift her-" (points to Nurse Gargantuar) "Over your head and try to throw her as far as you can."

  • [The two Gargantuars look at each other in surprise, while Paparazzi Zombie takes a photo.]

Nurse Gargantuar: "Are you sure this is safe?"

Dr. Zomboss: "Of course!" (whispers to Cell Phone Zombie) "I have no idea."

  • [Doctor Imp jumps off Nurse Gargantuar and joins Dr. Zomboss and the two other zombies. Gargantuar then picks up Nurse Gargantuar and lifts her over his head. Paparazzi Zombie takes a photo.]

Dr. Zomboss: "Now throw."

  • [Gargantuar throws Nurse Gargantuar into the air.]

Dr. Zomboss: "Yes! It's working!"

  • [He laughs maniacally while Cell Phone Zombie, Paparazzi Zombie (who takes a photo) and Doctor Imp look up. They then run away, while a shadow appears above Dr. Zomboss. He looks up, and slowly stops laughing until he has a worried expression on his face.]

Dr. Zomboss: "Oh no."

  • [He is then squashed by a clueless Nurse Gargantuar, while Paparazzi Zombie takes more photos.]

Nurse Gargantuar: "Dr. Zomboss? Where is he?"

  • [She stands up and turns around, revealing Dr. Zomboss stuck to her back. Paparazzi Zombie takes a photo, while Cell Phone Zombie peels Zomboss off her back. Nurse Gargantuar notices this.]

Nurse Gargantuar: "Oh there you are. Anyway, I'm going to leave now, I have a shift at the hospital in an hour. Come on, Doctor Imp."

  • [She walks away, with Doctor Imp following her. A dazed Dr. Zomboss then stands up.]

Dr. Zomboss: (dazed) "H-how many more of these tests do we need to do?"

Cell Phone Zombie: "About 12, give or take a couple."

  • [Dr. Zomboss then faints, while Paparazzi Zombie takes a photo. The screen flashes white, and the scene is changed back. Dr. Zomboss shudders.]

Dr. Zomboss: (under his breath) "Gargantuar needs to practice his aiming." (aloud) "Anyway, I'm sure you will still be happy about our new invention. Behold!"

  • [He pulls off the cloth, revealing a Maniacal Laugh. The Heroes look at it, confused.]

The Smash: "That Maniacal Laugh. We already know what that is."

Dr. Zomboss: "It may LOOK like a simple Maniacal Laugh, but I assure you, this is significantly different. Behold: the Maniacal Laugh 2.0!"

  • [Dr. Zomboss puts on a party hat and throws confetti around, while the Beastly Heroes watch, with Electric Boogaloo smiling enthusiastically while wearing his own party hat.]

Brain Freeze: "That's good and all, but does it actually work?"

Dr. Zomboss: "That's the second reason I invited you all here today; to witness its maiden voyage. Engineer!"

  • [Engineer runs into the room.]

Engineer: "Yes, Dr. Zomboss."

Dr. Zomboss: "I need you to pilot-" (motions to the Maniacal Laugh 2.0) "Our newest invention." (hands him a controller) "Make sure you DON'T smash it into Balloon Zombie like you did with your Zombot Drone."

  • [Engineer presses a button on the controller, causing the Maniacal Laugh to start flying. Paparazzi Zombie takes a photo, while Dr. Zomboss pushes a TV into the room.]

Manager Imp: "What's with the TV, Zomboss?"

Dr. Zomboss: "It's part of one of the Maniacal Laugh 2.0's new features; video footage!"

  • [He turns on the TV, and it shows them from the perspective of the Maniacal Laugh 2.0. Electric Boogaloo then waves at the camera. Engineer then flies the Maniacal Laugh 2.0 through an open window.]

Dr. Zomboss: "Now, we've tested its flying capabilities and its camera. But what we really need..." (camera zooms towards his face) "Is a test subject."

  • [He smiles evilly, before noticing the camera.]

Dr. Zomboss: "Paparazzi Zombie, get that camera out of my face."

  • [The perspective changes to reveal Paparazzi Zombie with his camera right in front of Dr. Zomboss' face.]

Paparazzi Zombie: "Sorry Zomboss."

  • [He takes a photo. When the flash disappears, it reveals the scene has changed to Nurse Gargantuar and Doctor Imp having lunch on a bench. The Maniacal Laugh flies near them.]

Doctor Imp: "I can't believe Dr. Zomboss called you to the factory just to be part of an experiment."

Nurse Gargantuar: "I know. Don't tell him this, but I think he is a real wing-nut, you know?"

Doctor Imp: (nods) "I agree."

  • [Back at the factory, the Heroes are chuckling at the footage, while Dr. Zomboss look at it, annoyed. He turns to Engineer.]

Dr. Zomboss: "Engineer, I've found our test subject."

  • [Engineer presses a button, causing the Maniacal Laugh 2.0 to emit a signal directed towards Nurse Gargantuar.]

Nurse Gargantuar: "Honestly, Dr. Zomboss can be such a-"

  • [The signal reaches Nurse Gargantuar, and her eyes become swirls, and she starts drooling.]

Doctor Imp: "Hey, you OK? You're drooling. Well, more than usual."

  • [Nurse Gargantuar stands up and holds her crutch menacingly. She then starts walking. Doctor Imp grabs Nurse Gargantuar's uniform and tries to stop her, to no avail.]

Doctor Imp: "Come on, Nurse Gargantuar, stop. We have to go to work soon."

  • [Nurse Gargantuar looks at Doctor Imp, before kicking him into the distance. He lands in a couple of bushes, next to Sunflower.]

Sunflower: "Hi, Doctor Imp."

  • [Doctor Imp runs to Sunflower and grabs her.]

Doctor Imp: "Sunflower! I need your help! You're friends with Bikini Zombie, right?"

Sunflower: "Yes, why?"

Doctor Imp: "Nurse Gargantuar is out of control! She's not listening to me, and she just kicked me here from three blocks away!"

Sunflower: "We're going to need help for this. Come on!"

  • [The two move off-screen. The scene changes to a colourful house decorated with flower patterns. Inside, the flowers (sans Sunflower and Briar Rose) are having a meeting. Poppin' Poppies is in front of a stand, wielding a gavel.]

Poppin' Poppies: "This week's meeting of the "Floral Friends" society will now come to order. Now, before we begin reading last week's minutes, does anyone have any questions?

  • [Weed raises his hand.]

Poppin' Poppies: "Yes, Weed?"

Weed: "Can we change the name of our society? It sounds stupid."

  • [Poppin' Poppies bangs the gavel in protest.]

Poppin' Poppies: "Overruled. Anything else?"

  • [Vanilla looks out a window. She raises her petal.]

Poppin' Poppies: "Yes, Vanilla?"

Vanilla: "What do we do if there is a Gargantuar heading straight towards us?"

Poppin' Poppies: "Then we would activate protocol 24-B. Why?"

  • [A wall suddenly gets destroyed, sending debris everywhere (including a brick squashing Steel Magnolia). When the dust clears, it reveals Nurse Gargantuar, who is still under the Maniacal Laugh 2.0's control.]

Poppin' Poppies: "Time to activate protocol 24-B everyone." (panicking) "RUN TO THE EXITS!!"

  • [All flowers panic and exit the building, while Nurse Gargantuar chases them. Back at the factory, the Beastly Heroes look at each the flowers in anger.]

Brain Freeze: "Ugh. Flowers can be so annoying sometimes."

The Smash: "Me know, right?"

Manager Imp: "Yeah. Some of the dangerous ones aren't weak enough to be affected by Weed Spray, crushed by Rolling Stones or defeated by Celestial Custodian."

Immorticia: "And hardly any of them are powerful enough to be registered as a threat by Rocket Science."

Electric Boogaloo: "Yeah. It is such a downer when Briar Rose avenges her fellow flowers by pummelling the buffed-up zombies I use."

Brain Freeze: "And don't get me STARTED when Citron uses Spyris to find out which zombie is in a gravestone, before unleashing Grave Buster on the zombie in the gravestone. Do you even know how energy-draining having your gravestone destroyed is?

The Smash: "But hey. At least they weak."

  • [They all nod in agreement.]

Electric Boogaloo: "Yeah. The Chickening event is a really good way to defeat many of them at once."

  • [Back with Nurse Gargantuar and the flowers, she chases them into the same alley from earlier. The flowers back up against the fence at the alley's end, while Nurse Gargantuar stands at the entrance, staring menacingly.]

Cammy: "She's just standing there. MENACINGLY!"

Pammy: (sarcastically) "Thank you, Sherleek. I didn't see her."

Sammy: "Now girls, let's not argue."

  • [Sunflower, Bikini Zombie, and Doctor Imp arrive and look at Nurse Gargantuar. They then notice the cornered flowers in the alley. They notice them, and call for their assistance.]

Morning Glory: (yelling) "Sunflower! Quick! Get Briar Rose! She can handle this!"

Reincarnation: "Yeah! She can pummel this zombie into the soil!"

Soul Patch: "Not anymore."

  • [The flowers look at him in confusion.]

Snapdragon: (confusion) "What, why?"

Soul Patch: "Because she went to my meditation class and is now non-violent. Apparently, it was Sunflower who encouraged her because she was 'a danger to everyone.' So, Briar Rose can't help us."

  • [All the cornered flowers (sans Soul Patch) look angrily at Sunflower.]

Red Stinger: (angrily) "Why would you do that?!"

Dandy Lion King: (angrily) "Yeah! She may have been a bit over the top at times, but she still protected us, and we liked that!"

Heartichoke: (bursts into tears) "How could you do that?!"

  • [She begins wailing, while Blooming Heart comforts her. Sunflower then realises the horrible mistake she has made.]

Sunflower: "Oh dirt."

  • [Across the road, Briar Rose is meditating with Power Flower.]

Briar Rose: "You know, I thought you were just a glasses-wearing hippie, but you're actually a good plant."

Power Flower: "Thanks! I think?"

Briar Rose: "By the way, why do you wear that bandana? I'd love to wear one."

  • [Power Flower then becomes stone-faced, as Briar Rose looks at her in worry.]

Power Flower: "Leave."

Briar Rose: "Why?"

Power Flower: (enraged) "I SAID LEAVE!!!"

  • [Briar Rose quickly leaves, hops across the road and runs into Bikini Zombie. The plants in the alley notice this, and cheer (accept for Soul Patch). The Maniacal Laugh 2.0 turns towards Briar Rose. At the factory, the Beastly Heroes angrily look at Briar Rose.]

Immorticia: "Oh great. Here comes Briar Rose."

Electric Boogaloo: "What. A. Downer."

  • [In the alley, the cornered flowers try to encourage Briar Rose to defeat Nurse Gargantuar.]

Cosmic Flower: "Come on, Brair Rose! Save us!"

Snowdrop: "Do it! DO IT!"

Galacta-Cactus: "Do it and don't take pity on her. I don't!"

Briar Rose: "Guys, that was the OLD me, the one to viciously pummel a zombie when they hurt you. But now, the new me will solve this with peace."

  • [She goes and hugs Nurse Gargantuar's legs, while the cornered flowers (sans Soul Patch) look in disbelief.]

Soul Patch: "See? She has changed."

  • [The cornered flowers (sans Soul Patch) start panicking. At the factory, the Beastly Heroes are celebrating, due to Briar Rose's change of heart. In the alley, the cornered flowers are backed up against the wall, staring as Nurse Gargantuar walks closer.]

Lily of the Valley: (nervously, top head) "M-Maybe a Hero can save us. How about Rose?"

Power Flower: "She's turned herself into a goat again."

  • [The scene changes to briefly show a Goatified Rose eating a rug in her castle. The scene changes back.]

Lily of the Valley: (nervously, middle head) "Solar Flare?"

Sonic Bloom: "She's at a gaming competition against some nerd called Arcade Zombie."

  • [The scene changes to briefly show Solar Flare playing an arcade machine next to Arcade Zombie, who is doing the same. A crowd is watching them. The scene changes back.]

Lily of the Valley: (nervously, bottom head) "Wall-Knight?"

Cactus: "He won a year's supply of crayons, and he took the entire WEEK off to play with them."

  • [The scene changes to briefly show Wall-Knight next to a huge pile of crayons and a huge pile of paper. He takes a blue crayon from the crayon pile and looks at it in amazement.]

Wall-Knight: "Don't tell the others, but you're my favourite."

  • [He then snuggles with the crayon. The scene changes back.]

Lily of the Valley: (nervously, all heads) "Chompzilla?"

Bellflower: "She's got half-a-dozen cavities, she's at the dentist."

  • [The scene changes to briefly show Chompzilla leaning back on a chair, while Bonk Choy looks inside her mouth.]

Bonk Choy: "Looks like some of these teeth have to come out. Luckily, I have-" (lifts his left "arm") "Lefty and-" (lifts his right "arm") "Righty to help."

  • [He punches a tooth, causing Chompzilla to telepathically lift him and throw him out the window, much to his annoyance. The scene changes back. A dented Steel Magnolia hops in front of the plants.]

Steel Magnolia: "I'll save us!"

  • [She is immediately squashed by Nurse Gargantuar's crutch, causing the cornered flowers to gasp, and Briar Rose to let go of Nurse Gargantuar and stare at Steel Magnolia.]

Bikini Zombie: "Come on, Briar Rose! You could have protected her if you were your old self. And you can protected the others in you defeat Nurse Gargantuar."

  • [Briar Rose looks at Steel Magnolia again, before looking at Nurse Gargantuar approaching the flowers. When she is just in front of one of the Lil' Buddies, she raises her crutch. The Lil' Buddy is protected by Poppin' Poppies, who is now the target.]

Metal Petal: "Oh no..."

  • [Briar Rose's "face" then starts turning red, while she shakes in anger.]

Bloomerang: "Look at Briar Rose!"

  • [The flowers turn to notice a furious Briar Rose give a death glare to Nurse Gargantuar, who turns around.]

Briar Rose: (furiously) "I don't CARE if protecting the ones I love makes me a danger to everyone, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SQUASH THEM!!"

  • [She lunges at Nurse Gargantuar. In the factory, the Beastly Heroes stop their partying and watch in shock as Briar Rose lunge at Nurse Gargantuar. In the alley, sounds of fighting are heard. Everyone present looks in shock. Doctor Imp covers his eyes, while Poppin' Poppies covers the Lil' Buddies' eyes.]

Twin Sunflower: (shocked, left head) "Oh my..." (nervously, right head) "Pod..."

  • [During the fight, Briar Rose picks up Nurse Gargantuar's crutch and hurls it at the Maniacal Laugh 2.0, causing it to explode. In the factory, the Beastly Heroes (along with Dr. Zomboss, Cell Phone Zombie and Paparazzi Zombie) stare at the blank screen in disbelief.]

Electric Boogaloo: "Dang. She beat it. Just beat it."

  • [The Beastly Heroes leave, disappointed. Dr. Zomboss' right eye starts twiching.]

Cell Phone Zombie: "Shall we begin test No. 2 of the Gargantuar-Throwing-Gargantuar? I've got Deep Sea Gargantuar on standby."

  • [Dr. Zomboss bursts into tears, while Cell Phone Zombie comforts him. In the alley, Briar Rose stands triumphantly on top of Nurse Gargantuar.]

Briar Rose: "Guess who's the protector of flowers again?"

  • [The flowers look at each other for a moment, before cheering and celebrating. They move to Briar Rose, lift her up, and carry her out of the alley. Nurse Gargantuar's head lane next to Doctor Imp.]

Nurse Gargantuar: "Hey buddy. I could use a hand getting my head back onto my body."

  • [They go into the alley, before they exit the alley, Nurse Gargantuar now having her body and crutch back. Bikini Zombie turns to Sunflower.]

Bikini Zombie: "You sure had a lucky break there. I guess there is a lesson here somewhere."

Sunflower: "Oh, there is."

  • [The scene darkens, and a spotlight is focused on Sunflower, while Bikini Zombie looks around, confused.]

Sunflower: "If I'm right, then a person shouldn't be forced to change. If they want to change, then they must choose to. They must be the ones to create their own paths. Otherwise, a large group of your friends could be threatened by a large mind-controlled monster. And that, is mostly not good."

  • [The spotlight turns off, while Bikini Zombie looks at Sunflower, confused.]

Sunflower: "Thanks for coming everyone!"

  • [She extends a leaf to the edge of the screen, and she moves back, causing a door to close, blocking the screen.]




  • Only the flower teammates featured in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes are part of the "Floral Friends" society.
  • Running Gags:
    • Steel Magnolia getting squashed.
    • Briar Rose pummelling a zombie.

Cultural references

  • The title is a reference to the thirty-fifth Plants vs. Zombies Heroes mission: The Power of the Rose.
  • Cammy's line is a reference to one of Patrick Star's lines from the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "Hall Monitor."
  • The "Sherleek" mentioned by Pammy is a reference to Sherlock Holmes.
  • Electric Boogaloo's last line of dialogue is a reference to Michael Jackson's Beat It.
  • Sunflower's final thoughts and the door closing at the end are a reference to a running gag from Grojband.

Changed content

  • The Zombot 1000 was originally going to be Gargantuar (with Imp).
  • The scenes with Dr. Zomboss, the Beastly Heroes, and the other zombies in those scenes, along with Trash Can Zombie and Power Flower (Adventures), weren't originally in the story.
  • Parasol Zombie would of been featured in the story, with Zombie Commander being mentioned.