Weekly Event

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Carnie Dave introducing Weekly Event

Weekly Event is a game mechanic introduced on version 1.10.14 of Plants vs. Zombies Heroes. It allows the player to obtain event-exclusive cards with a currency called tickets. Each week, 1 of the 52 Weekly Event cards will be available to be acquired; the cycle is currently repeating itself for the second year.


Tickets are a special currency that are used to obtain that week's event card. Starting 2/28/17, every 1200 tickets awards a player an event card, up to 4 event cards per week. Winning a single player mission battle awards a player 10 tickets, winning a multiplayer match awards 15 tickets; boosts multiply your ticket earnings by 5x or 10x.

Tickets DO NOT carry-over week to week, your ticket count resets at the start of each weekly event.

From update 1.14.13 and on, tickets can also be acquired from Daily Challenges. Winning a Daily Challenge grants 100 tickets each. Winning 3 Daily Challenges within an event week awards 200 tickets, winning 5 Daily Challenges awards an additional 300 tickets.


Boost allows a player to multiply their ticket winnings by playing a hero with a specific class; a boost is either 5x or 10x. Each Weekly Event has four boost classes: two plant classes and two zombie classes. Winning a match as a hero that has one matching class will multiply the tickets the player receives by five (5x). Winning as a hero with two matching classes, on the other hand, will multiply the tickets by ten (10x).

For example, suppose the boost classes of the week for the zombies are Brainy and Sneaky. If the player wins a match as Rustbolt or any other Brainy hero (or any Sneaky hero), they will get five times the tickets. However, winning as Super Brainz or Huge-Gigantacus, who leads both Brainy and Sneaky, will grant the player ten times the tickets.

After using a boost, the player will need to wait for four hours before the boost refills to use it again, or they can pay 20 gems to refill it instantly (a bad value).

The boost may target classes led by the hero the player does not have, for example Mega-Grow and Solar when they do not own Chompzilla yet. In this case, a Hero Pack will be available at the For You section in the store until the event ends, which contains the Hero with two said classes alongside five premium cards.

Boosts do not increase Daily Challenge winnings, otherwise a player would earn too many tickets.


Weekly Event cards cost 1,000 energy to craft, equivalent to Super-Rares value-wise. While grinding tickets for new Event cards is a good value for the effort, recycling Event cards for 250 energy is a slow grind. For this reason, the prudent advice is to refrain from crafting Event cards unless necessary, the energy can be better spent elsewhere.

Special Event cards cost 2,000 energy to craft, these cards cannot be acquired with tickets, only with energy or real money. The best value for Special Event cards are purchasing them with cash, although it can be argued that most Special Event cards aren't worth spending money on. Buying the play-set bundle provides a 500 Gem bonus, which is basically a 20% rebate.

List of Weekly Event cards

The table below shows every Event card that could be obtained.

Name Pic Availability Event Effect
Regifting Zombie Regifting ZombieH.png 12/14/16 - 12/21/16 & 12/26/17 - 1/2/18 Feastivus When played: Each player draws two cards.
Pear Cub Pear CubH.png 12/21/16 - 12/27/16 & 12/5/17 - 12/12/17 Peary Feastivus Amphibious
When destroyed: Make a 5StrengthPvZH.png/4HeartPvZH.png Grizzly Pear with Amphibious here.
Overstuffed Zombie Overstuffed ZombieH.png 12/27/16 - 1/3/17 & 11/28/17 - 12/5/17 Feastivus Finale This heals to full and gets +2HeartPvZH.png when this destroys a Plant.
Toadstool ToadstoolH.png 1/3/17 - 1/10/17, 1/2/18 - 1/9/18 & 12/31/19 - 1/6/20 New Year When played: Destroy a Zombie here with 4StrengthPvZH.png or less.
Start of Turn: You get +1SunPvZH.png this turn.
Gargologist GargologistH.png 1/10/17 - 1/17/17, 1/9/18 - 1/16/18 & 1/7/20 - 1/13/20 Gargantuar Week Gargantuars cost 2BrainPvZH.png less.
Energy Drink Zombie Energy Drink ZombieH.png 1/17/17 - 1/24/17, 1/16/18 - 1/23/18 & 1/14/20 - 1/20/20 Weekly Event PvZH Frenzy Icon.pngFrenzy
Start of Tricks: This gets +1StrengthPvZH.png/+1HeartPvZH.png and moves to a random lane.
Fire Rooster Fire RoosterH.png 1/24/17 - 1/31/17 & 1/23/18 - 1/30/18 Lunar New Year When a Plant is played here: This moves to a random lane.
When this enters a lane: Do 1 damage to all Plants here.
Defensive End Defensive EndH.png 1/31/17 - 2/7/17 & 1/30/18 - 2/6/18 Backyard Brainbowl Armored 1
Plant Tricks cost 2SunPvZH.png more.
Blooming Heart Blooming HeartH.png 2/7/17 - 2/14/17 & 2/6/18 - 2/13/18 I Heart Valenbrainz When this does damage, this gets +1StrengthPvZH.png.
Stupid Cupid Stupid CupidH.png 2/14/17 - 2/21/17 & 2/13/18 - 2/20/18 Cupid's Valenbrainz When played: Do 1 damage to a Plant. That Plant has 0StrengthPvZH.png this turn.
Sportacus SportacusH.png 2/21/17 - 2/28/17 & 2/20/18 - 2/27/18 Weekly Event When a Zombie Trick is played, do 2 damage to the Zombie Hero.
Bonus Track Buckethead Bonus Track BucketheadH.png 2/28/17 - 3/7/17 & 2/27/18 - 3/6/18 PvZ Favorites Week Armored 1
Plants can't do Bonus Attacks.
Electric Blueberry Electric BlueberryH.png 3/7/17 - 3/14/17 & 3/6/18 - 3/13/18 Weekly Event After combat here: Do 6 damage to a random Zombie or the Zombie Hero.
Plucky Clover Plucky CloverH.png 3/14/17 - 3/21/17 & 3/13/18 - 3/20/18 Luck o' the Zombie When played: Conjure an Event card. Plucky Clover gets +StrengthPvZH.png equal to that card's cost.
Shamrocket ShamrocketH.png 3/21/17 - 3/28/17 & 3/20/18 - 3/27/18 Zombie's Luck Destroy a Zombie that has 4StrengthPvZH.png or more.
3/28/17 - 4/4/17 & 3/27/18 - 4/3/18 Weekly Event Amphibious
You can tap Gravestones to see which Zombies are hiding in them.
Lily of the Valley Lily of the ValleyH.png 4/4/17 - 4/11/17 & 4/3/18 - 4/10/18 Springening Week 1 When you play another Plant on the Heights, that Plant gets +2StrengthPvZH.png/+2HeartPvZH.png.
Snake Grass
Snake GrassH.png
4/11/17 - 4/18/17 & 4/10/18 - 4/17/18 Springening Week 2 Amphibious
Start of Turn: Make another Snake Grass in the lane to the right.
Zombie High Diver Zombie High DiverH.png 4/18/17 - 4/25/17 & 4/17/18 - 4/24/18 Weekly Event Gravestone
When revealed on Heights: This moves to the water and gets +1StrengthPvZH.png/+1HeartPvZH.png.
Health-Nut Health-NutH.png 4/25/17 - 5/2/17 & 4/24/18 - 5/1/18 Weekly Event This attacks using its HeartPvZH.png instead of its StrengthPvZH.png.
Banana Split Banana SplitH.png 5/2/17 - 5/9/17 & 5/1/18 - 5/8/18 Birthdayz Week 1 When destroyed: Make 2StrengthPvZH.png/2HeartPvZH.png Half-Bananas next door.
Garlic GarlicH.png 5/9/17 - 5/16/17 & 5/8/18 - 5/15/18 Birthdayz Week 2 Team-Up
When a Zombie hurts this, move that Zombie to the left. If it's a Vimpire, destroy it.
Secret Agent Secret AgentH.png 5/16/17 - 5/23/17 & 5/15/18 - 5/22/18 Weekly Event Bounce a Zombie, and it gets +3StrengthPvZH.png/+3HeartPvZH.png.
Imposter ImposterH.png 5/23/17 - 5/30/17 & 5/22/18 - 5/29/18 Mustache Week When destroyed: Add a random 1BrainPvZH.png-cost Imp to your hand. It gains a Mustache.
Sun-Shroom Sun-ShroomH.png 5/30/17 - 6/6/17 & 5/29/18 - 6/5/18 Super Sun Week Team-Up
Start of Turn: You get +1SunPvZH.png this turn and this transforms into a Sunnier-Shroom.
High-Voltage Currant High-Voltage CurrantH.png 6/6/17 - 6/13/17 & 6/5/18 - 6/12/18 Crackling Currant Week This gets +1StrengthPvZH.png when another Berry does damage.
When played: Conjure a Berry.
Going Viral Going ViralH.png 6/13/17 - 6/20/17 & 6/12/18 - 6/19/18 Going Viral Week All Zombies get +1StrengthPvZH.png/+1HeartPvZH.png and PvZH Frenzy Icon.pngFrenzy. Shuffle three Going Virals into your deck. Draw a card.
Sonic Bloom Sonic BloomH.png 6/20/17 - 6/27/17 & 6/19/18 - 6/26/18 Super Sonic Week When played: Do 1 damage to the Zombie Hero for each Plant.
Synchronized Swimmer Synchronized SwimmerH.png 6/27/17 - 7/4/17 & 6/26/18 - 7/3/18 Summer Nights Week 1 Amphibious
When played: This copies the StrengthPvZH.png and HeartPvZH.png of another Zombie.
Corn Dog Corn DogH.png 7/4/17 - 7/11/17 & 7/3/18 - 7/10/18 Summer Nights Week 2 Amphibious
Trapper Zombie Trapper ZombieH.png 7/11/17 - 7/18/17 & 7/10/18 - 7/17/18 Trapped Week Gravestone
When revealed: Make a Trapper Territory.
Sap-Fling Sap-FlingH.png 7/18/17 - 7/25/17 & 7/17/18 - 7/24/18 Gettin' Sappy Week When played: Make a Sappy Place Environment.
Clique Peas Clique PeasH.png 7/25/17 - 8/1/17 & 7/24/18 - 7/31/18 Peas Out Week When played: Shuffle two Clique Peas into your deck. For the rest of the game, all Clique Peas get +1StrengthPvZH.png/+1HeartPvZH.png and cost 1SunPvZH.png more.
Bad Moon Rising Bad Moon RisingH.png 8/1/17 - 8/8/17 & 7/31/18 - 8/7/18 Lunar Lunacy Week Transform all zombies into random zombies that cost 5BrainPvZH.png or more.
Forget-Me-Nuts Forget-Me-NutsH.png 8/8/17 - 8/15/17 & 8/7/18 - 8/14/18 Forgotten Week Zombie tricks cost 1BrainPvZH.png more.
Hover-Goat 3000 Hover-Goat 3000H.png 8/15/17 - 8/22/17 & 8/14/18 - 8/21/18 Garden Warfare Week Amphibious
When played: Another Zombie gets +2HeartPvZH.png/+2StrengthPvZH.png.
When hurt: Bounce this Goat.
Atomic Bombegranate Atomic BombegranateH.png 8/22/17 - 8/29/17 & 8/21/18 - 8/28/18 Split the Atom Week When destroyed: Make Seedlings next door.
Imp-Throwing Imp Imp-Throwing ImpH.png 8/29/17 - 9/5/17 & 8/28/18 - 9/4/18 Summer Vacation Week When hurt: Make a random Imp that costs 2 BrainPvZH.png or less in a random lane.
Thinking Cap Thinking CapH.png 9/5/17 - 9/12/17 & 9/4/18 - 9/11/18 Brainy Headwear Week Conjure two superpowers.
Go-Nuts Go-NutsH.png 9/12/17 - 9/19/17 & 9/11/18 - 9/18/18 Totally Nuts Week When you play a Team-Up Plant, all Team-Up Plants get
Captain Flameface
Captain FlamefaceH.png
9/19/17 - 9/26/17 & 9/18/18 - 9/25/18 Talk Like A Pirate Week All Pirates have PvZH Strikethrough Icon.pngStrikethrough.
Ketchup Mechanic
Ketchup MechanicH.png
9/26/17 - 10/3/17 & 9/25/18 - 10/2/18 Ketchup to Friends Week When played: For each zombie in play, this gets +1StrengthPvZH.png/+1HeartPvZH.png and heals the plant hero for 1.
Fraidy Cat
Fraidy CatH.png
10/3/17 - 10/10/17 & 10/2/18 - 10/9/18 Don't Be Afraidy Week When a Plant Trick is played, this gets +1StrengthPvZH.png/+1HeartPvZH.png and moves to a random lane.
Haunted Pumpking
Haunted PumpkingH.png
10/10/17 - 10/17/17 & 10/9/18 - 10/16/18 Haunted Gourd Week When played: The Zombie player Conjures a Monster.
10/17/17 - 10/24/17 & 10/16/18 - 10/23/18 Lawn of Doom: Witch Week When you play your first trick each turn, Conjure a treat.
Jack O' Lantern
Jack O' LanternH.png
10/24/17 - 10/31/17 & 10/23/18 - 10/30/18 Lawn of Doom: Gourd Week PvZH Strikethrough Icon.pngStrikethrough
When this hurts the Zombie Hero, this gets +1StrengthPvZH.png
Frankentuar FrankentuarH.png 10/31/17 - 11/7/17 & 10/30/18 - 11/6/18 Lawn of Doom: Scary Week This gets +1StrengthPvZH.png/+1HeartPvZH.png when a zombie is destroyed.
Sneezing Zombie Sneezing ZombieH.png 11/7/17 - 11/14/17 & 11/6/18 - 11/13/18 Allergies Week Plants and the Plant Hero can't be healed.
When played: All Plants get -1StrengthPvZH.png/-1HeartPvZH.png.
11/14/17 - 11/21/17 & 11/13/18 - 11/20/18 Food Fight: Figgy Week Amphibious
When this hurts the Zombie Hero, Conjure a Corn, Squash or Bean.
Turkey Rider
Turkey RiderH.png
11/21/17 - 11/28/17 & 11/20/18 - 11/27/18 Food Fight: Gravy Week When destroyed: Gain a Leftovers
Overstuffed Zombie Overstuffed ZombieH.png 11/28/17 - 12/5/17 Food Fight: Dessert Week This heals to full and gets +2HeartPvZH.png when this destroys a Plant.
Pear Cub Pear CubH.png 12/5/17 - 12/12/17 Pear Necessities Week Amphibious
When destroyed: Make a 5StrengthPvZH.png/4HeartPvZH.png Grizzly Pear with Amphibious here.
Unexpected Gifts Unexpected GiftsH.png 12/12/17 - 12/19/17 Feastivus: Present Week Conjure Three Event cards.
Then the Plant Player Conjures an Event card.
Jolly Holly Jolly HollyH.png 12/19/17 - 12/26/17 Feastivus: Jolly Week Amphibious
When Played: PvZH Frozen Icon.pngFreeze Zombies next door.

Early Access cards

Some Event cards are made available through packs on the store before they are published as Weekly Event cards. Each week, a time travel pack is updated in the store, which hints to the card that will be available two weeks after the current Weekly Event. Sometimes though, and mostly on holidays, a few Event cards are published in special bundles, and they are not published as regular Weekly Event cards for at least a year.

Below is a list of all Event cards that are currently in Early Access and were only available with real currency purchases in the past or can be crafted using sparks. Some of these might not even have their own Weekly Events in the near future, thus only obtainable through tribal packs or crafting.

Name Pic Event Tribe Effect
Jack O' Lantern Jack O' LanternH.png Lawn of Doom 2016 Squash Plant PvZH Strikethrough Icon.pngStrikethrough
This gets +1StrengthPvZH.png when it hurts the zombie hero.
Trick-or-Treater Trick-or-TreaterH.png Lawn of Doom 2016 Gourmet Party Zombie When you play your first Trick each turn, Conjure a Treat.
Mayflower MayflowerH.png Thanksgiving 2016 Flower Plant Amphibious
When this hurts the Zombie Hero, Conjure a Corn, Squash or Bean.
Turkey Rider Turkey RiderH.png Thanksgiving 2016 Imp Pet Zombie When destroyed: Gain a leftovers.
Red Stinger Red StingerH.png Games for Red charity (iOS Exclusive) Flower Plant Team-Up
When played behind a Plant: This becomes 6StrengthPvZH.png/ 2HeartPvZH.png.
Jolly Holly Jolly HollyH.png Feastivus 2016 Leafy Berry Plant Amphibious
When played: PvZH Frozen Icon.pngFreeze Zombies next door.
Hot Date Hot DateH.png Valenbrainz 2017 Fruit Plant When played: Move a Zombie to this lane.
When destroyed: Do 3 damage to a Zombie here.
Leprechaun Imp Leprechaun ImpH.png Luck O' the Zombie 2017 Imp Zombie When played: Shuffle two Pots of Gold into your deck.
Hippity Hop Gargantuar Hippity Hop GargantuarH.png Springening 2017 Pet Gargantuar Zombie When hurt: Make a Mystery Egg in a random lane.
Gargantuar-Throwing Imp Gargantuar-Throwing ImpH.png Birthdayz 2017 Imp Zombie When hurt: Make a Smashing Gargantuar in a random lane.
King of the Grill King of the GrillH.png Summer Nights 2017 Gourmet Gargantuar Zombie PvZH Frenzy Icon.pngFrenzy
When a Gargantuar destroys a Plant, Conjure a Gourmet card.
Kitchen Sink Zombie Kitchen Sink ZombieH.png Kitchen Sink Professional Mustache Zombie PvZH Truestrike Icon.pngBullseye
PvZH Frenzy Icon.pngFrenzy
PvZH Armored Icon.pngArmored 1
Weird unused PvZH icon.pngOvershoot 2
PvZH Anti-Hero Icon.pngAnti-Hero 3
Zombology Teacher Zombology TeacherH.png Back to School 2017 Professional Science Zombie Zombie Tricks cost 1BrainPvZH.png less.
Witch Hazel Witch HazelH.png Lawn of Doom 2017 Flower Plant End of Turn: Destroy a Zombie, and make a 1StrengthPvZH.png/1HeartPvZH.png Puff-Shroom with Team-Up there.
Transfiguration TransfigurationH.png Food Fight 2017 Leafy Fruit Plant Whenever a Plant becomes hurt, transform it into a random Plant.
Exploding Fruitcake Exploding FruitcakeH.png Feastivus 2017 Gourmet Party Trick Do 7 damage to a Plant. The Plant player Conjures a Fruit.


The best way to get with tickets is to grind Multiplayer games with the 10x boost. The ticket boost fills up naturally once every four hours. A player can acquire a playset of Weekly Event cards (4800 tickets) if they complete all Daily Challenges within a week (1200 tickets) and win 24 multiplayers games with 10x boost (3600 tickets). If possible, do not waste a boost on a 5x multiplier or on single player games.

With the doctor recommended 8 hours of sleep, a player can reasonably expect to win four multiplayers games with the 10x boost within a day. Theoretically a player can complete 5 multiplayer matches within a ~16-hour window but that an extreme expectation.

When grinding multiplayer games, the key is to complete games as fast as possible; the ticket boost doesn’t reset it’s 4-hour clock until after you win a game with an active boost. Play decks designed to win a game as soon as possible e.g. aggro instead of control decks. It's suggested instant conceding against high level opponents or when a control deck stabilizes, move on before you waste 15 minutes playing a game you’ll end up losing anyways.

If a player doesn't have all the heroes unlocked, a player should consider saving at least 750 gems before the start of the weekly event so they can buy one of the heroes with the 10x boost if they do not own it yet. Players can buy a copy of the current event card for up to 500 gems but value-wise this method is not recommended. Alternatively, 20 gems can be spent to instantly fill the boost meter if the player needs more boosts in a short time. If this is used, it is strongly recommended to be performed right after another boost was used, since otherwise the time spent on the natural filling of the boost will be wasted.

Alternatively the player might adjust the internal clock of their device to instantly refill their ticket boost in order to skip the 4 hours of waiting time. However, this trick is highly discouraged since it can corrupt the user's save data if connected to EA or Facebook, so players should perform this at their own risk. They should also avoid using this method to complete Daily Challenges as it will glitch their game, making the challenges "Unavailable" when the time is reverted and thus be unable to gain the tickets from the Daily Challenge.



  • Starting from Luck o' the Zombie Event, all Event Cards require 1200 tickets to get one copy.
  • So far, Guardian and Smarty are the classes with the most Event Cards, with 8 each.
  • Mega-Grow and Solar are the classes with the least Event Cards, with only 4 for Mega-Grow and 5 for Solar.
  • From update ??? to update ???, the titles for the Weekly Events from the second appearance of Defensive End to ??? were glitched to loop the ones used previously, as they were used as placeholders.
  • From December 29, 2021 to January 31, 2022, Weekly Events did not rotate due to an oversight. As of January 31, 2022, the second Weekly Events rotations are extended to last up until December 22, 2026.
V · T · E
Major Recurring Valenbrainz · Luck O' the Zombie · The Springening · Birthdayz · Summer Nights · Lawn of Doom · Fall Food Fight · Feastivus
Minor Recurring Other events (PvZ2) · Other events (PvZ: BfN)
Thymed Events Food Fight (Bonanza!, Bonanza! (2023), Bonanza! (2024)) · Feastivus (2022, 2023, 2024) · Backyard Big Top (Act II, Extravaganza) · Lunar Zoo Year (2023, 2024) · Luck O' the Zombies (2023, 2024) · The Springening (2023, 2024) · Birthdayz (Happy, Celebrations!) · Summer Nights (2023, 2024) · Lawnbowl I (II, III) · Tomb Tangled! · Harvest Festival (2023, 2024) · Lawn of Doom (2023, 2024) · Mega Gatling Pea's Winter Adventure · The Zombosseum (II, III) · Big Beach Brawl (2024) · ZCorp Takeover · Tombastic Adventures
Other Endless Challenge · Festivals · Weekly Event · Passion Field · Ice Hockey Battle · Milestone Events