From Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
A plague has swept this era.
This article is about content that is no longer available. As such, it is archived.
Passion Field (激情绿茵: Jīqíng Lǜyīn) is a mini-game event in the Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2 with the first one being held from June 1, 2018 to July 16. The 2019 season ran for June 30 to July 16. The lawn is the Modern Day lawn having white lines on it like a football field.
The player must get goals using the football while fighting against zombies. The plant's score is represented in red while the zombies' score is represented by the blue part of the score board.
Plant teams
There are eight teams of plants available. The top row of teams could be used anytime, but the lower row must be unlocked by winning with the four free teams or by spending 50 diamonds.
Free Teams
Unlockable Teams
Free Teams
Unlockable Teams
Zombie Teams
- Team Kongfu World Zombies: Kongfu Zombie, Conehead Kongfu Zombie, Buckethead Kongfu Zombie.
- Team Ancient Egypt Zombies: Mummy Zombie, Conehead Mummy, Buckethead Mummy, Explorer Zombie.
- Team Pirate Seas Zombies: Pirate Zombie, Conehead Pirate, Swashbuckler Zombie and Seagull Zombie.
- Team Wild West Zombies: Cowboy Zombie, Conehead Cowboy, Buckethead Cowboy, Poncho Zombie, Pianist Zombie.
- Team Far Future Zombies: Future Zombie, Future Conehead Zombie, Future Buckethead Zombie and Jetpack Zombie.
- Team Dark Ages Zombies: Peasant Zombie, Conehead Peasant, Buckethead Peasant, Wizard Zombie and Archmage Zombie.
- Team Frostbite Caves Zombies: Cave Zombie, Cave Conehead Zombie, Cave Buckethead Zombie, Yeti Imp (only in frozen blocks) and Troglobite.
- Team Neon Mixtape Tour Zombies: Neon Zombie, Neon Conehead, Punk Zombie and MC Zom-B.
- Team Wild West Zombies: Cowboy Zombie, Conehead Cowboy, Buckethead Cowboy, Poncho Zombie, Pianist Zombie, Chicken Wrangler Zombie, and Zombie Chicken (only from Chicken Wrangler Zombie).
- Team Far Future Zombies: Future Zombie, Future Conehead Zombie, Future Buckethead Zombie, Jetpack Zombie and Shield Zombie.
- Team Modern Day Zombies: Basic Zombie, Conehead Zombie, Buckethead Zombie, Newspaper Zombie, All-Star Zombie, Super-Fan Imp, Riot Police Zombie and Solar Car Zombie.
The player uses three specific plants from a team in a Last Stand format, in which they can only plant on the blue Power Tiles. (although they don't activate their ability here)
When done, the player must kill zombies that have a football icon on their heads of they will pass it to others. If they kill that zombie, they will get a football as Plant Food. They must use it on a plant (while the game hints what plant should have a football icon on their head, the player can choose anyone) to give it Plant Food. After the Plant Food effect is done, the plant will release a football in its lane. The football will deal 200 damage to any zombies it hits. If it goes out of the lawn without being blocked by a zombie of sufficient toughness, the player gets a goal.
Zombies can not kill the player in this mini-game. However, if a zombie with a football reaches the player's house, the zombies get a goal.
Team Full Throttle V.S Team Musk-dish Day 2 FIFA World Cup Event PvZ2 Chinese version
Gameplay of Day 2 of the event
Description of the mini-game
Plants vs. Zombies 2 (China) - SOCCER Game - Pretty Little Plum, Cattail, Gatling Pea (Ep.75)
Plants vs. Zombies 2 (China) - SOCCER Game - Blocked Teams Tulip Trumpeter, DJ Morning Glory (Ep.76)
- Imp Monk and Gargantuar Pirate appear in the hub artwork but never in the minigame.
- For some reason, it appears again despite the fact that it is based on the FIFA World Cup 2018 Russia.
- It may probably because it is one of the monthly events in the Chinese version.
Major Recurring
Valenbrainz · Luck O' the Zombie · The Springening · Birthdayz · Summer Nights · Lawn of Doom · Fall Food Fight · Feastivus
Minor Recurring
Other events (PvZ2) · Other events (PvZ: BfN)
Thymed Events
Food Fight (Bonanza!, Bonanza! (2023), Bonanza! (2024)) · Feastivus (2022, 2023, 2024) · Backyard Big Top (Act II, Extravaganza) · Lunar Zoo Year (2023, 2024) · Luck O' the Zombies (2023, 2024) · The Springening (2023, 2024) · Birthdayz (Happy, Celebrations!) · Summer Nights (2023, 2024) · Lawnbowl I (II, III) · Tomb Tangled! · Harvest Festival (2023, 2024) · Lawn of Doom (2023, 2024) · Mega Gatling Pea's Winter Adventure · The Zombosseum (II, III) · Big Beach Brawl (2024) · ZCorp Takeover · Tombastic Adventures
Endless Challenge · Festivals · Weekly Event · Passion Field · Ice Hockey Battle · Milestone Events